2023 Contract
Since 2016, the UMass Transportation Center (UMTC) Workforce Development Program has grown significantly, offering a significant number of training and support services, including:
- Scholarships for CDL-B training
- Transportation construction careers
- Sharing employment notices & job search strategies
- Resume review & Interview skills
- Life skills
- Hoisting Exam Prep
- Flagger Certification
- Paid Internships
Temporary and permanent placements have been made with to the following unions, companies, and municipal departments:
- MassDOT
- Berlin DPW
- Canton DPW
- New Bedford DPW
- Southwick DPW
- Oxford DPW
- Springfield DPW
- Wilbraham DPW
- UMass Amherst
With our 2023 season underway, we continue to focus on providing these vital transportation construction industry skills, certifications, and licenses.
If you have graduated from a Massachusetts State Pre-Apprenticeship Program, you are eligible for Program services.
For more information, please contact Matt Mann at
And check out our Facebook Page!
This opportunity is available only to Massachusetts Pre-Apprenticeship Program graduates.
Subscribe to the Baystate Roads Listserv
The Baystate Roads Program Listserv is open to members of municipal highway departments throughout the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, as well as individuals from State and private agencies. If you would like to take advantage of this free resource, please contact avillani@umass.edu
Additional Resources
Directory of Joint Apprenticeship Training Centers In Massachusetts
Greater Boston Building and Construction Trades Apprenticeship Directory

Workforce Development Program
Workforce development is an integral aspect of UMass Transportation Center operations, from current Baystate Roads and UMTC-Transportation Training Institute classes, to researching new technologies and processes that will become future training topics. Improving the capabilities of our current workforce and planning for the future is key to a successful transportation sector and Massachusetts economy. In 2019, the most recent of these UMTC programs kicked-off with a focus on developing the next generation of transportation construction workers. Made possible through funding provided by the MassDOT and FHWA, this On-the-Job Supportive Services contract expands opportunities for women, minorities, and disadvantaged young adults entering careers in transportation construction. As our construction workforce ages, opportunities for young adults – whether within local Departments of Public Works, private sector companies and union positions are significantly expanding!
And the range of possible careers within the Transportation Construction industry is SUBSTANTIAL!
Following on the successful completion of a Massachusetts pre-apprenticeship training program, including:
- Community Works
- Mass. Pre-Apprenticeship and Vocational School
- Youth Build Boston
- Building Pathways (Boston, Worcester, or South)
the UMTC Workforce Development Program applies group and individual training, as well as employment support services - to guide participants further into the transportation construction field. Program services and resources have included:
Life, Work & School Skills Training
- Construction Math
- Communication Skills
- Leadership Skills
- Resume Writing
- Interview Skills
- Math tutoring
- Drivers Education Vouchers
Industry Orientation & Training
- Career information
- CDL-B Training
- Competent Person/Excavation Safety
- OSHA-10 Certification
- Hot Mix Asphalt
- Springfield Viaduct Tour
- DPW Field Trip
- Laborers Union Training Academy Field trip
- Flagger Certification
- Basics of a Good Road
- Concrete Sidewalk Construction
- Hoisting License Exam Prep/payment

Introduction to Asphalt Basics
Quality Control Analyst Program
In partnership with MassDOT, UMTC and UMass Dartmouth
20239:00 am to 3:00 pm UMass Dartmouth Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship Building, Fall River, MA
Seats are limited. Reserve yours by calling Jeff Cathcart at (401) 368-4850 or email jcjci@cox.net or Matt Mann at mattmann@umass.edu
See the Asphalt Program Flyer for more information
Introduction to Drones
Working with MassDOT, the UMass Transportation Center is offering a 1-day and 2-day drone training event.
Spring of 2023
See the Introduction to Drones flyer for more information
Related Careers Based on Vocational Programs
Trade Unions on Highway Projects
• Laborers
• Carpenters
• Equipment Operators
• Iron Workers
• Electricians
City/Town Construction Positions
• Municipal Highway/DPW worker
• Laborer
Other Transportation Construction Positions:
• CDL-A or B truck driver
• Heavy equipment operator
• Light equipment operator
• Laborer
• Concrete finisher
• Brick mason
• Painter
• Hot Mix Asphalt paving operations
• Concrete paving operations
• Pipe layer
• Project superintendent
• Site foreman
• Grade foreman
• Flagger
• Surveyor
• Layout person
• Code Compliance Officer
• Drone pilot for the following related services:
- Traffic flow analysis
- Bridge inspection
- Site planning