
TRB Category: 

Andreas Malikopoulos

Associate Professor
University of Delaware

Research and Background

Dr. Andreas Malikopoulos is the Terri Connor Kelly and John Kelly Career Development Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Delaware (UD). Before joining UD, he was the Deputy Director and the Lead of the Sustainable Mobility Theme of the Urban Dynamics Institute at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and a Senior Researcher with General Motors Global Research & Development. His research interests span several fields, including analysis, optimization, and control of cyber-physical systems; decentralized stochastic systems; stochastic scheduling and resource allocation; and complex systems. The emphasis is on applications related to connected and automated vehicles, smart cities, and sosiotechnical systems.

Connect with Andreas Malikopoulos

Andreas Malikopoulos
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Delaware, 222 Spencer Lab, 130 Academy Street
Newark, Delaware 19716
