A Seatbelt Promotional Campaign Kit for Nationwide Distribution to Motorcoach Operators

The seatbelt promotional campaign kit for nationwide distribution to motorcoach operators includes a script of the message to be injected into the traditional driver’s announcement and a set of graphics to be presented to the motorcoach passengers inside of the bus, at the bus loading and waiting areas, as well as during the process of providing passengers with printed and/or electronic tickets and designed around the logo of the campaign. The campaign logo depicts a motorcoach (in our case, an artistic representation of a motorcoach with a seatbelt “hugging” around, and the slogan “BE SAFE – SiT->CLiCK->RiDE – Please Buckle Up!”:

Be safe buckle up bus image

To meet a wide variety of motorcoach carriers' needs and interests, the kit is designed with a high level of customization possibilities to allow multiple options for modification, production, and distribution. All graphic messages are provided in non-editable easy to print form in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format as well as in customizable Adobe Illustrator (.ai) format to meet local carrier needs and interests. 
For example, carriers will be able to customize the graphics (say, to modify the image of the bus to provide a closer representation of their motorcoaches, or to edit size and/or color palette to achieve better coordination with the bus company environment.) Also, it is expected that carriers will have the flexibility to receive all or some portions of the kit either from the American Bus Association (ABA) and/or the United Motorcoach Association (UMA).  These two organizations are anticipated to be the major promoters and distributors of this campaign.  Bus operators will receive the kit in the form of electronic files, either by mailed flash media or via direct download. Downloaded electronic files can be further modified and printed either locally or via online printing services or placed on the carrier’s website and added to mobile apps.
The kit includes the following core products which have been tested during this study and shown to be effective and efficient means to deliver the message encouraging the passengers to use their seatbelts:
1.         A short script to be injected into the driver’s onboard announcement immediately prior to departure. The Research Team found that the script injected at the end of the typical driver’s announcements has the biggest impact on seatbelt use. It is recommended that all motorcoach operators emphasize the importance of proper announcements to their drivers during the regular training sessions. The driver’s involvement and attitude are the keys to the success of the announcement. While the message itself can be customized to achieve the carrier’s needs, it is recommended to consider the following script as a starting point:
Your safety is always our first priority. 
That’s the reason why our motorcoaches are equipped with seatbelts. 
Please help us to ensure your safety and keep your seatbelt buckled up while the bus is in motion.
2.         A colorful graphic message on the back of the seat. During the study, 5x5 inch vinyl stickers with the campaign logo were placed on the back of each seat, approximately at the eye level of the passenger. This message demonstrated the second-highest effectiveness to promote seatbelt use. However, implementation of such stickers for permanent use may not be found practical, as such stickers will not last. Instead, it is recommended that similarly sized messages be either seamlessly embedded on the back of each seat either during the acquisition of new motorcoaches or retrofitting of older vehicles with new seats. On the existing fleet of vehicles with seatbelts available, such messages can be printed on either soft plastic or rubberized plates (a slightly smaller 4x4 inch graphic can be also acceptable to reduce costs) and attached to the back of each seat either with special non-damaging adhesive plates, such as 3M “Command”, or by Velcro straps. The latter will increase the cost but provide an opportunity to customize the message to achieve local carrier needs.
3.         A graphic message outside the vehicle either in the form of a sign located in the platform area near the vehicle entrance or attached to the door of the vehicle or on the side of the vehicle next to the door. These types of seatbelt promotional actions help further support promotional actions aboard the vehicle and provide a so-called “third exposure”. In marketing, it is generally considered that at least three exposures are needed to gain attention and comprehension.  More message exposures can only help passengers further internalize the importance of wearing seatbelts. A large sticker (with a recommended size between 12-by-12 inches and 18-by-18-inches, depending on space available on the size of the bus) with the graphics presented and should be printed on laminated waterproof foundation, such as vinyl, to withstand frequent washes and road elements. This type of sign is most appropriate on motorcoaches serving locations where the terminal area is not owned by the bus operator, and/or where no or little room is available on the platform to place a sandwich board, such as at the airports. When the space on the platform is not an issue, the use of a large sandwich board that can accommodate larger size graphics (e.g. 18-by-24 inches) is recommended.

Sandwich board image

The advantages of the sandwich board over the sticker on the side of the bus include the ability to deliver a message of larger size as well as lack of potential concerns from the motorcoach operator regarding the bus appearance and the potential damage of expensive custom paint job.
All files for the kit can be downloaded by clicking here.
For help with the implementation of seatbelt promotional material, please contact UMTC at collura@umass.edu or Sara’s Wish Foundation at annemschewe@gmail.com