MassDOT Research Project Final Report Guidance

Final Research Report Instructions and Template

MassDOT requires that all Final Research Reports are formatted consistently as described in the Final Report Instructions (Final Report Instructions.pdf). The Instructions for Preparation of Cooperative Research Program Reports as well as the Chicago Manual of Style were referenced to generate these guidelines. If the researcher feels that variance from this format would better present the research in question, they must submit a written request to MassDOT.

A Final Research Report Template is provided here (Final Research Report Template.doc). This Template can be downloaded and used to format your report according to MassDOT requirements.

Section 508 Compliance Requirements and Guidance

All electronic and information technology deliverables rendered under this contract shall comply with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (29 U.S.C. § 798 SECTION 508) and the Access Board Standards available for viewing at  Unless otherwise indicated, the Consultant represents by signature on this Agreement that all deliverables shall be in compliance with all applicable Access Board Standards.  Further, the Consultant shall adhere to Information Technology Division (ITD) Enterprise Information Accessibility Standards and the Web Accessibility Standards, Version 2 (collectively the “ITD Accessibility Standards”) issued by “ITD,” available online at . For additional information please see the Checklist for 508 compliance.


MassDOT Research Project Reporting is generally done Monthly and Quarterly. Each report should include a summary of the project activity during that time period, an estimate of expenditures and plans for the following time period. 

You can submit your Monthly Report here.

MassDOT Research Project Reporting is generally done Monthly and Quarterly. Each report should include a summary of the project activity during that time period, an estimate of expenditures and plans for the following time period. 

You can submit your Quarterly Report here.