
TRB Category: 

Henry Renski

Associate Professor of Regional Planning
University of Massachusetts Amherst

Research and Background

Dr. Renski’s research focuses on understanding the technological and social forces driving regional economic competitiveness and transformation, and building upon this knowledge to improve the effectiveness of economic development policy. His current work examines regional influences on entrepreneurship; changing patterns of commerical development in the internet age; industrial cluster analysis and cluster-based development strategies; and the application of spatial-analytical techniques to local economic policy decision-making.  His work has been published in a variety of planning, economic development and regional science journals including the Journal of the American Planning Association, the Journal of Planning Research and Education, Regional Studies, the Journal of Regional Science, Papers in Regional Science, and Economic Development Quarterly.

Connect with Henry Renski

Henry Renski
311 Hills North, LARP, UMassAmherst,
Amherst, Massachusetts 01003