
TRB Category: 

Francis Tainter

Postdoctoral Researcher
University of Massachusetts Amherst

Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering

Research and Background

My research primarily focuses in the areas of transportation safety, operations, policy/education, and human factors. Recently, I have supported several research initiatives within the UMass Traffic Safety Research Program (UMassSafe) and have been an active affiliate within the Safety Research Using Simulation (SaferSIM) University Transportation Center, developing and proposing several collaborative research projects. With UMassSafe I have worked on projects ranging from the evaluation of police-reporting consistencies to investigating a statewide crash and EMS data linkage strategy. With SaferSIM, I have assisted in research projects ranging from vehicle automation trust and transfer of control to the application of varying roadway cross-section designs and intersections upstream/downstream configurations. Additionally, I have supported National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) project efforts through a nationwide assessment of the newly implemented Flashing Yellow Arrow (FYA) traffic control device. Most recently, I have worked with colleagues at the UMTC to evaluate the safety benefits of the FYA signal for left-turns in Massachusetts. Through an in-depth before/after crash analysis and economic benefit-to-cost assessment, the results provided MassDOT with guidance and recommendations for future statewide left-turn signal operations. My research interests remain focused on improving safety for all road users through the application of advanced, accurate, and reliable crash data sources.

Connect with Francis Tainter

Francis Tainter
University of Massachusetts,
Amherst, Massachusetts 01003
