Don't miss this opportunity to learn about the latest innovations in transportation. The MassDOT Innovation Webinar series covers a range of topics related to technology and other innovations, including cross-agency collaborations and partnerships.
The recording of each webinar is typically posted on this web site within a week after the live session.
For any questions on the webinar series, please contact umtc-research@umass.edu.
Climate Resilience of Transportation Infrastructure: Challenges and Opportunities
February 20, 2025 • 2:00pm • Link to webinar recording • Link to slide presentation
For this study, the researchers conducted a survey of Massachusetts municipalities to shed light on the challenges and opportunities to strengthen the climate resilience of transportation infrastructure. Already affected by severe climate impacts, municipalities have started planning and developing numerous types of resilience strategies including planning, engineering and nature-based solutions. Coastal communities are more likely than inland communities to have already deployed climate resilience strategies. However, municipalities are facing major barriers. Resource constraints and lack of technical expertise are major bottlenecks for smaller and poorer municipalities. In particular, limited staffing and grant writing capacity compromise the ability of municipalities to finance resilience strategies. Inability to secure grants may in turn generate severe, long-term climate justice issues, exacerbating inequalities between wealthier communities and underserved communities. The results of this study may inform climate resilience policy across the United States of America toward a just and inclusive climate adaptation future.
Panelists: Marta Vicarelli, Department of Economics, and School of Public Policy, UMass Amherst; Rob DeConto, School of Earth and Sustainability, UMass Amherst
Tree Protection for Street Corridor Development in Massachusetts
January 30, 2025 • Link to webinar recording • Link to slide presentation
Massachusetts is home to millions of trees located not only in forests, but along streetscapes in urban, suburban, and rural environments. People living in these communities rely on street trees to provide necessary ecosystem services, such as shading and cooling, or stormwater mitigation. MassDOT has developed a comprehensive capital improvement project to facilitate the necessary improvements of pedestrian and cycling pathways state-wide that will impact the existing urban forest ecosystem. MassDOT is seeking a cohesive collection of best-practice standards to ensure that urban forest health and preservation remains a priority in these upcoming transportation improvement projects. The information gathered during this project, including a survey and discussion with an expert panel, will be used to create a comprehensive guide that will be an overview of current best practices to inform planting and tree protection management techniques during project construction and foster thriving urban forests for all. This guide will provide a framework for reimagining and growing the Commonwealth’s transportation corridors as functional urban greenspaces within their communities.
Panelists: Delia Mahoney and Dr. Brian Kane, UMass Amherst; and George Batchelor, MassDOT
Smart Work Zone Control and Performance Evaluation Based on Trajectory Data
December 12, 2024 • Link to webinar recording • Link to slide presentation
Work zone control strategies, such as taper length and transverse rumble strips, have the potential to significantly impact traffic operations and safety. The performance of these strategies is often evaluated based on traffic throughput, time headway, speed, and travel time measured at multiple locations or over a segment. Such metrics do not provide sufficient details regarding individual drivers’ speed choices and lane-changing behaviors over the course of the entire work zone. To address this issue, this research utilized ultrahigh-definition radar and thermal camera sensors to capture detailed driver behavior data. Specifically, the radar sensors provided individual vehicle speed profiles along the segment prior to a work zone, allowing the researchers to study how drivers adjust speeds in response to various control strategies. From the thermal camera videos, last-minute lane-changing events at the beginning of lane closure taper, which are further correlated with work zone control settings, were extracted. Two taper lengths, transverse rumble strips, portable changeable message sign, and flashing speed limit signs were field evaluated in this study. Both descriptive and regression analyses were conducted. The results did not show consistent and statistically significant impacts of transverse rumble strips and taper length on approaching speed and vehicle merges. However, both flashing speed limit signs and portable changeable message signs can significantly encourage early merging and reduce approaching speed. Additionally, drivers tended to drive slower and merge later at nighttime than in daytime work zones.
Panelists: Dr. Yuanchang Xie, UMass Lowell, and Corey O'Connor, MassDOT
Cross-Modal Impact Assessment for Sustainable Transportation Networks
November 14, 2024 • Link to webinar recording • Link to slide presentation
It is often difficult to compare different travel modes when it comes to assessing sustainability. There are many factors guiding investments to different modes of transportation and these factors may not always be comparable from one mode to another. This study aimed to develop a Holistic Impact Measurement (HIM) methodology incorporating economic, environmental, and social factors of sustainability for different transportation modes. The focus of the project compared the overall sustainability of a travel choice from point A to point B with a current snapshot of Massachusetts transportation infrastructure. The second focus of the project converted these factors to monetary costs to better quantify the importance of agency costs and subsidies on transportation. The research included stakeholder engagement, metric selection, and case studies across various transportation modes in Massachusetts. Key findings revealed that public transit and active transportation often emerge as more sustainable options, particularly for shorter trips. A sensitivity analysis demonstrated the influence of stakeholder priorities and policy changes on sustainability metrics. The study highlighted the importance of increased public transit ridership, active travel promotion, and safety improvements.
Panelists: Dr. Jessica Boakye and Dr. Egemen Okte, UMass Amherst; and Anil Gurcan, MassDOT
What You Can’t See: The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Direct Vision Study Findings
October 9, 2024 • Link to slide presentation • Link to webinar recording
The trucks on our streets are getting larger, their blind zones are increasing, and the risk of more — and more serious — crashes is on the rise. This webinar walked attendees through the co-creation of the vehicle vision rating system called Direct vision. It shared the findings from the 60 vehicles measured, including common medium- and heavy-duty trucks, as well as some new market entrants, and also talked about possible next steps and what this report means for Massachusetts.
Direct vision is the ability of a driver to see firsthand outside their vehicle without the aid of an indirect vision device, such as mirrors or camera displays. Direct vision enables eye contact between a driver and a vulnerable road user (VRU) near the vehicle; indirect vision generally does not. Over the last year MassDOT and ten municipalities conducted the largest study on direct vision of medium and heavy-duty vehicles in the country and uncovered some eye-opening results.
Panelist: Kristopher Carter, MassDOT
Development of Improved Inspection Techniques using LiDAR for Deteriorated Steel Beam Ends
September 26, 2024 • Link to slide presentation • Link to webinar recording
This webinar presented on the transportation research report of enhancing the current inspection protocols for MassDOT using 3D scanning technologies. The first part of the report presents a thorough review of the current methods utilizing 3D scanning techniques for bridge inspection. The report also consists of laboratory and field scans on corroded steel beam ends. The research team utilized different scanning techniques, scanning technologies, and post-processing techniques to find the method which would yield the most accurate results and be highly implementable by MassDOT. Part of the research was to develop and validate a semi-automated point cloud data/scanning extraction method. Finally, the research team developed a method for 3D scanning to be used in bridge inspection. The main goal of the project is presented at the end of the report and consists of a comprehensive and implementable protocol for 3D Scanning enriched bridge inspection.
Panelists: Aidan Provost, Dr. Simos Gerasimidis, & Dr. Chengbo Ai, UMass Amherst; and Jean Marauszwski, MassDOT
Speed Management and Emergency Response – A Synthesis Study
August 22, 2024 • Link to presentation slides • Link to webinar recording • Link to Speed Management case studies and cut-sheets
The impact of speed on roadways throughout the Commonwealth of Massachusetts continues to be a critical concern in the effort of achieving zero fatalities and reducing serious injuries. Speed management solutions are plentiful, and their impact known; what’s missing is the lack of use - municipal officials may be apprehensive in implementation. The apprehension stems from concerns historically related to first responders and concerns regarding the impact on emergency response times and other metrics. In New England, public works officials are frequently hesitant to implement speed management solutions due to anecdotal challenges related to snow removal. This research project was conducted to enhance the understanding of speed management impacts locally within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Using the primary focus of gauging concerns of both emergency (EMS, Fire, Police) and public works’ personnel, this project developed recommendations for implementation based on best practices. The current research project was conducted through numerous statewide surveys (both querying effectiveness and inventory), a collection of statewide case-studies, and international and industry spotlights. While many local DPW and EMS officials have had pushback on certain measures, the research conducted for this report highlights the advantages of all speed management countermeasures. Future work should continue to inventory the ongoing progress of implementation across Massachusetts, while also integrating before and after data to provide evidence for future design.
Panelists: Dr. Francis Tainter, UMass Amherst; Dr. Peter Furth, Northeastern University; and Chris Falcos, MassDOT
Effectiveness of Two-stage Turn Queue Boxes in Massachusetts: A Comparison with Bike Boxes
July 18, 2024 • Link to presentation slides • Link to webinar recording
Link to Final Report for the research study • Link to Final Report Summary
Two-stage turn queue boxes (TSTQBs) are designed to improve the safety of bicyclist left turns at intersections. This project studied the effectiveness of TSTQBs in Massachusetts by investigating left-turning bicyclist behavior at TSTQBs and correlating it with design elements. A comprehensive inventory of 88 TSTQBs in Massachusetts was developed, including a field study that captured left-turning bicyclist behavior at six intersections. Fourteen TSTQB and six control (no TSTQB) approaches were analyzed. The results indicated a much lower TSTQB bicyclist utilization rate compared to other studies and no statistically significant difference in utilization at approaches also featuring bike boxes. The findings also suggested that the need to install TSTQBs when crosswalk usage for bicyclists’ left-turning is high, and when approaches lack protected left-turn phasing or dedicated left-turn lanes. Future work should focus on understanding bicyclists’ and motorists’ perceptions, comprehension, and familiarity with TSTQBs, as well as the impact of TSTQB dimensions and bicyclists demand to further inform design recommendations.
Panelists: Dr. Eleni Christofa, UMass Amherst; and Francisco Lovera and Violet Wilkins, MassDOT
Data-Driven Approaches for Transit Capital Planning
June 20, 2024 • Link to presentation slides • Link to webinar recording
Link to the Final Report for the research study • Link to the Final Report summary
There are 15 Regional Transit Authorities (RTAs) that provide public transit services across Massachusetts in communities that are not served by the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA). Capital funding for the RTAs is managed on an annual basis by the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) Rail & Transit Division (RTD) through the Capital Investment Program (CIP). This process requires forecasting statewide needs for capital investments on transit vehicles, equipment, and facilities and making decisions about how to allocate state funds to meet the capital needs of the RTAs. This research report presents a review of the existing RTA capital planning process in Massachusetts, current practices for transit asset management nationwide, and potential changes to the processes and software tools that would make capital planning more data-driven. Some of the identified changes would improve the quality of data or the accuracy of analysis to make more informed decisions. Other changes would make the process for prioritizing investments for systematic and repeatable. Finally, software changes were proposed that, if implemented, would facilitate improvements in the capital planning process.
Panelists: Dr. Eric Gonzales, UMass Amherst; Nicholas Downing, MassDOT and Abril Novoa-Camino, Consultant
Development of a Salt-Spreader Control Program Using Machine-Sensed Roadway Weather Parameters
May 30, 2024 • Link to presentation slides • Link to webinar recording
Link to the Final Report for the research study • Link to the Final Report summary
Massachusetts owns over 300 and contracts 1,200 additional material spreaders that deliver salt, salt/sand mixtures, or liquid deicers to more than 15,000 lane miles of the Commonwealth’s roadways during winter seasons. It is critical to deliver the materials efficiently and effectively so that the impacts of winter storms on road operations are minimized while the utilization of the materials is maximized to reduce potential environmental impacts. This study aimed to develop and validate an automated system that can automatically adjust the spreader controller based on the acquired mobile RWIS sensor data, such as road temperature, grip level, and surface state. The products included a hardware/software program that enables automated roadway treatment with minimum supervisor/plow driver’s intervention. The program consisted of essential hardware, RWIS data acquisition software, and the spreader controlling algorithm. The research results developed a complete hardware/software system with automated RSC and SRP algorithms, pilot-tested, and validated with promising performance. Included in the methodology was the integration (hardware development), the determination (software/algorithm development), and the control (decision-making strategy development). The performance of the developed system showed promising results and can potentially save significant amount of the salts once implemented in a larger fleet of MassDOT’s winter operation.
Panelists: Dr. Chengbo Ai, UMass Amherst; & Mark Goldstein, MassDOT
Artificial Intelligence Framework for Crosswalk Detection Across Massachusetts
April 25, 2024 • Link to presentation slides • Link to webinar recording
This webinar discussed the development of an Artificial Intelligence (AI) framework to detect crosswalk locations across the state of Massachusetts, as well as their type classification (continental, parallel lines, or solid) and location category (intersection, midblock, or driveway). The process included aerial images being downloaded from MassGIS and annotated, and used to train the AI model to detect crosswalks across the entire state using images from both 2019 and 2021. Approximately 88,000 crosswalks were detected in 2021. In terms of location category, 89% of these were intersection crosswalks, 8% were midblock, and 3% were at driveways. In terms of crosswalk type, just under 65% were continental (zebra-style) crosswalks, about 35% were parallel lines, and less than 1% were solid/painted crosswalks. A Python script was developed to perform the post-processing. The research results from this report are expected to inform maintenance and safety initiatives moving forward.
Panelists: Dr. Yuanchang Xie, UMass Lowell; Dr. Chengbo Ai, UMass Amherst; and Kylie Braunius, MassDOT
Using Traffic Signals to Reduce Speeding Opportunities
March 14, 2024 • Link to webinar recording • Link to presentation slides
A new concept in speed management for arterial roads is the Safe Waves approach to traffic signal timing, which aims to minimize the number of speeding opportunities while still providing good progression. A speeding opportunity is a vehicle arriving at a signalized intersection on a stale green and with no vehicle ahead of it for 5 seconds. With conventional coordinated signal timing, a large proportion of arriving vehicles can be speeding opportunities. Safe Waves techniques include short coordination zones with short cycles, avoiding large clusters of intersections with simultaneous green offsets, and pedestrian recall. A field test on Route 114 in Danvers, MA found that with Safe Waves signal timing, the number of speeding vehicles fell by 75% as the number of speeding opportunities fell by 46%; meanwhile, arterial traffic delay increased by only 3 seconds per intersection. A simulation test on Route 16 in Everett and Chelsea, MA found that speeding opportunities fell by 55% while average delay rose by 3 seconds per intersection. A new app, the Safe Waves Analysis Tool (SWAT) enables designers to visualize and quantify the speeding opportunities that arise from an existing or proposed signal timing plan.
Panelists: Dr. Peter Furth, Professor, Northeastern University; and James Danila, State Traffic Engineer, MassDOT
Construction and Materials Best Practices for Concrete Sidewalks: Long-Term Performance, and Hot-Weather and Cold-Weather Placement Effects
February 15, 2024 • Link to webinar recording
Link to Final Report from Phase I of the research study, focused on Cold-Weather Placement Effects
Link to Final Report from Phase II of the research study, focused on Hot-Weather Placement Effects
This webinar summarized a recent research study investigating construction practices and materials to promote durable concrete sidewalks that can resist scaling damage in cold-weather and hot-weather conditions. This research combined field studies and laboratory testing to identify factors that affect the performance and durability of sidewalks. The variables considered for the study were concrete mix design, placement and finishing practices, curing methods, and deicer application. The results of this study indicate that mixture design formulation, curing method, de-icing method, and temperature based concreting practices impact the performance of scaling in concrete sidewalks. Recommendations incorporating these variables are presented in this webinar and the final report with accompanying testing standards and procedures.
Panelists: Dr. Kara Peterman & Dr. Sergio Breña, UMass Amherst; and Richard Mulcahy, MassDOT
Use of UAS For Surface Transportation Emergency Response
December 7, 2023 • Link to presentation slides • Link to webinar recording
Link to Final Report from the research studyLink to Final Report 2-page Summary
This research project examined the potential of developing a network of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) for highway incident response in Massachusetts. The project first conducted a thorough analysis of incidents from 2013 to 2019 and the impacts of COVID-19. Based on that, the project identified fire, environment/hazmat, and roadway/traffic incidents which could benefit most from a UAS network. The project then reviewed the typical types of UAS for a UAS network, with a focus on “drone-in-a-box.” Thereafter, the project identified three incident scenarios most likely to benefit from a UAS network and evaluated the effectiveness of typical UAS types and conducted tabletop simulation of pilot flights was to assess how a drone could help if available. Three state agencies were interviewed on their UAS usage and gave their feedback on future UAS development. Finally, the project provided recommendations for MassDOT on developing UAS for incident response.
Panelists: Dr. Danjue Chen, Associate Professor, NC State, and Christopher Bailey, Chief of Advanced Aviation Programs, MassDOT
Massachusetts Depth to Bedrock Project
October 17, 2023 • Link to webinar recording
This webinar discussed a recent research study, the Massachusetts Depth to Bedrock Project. Depth to bedrock is perhaps one of the most important surfaces that is fundamental to many practical engineering and geological problems. Yet it is not well understood everywhere. Knowing the depth to bedrock for transportation projects not only influences cost but may also affect selection of the appropriate foundation system for a particular structure. Accordingly, there is some level of uncertainty in planning subsurface investigations for any transportation project when depth to bedrock information is lacking. This project was an attempt to reduce the uncertainty in highway project planning by providing interpolated statewide data layers of the depth to bedrock and bedrock altitude at 100-meter resolution based on currently available subsurface data. In addition, maps depicting the level of confidence in the estimate of the bedrock altitude and depth were developed.
Panelists: Dr. Stephen Mabee, Dept of Earth, Geographic and Climate Sciences, UMass Amherst; Jennifer Rauch, Assistant State Geotechnical Engineer, MassDOT
Measuring Food Access to Improve Public Health
September 28, 2023 • Link to webinar recording • Link to presentation slides
Link to Final Report from the research study
Food access is important due to its impact on public health outcomes. This webinar will discuss a recent MassDOT study on measuring food access to improve public health. The study used a metric for food access which was based on the square footage of supermarkets that can be reached within 10 minutes travel time walking, biking, or driving, and within 30 minutes travel time by walk/transit. An equity analysis using Lorenz curves showed that food access is most equitable by driving, and there are significant inequities for people that do not have access to a car. A regression analysis using the gradient boosted model, a machine learning method, found gaps in food access for each transportation mode while controlling for community characteristics. The residuals of the model revealed which communities have the lowest food access relative to other similar communities within the state, and found food access gaps in urban, suburban, and rural communities. Finally, focus groups with representatives of community organizations revealed the complex ways that transportation and socioeconomic factors interact to affect food accessibility. This research provides a quantitative method to identify gaps in food access and insights for where policy interventions would be valuable for improving food access.
Panelists: Dr. Eleni Christofa & Dr. Eric Gonzales, Associate Professors, UMass Amherst; and Derek Krevat, Manager of MPO Activities, MassDOT
Using Mycofiltration Treatment for Stormwater Management
June 15, 2023 • Link to webinar recording
Post-Fire Damage Inspection of Concrete Structures
May 18, 2023 • Link to webinar recording
Link to Final Report from Phase I of the research study
Link to the Research Summary from Phase II of the study
Panelists: Dr. Simos Gerasimidis, Associate Professor, UMass Amherst; James Viglas, UMass Amherst; John Czach - Director of Tunnels, MassDOT
Effectiveness of Bike Boxes in Massachusetts
April 27, 2023 • Link to webinar recording
Link to the Final Report from the research study
This informative webinar delved into the world of bike boxes and their effectiveness in Massachusetts. Bike boxes provide a designated space for bicyclists at the front of traffic queues, improving visibility and predictability for both motorists and cyclists. However, despite the widespread implementation of bike boxes over the past decade, the impact of their design on motorist and bicyclist behavior remains unclear. In this webinar, the presenters shared the results of a comprehensive study that investigated motorist and bicyclist behaviors as well as the effects of bike box design in Massachusetts. The study included an inventory of 91 bike boxes with varying design characteristics, an analysis of historic crashes, and field studies at 11 bike box locations in Boston and Somerville. The webinar discussed the key findings from this study, including the majority of crashes being attributed to noncompliance with control devices, lower motorist compliance rates, and inconclusive results regarding the impact of design features on user behavior. Additionally, the presenters examined the need for further research to understand user behavior at bike boxes, relate behavior to safety outcomes, and develop outreach and education efforts to support bike box effectiveness.
Panelists: Dr. Eleni Christofa - Associate Professor, UMass Amherst; and Violet Wilkins - Transit Coordinator, MassDOT Highway Design
Uncovering the Root Causes of Truck Rollover Crashes on Highway Ramps
Thursday, March 23, 2023 • Link to webinar recording Link to presentation
Link to Final Report from the research study
Highway ramps are hotspots of truck rollover crashes. Such crashes often block the entire ramp and cause severe congestion. Understanding the major causes of ramp truck rollovers is critical for developing effective countermeasures. This webinar highlighted research which utilized drones to collect ramp traffic videos at seven high-risk ramps and developed a model for vehicle detection and several other algorithms for tracking vehicles, extracting vehicle trajectories, and identifying high-risk events such as unsafe and last-minute lane changes. A thorough review of literature and best practices on reducing ramp truck rollovers was conducted and crash narratives of all ramp truck rollovers between January 2015 and February 2022 in Massachusetts were reviewed. The locations and types of traffic signs, slopes, and curve radii of seven identified highway ramps were also obtained and carefully investigated together with the trajectory analysis results. It was found that over 95% of ramp truck rollovers are single-vehicle crashes and speeding is the predominant cause. Based on the analysis, some practical and specific safety improvement recommendations are provided. During the webinar, the presenters provided an overview of the study and discuss some of the preliminary findings, followed by Q&A as time allows.
Panelists: Dr. Yuanchang Xie, Professor, UMass Lowell; and Bonnie Polin, State Safety Engineer, MassDOT
Understanding Asset Management Systems Utilized by Municipalities in Massachusetts
February 16, 2023 Link to webinar recording
Link to Final Report from the research study
This Innovation Series webinar discussed the findings of a recent study on the current state of pavement management systems (PMS) in Massachusetts. This study's comprehensive literature review and internet-based survey of local and regional agencies have provided valuable insights into the various PMS software programs currently being used in the state. The webinar explored the potential of using a unified PMS software for Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) and Regional Planning Agencies (RPAs) in Massachusetts, and discussed the obstacles identified in achieving MassDOT’s goal of having an overall idea of the pavement condition for both state and local roads in the state.
Panelists: Dr. Walaa Mogawer, Professor, UMass Dartmouth; and Derek Krevat, Manager of MPO Activities, MassDOT
A Pavement Marking Inventory and Retroreflectivity Condition Assessment Method Using Mobile LiDAR
February 2, 2023. Link to webinar recording Link to presentation
Link to Final Report from the research study
Pavement markings are a vital transportation asset and traffic control device that facilitates safe and predictable driver behaviors. Pavement markings’ effectiveness depends on their condition, particularly during nighttime and adverse weather. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has recently released Revision 3 of 2009 Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), which includes new provisions for maintaining minimum levels of retroreflectivity for pavement marking. Regulatory compliance poses a challenge, as conventional visual inspection methods are labor-intensive, and the results can be subjective. There is a pressing need for the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) to develop and implement an effective, efficient inventory and reliable retroreflectivity condition assessment method for pavement marking. MassDOT has been actively pursuing new and more durable marking materials with reliable nighttime visibility. It has recently completed a research study achieving two goals: 1) to utilize emerging mobile light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data and develop an automated method for the localization, classification, and retroreflectivity condition assessment for pavement markings and 2) to investigate the feasibility of identifying deterioration trend of retroreflectivity conditions. The outcomes of this study have demonstrated the developed automated, LiDAR-based methods were able to accurately and efficiently inventory pavement marking and accurately and repeatably assess the corresponding retroreflectivity condition, and surface material completeness. This webinar will present the technical details of the research study and discuss future research and implementation plans for innovative pavement marking management.
Panelists: Dr. Chengbo Ai, Assistant Professor, UMass Amherst; and Neil Boudreau, Assistant Administrator of Traffic and Safety, MassDOT
Impact of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) on Road Safety and Implications for Education, Licensing, Registration, and Enforcement
Thursday, November 10, 2022. Link to webinar recording Link to presentation
Link to Final Report from the research study
Learn about the research that was undertaken to investigate the impact of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS). ADAS are rapidly being developed and deployed, with an increasing number of new passenger vehicles equipped with advanced ADAS. These systems promise to improve safety by assisting drivers. However, there exists a critical gap in our understanding of the potential impacts associated with driver over-reliance and disengagement in vehicles equipped with ADAS.
This research involved the development and evaluation of approaches to improve drivers’ understanding of ADAS functionalities and the role and responsibilities of the driver. This included an experimental driving simulator study to examine the impact of training on drivers’ mental models. The outcome of this research includes an understanding of manufacturer offerings of common ADAS technologies in late-model vehicles, an examination of drivers’ understanding and perceptions of ADAS technologies, and evidence that targeted training may increase drivers’ understanding of these systems.
Panelists: Dr. Anuj Pradhan, Assistant Professor, University of Massachusetts Amherst; and Sara Lavoie, Deputy Chief of Staff of Strategic Projects & Initiatives, MassDOT
Detecting Subsurface Voids in Roadways using UAS with Infrared Thermal Imaging
Thursday, October 20, 2022. Link to webinar recording Link to presentation
Link to Final Report from the research study
This webinar presented new research which validated an innovative method to detect roadway subsurface voids based on infrared (IR) imaging combined with unmanned aerial system surveying. The ability to detect voids before pavement collapse occurs is crucial for maintenance and replacement purposes. The failure of culverts and drainage piping underneath roadways creates sinkholes that represent a safety hazard to the traveling public and result in costly repairs and traffic inconveniences. Routine inspections of culverts are hard to perform and require expensive and time-consuming techniques such as drain cameras or ground penetrating radar. As part of this validation, laboratory and field tests were necessary to develop mission critical information that marked IR imaging’s current performance and solved issues that characterized this technique. Advanced image post-processing techniques were also developed to improve the detection accuracy of IR imaging, showing that thermal photogrammetry can detect roadway subsurface voids that are representative of failing culverts and drainage pipes. This research developed a more accurate nondestructive evaluation approach for assessing the conditions of real-world underground structures that are crucial for their inspection, maintenance, and management.
Panelists: Dr. Alessandro Sabato, Assistant Professor, UMass Lowell; Dr. TzuYang Yu, Professor, UMass Lowell; and Jason Benoit, Special Project Engineer, MassDOT Highway Division District 3
Evaluating the Safety Impacts of Flashing Yellow Permissive Left-Turn Indications in Massachusetts
September 22, 2022. Link to webinar recording Link to session presentation
Link to Final Report from the research study
The 2009 edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) introduced the flashing yellow arrow (FYA) as a permissive left-turn indication. In the past decade, Massachusetts has begun implementing this traffic control device through a statewide retrofitting project at over 350 traditional protected-permissive left-turn traffic signals. This webinar presented a before/after implementation safety impact analysis, including a thorough benefit-to-cost analysis. The analysis evaluated the economic benefits of installing FYA signals, yielding a range of benefit-to-cost ratios across the three typical FYA treatment intersections (3-way with one FYA, 4-way with one FYA, and 4-way with two-or-more FYAs). The economic benefits suggest that the FYA signal retrofits should be widely implemented, regardless of intersection type. Overall, results provided overwhelming evidence that the FYA reduced the average annual number of injury-related crashes and led to a lower economic cost of injuries in all three of the treatment types of intersections investigated. This webinar also highlighted ongoing work investigating the impact of specific infrastructure elements at FYA intersections.
Panelists: Francis Tainter, Research Assistant Professor, University of Massachusetts Amherst; and Jim Danila, Assistant State Traffic Engineer, MassDOT
Tools for Crash Data Analyses and Developing the Massachusetts Strategic Highway Safety Plan
April 7, 2022. Link to webinar recording. Link to webinar presentation
This Innovation webinar session gave an overview of the ongoing work of developing the Massachusetts Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP). A Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) is a statewide-coordinated safety plan that provides a comprehensive framework for reducing highway fatalities and serious injuries on all public roads. The SHSP identifies a State's key safety needs and guides investment decisions towards the strategies and countermeasures possessing the greatest potential to save lives and prevent injuries. For Massachusetts Strategic Highway Safety Plan, 14 emphasis areas have been identified, such as Lane Departure, Intersections, Pedestrian, Bicyclists, Speeding and Aggressive Driving and Safety of Workers on Roadways. Subject matter experts from across the state have been convening to develop action plans to reduce fatalities and serious injuries in these 14 emphasis areas. In addition to discussing the SHSP, this webinar also provided a live demo of the IMPACT data tool developed by MassDOT. This tool, which is being used heavily in the SHSP data analysis, is a great one-stop resource for accessing and analyzing all motor vehicle crashes in the Commonwealth.
Panelist: Bonnie Polin, State Safety Engineer, MassDOT
Developing Improved Load Rating Procedures for Deteriorated Steel Bridge Beam Ends
November 19, 2021. Link to webinar recording
This Innovation webinar session discussed a study which provide improved evaluation procedures for structurally deficient bridges where corrosion is the common cause for steel bridge deterioration. The research methodology was organized in three phases that each employed real corrosion data. This work included an experimental program, extensive computational simulations, and parametric analyses and analytical work to develop a new proposed set of equations for the assessment of the remaining capacity of corroded beam ends. The experimental program was conducted in the Brack Lab at UMass Amherst.
Panelists: Alex Bardow, PE, State Bridge Engineer; and Matthew J Weidele, PE, MassDOT, Bridge Load Rating and Overload Engineer.
From UMass Amherst: George Tzortzinis, Researcher; Simos Gerasimidis, Assistant Professor; and Sergio Brena, Professor.
Small Unmanned Aerial Systems (sUAS) for Wetlands & Storm Control Monitoring
October 15, 2020. Link to webinar recording
Link to Robin Grace's and Melissa Riley's presentation
Link to Henry Barbaro's and Matt Lundsted's presentation
This session included presentations on two pilot studies that were conducted by the MassDOT Highway Division in collaboration with the MassDOT Aeronautics Division, on the use of sUAS for environmental monitoring. The first study investigated the use of sUAS with multi-spectral sensors to assist with wetland construction compliance and long-term monitoring. The second study evaluated the effectiveness of using sUAS for inspecting Stormwater Control Measures (SCMs). The presentations discussed the type of data collected in these studies, the data collection processes and protocols, and the integration of these data with information from other sources for documenting current conditions and changes over time. The session will also cover the benefits and strengths of these new technologies, as well as potential challenges.
Panelists: Dr. Scott Uebelhart & Robin Grace, MassDOT Aeronautics Division, Drone Program; Melissa Riley, MassDOT Highway Division, Environmental Compliance; Henry Barbaro, MassDOT Highway Division, Stormwater Management; & Matt Lundsted, Comprehensive Environmental Inc.
Capital Improvement Initiative - Cross-Functional Collaboration for Project Delivery
October 14, 2020. Link to webinar recording. Link to presentation.
This webinar discussed the steps MassDOT has taken to streamline project delivery from Procurement to Contractor Notice to Proceed (NTP), with the creation of four workstreams in partnership with MassDOT shared services divisions. The presentations and discussion focused on the Agile process, workstream operational structure, findings and accomplishments to date.
Panelists: from MassDOT: Patricia Leavenworth, Chief Engineer; Joseph Foti, Deputy Administrator & Chief of Operations; Michael McGrath, Assistant Administrator of Construction Engineering; Bryan Pounds, Manager, MPO Activities; Esther Nganga, Data Analytics and Process Improvement Analyst – OPMI; Meghan Haggerty, Highway Chief of Staff; & Tracy Osimboni, Highway Process Improvement Engineer
Universities Exploring Community Transportation
October 8, 2020. Link to webinar recording
Link to Cheryl Kiser's presentation Link to Nina Silverstein's presentation
Link to Sarah McAdoo's presentation Link to Nathan Taber's presentation
This session highlighted three recent collaborative efforts between academia and transportation that focus on how access to transportation affects the health and quality of life of older adults, people with disabilities, and low-income individuals.
Panelists: Aniko Laszlo, MBTA; Dr. Nina Silverstein, UMass Boston; Cheryl Kiser, Babson College; Dr. Sarah McAdoo & Nathan Taber, UMass Medical School
MassDOT's New Design Criteria & Design Justification Process
October 6, 2020. Link to webinar recording. Link to presentation
This session will review the new Engineering Directive E-20-001 - Controlling Criteria and Design Justification Process – released in January 2020 that applies to all projects led and reviewed by MassDOT. Criteria for Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities expand on MassDOT’s previous guidance to help build a network of high quality, high comfort facilities for users of all ages and abilities.
Panelists: from MassDOT: Jackie deWolfe, Office of the Secretary; Andy Paul & Andrew Wilkins, Highway Division
New Tools to Characterize Geotechnical Site Conditions
October 1, 2020. Link to webinar recording. Link to presentation
This session discussed the FHWA’s Every Day Counts (EDC)-5 effort known as the “A-GaME”, which is establishing a new standard for enhanced site characterization. Site characterization plans are required for all MassDOT construction projects, regardless of design status, project type, or project scope. Effective site characterization is critical for recognizing potential problems that may affect design and construction and for ensuring safe, well-performing and cost effective projects.
Panelists: Jennifer Rauch & Pete Connors, MassDOT Highway Division; Mary Nodine, GEI Consultants
Standards & Design for Stream Crossings & Geomorphic Compatibility
September 24, 2020. Link to webinar recording. Link to presentation
This session focused on the latest technical developments in the MassDOT Highway Division's approach to stream crossings and resilient design using the principles of fluvial geomorphology. It also shared experiences that are expected to guide future innovations for providing resilient, cost-effective, habitat-friendly stream crossings in Massachusetts.
Panelists: Tim Dexter & John Pierce, MassDOT Highway Division; Roy Schiff, Milone & MacBroom; Matthew Lundsted, Comprehensive Environmental Inc.
Managing, Analyzing, & Tracking Materials through LIMMS
September 17, 2020. Link to webinar recording. Link to presentation
The Laboratory Information Materials Management System (LIMMS) is a highly efficient software ecosystem, which uses a system of computers, electronic identification tags, and cloud servers to track, manage, analyze materials. LIMMS allows MassDOT to perform data analysis on its construction materials like never before, for the purpose of discovering and modeling useful test data, making informed conclusions, and supporting decision-making. The presentation provided an overview of the LIMMS project timeline from conception to implementation. Global and project functionality were also reviewed including how materials inspection, sampling, and testing is performed in the system. Finally, the LIMMS data analytics capabilities were also discussed.
Panelists: Richard Mulcahy, Megi Martini, & Alana Geary from the MassDOT Research & Materials Laboratory
MassDOT, MassWildlife, & MassDER: Partnering for Resilient Infrastructure & Ecosystems
September 10, 2020. Link to webinar recording.
Link to Tim Dexter's presentation Link to Carrie Bank's presentation
Link to David Paulson's presentation
This session highlighted MassDOT's partnerships with the Division of Fisheries & Wildlife (MassWildlife) and the Division of Ecological Restroration (DER) and showcased recent innovative examples of how disparate agencies can work together towards common goals and the furthering of each other's missions.
Panelists: Tim Dexter, MassDOT Highway Division; David Paulson, MA Dept of Fish & Game, Division of Fisheries & Wildlife (MassWildlife); Carrie Banks, MA Dept of Fish & Game; Division of Ecological Restoration (DER)