
TRB Category: 

Nina Silverstein

Professor of Gerontology
University of Massachusetts Boston

Research and Background

Nina M. Silverstein is Professor of Gerontology, University of Massachusetts Boston.  She is an applied social gerontologist who integrates research and practice into her teaching. She is a Fellow of the Gerontological Society of America and has held leadership roles in that organization, the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, and the Alzheimer’s Association. She has published on the impact of dementia on home, community, institutional and acute care and on a broad range of issues in gerontology. Her current research interests relate to transportation and aging with a special focus on dementia. Her focus on the need for senior-friendly supportive transportation led to the development of an online certificate for transportation providers and aging services professionals that she co-teaches with Helen Kerschner, PhD, Director of the National Volunteer Transportation Center, Community Transportation Association of America. Drs. Silverstein and Kerschner are currently working on a supplemental textbook on an introduction to senior transportation (expected completion in 2017).

Connect with Nina Silverstein

Nina Silverstein
UMass Boston, 100 Morrisey Blvd.
Boston, Massachusetts 02125