The 2023 Moving Together Conference
Date: 10/4/2023 7:45 AM - 10/4/2023 4:30 PM
Location: Sheraton Boston Hotel
39 Dalton St.
Boston, Massachusetts
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2023 Moving Together Conference• Attend workshops and panels that highlight current pedestrian, bicyclist and public transportation topics • Network with colleagues representing diverse interests from the public, academic and private sectors • All new site visits and mobile workshops led by engineers and bicyclist/pedestrian advocates. |
October 4, 2023
New Location!
Sheraton Boston Hotel
39 Dalton Street
Boston, MA • 7:45 am - 4:30 pm
with Limited Virtual Attendance Option*
*Limited virtual attendance will consist of one pre-determined presentation from each concurrent session and keynote speakers.
In an effort to be more environmentally conscious there will be no printed event schedules at this year's conference. If you so choose, you can print a copy of the schedule by clicking on the link below.
Printable Moving Together Schedule
Presentation Slides and Session Recordings Now Available through the Schedule tab.
Bicycle Valet and Bicycle Racks
A bicycle valet will be available at the Sheraton Boston Hotel for the first 25 bicycles. There are other self-serve bicycle racks available across the street on the P1 level of the Prudential Parking Garage.
The History of the Moving Together Conference
In 1998, both the statewide bicycling action plan and the statewide pedestrian action plan, called for the establishment of an annual statewide conference for educational and networking purposes. The first two of these conferences were held in Worcester, MA in 2000. In May, at Clark University, 50 people gathered to discuss only walking issues. Later in the year, at the Worcester Holiday Inn, 50 people focused only on bicycling issues.
In 2005, the conference moved to Boston. The first several years, the conference was held at the Marriott Courtyard on Tremont Street. Interest continued to grow until attendance hit approximately 250 persons and the conference moved to a larger venue at the Back Bay Sheraton.
The conference continued to grow and in 2013 the conference was held for the first time at the Boston Park Plaza Hotel. Transit joined the conference as a featured mode. In 2014, more workshops than ever were offered along with the addition of site visits. Over 650 people attended the event. In 2016, the conference sold out for the second year straight! Each year the conference continues to bring together transportation leaders and individuals involved in the areas of planning, public health, bicyclist and pedestrian safety, transit, advocacy, elected office, law enforcement and education.
This event is accessible to people with disabilities and individuals with limited English proficiency. If you need a reasonable accommodation (such as American Sign Language Interpreters, assistive listening devices, handouts in alternate formats, etc.) and/or language assistance (such as translated documents or an interpreter) to fully participate, please contact Stephanie Cottrell at or 413-545-2604 at least 14 days prior to the event. Such services are provided free of charge. If you have dietary restrictions, but please contact us 60 days in advance and understand we cannot guarantee that there will be no cross contamination at the conference.
Credit Card Payments Only. Cancellations must be received 7 days prior to the event or you will be invoiced.
Gold Level Sponsors
Please click on our sponsor's logo to visit their website



Silver Level Sponsors
Please click on our sponsor's logo to visit their website
Bronze Level Sponsors
Please click on our sponsor's logo to visit their website
What Moving Together Can Do For Your Company or OrganizationWhen you exhibit at Moving Together, your company or organization will be seen by over 1,000 professionals involved in healthy transportation, planning, design, construction, public health, bike and pedestrian safety, transit, advocacy, elected offices, law enforcement and education. Take advantage of the opportunity to showcase your business or organization to the key decision makers involved in pedestrian, bicycle and public transportation. In addition, there are several opportunities to promote your company or organization through special sponsorship opportunities. |
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Online Sponsor/Exhibitor Registration Is Now Available!
Please click on the "Sponsor Fees" tab at the top of the page.

Special Sponsorship Opportunities
Gold Level Sponsor
A GOLD Level Sponsor receives a booth space, skirted table and chair as well as the following:
• One additional complimentary attendee registration
Your logo on:
• Event website (including link to sponsor’s website)
• Emails and direct mail marketing materials
• Event brochure that is distributed the morning of the event
• Conference slide show that is played throughout the event in the main ballroom
• Company banner displayed in main ballroom
• Session agenda signs outside each meeting room
Early Bird (Until Sept. 15) $3,250
Regular Rate (After Sept. 15) $3,750.00
Silver Level Sponsor
A SILVER Level Sponsor receives booth space, skirted table and chair as well as the following:
Your logo on:
• Event website (including link to sponsor’s website)
• Emails and direct mail marketing materials
• Event brochure that is distributed the morning of the event
• Conference slide show that is played throughout the event in the main ballroom
Early Bird (Until Sept. 15) $1,750
Regular Rate (After Sept. 15) $2.250.00
Bronze Level Sponsor
A BRONZE Level Sponsor receives booth space, skirted table and chair as well as the following:
Your logo on:
• Event website (including link to sponsor’s website)
• Event brochure that is distributed the morning of the event
• Conference slide show played throughout the event in the main ballroom
Early Bird (Until Sept. 15) $1,000
Regular Rate (After Sept. 15) $1,500.00
Sponsor fees include a booth and one complimentary conference registration, continental breakfast, lunch, and breaks. Each sponsor assistant must pre-register online.
Non Profit/Government Exhibitor
Cost: $150.00
Includes an exhibit booth. Each agency attendee must pre-register online for the conference. Agencies interested in being a sponsor must pay regular sponsor fees.
Each booth includes:
• 6 foot skirted table, one chair and one waste paper basket
• Additional chairs are available on request, depending on the number of attendees that your organization registers.
• Indicate any special considerations and requests, including electrical outlets.
Vendors will be required to pay for any exhibit-specific audiovisual equipment, such as a table-top or free-standing TV-DVD. Please contact the UMass Transportation Center, 413-230-6791, for specific equipment costs.
Online Sponsor/Exhibitor Registration Now Available!
Please click on the "Sponsor Fees" tab at the top of the page.
We welcome walking, bicycle-friendly and transit-friendly vendors, businesses, professional planning/design/engineering services, educational and non-profit advocacy groups.
Questions can be directed to Kathryn Donnelly 413-230-6791.

2023 Moving Together Conference Schedule
Registration/Exhibits - Pre-Function and Constitution Ballroom
Breakfast Buffet - Constitution Ballroom: 7:45 am - 8:45 am
WELCOME SESSION: 8:45 am - 9:15 am
Grand Ballroom
Master of Ceremonies - Pete Sutton, Bicycle and Pedestrian Program Coordinator, MassDOT
Morning Keynote - Kim Driscoll, Lieutenant Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Break/Exhibits - Pre-Function and Constitution Ballroom: 9:15 am - 9:30 am
CONCURRENT SESSION #1: 9:30 am - 10:45 am
Session 1A: Enhancing Climate Resiliency - Room A
Find out about the MBTA's latest efforts related to coastal flooding and other related initiatives; as well as Chelsea’s recently completed Eastern Ave Climate Resilience Vision – via a grant from the Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Program. Rounding out the session, one local agency has secured nearly $57 million for climate resilient projects in the Mystic Watershed, with the goal of securing an additional $100 million in public funding over the next three years.
Hannah Lyons-Galante, Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Alex Train, City of Chelsea
David Queeley, Mystic River Watershed Association
Queeley Presentation, Alexander Presentation, Lyons-Galante Presentation, Train Presentation
Daisy Brown, MassDOT
Session 1B: GeoDOT 2.0 - The Next Generation in Collaboration and Data Management
Room B
Join us as MassDOT’s Geospatial Technology Group unveils GeoDOT 2.0. This new version will provide easier access to information in a “menu” like format, giving users a more intuitive experience guiding them to their specific interests. Other enhancements to the platform include a more robust Project Viewer allowing more visibility to our investments, new Update Reporters for bicycle and pedestrian facilities, a revamped Road Inventory Submission Application and data collection for statewide trails mapping to enhance the data accuracy of our multimodal network.
Charles Major, MassDOT
Michael Melencio, MassDOT Office of Performance Management and Innovation
Carl Hughes, MassDOT
Hughes Presentation, Melencio Presentation
Jose Simo, MassDOT
Session 1C: Corridor Spotlight: Multimodal Infrastructure in Southeastern Massachusetts - Room C
The nearly completed South Coast Rail Project will open dozens of multimodal connection opportunities along its two corridors. Roadway reconstruction projects along Davol Street (Route 79) and MacArthur Drive parallel to both rail lines will both modernize and realize a full Complete Streets approach. Wending its way between all this new infrastructure is the emerging South Coast Bikeway, which stretches nearly 50 miles on and off-road between Rhode Island and Cape Cod.
Jean Fox, MassDOT
Jackie Jones, Southeastern Regional Planning & Economic & Development District
Barbara Lachance, MassDOT
Jones Presentation, Lachance Presentation, Fox Presentation
William Simon, MassDOT
Session 1D: Expanding Mobility in Urban, Suburban, and Rural Settings - Room D
Different environments can require different approaches to expanding mobility. Hear three case studies about expanding transit in urban, suburban, and rural contexts: Increasing service in Lawrence through branding, frequency, and new fixed route bus service to the beach; improving microtransit for seniors and other underserved populations in Newton; and creating a new demand response service for an Environmental Justice rural area with few travel options.
Josh Ostroff, City of Newton
Noah Berger, Merrimack Valley Transit
Jen Healy, Quaboag Valley Community Development Corporation
Berger Presentation, Healy Presentation, Ostroff Presentation
Rachel Fichtenbaum, MassDOT
Session 1E: MassTrails - Investments in Trails Across the Commonwealth (Hybrid) - Grand Ballroom
MassTrails represents one vision, one action plan, and one team with the purpose of expanding and connecting the Commonwealth’s networks of off-road, shared use pathways and recreational trails for all users across Massachusetts. The Team has recently completed its fifth round of grant funding, awarding $11.6 million in MassTrails Grants to 68 projects. Learn about how the Team is investing in trails through new and existing grant funding, successful project implementation from three municipalities, and feedback on the launch of the Team’s Priority Network Vision.
Brendan Callahan, City of Peabody
Amanda Lewis, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR)
Cynthia Henshaw, East Quabbin Land Trust
Pete Sutton and Lorenzo Varone , MassDOT
Paul Tilton, Town of Sandwich
MassTrails Combined Presentations
Session 1E Recording
Kurt Gaertner, MA Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs
Break/Exhibits - Pre-Function and Constitution Ballroom: 10:45 am - 11:15 am
CONCURRENT SESSION #2: 11:15 am - 12:30 pm
Session 2A: Securing Mobility During Disruptions – Sumner Tunnel Shutdown - Room A
MassDOT’s Sumner Tunnel serves 39,000 vehicles daily and provides a vital transportation link for Logan Airport and communities north of Boston. When critical work necessitated a two-month closure, MassDOT/MBTA/Massport staff, advocates, and municipalities pooled resources to develop optimal mode shift strategies. Learn how the action plan – including messaging, free subway, bus and ferry service, and low-stress bicycling routes – came together and what takeaways can be applied to future disruptions.
Neil Boudreau and Joe Foti, MassDOT
Lynsey Heffernan, MBTA
Joel Barrera, Massport
2A Combined Presentation
Jonathan Gulliver, Highway Administrator, MassDOT
Session 2B: Equity Initiatives in our Gateway Cities and Towns - Room B
Three different agencies – regional, statewide and national – offer up multiple perspectives on effective integration of equity: a deep dive into the direct connection between social infrastructure, public health, and community resilience; opportunities at the local and regional levels to create better environments for walking; and hear how a national advocacy non-profit works to expand access to bikes and bike infrastructure through programs and collaboration, focused on improving social and racial equity.
Andre Leroux, MassINC
Beth Giannini, Franklin Regional Council of Governments
Martina Haggerty, People for Bikes
Leroux Presentation, Giannini Presentation, Haggerty Presentation
Austin Sanders, MassDOT
Session 2C: Pedestrian Safety and Equity in the Commonwealth and across State Lines - Room C
Hear about the continued success, growing membership, and rebranding of WalkMassachusetts in fostering mobility, access, and community in the Commonwealth. Crossing state lines, learn how Rhode Island’s DOT developed a road segment risk assessment for pedestrian safety that prioritizes countermeasures focused on equity, and now is identifying grants for project funding. The session will also cover a regional undertaking in central Massachusetts to create a toolkit for grading the inclusion/accessibility for trails and providing recommendations for improvements.
Brendan Kearney and Althea Wong-Achorn, WalkMassachusetts
Skye Levin and Kayla Northup, VHB
Sarah Plutnicki and Sam Carter, Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission
Kearney-Wong-Achorn Presentation, Levin-Northrup Presentation, Plutnicki-Carter Presentation
Patrick Snyder, MassDOT
Session 2D: Corridor Spotlight – Cross-Commonwealth Investments - Room D
Multimodal improvements are highlighted across dozens of projects in three distinct regional corridors: Complete Streets improvements in Western and Central MA on Route 9 through Pittsfield, Hadley, and Natick; an economic impact study positing the financial return on investment upon completion of the 104-mile Mass Central Rail Trail from Northampton to Boston; and updated progress on Vision 88 to create a completely off-road shared use path network on Cape Cod from Woods Hole to Bourne to Provincetown.
Tony Vona, Tom Ruta and Ann Sullivan, MassDOT
Amelia Casey, Arup
Craig Della Penna, Norwottuck Network, and Alex Garbier, Kittelson & Associates
Steve Tupper, Cape Cod Commission
Casey-Sullivan Presentation, Della Penna-Garbier Presentation, Ruta Presentation, Tupper Presentation, Vona-Sorenson Presentation
Michelle Scott, MassDOT
Session 2E: State of the Practice – Federal Transportation Research, Initiatives, and Best Practices (Hybrid) - Grand Ballroom
Federal research, initiatives, and national best practices can offer important guidance for identifying Massachusetts transportation priorities and state policies. High-level overviews will be given regarding recent FHWA findings on separated bike lanes on high-speed roads, and trends, impacts and opportunities identified through a just-released E-bikes literature review summary from the USDOT Volpe Center and FHWA. This session will also feature USDOT’s new Reconnecting Communities and Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity grant programs.
Darren Buck, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and Conor Semler, Kittelson & Associates
Jonah Chiarenza, USDOT Volpe National Transportation Systems Center
Derek Krevat, MassDOT, and Elizabeth Oltman, City of Lowell
Chiarenza Presentation, Oltman Presentation, Krevat Presentation, Semler Presentation
Session 2E Recording
Cassandra Ostrander, FHWA
Grand Ballroom. Lunch Buffet in Pre-Function Area
Luncheon Keynote - Monica G. Tibbits-Nutt, Acting Secretary and CEO of the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT)
Jonathan Gulliver, Highway Administrator, MassDOT
Awards: Safe Streets/Smart Trips High School Video Contest
Luncheon Keynote and Video Awards Recording
Safe Streets/Smart Trips Video Contest Results
CONCURRENT SESSION #3: 1:45 pm - 3:00 pm
SITE VISIT: Walking Tour of Charlesgate Projects
Meet at the Registration Table directly following the conclusion of the lunchtime awards
Note: Tour is limited to the first 25 attendees to sign up at the registration table the morning of the conference.
Two MassDOT projects currently in design will replace the structurally deficient Bowker Overpass over Interstate 90, and replace and reconfigure the Storrow Drive eastbound bridge over the Bowker ramps to better manage traffic patterns, maximize parkland, and reestablish the connection between the Emerald Necklace and the neighborhood. This work is a great example of community, non-profit and public collaboration, and multi-modal connectivity.
Robbin Bergfors and Alwin Ramirez, MassDOT
Scott Carpenter, Gill Engineering, and Parker James, Charlesgate Alliance
Karen Mauney-Brodek, Emerald Necklace Conservancy, and Dan Adams, Landing Studio
SITE VISIT: Tremont Street Separated Bike Lanes
Meet in the Hotel Lobby directly following the conclusion of the lunchtime awards
Note: Tour is limited to the first 25 attendees to sign up at the registration table the morning of the conference.
Stroll Boston's newest curb- and parking-protected bike lanes on Tremont Street in the South End. New curbs, bus stops, and raised crosswalks along Tremont Street create a Complete Street between Massachusetts Avenue and Herald Street. This project reduced the number of motor vehicle driving lanes from four to two, while also making room for physically protected bike lanes and raised crosswalks at intersections.
Nathaniel Fink, City of Boston
Session 3A: MassDOT Resources Supporting Safe Travel to School - Room A
The Massachusetts Safe Routes to School Program (SRTS) works to increase safe biking and walking among elementary, middle, and high school students by using a collaborative, community-focused approach. New SRTS products, projects and initiatives are featured in this session: accommodating five travel modes in every school zone, Pop-Up Projects Guide, traffic gardens, a recap on recent funding grants including Signs and Lines, and a showcase of completed projects featuring Brayton Elementary School in North Adams.
Judy Crocker, Massachusetts Safe Routes to School, AECOM
Jessica Wilson and Sophie Mortimer, City of Lowell
Fionnuala Quinn, Discover Traffic Gardens
Miranda Briseño, MassDOT
Crocker Presentation, Quinn Presentation
Alyssa Ring, MassDOT
Session 3B: 2023 Strategic Highway Safety Plan - Room B
The 2023 Strategic Highway Safety Plan provides a framework for how the Commonwealth is working to make Massachusetts roadways safer for all people. No matter how people get around, it is essential that everyone feels safe traveling throughout the Commonwealth, regardless of age, ability, and lived experience. Speed management and direct vision (what motorists can see around them) of cyclists, pedestrians and other vulnerable roadway users will be highlighted as will shared strategies in MassDOT’s updated Project Development and Design Guide.
Kris Carter, MassDOT
Kirsten Johnson, MassDOT
Jim Danila, MassDOT
SHSP Combined Presentations
Ana Fill, MassDOT
Session 3C: Corridor Spotlight - Southwest Corridor and Beyond to the Blue Hills - Room C
After more than 30 years, Boston’s Southwest Corridor Park is due for renewed attention and investment that renovate and modernize while strengthening and supporting the communities it serves. In nearby neighborhoods of Mattapan, Dorchester and Hyde Park, hear how agencies are planning for improved cycling and walking to the Blue Hills Reservation. Both these initiatives pivot off a multimodal study to address transportation equity and access issues to and from these same neighborhoods.
Amber Christofferson, DCR
Marah Holland, Metropolitan Area Planning Council
Sean Rourke, Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization
Christofferson Presentation, Holland Presentation, Rourke Presentation
Jaclyn Youngblood, MassDOT
Session 3D: Hot Topics in Transportation - Room D
Learn about a study to examine the costs, benefits, and investments necessary to implement passenger rail service from Boston to Springfield and Pittsfield, with the speed, frequency, and reliability necessary to be a competitive option. Also, hear about attracting more college students to transit through sustainable and sticky fare program channels, and about a new app for ADA compliance that allows members of the accessibility community to rate and review the world according to their unique needs.
Meredith Slesinger, Administrator, MassDOT Rail and Transit Division
Carmel Levy, MBTA
Jake Haendel and Chris Beissel, Ahoi!
Beissel-Haendel Presentation, Levy Presentation, Slesinger Presentation
Nathaniel Kerr, MassDOT
Session 3E: Virtual Session
During this session, virtual attendees have the opportunity to view a livestreaming of the conference on the UMass Transportation Center's Facebook page or view a pre-recorded presentation from MassDOT's Innovation Webinar Series. Attendees can watch a presentation by clicking on the links provided. Effectiveness of Bike Boxes in Massachusetts, Asset Management Systems Utilized by Municipalities in Massachusetts, or Universities Exploring Community Transportation. All recordings from the MassDOT Innovation Webinar series can be found on the MassDOT Innovation Webinar Series webpage.
Break/Exhibits - Pre-Function and Constitution Ballroom: 3:00 pm - 3:15 pm
CONCURRENT SESSION #4: 3:15 pm - 4:30 pm
Session 4A: Mega Session: Safe Roads for All and Other Grant Funding For Municipalities (Hybrid) - Grand Ballroom
The federal Bipartisan Infrastructure Law established the new Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) discretionary program, with $5 billion in appropriated funds over 5 years, 2022-2026. The SS4A program supports regional, local, and Tribal initiatives through grants to prevent roadway deaths and serious injuries. Ten Baystate municipalities and seven MPOs/RPAs were awarded grants earlier this year. Hear them present on their respective projects and visions. The session will also highlight MassDOT’s and FHWA’s creatively developed process for implementing systemic projects, and provide examples.
Chris Cignoli, City of Springfield
Patrick Reed, Merrimack Valley Planning Commission
Todd Kirrane, City of Worcester
Dakota DelSignore, MassDOT
Session 4A Recording
Carrie Lavallee, Highway Chief, MassDOT
Session 4B: Promoting Equitable Access to Affordable Healthy Food and Other Destinations - Room B
This panel will highlight recent MassDOT research focused on measuring food accessibility, analyzing gaps, and how to improve access, and will provide information on available MassDOT resources and data for measuring access to food and other essential destinations. Moving from data to action, the Metropolitan Area Planning Council will share key takeaways on using food systems data to strategize with stakeholders and residents to equitably improve community food access.
Jessika Brenin, Metropolitan Area Planning Council
Eleni Christofa, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Derek Krevat, MassDOT
Brenin Presentation, Christofa-Krevat Presentation
Anil Gurcan, MassDOT
Session 4C: SWAG Quarterly Meeting (open to outside attendees) - Room C
The Geospatial Technology group at MassDOT created a forum for GIS users called SWAG (Spatial Website Analysis Group) to share applications, analysis and ideas that use GIS technology, either on our GeoDOT platform or in a standalone space that could be integrated with our platform. We have these sessions on a quarterly basis and for the first time, we are meeting at the Moving Together Conference - to allow the greater GIS community to share how they are innovating and building new and exciting GIS tools. Everyone who has an interest in how GIS can be used to support our multimodal transportation network should attend. There will also be trivia questions with prizes in an open forum brain teaser portion of the session.
Katie Grillo, City of Cambridge
Carl Hughes, MassDOT
Charles Major, MassDOT
Derek Shooster, MassDOT
Arthur Getman, Replica
Getman Presentation, Major Presentation, Braunius Presentation
Jose Simo, MassDOT
The Sheraton Boston Hotel
Nestled in the historic Back Bay neighborhood and directly connected to the Prudential Center and the Hynes Convention Center, experience outstanding service and an incredible location in downtown Boston. Take in soaring views of Back Bay and the Charles River.
There are no room blocks available at any hotels for the Moving Together Conference.
Overnight Accommodations in the area:
Sheraton Boston Hotel, (617) 236-2000
Hotel Commonwealth, 500 Commonwealth Ave, Boston, MA 02215 • (617) 933-5000
The Colonnade Hotel, 120 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA 02116 • (617) 424-7000
The Verb Hotel, 1271 Boylston St, Boston, MA 02215•(617) 566-4500
MBTA Bus Stop: 39 Dalton Street (55, 57)
MBTA Green Line (E) Prudential Center or Green Line (B,C,D) the Hyne Convention Center.
Bicycle Valet and Bicycle Racks
A bicycle valet will be available at the Sheraton Boston Hotel for the first 25 bicycles. There are other self-serve bicycle racks available across the street on the P1 level of the Prudential Parking Garage.
Sheraton Boston Hotel Parking:
Daily: $70
Electric Car Charging Station
Other Parking:
Four Seasons One Dalton Valet (Propark):
Hynes Auditorium Garage (Pilgrim Parking):
Prudential Center South Garage, accessible from Huntington Avenue, Belvidere Street, Dalton Street and Exeter Street:
Kim Driscoll
Kim Driscoll is the 73rd Lieutenant Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Together, Governor Healey and Lieutenant Governor Driscoll are the first all-women executive team to lead Massachusetts.
Since taking office, Lieutenant Governor Driscoll has spearheaded several administration priorities and initiatives, including significant involvement in the state’s affordable housing production, economic development, improvements to the public education system, and serving as liaison to cities and towns across Massachusetts. Driscoll also chairs the Governor’s Council, the Governor’s Council to Address Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, and Human Trafficking, the Seaport Economic Council, and co-chairs the STEM Advisory Council.
Prior to Beacon Hill, Driscoll served for seventeen years as the Mayor of Salem, Massachusetts.
Monica G. Tibbits-Nutt
Monica G. Tibbits-Nutt, is the Acting Secretary and CEO of the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT).
As Acting Secretary, Ms. Tibbits-Nutt is responsible for the four divisions of MassDOT: Highway, Rail and Transit, Registry of Motor Vehicles and Aeronautics. As Acting Secretary, she also serves on the Massport and MBTA Board of Directors.
Prior to her appointment, Ms. Tibbits-Nutt served as Undersecretary of MassDOT where, among other responsibilities, she led the effort to stand up the Office of Transportation and Climate Planning and Policy. She also served on the MassDOT Board of Directors and as the Vice-Chair of the Fiscal Management and Control Board (FMCB) that oversaw the MBTA.
Ms. Tibbits-Nutt was also the Executive Director of the 128 Business Council, a transportation management association and regional service provider that builds privately funded, cooperative public transportation routes throughout the Route 128 West Corridor.
Areas of specialty include regional and transportation planning, urban design, and transit equity. In both her work and research, she is particularly interested in capitalizing upon every opportunity to better educate transportation stakeholders and the public about all aspects of the planning process. As part of this focus on education, she serves as the Vice President of the non-profit Youth Engagement Planning (YEP!), which brings urban planning and community advocacy into K-12 environments.
Ms. Tibbits-Nutt is an active member of the American Institute of Certified Planners and a LEED Accredited Professional in Building Design & Construction with the U.S. Green Building Council.
Meet Jake Haendel — Ahoi!
Access founder Jake Haendel has been through it all. On his way to recovery, he noticed that the world isn't as accessible as it's described.
Jake will be presenting in Session 3D at this year's Moving Together conference!
First Name | Affiliation |
Dennis | WSP (MA) |
Christopher | Kleinfelder, Inc. |
Elizabeth | Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources |
Edward | Benesch (MA) |
Richard | Tighe & Bond (Woburn) |
Ilyas | Wentworth Institute of Technology |
Jessica | Northern Middlesex Council of Governments (NMCOG) |
Alice | Boston Harbor Now |
Phyllis | MA Office of Travel & Tourism (MOTT) |
Genevieve | Michael Baker International (CT) |
Cheryl | Massachusetts Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board (MABPAB) |
Matthew | Arup |
Ned | City of Newton DPW |
Nina | Green International Affiliates |
Kimberley | Commonwealth of Massachusetts (Boston) |
Anthony | Speclines |
Jim | Forum Group Connecticut LLC |
Chloe | Delphi-US LLC |
Karen | All Out Adventures |
James | Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative |
Karin Valentine | University of Massachusetts Medical School |
Jonathan | WalkMassachusetts |
Kristine | Parsons Corporation |
Birendra | Nitsch Engineering |
Ray | Howard Stein Hudson (HSH) |
Chris | FHI Studio (CT) |
Ko | Green International Affiliates |
Heather | HDR |
James | HDR |
Aaron | Fuss & O'Neill Inc. (Springfield) |
Angela | Kittelson & Associates, Inc. |
Kirby | Massachusetts Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board (MABPAB) |
Keith | Massachusetts Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board (MABPAB) |
Catherine | StreetLight Data (RI) |
Peter | Felix A. Marino Co., Inc. |
Dean | City of Leominster |
Jeff | Pioneer Valley Planning Commission (PVPC) |
John | TEC, Inc. (Lawrence MA) |
John | Nitsch Engineering |
Galen | MassBike |
Seun | NSBE Boston |
Jack | Sales Solutions, Inc. (GA) |
Andrea | Massachusetts Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board (MABPAB) |
Alexandria | Massachusetts Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board (MABPAB) |
Laureen | Brennan Consulting, Inc. |
Kim | Brennan Consulting, Inc. |
Meg | AER Environmental Access Committee |
Ed | Massachusetts Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board (MABPAB) |
Matthew | Fuss & O'Neill, Inc. (Quincy) |
Iolando | WalkMassachusetts |
Richard | BETA Group, Inc. (MA) |
Charlie | Massachusetts Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board (MABPAB) |
Gary | Private Citizen |
Judy | Ideal Block |
Lauren | ATANE Engineers, P.C. (CT) |
Paula | Town of Acton Transportation Advisory Committee |
Maureen | Maureen White Consulting |
Rebecca | Jacobs |
Joseph | Cambridge Systematics, Inc. |
Joshua | FHWA (MA) |
Henry | FHWA (MA) |
Casey | FHWA (MA) |
Kenneth | FHWA (MA) |
Joshua | FHWA (MA) |
Emily | FHWA (MA) |
Michael | FHWA (MA) |
Marco | FHWA DC |
Justin | FHWA (MA) |
Chris | FHWA (MA) |
Mark | MassDOT District 6 |
Kylie | BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office) |
Rashid | MassDOT |
Ian | MassDOT |
Christopher | MassDOT |
Shahriar | MassDOT |
Isabella | MassDOT District 5 |
Daryl | MassDOT District 2 |
Jennifer | MassDOT |
Robert | MassDOT |
Cassandra | MassDOT |
Anni | MassDOT |
Rachel | MassDOT |
Anna | MassDOT Highway Division |
Matt | MassDOT |
Noel | MassDOT District 6 |
Henry | MassDOT |
Dea | MassDOT |
Julia | Newton North High School |
Edward | MassDOT |
Lyris | MassDOT |
Trevor | MassDOT |
Jose | MassDOT District 6 |
John | MassDOT Highway Division |
Corinna | MassDOT |
Joseph | MassDOT Board of Directors |
Sasha | MassDOT District 6 |
Hema | MassDOT |
Noah | MassDOT |
Michael | MassDOT |
Christopher | MassDOT District 2 |
Candida | MassDOT |
Mitchell | MassDOT |
Elajia | MassDOT |
Sarah | MassDOT District 3 |
Jamal | MassDOT |
Maria | MassDOT |
Ethan | MassDOT |
Adele | MassDOT District 3 |
Eric | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Brenda | MassDOT |
Robin | MassDOT |
Lovie | MassDOT |
David | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Susan | MassDOT Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV) |
Vladimir | MassDOT District 3 |
Kelly | MassDOT |
Patricia | MassDOT |
Christopher | MassDOT |
Catherine | MassDOT District 4 |
Anne | MassDOT |
Sarah | MassDOT District 2 |
Yong | MassDOT District 4 |
James | MassDOT |
Luis | Newton North High School |
Lawrence | MassDOT |
Stefan | MassDOT |
Ana | MassDOT |
Junie | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Lidy | MassDOT |
Arnav | MassDOT |
Elizabeth | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Catherine | MassDOT |
Anish Reddy | MassDOT |
Phillip | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Kevin | MassDOT District 6 |
Anthony | MassDOT |
Jonathan | MassDOT |
Aidee | MassDOT |
Andrea | MassDOT |
Brenda | MassDOT District 1 |
Lily | MassDOT |
Tracey | MassDOT District 3 |
Nancy | MassDOT |
David | Millis High School |
Kerry | Millis High School |
Spencer | MassDOT |
Nick | MassDOT District 3 |
Michael | MassDOT |
Megan | MassDOT |
Heather | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Chris | MassDOT Aeronautics Division |
Maddie | MassDOT |
John | MassDOT |
Pamela | MassDOT |
YiWen | MassDOT District 4 |
Alex | MassDOT |
Evelyn | MassDOT |
Felis | MassDOT |
Jacqueline | MassDOT |
Kristin | MassDOT |
Ruben | MassDOT District 6 |
Rick | MassDOT Board of Directors |
John | Newton North High School |
David | MassDOT |
Thomas | MassDOT |
Tracy | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Yelena | MassDOT District 5 |
Julie | MassDOT District 6 |
Edgar | MassDOT |
Joe | MassDOT District 5 |
Elijah | MassDOT District 1 |
Joseph | MassDOT District 6 |
Isabella | Newton North High School |
Kayla | Millis High School |
Briana | Millis High School |
Stephanie | MassDOT District 2 |
Cheryl | MassDOT |
Foster | MassDOT |
Helen | MassDOT |
Thomas | MassDOT District 3 |
Phil | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Benjamin | MassDOT |
Joshua | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Andrew | MassDOT |
Christopher | MassDOT |
Owen | MassDOT District 2 |
Hishan | MassDOT |
Kevin | MassDOT |
Michael | MassDOT |
E Jenny | MassDOT Highway Division |
Michael | MassDOT |
Auron | Millis High School |
Bruce | Millis High School |
Kathleen | MassDOT |
Lauren | MassDOT Highway Division |
Cynthia | MassDOT Office of Diversity and Civil Rights |
Brian | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Carol | MassDOT |
Joseph | MassDOT District 3 |
Jonathan | MassDOT |
Bob | MassDOT |
Peter | MassDOT District 1 |
Everlyn | MassDOT |
Tiffany | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Jessica | Millis High School |
Joni | Millis High School |
Michael | MassDOT District 6 |
Tibebu | MassDOT District 6 |
Alfrino | MassDOT |
John | MassDOT |
Amy | MassDOT |
Judith | MassDOT District 1 |
Laura | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Lisa | MassDOT District 6 |
Jacquelyn | MassDOT |
John | MassDOT |
Sonia | MassDOT |
Sonia | MassDOT |
Sivienne | MassDOT |
Danielle | MassDOT District 3 |
Ross | MassDOT District 3 |
Christian | MassDOT |
Jacob | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Jennifer | MassDOT |
Anu | MassDOT Information Technology |
Leah | MassDOT |
Philip | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Christin | MassDOT District 3 |
Yuyao | MassDOT |
Meghan | MassDOT Highway Division |
Abraham | MassDOT |
Haider | MassDOT |
Richard | MassDOT District 3 |
Shaun | MassDOT District 5 |
Laura | MassDOT District 2 |
Danielle | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Madelinn | MassDOT |
Noah | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Susan | MassDOT |
Samuel | MassDOT District 5 |
Francisca | MassDOT District 1 |
David | MassDOT |
Pedro | MassDOT |
Alexandria | MassDOT District 1 |
Michelle | MassDOT |
Andrew | MassDOT |
Marshall | MassDOT |
Carl | MassDOT District 3 |
Christine | MassDOT Highway Division |
Janine | MassDOT |
Jennifer | MassDOT |
Jacob | MassDOT |
Jay | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Derek | MassDOT |
Michael | MassDOT |
Charlene | MassDOT |
Douglas | MassDOT |
Tara | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Jaden | MassDOT District 4 |
Owen | MassDOT |
Sarah | MassDOT District 6 |
George | MassDOT |
Joe | MassDOT |
Paul | MassDOT District 2 |
Christopher | MassDOT District 6 |
Eamon | MassDOT |
James | MassDOT |
Adam | MassDOT |
Valerie | MassDOT |
Timothy | MassDOT Board of Directors |
Roy | MassDOT |
Chris | MassDOT |
Micah | Newton North High School |
Chris | MassDOT |
Nancy | MassDOT District 3 |
Tom | MBTA Board of Directors |
Jonathan | MassDOT |
Raissah | MassDOT |
Katherine | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Anthony | MassDOT |
Ale | MassDOT District 5 |
Vinay | MassDOT |
TJ | MassDOT Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV) |
Taylor | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Kavya | City of Lowell |
Alex | MassDOT |
Herrio | MassDOT |
Louis | MassDOT District 5 |
Samantha | MassDOT |
Aniko | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Greta | MassDOT |
Oanh | MassDOT |
Shane | MassDOT District 3 |
Patricia | MassDOT |
Megan | MassDOT |
Jonathan | MassDOT District 4 |
John | MassDOT |
Koby | MassDOT |
Jessica | MassDOT |
Josh | MassDOT District 4 |
Brian | MassDOT District 6 |
Danny | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Billie | MassDOT |
Janhavi | MassDOT |
Zac | Newton North High School |
Amitai | MassDOT |
Andrew | MassDOT District 2 |
Kevin | MassDOT |
Barry | MassDOT District 3 |
Francisco | MassDOT Highway Design |
Jean | MassDOT |
Walter | MassDOT Highway Division |
Sarah M | MassDOT |
Rich | MassDOT District 5 |
Patrick | MassDOT District 6 |
Vi | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Danielle | Millis High School |
Zahra | MassDOT |
Bianca | MassDOT District 5 |
Olivia | MassDOT |
Charlotte | MassDOT |
Amanda | Newton North High School |
Isabel | MassDOT District 3 |
Andrew | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Tom | MBTA Board of Directors |
Mike | MassDOT |
William | MassDOT |
Steve | MassDOT |
Kit | MassDOT |
Justin | MassDOT |
Jennifer | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Zachary | MassDOT |
Brittany | MassDOT |
Jeremy | MassDOT |
Ruby | Newton North High School |
Devon | MassDOT |
Matthew | MassDOT District 2 |
Bianca | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Tara | MassDOT |
Mojtaba | MassDOT District 5 |
David | MassDOT |
Kelly | MassDOT |
Janathan | MassDOT |
Jack | MassDOT District 4 |
Hayes | MassDOT |
Michelle | MassDOT |
Benjamin | MassDOT District 6 |
Michael | MassDOT Highway Division |
Olivia | MassDOT Highway Division |
Sairam | MassDOT |
Jessika | MassDOT District 1 |
Adam | MassDOT District 3 |
Jill | MassDOT District 3 |
Max | MassDOT |
Isaiah | MassDOT District 6 |
Sai | MassDOT |
Abel | MassDOT |
Oliver | Newton North High School |
Jesse | MassDOT |
Christopher | MassDOT |
Penny | MassDOT |
Makaela | MassDOT |
Dawn | MassDOT District 2 |
Jessica | MassDOT District 5 |
Michael | MassDOT District 5 |
Carleigh | MassDOT |
Eric | MassDOT |
Chhavan | MassDOT |
Deb | MassDOT |
Kelly Anne | MassDOT |
Corey | MassDOT |
Evin | MassDOT |
Jennifer | MassDOT |
Colleen | MassDOT Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV) |
Adetoyin | MassDOT |
Lily | MassDOT |
Anand | MassDOT |
Eileen | MassDOT |
Mary | MassDOT |
Chester | MassDOT |
Tracy | MassDOT |
Vanessa | MassDOT |
Nigar | MassDOT |
Jessica | MassDOT |
Brendan | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Timothy | MassDOT District 4 |
Lois | MassDOT |
Nishita | MassDOT Research and Materials |
Hasmukh | MassDOT |
Ligia | MassDOT |
Sudip | MassDOT |
Andrew | MassDOT |
Scott | MassDOT District 3 |
Adam | MassDOT District 5 |
Florence | MassDOT |
Nikki | MassDOT District 3 |
Patsy | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Michael | MassDOT |
Nathan | MassDOT |
Hung | MassDOT |
Kevin | MassDOT District 5 |
Priya | MassDOT |
Caleb | MassDOT |
Jacob | MassDOT District 3 |
Bonnie | MassDOT |
Samuel | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Thomas | MassDOT |
Maximilian | MassDOT |
David | MassDOT |
Sarah | MassDOT |
Rishi | Newton North High School |
Jen Elise | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Ligia | MassDOT |
Courtney | MassDOT |
Olivia | MassDOT |
Behnam | MassDOT |
Kawtar | MassDOT |
Alwin | MassDOT |
Muazzez | MassDOT |
Kristen | MassDOT |
Susan | MassDOT |
Dan | MassDOT District 5 |
Adrian | MassDOT District 2 |
Morgan | MassDOT |
Marthinus | MassDOT |
Kate | MassDOT |
Jessie | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Marissa | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Peter | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Anya | MassDOT |
Jeovanny | MassDOT District 6 |
Gregory | MassDOT |
Rob | MassDOT |
Colby | MassDOT District 3 |
Lidia | MassDOT |
Mustafa | MassDOT |
Matthew | MassDOT |
Stephanie | MassDOT |
Gareth | MassDOT |
Aisha | Private Citizen |
Erik | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Thomas | MassDOT |
Lisa | MassDOT |
Angela | MassDOT District 3 |
Stacey | MassDOT |
Alaina | MassDOT |
Jarad | MassDOT |
Sandra | MassDOT District 5 |
Nick | MassDOT District 1 |
Faisa | MassDOT |
David | MassDOT |
Daniel | MassDOT |
Annabel | MassDOT |
Paula | MassDOT District 2 |
Stephen | MassDOT Highway Design |
Kimberley | MassDOT |
Claudia | MassDOT |
Stephanie | MassDOT |
David | MassDOT District 5 |
Stephen | MassDOT |
Gloria | MassDOT District 4 |
Christopher | MassDOT District 1 |
Argenis | MassDOT |
Kayla | MassDOT |
Peter | MassDOT |
Allison | MassDOT Highway Division |
Nicole | MassDOT Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV) |
Sam | City of Fitchburg |
Jacob | MassDOT |
Susan | MassDOT |
Pamela | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Timothy | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Scott | Newton North High School |
Bryan | MassDOT District 6 |
Heather | MassDOT |
Maryanne | MassDOT |
Stefan | MassDOT District 2 |
Sungchul | MassDOT Highway Division |
Shu | MassDOT |
Mark | MassDOT |
James | MassDOT |
Guensly | MassDOT |
Tatum | MassDOT |
Sara | MassDOT |
Hector | MassDOT District 5 |
Jennifer | MassDOT |
Nick | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Robert | MassDOT District 4 |
Baron | MassDOT Highway Division |
Michael | MassDOT |
Julian | MassDOT |
Jorge-Andres | MassDOT Highway Division |
Stephanie | MassDOT |
Amber | MassDOT |
Frank | MassDOT |
Storm | MassDOT |
Zach | MassDOT |
Faina | MassDOT District 5 |
Carlos | MassDOT |
Emil | MassDOT District 6 |
Nicholas | MassDOT |
Arline | MassDOT District 3 |
Courtney | MassDOT |
Linda | MassDOT |
Robert | MassDOT |
Luiz Otavio | MassDOT |
Jason | MassDOT District 5 |
Andrew | MassDOT |
Hongyi | MassDOT |
Josh | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Zheng | MassDOT |
Tricia | MassDOT |
Steven | MassDOT District 5 |
Phil | MassDOT |
Ryan | MassDOT |
Violet | MassDOT |
Liz | MassDOT |
Megan | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Lee Ann | MassDOT |
Steve | MassDOT |
Justin | MassDOT |
Sasha | MassDOT |
LaTanya | MassDOT |
Sue | MassDOT |
Fangyun | MassDOT District 4 |
Sheila | MassDOT |
William | Newton North High School |
Nikhitha | MassDOT |
Hao | MassDOT |
Shpetim | MassDOT Right of Way Bureau |
Joseph | MassDOT |
Patrick | MassDOT |
Anthony | MassDOT Highway Division |
Marianti | MassDOT |
Nicholas | MassDOT |
Katy | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Kristin | North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) |
Victoria | Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) |
Amy | Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) (DOT) |
Clinton | University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) |
Curtis | North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) |
Sommer | Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) (DOT) |
Dan | MA Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) (Boston) |
Kyla | AASHTO (DC) |
Becca | North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) |
Rob | Northeastern University |
Steve | California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) (CADOT) |
Jessica | Volpe National Transportation Systems Center |
Meredith | Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) |
Amanda | Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) (DOT) |
Anusha | Transportation Research Board (TRB) (DC) |
Issac | Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) (DOT) |
Bernardo | Transportation Research Board (TRB) (DC) |
Kendra | University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley) |
Lauren | Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) (DOT) |
Jim | AASHTO (DC) |
Ashlie | Vermont Agency of Transportation (DOT) |
Sid | The National Academies (DC) |
Michael | North Central Texas Council of Government |
Zoe | Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) (DOT) |
Katharine | Vermont Agency of Transportation (DOT) |
Melrose | Oak Ridge National Laboratory (TN) |
Emily | Vermont Agency of Transportation (DOT) |
Dave | Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) (DOT) |
Scheryl | Federal Transit Administration (USDOT FTA) |
Claire | Transportation Research Board (TRB) (DC) |
Alyssa | University of Arizona |
Joe | Northwestern University (IL) |
Victoria | Transportation Research Board (TRB) (DC) |
Kim | Commonwealth of Massachusetts (Boston) |
Jarrett | Commonwealth of Massachusetts (Boston) |
Christine | York Region (The Regional Municipality of York) (Canada) |
Trey | Transportation Research Board (TRB) (DC) |
Kerri | Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) |
Daniel | Landing Studio |
Joel | Massachusetts Port Authority (MassPort) |
Chris | Ahoi! |
Noah | Merrimack Valley Regional Transit Authority (MVRTA) |
Robbin | MassDOT |
Neil | MassDOT |
Kylie | MassDOT |
Jessika | Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) |
Miranda | MassDOT |
Daisy | MassDOT |
Darren | FHWA DC |
Brendan | City of Peabody |
Scott | Gill Engineering |
Kris | MassDOT |
Sam | Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC) |
Amelia | Arup |
Jonah | Volpe National Transportation Systems Center |
Eleni | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Amber | MA Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) (Boston) |
Chris | City of Springfield |
Judy | Massachusetts Safe Routes to School Program |
James | MassDOT |
Craig | Norwottuck Network |
Dakota | MassDOT |
Rachel | MassDOT |
Ana | MassDOT |
Nathaniel | City of Boston |
Joseph | MassDOT |
Jean | MassDOT |
Kurt | MA Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) |
Alex | Kittelson & Associates, Inc. |
Arthur | Replica, Inc. |
Beth | Franklin Regional Council of Governments (FRCOG) |
Katie | City of Cambridge |
Jonathan | MassDOT |
Anil | MassDOT |
Jake | Ahoi! |
Martina | PeopleForBikes (CO) |
Jen | Quaboag Valley Community Development Corp |
Lynsey | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Cynthia | East Quabbin Land Trust |
Marah | Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) |
Carl | MassDOT |
H. Parker | Charlesgate Alliance |
Kirsten | MassDOT |
Jacqueline | SRPEDD |
Brendan | WalkMassachusetts |
Nathaniel | MassDOT |
Todd | City of Worcester |
Martha | MassDOT |
Derek | MassDOT |
Barbara | MassDOT District 5 |
Carrie | MassDOT |
Andre | MassINC |
Skye | VHB |
Carmel | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Amanda | MA Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) (Boston) |
Hannah | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Charles | MassDOT |
Karen | Emerald Necklace Conservancy |
Michael | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Joseph | City of Everett |
Sophie | City of Lowell |
Kayla | VHB |
Elizabeth | City of Lowell |
Cassandra | FHWA (MA) |
Joshua | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Sarah | Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC) |
David | Mystic River Watershed Association |
Fionnuala | Discover Traffic Gardens (VA) |
Alwin | MassDOT |
Patrick | Merrimack Valley Planning Commission (MVPC) |
Alyssa | MassDOT |
Sean | Boston Region MPO |
Thomas | MassDOT District 2 |
Austin | MassDOT |
Michelle | MassDOT |
Conor | Kittelson & Associates, Inc. |
Derek | MassDOT |
Jose | MassDOT |
William | MassDOT |
Meredith | MassDOT |
Patrick | MassDOT |
Ann | MassDOT |
Pete | MassDOT |
Monica | MassDOT |
Paul | Town of Sandwich |
Alexander | City of Chelsea |
Steven | Cape Cod Commission (CCC) |
Lorenzo | MassDOT |
Shruti | MassDOT |
Anthony | MassDOT District 1 |
Jessica | City of Lowell |
Althea | WalkMassachusetts |
Jaclyn | MassDOT |
Dale | VHB |
Colleen | Wachusett Greenways |
Kate | Kleinfelder, Inc. |
Taylor | Regina Villa Associates |
Connor | Fuss & O'Neill |
Mohamed | SLR Consulting (CT) |
Lori | TEC, Inc. (Lawrence MA) |
Isaac | BETA Group, Inc. (MA) |
Matthew | CDR Maguire (MA) |
Ben | Fuss & O'Neill, Inc. |
Linda | EJ USA, Inc. (OH) |
Dave | HNTB Corporation |
Lars | TRC Companies, Inc. |
James | Tetra Tech, Inc. |
Amy | Pare Corporation (RI) |
Sarah | Massachusetts Safe Routes to School Program |
Erik | McFarland Johnson |
Elena | HNTB Corporation |
Meredith | VHB |
Jessica | Deloitte Consulting, LLP (VA) |
Louis | Weston & Sampson |
Chris | VHB |
Landon | BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office) |
Paul | Kleinfelder, Inc. |
Franco | ATANE Engineers |
Han | WSP (MA) |
Katherine | Private Citizen |
Amanda | Swiftly, Inc. |
James | HNTB Corporation |
Joseph | Amtrak |
Sean | Benesch (MA) |
Anna | HNTB Corporation |
Marian | STV Group |
Pam | Charlesgate Alliance |
Shawn | Fuss & O'Neill Inc. (Springfield) |
Emily | AECOM |
Hendrik | Community Offshore Wind | RWE |
Ari | Boston Cyclists Union |
Kristen | VHB |
Kyle | Michael Baker International (CT) |
Nate | Coastal Traffic, Inc. (ME) |
Madison | Arup |
Thomas | McFarland Johnson, Inc. (Portsmouth NH) |
Susan | Private Citizen |
Grey | Boston Cyclists Union |
John | Jacobs |
Madeline | Tighe & Bond (Westfield) |
Angela | Howard Stein Hudson (HSH) |
Dylan | HNTB Corporation |
Erica | HNTB Corporation |
Chad | New England Traffic Solutions (CT) |
Sonja | Kittelson & Associates, Inc. |
Ashley | Benesch (MA) |
Artie | Kleinfelder, Inc. |
Audrey | Franklin Regional Council of Governments (FRCOG) |
Benjamin | BETA Group, Inc. (MA) |
Marie | RND Consultants, Inc. |
Michele | TransAction Associates |
Norman | Fuss & O'Neill, Inc. (Manchester CT) |
Chris | Meridian Associates |
Scott | Weston & Sampson |
Gary | HNTB Corporation |
Preston | Toole Design Group |
Nikole | WSP (MA) |
Rachel | WSP (MA) |
Maggie | Massachusetts Safe Routes to School Program |
Donald | Private Citizen |
Andrew | Tetra Tech, Inc. |
Allison | East Coast Greenway Alliance (RI) |
Joe | HNTB Corporation |
Jill | AECOM |
Christopher | Tetra Tech, Inc. |
Mara | Jacobs |
Dan | VHB |
Jennifer | HNTB Corporation |
Tiffany | Green International Affiliates |
Rob | Deloitte Consulting, LLP (FL) |
Pompeo | Weston & Sampson |
Najah | Barr Foundation |
Jaklyn | BETA Group, Inc. (MA) |
Daniel | CDR Maguire (PA) |
Alaleh | STV Group |
Jean | Howard Stein Hudson (HSH) |
Davren | CHA Consulting, Inc. (IN) |
Matthew | VHB |
Justina | Neighborways Design |
Valerie | Howard Stein Hudson (HSH) |
Jason | HNTB Corporation |
Rachel | Cambridge Systematics, Inc. |
Maureen | Bowman |
Sandra | Bowman |
Todd | Hoyle, Tanner & Associates, Inc. (NH) |
Michael | BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office) |
Julia | Arup |
Craig | EJ USA, Inc. (OH) |
Dieckmann | Jacobs |
Ben | Fuss & O'Neill Inc. (Springfield) |
Joshua | VHB |
Don | VHB |
Jake | Michael Baker International (CT) |
Kimberly | Nitsch Engineering |
Patrick | VHB |
Ryan | VHB |
Justin | Tighe & Bond (Westfield) |
Peter | Ranger Security and Emergency Preparedness, LLC |
Aleece | Stantec (Burlington MA) |
Thomas | Gannett Fleming TranSystems (Dedham) |
Kevin | TEC, Inc. (Lawrence MA) |
Jacqueline | HDR |
Matthew | Esri (CA) |
Mark | GPI (MA) |
Jason | Toole Design Group |
Janice | TRC Companies |
Nimisha | Cambridge Systematics, Inc. |
John | Fuss & O'Neill, Inc. (Providence) |
Jocelyn | Howard Stein Hudson (HSH) |
Matthew | Howard Stein Hudson (HSH) |
Michael | BL Companies |
Edward | Gannett Fleming TranSystems (Holliston) |
Trish | VHB |
Michael | Deloitte Consulting, LLP (GA) |
Alec | Kittelson & Associates, Inc. |
Greg | Fuss & O'Neill Inc. (Springfield) |
Somaye | STV Group |
Caroline | VHB |
Mike | GPI (MA) |
James | TRC Companies, Inc. |
Kathryn | BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office) |
Ehab | Foursquare ITP (DC) |
Brenda | TRC Companies |
Emma | Howard Stein Hudson (HSH) |
Rana | TEC, Inc. (Lawrence MA) |
Sean | BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office) |
Nancy | Regina Villa Associates |
Robert | CHA Consulting, Inc. (NH) |
Steve | Howard Stein Hudson (HSH) |
Deborah | HDR |
Michael | BL Companies |
James | Apex Companies, LLC (Woburn) |
Christopher | Deloitte Consulting, LLP (VA) |
Elizabeth | Kittelson & Associates, Inc. |
Allison | GPI (MA) |
Dennis | BETA Group, Inc. (MA) |
Mark | Speclines |
David | Michael Baker International (CT) |
Sarah | Arborway Coalition |
Malaysia | Boston Cyclists Union |
Remy | Howard Stein Hudson (HSH) |
Phil | HDR |
Elizabeth | Benesch (MA) |
Darryl | Michael Baker International (CT) |
James | Charles River Transportation Management Association |
Jayson | Jacobs |
Nick | BL Companies |
Rachel | HNTB Corporation |
Tyler | Montachusett Regional Planning Commission (MRPC) |
Phil | VHB |
Courtney | TransAction Associates |
Matthew | HDR |
Peyton | Kimley-Horn and Associates |
Grady | Howard Stein Hudson (HSH) |
Mark | Howard Stein Hudson (HSH) |
Erica | Toole Design Group |
Eileen | Fuss & O'Neill, Inc. (Quincy) |
Kala | AECOM |
Linda | Valmont Structures, Inc. (NE) |
Tori | Massachusetts Safe Routes to School Program |
Rebecca | BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office) |
Megan | HNTB Corporation |
Diane | Massachusetts Safe Routes to School Program |
Frances | Spy Pond Partners, LLC. |
Quaiser | ATANE Engineers |
Niki | VHB |
Nijdeh | SLR Consulting (CT) |
Ryan | Apex Companies, LLC |
Ryan | Apex Companies, LLC |
Christina | AAA Northeast |
Walter | Pare Corporation (RI) |
John | Stantec (Burlington MA) |
Robert | Gannett Fleming TranSystems |
Jacob | Benesch (MA) |
Alexis | MassBike |
Richard | Tighe & Bond (Boston) |
Christopher | GPI (MA) |
Marlin | Stantec (Burlington MA) |
Derek | Pare Corporation (RI) |
Benny | Apex Companies, LLC |
Lisa | MassDOT Board of Directors |
John | Meridian Associates |
Merve | Steere Engineering, Inc. (RI) |
Lisa | Barr Foundation |
Matthew | Howard Stein Hudson (HSH) |
Rosie | Toole Design Group |
Darshan | BETA Group, Inc. (MA) |
Betsy | WalkMassachusetts |
Kevin | Fuss & O'Neill, Inc. (Providence) |
Michael | Weston & Sampson |
Ron | Stantec (Burlington MA) |
Aya | Apex Companies, LLC (Woburn) |
Bruce | WSP (MA) |
Jonathan | HNTB Corporation |
Sonam | Howard Stein Hudson (HSH) |
Liam | Regina Villa Associates |
Wayne | Brennan Consulting, Inc. |
Shanta | VHB |
Jim | Tetra Tech, Inc. |
Jessica | Howard Stein Hudson (HSH) |
Margaret | Kittelson & Associates, Inc. |
Dustin | STV Group |
Yousef | Hatch LTK |
Keith | Esri (CA) |
Christine | TEC, Inc. (Lawrence MA) |
Olivia | BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office) |
Ian | Nelson\Nygaard |
Mark | HNTB Corporation |
Laura | BETA Group, Inc. (RI) |
Nancy | HNTB Corporation |
Christine | HNTB Corporation |
Traci | Seaport TMA |
David | Hoyle, Tanner & Associates, Inc. (NH) |
Nick | Fuss & O'Neill Inc. (Springfield) |
Karen | Massachusetts Municipal Association (MMA) |
Jeff | Travelers Marketing (FL) |
Jonathan | |
Chavella | Consult LeLa |
Tracie | MassDOT Highway Division |
Jon | Kleinfelder, Inc. |
Karen | BETA Group, Inc. (MA) |
Kellan | BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office) |
Erika | Jacobs |
Scott | McFarland Johnson, Inc. (Portsmouth NH) |
Jessica | Howard Stein Hudson (HSH) |
Mario | CDM Smith (Boston) |
Amy | Replica (KS) |
Tamara | Fuss & O'Neill, Inc. (Boston) |
Emma | HNTB Corporation |
Greg | Tighe & Bond (Westfield) |
Emily | Replica (KS) |
Viana | Fuss & O'Neill Inc. (Springfield) |
Paul | Great Western Partners |
Irene | Private Citizen |
Jade | Kittelson & Associates, Inc. |
Gary | Ocean State Signal Co. (RI) |
S | Bowman |
John | 350 Mass |
Nathan | HDR |
Matthew | CDR Maguire (PA) |
Laura | AECOM |
Maggie | VHB |
Jason | Apex Companies, LLC |
Katharine | Toole Design Group |
Erik | WSP (MA) |
Joseph | Michael Baker International (CT) |
Katie | VHB |
Francis | Apex Companies, LLC (Beverly) |
James | Keolis Commuter Services |
Patrick | HNTB Corporation |
Jeff | BETA Group, Inc. (MA) |
Ellie | AECOM |
Ellie | AECOM |
Daniel | BETA Group, Inc. (MA) |
Robert | Econolite Control Products (MA) |
William | BETA Group, Inc. (MA) |
Carrie | VHB |
Sean | GPI (MA) |
Ian | Howard Stein Hudson (HSH) |
Pearse | CHA Consulting, Inc. (IN) |
Gary | Bowman |
William | WSP (MA) |
Zeke | City of Watertown Community Development and Planning |
Bill | Tighe & Bond (Woburn) |
Vannesa | Howard Stein Hudson (HSH) |
Paul | GPI (MA) |
Taylor | Howard Stein Hudson (HSH) |
Kyle | Coastal Traffic, Inc. (ME) |
Hugh | HNTB Corporation |
Nick | Green International Affiliates |
Bri | Deloitte Consulting, LLP (VA) |
Christine | AI Engineers, Inc. (MA) |
Sam | Weston & Sampson (Reading) |
Tyler | Fuss & O'Neill Inc. (Springfield) |
Michelle | Civic Space Collaborative |
Walter Jeffery | Michael Baker International (CT) |
Colleen | HDR |
Evan | AECOM |
Jessica | Neighborways Design |
Ellen | CHA Consulting, Inc.(MA) |
Jay | City Point Partners, LLC |
Lauren | HDR |
Brendan | HNTB Corporation |
Rizwan | ATANE Engineers |
James | CDM Smith (Boston) |
Alexander | HNTB Corporation |
Sudhir | TrafInfo Communications, Inc. |
Hutch | Benesch (MA) |
Mike | TEC, Inc. (NH) |
Bridget | Howard Stein Hudson (HSH) |
Brian | HNTB Corporation |
Robert | VHB |
Phiona | Fuss & O'Neill, Inc. (Boston) |
Martin | HDR |
Paul | HNTB Corporation |
Susan | VHB |
Logan | Mount Ascutney Regional Commission (VT) |
Brian | Gannett Fleming TranSystems (PA) |
Marti | Jacobs |
Rachel | Massachusetts Safe Routes to School Program |
Kelly | BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office) |
Theresa | Geocomp Corporation |
Katherine | Fuss & O'Neill, Inc. (Quincy) |
Sam | BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office) |
Kathleen | Toole Design Group |
Shavel’le | Mattapan Food and Fitness Coalition |
Edward | Howard Stein Hudson (HSH) |
John | HNTB Corporation |
Vivian | Massachusetts Safe Routes to School Program |
Douglas | Weston & Sampson |
William | BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office) |
Victoria | Arcadis (GA) |
Donald | GPI (MA) |
Leon | Massachusetts Safe Routes to School Program |
Megha | Michael Baker International (CT) |
Billy | HNTB Corporation |
John | Fuss & O'Neill Inc. (Springfield) |
Sarah | Regina Villa Associates |
Roger | Private Citizen |
Soni | Tetra Tech, Inc. |
Katherine | Fuss & O'Neill, Inc. (Quincy) |
David | AECOM |
Chelsey | Health Equity Partnership of North Central Mass Inc (CHNA9) |
Brian | HDR |
Deanna | TrafInfo Communications, Inc. |
Jeremy | Weston & Sampson |
Alyssa | Weston & Sampson |
Colleen | Massachusetts Safe Routes to School Program |
Robert | VHB |
Herman | Green International Affiliates |
Scott | HDR |
Douglas | Michael Baker International (CT) |
Leah | Cambridge Systematics, Inc. |
Martin | Steere Engineering, Inc. (RI) |
Ashley | Howard Stein Hudson (HSH) |
Gabrielle | HNTB Corporation |
Larry | AI Engineers, Inc. (MA) |
Billy | Deloitte Consulting, LLP (GA) |
Rick | VHB |
Matthew | Keville Enterprises, Inc. |
Mike | Howard Stein Hudson (HSH) |
Philip | Philip B. Posner, Attorney at Law |
Bob | Speclines |
Austin | BETA Group, Inc. (MA) |
Luciano | Jacobs |
Robert | Westford Council on Aging |
Tom | FPNA |
Mike | VHB |
Krista | Bunker Hill Community College (BHCC) |
Dennis | Stantec |
Stephen | VHB |
Brent | VHB |
Olivia | VHB |
Kari | City Point Partners, LLC |
Lori | Spy Pond Partners, LLC. |
Thomas | HDR |
Bonnie | Massachusetts Safe Routes to School Program |
Jonathan | TEC, Inc. (Lawrence MA) |
Carol | CHA Consulting, Inc. (IN) |
Emily | BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office) |
Sean | HNTB Corporation |
Kevin | Nitsch Engineering |
Joe | Stantec (Burlington MA) |
Holly | Fuss & O'Neill, Inc. (Boston) |
Christopher | Meridian Associates |
Lakshmi | City Point Partners, LLC |
Jordan | Massachusetts Safe Routes to School Program |
Tahara | Madison Park Development Corporation (Boston) |
Eden | HNTB Corporation |
Ajeet | Fuss & O'Neill, Inc. (Boston) |
Nikola | Meridian Associates |
Jeff | Weston & Sampson |
Antonio | HDR |
Kristina | VHB |
Kay | Mattapan Food and Fitness Coalition |
Christopher | Howard Stein Hudson (HSH) |
Nick | VHB |
Mark | AAA Northeast (Southern New England) (RI) |
Will | HNTB Corporation |
Christian | Stantec (Burlington MA) |
Alex | Boston Cyclists Union |
Perri | Stantec (Boston MA) |
Marie | John Turner Consulting, Inc. (North Hampton, NH) |
Matt | BETA Group, Inc. (MA) |
Michaela | Howard Stein Hudson (HSH) |
Amy | VHB |
Allison | NorthEase Consulting Group |
Alexandra | HNTB Corporation |
Gregory | WSP (MA) |
Kristin | AECOM |
Jes | MassBike |
Matthew | Nitsch Engineering |
Rhianna | Epsilon Associates |
Parker | FHI Studio (CT) |
Paul | ATANE Engineers, P.C. (CT) |
Joshua | Dura Trench (GA) |
Danielle | City of Beverly |
Evan | Fuss & O'Neill Inc. (Springfield) |
Preethi | STV Group |
Rachael | Walking In Arlington |
Bob | Howard Stein Hudson (HSH) |
William | CDM Smith (Boston) |
Glenn | BETA Group, Inc. (MA) |
Alexis | Gill Engineering |
Kelly | Arup |
C | |
Sara | HNTB Corporation |
Tom | Howard Stein Hudson (HSH) |
Joseph | French and Parrello Associates |
Beth | Devens Enterprise Commission |
Michael | CHA Consulting, Inc.(MA) |
Patrick | Seaport TMA |
Rowena | Fuss & O'Neill Inc. (Springfield) |
Joanna | VHB |
Marie | Stantec (Burlington MA) |
Michael | New England Sustainable Site Design & Development |
Sudhir | AI Engineers, Inc. (MA) |
Kristopher | Tighe & Bond (Woburn) |
Shayna | Regina Villa Associates |
Robert | CHA Consulting, Inc. (CT) |
Patt | Boston Consulting Group (BCG) |
Jackie | Keolis Commuter Services |
Mohamad | Mott MacDonald |
Sonnia | AECOM |
Zoe | Arup |
Kayla | WSP (MA) |
Amy | Kimley-Horn and Associates |
Patrick | Apex Companies, LLC |
Tony | Benesch (MA) |
Jeffrey | HDR |
Mack | AI Engineers, Inc. (MA) |
Michael | HNTB Corporation |
Christine | VHB |
Joshua | VHB |
Jody | TEC, Inc. (NH) |
James | Gill Engineering |
Steven | Howard Stein Hudson (HSH) |
Paul | HDR |
Shawntell | Mattapan Food and Fitness Coalition |
Evelyna | Fuss & O'Neill Inc. (Springfield) |
Lindsey | HNTB Corporation |
Lenny | Gannett Fleming TranSystems |
Dennis | Green International Affiliates |
Shahvir | AI Engineers, Inc. (MA) |
Lyndon | Madison Park Development Corporation (Boston) |
Philip | Bowman |
James | Tetra Tech, Inc. |
Juliet | Kittelson & Associates, Inc. |
Kevin | Stantec (Burlington MA) |
Emma | MassBike |
Miles | Deloitte Consulting, LLP (VA) |
Mike | Ocean State Signal Co. (RI) |
Zach | GPI (MA) |
Becky | Kleinfelder, Inc. |
Keith | HNTB Corporation |
John | Junction Rail Consulting |
Camden | Econolite Control Products (MA) |
Colin | HNTB Corporation |
Ellen | HNTB Corporation |
Kyle | Tetra Tech, Inc. |
Kristine | VHB |
John | WSP (MA) |
Mandy | Boston Cyclists Union |
Stacy | TRC Companies, Inc. |
Pace | |
William | Howard Stein Hudson (HSH) |
Bob | WSP (MA) |
Mark | Michael Baker International (CT) |
Becca | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Wing | McFarland Johnson |
Emily | HNTB Corporation |
George | Keolis Commuter Services |
Peter | Howard Stein Hudson (HSH) |
Said | Toole Design Group |
Paul | Gannett Fleming TranSystems |
Melissa | TransAction Associates |
Adam | Dewberry |
Blake | Northern Middlesex Council of Governments (NMCOG) |
John | Town of Arlington |
Jeffrey | City of Boston |
Victoria | Town of Freetown |
Joseph | Town of Wakefield |
Tom | Town of Dennis |
Steven | Boston Region MPO |
Gerald | MA Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) (Boston) |
Adrian | City of Newton DPW |
Jeff | City of Easthampton |
John | Town of Brookline |
Sheri | Montachusett Regional Planning Commission (MRPC) |
Philip | Town of Barnstable DPW |
Olivia | Town of Natick |
Sterling | Town of Bedford DPW |
Jessica | City of Somerville |
Dana | City of Cambridge Traffic |
Ghulam | City of Boston |
Zachary | Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC) |
Todd | City of Medford |
Tanner | Boston Region MPO |
Annisha | City of Boston |
Eric | Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) |
Jonathan | City of Cambridge Traffic |
Brandon | Federal Transit Administration (MA) |
Mike | Nantucket Planning & Economic Development Commission |
Catherine | City of Waltham |
Brian | Town of Groton |
Jack | Franklin Regional Council of Governments (FRCOG) |
Paris | Boston Region MPO |
Jennifer | SRPEDD |
Janet | City of Boston |
Cameron | Town of Weston Council on Aging |
Nicolas | Town of Barnstable DPW |
Craig | Town of Williamstown DPW |
Jeffrey | Town of Yarmouth |
Tony | Merrimack Valley Planning Commission (MVPC) |
Casey-Marie | Boston Region MPO |
Evan | Cape Cod Commission (CCC) |
Terry | Town of Manchester by the Sea |
Brian | Town of Winchendon DPW |
Laura | Town of Concord |
Judy | Boston Region MPO |
Luis | SRPEDD |
Tom | Town of Groton |
Joe | Boston Region MPO |
Jennifer | Pioneer Valley Planning Commission (PVPC) |
Tyler | Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC) |
Kristin | Town of Bedford DPW |
Sam | Town of Brookline |
Dan | Martha's Vineyard Commission |
Andrea | SRPEDD |
Kevin | Town of Mansfield |
Scott | Newton North High School |
Eric | City of Portsmith (NH) |
Samuel | Town of Brookline |
Lisa | SRPEDD |
Timothy | Town of Provincetown |
Alison | Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) |
Charlotte | City of Boston |
Adam | City of Everett |
Joseph | City of Boston |
Tyler | Town of Needham |
Louisa | City of Boston |
Scott | City of Worcester Dept. of Transportation & Mobility |
Sophia | Watertown Transportation Management Association |
Eric | Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC) |
Thomas | City of Boston |
Matthew | Town of Bedford DPW |
Betsy | City of Worcester Dept. of Transportation & Mobility |
Shravanthi | Boston Region MPO |
Shravanthi | Boston Region MPO |
Geoffrey | Town of Marion |
Paul | Town of Barnstable |
Yahaira | Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC) |
Jonathan | SRPEDD |
Monica | Town of Andover |
Edward | City of Quincy |
Ryan | Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) |
Morgan | Town of Natick |
Dahai | Boston Region MPO |
Dave | Town of Wellesley DPW |
Sean | SRPEDD |
Zoe | City of Boston |
Amy | Town of Brookline |
Mary | Boston Region MPO |
Anna | City of Boston |
Paul | MA Office of Outdoor Recreation |
Kate | City of Everett |
Andrew | Town of Billerica |
Chandler | Boston Region MPO |
Stella | Boston Region MPO |
Dick | Town of Athol DPW |
Heyne | City of Boston |
Robert | Town of Brookline |
Libby | MA Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) (Boston) |
Erin | Town of Wakefield |
Todd | Town of Westwood |
David | City of Newton DPW |
Sujatha | Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC) |
Isabella | Commonwealth of Massachusetts (Boston) |
Ethan | Boston Region MPO |
Nicolas | City of Boston |
Stella | MA Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) (Boston) |
Nathaniel | Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC) |
David | Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) |
Rosemary | Greater Lynn Senior Services |
Owen | City of Weymouth |
Erin | Boston Region MPO |
Elizabeth | Merrimack Valley Planning Commission (MVPC) |
Cara | National Rural Transit Assistance Program |
Dan | Town of Brookline |
Mario | City of Agawam |
Colleen | Cape Cod Commission (CCC) |
Constance | Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC) |
Patricia | City of Boston |
Zeke | City of Watertown Community Development and Planning |
Martin | Boston Region MPO |
Eric | City of Everett |
Austin | Commonwealth of Massachusetts (Boston) |
Matthew | City of Boston |
Rebecca | Boston Region MPO |
Ross | Town of Lexington DPW |
Jorman | City of Chelsea |
Daniel | Town of Brookline |
Jeff | Community Works |
Adi | Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) |
Greg | City of Easthampton |
Shane | Town of Bridgewater |
Meghan | Boston Region MPO |
Ari | Federal Transit Administration (MA) |
Steven | Town of Westwood |
Joseph | SRPEDD |
Glen | Town of Andover Police Department |
Daniel | Merrimack Valley Planning Commission (MVPC) |
Chiara | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Eric | Federal Transit Administration (MA) |
Joanna | Town of Auburn Highway Division |
Jeffrey | City of Cambridge |
Khyati | Pioneer Valley Planning Commission (PVPC) |
Jay | Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC) |
Gina | Boston Region MPO |
Sarah | Boston Region MPO |
Brian | City of Worcester |
Travis | Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) |
Isaac | City of Boston |
Elena | City of Melrose |
Paul | Town of Athol DPW |
Robert | Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC) |
Jeanette | Town of Bedford |
Josh | Town of Mansfield |
Stephen | City of Worcester |
Diane | City of Easthampton |
Jennifer | City of Boston |
Allison | City of Quincy - Traffic, Parking, Alarm & Lighting (TPAL) |
Griffin | Town of Brewster DPW |
Alex | MassBike |
Nahrin | Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC) |
Laurie | Franklin Regional Council of Governments (FRCOG) |
Jonathan | Federal Transit Administration (MA) |
Pedro | City of Worcester Dept. of Transportation & Mobility |
Matt | Town of Winchester |
Joyia | Cape Cod Commission (CCC) |
Dev | City of Cambridge |
Michael | Town of Bedford DPW |
Sam | Boston Region MPO |
Tegin | Boston Region MPO |
Lee | Town of Milton Bicycle Advisory Committee |
Austen | Northern Middlesex Council of Governments (NMCOG) |
Frank | City of Quincy |
James | City of Melrose DPW |
Mary | City of Worcester Dept. of Transportation & Mobility |
Alfredo | City of Newton |
Eli | Division of Ecological Restoration- Department of Fish and Game |
William | Martha's Vineyard Commission |
Afriany | City of Worcester Dept. of Transportation & Mobility |
Julia | Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) |
Ning | City of Newton DPW |
Sarah | City of Quincy - Traffic, Parking, Alarm & Lighting (TPAL) |
Jonah | Merrimack Valley Planning Commission (MVPC) |
Stephen | City of Malden |
Jack | City of Malden |
Andreas | City of Cambridge Traffic |
Adam | Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC) |
Rebecca | City of Somerville |
Karen | Worcester Regional Transit Authority (WRTA) |
Kelly | Brockton Area Transit Authority (BAT) |
Stacy | Greater Attleboro Taunton Regional Transit Authority (GATRA) |
Glenn | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Joy | MetroWest Regional Transit Authority (MWRTA) |
Jesus | Merrimack Valley Regional Transit Authority (MVRTA) |
Juan | Merrimack Valley Regional Transit Authority (MVRTA) |
Amy | Merrimack Valley Regional Transit Authority (MVRTA) |
Michael | Brockton Area Transit Authority (BAT) |
Bonnie | Merrimack Valley Regional Transit Authority (MVRTA) |
Joseph | Brockton Area Transit Authority (BAT) |
Joshua | Worcester Regional Transit Authority (WRTA) |
Emily | MetroWest Regional Transit Authority (MWRTA) |
Jamie | Worcester Regional Transit Authority (WRTA) |
Dewan | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Chris | UMass Transportation Center (UMTC) |
Chengbo | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Nasko | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Mahdi | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Sayeeda | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Angelina | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Kelly | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Leila | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Michelle | UMass Transportation Center (UMTC) |
Tate | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Stephanie | UMass Transportation Center (UMTC) |
Daniel | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Kathryn | UMass Transportation Center (UMTC) |
Mary Ann | UMass Transportation Center (UMTC) |
Cole | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Kim | UMass Transportation Center (UMTC) |
Jennifer | UMass Transportation Center (UMTC) |
Eric | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Saeed | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Joshua | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Shahrukh | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Kassandra | UMass Transportation Center (UMTC) |
Michael | UMass Transportation Center (UMTC) |
Rebecca | UMass Transportation Center (UMTC) |
Efthymia | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Lydia | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Grace | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Annika | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Jiewen | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Matt | UMass Transportation Center (UMTC) |
Siyuan Max | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Mohammed | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Pravar | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Caitlin | UMass Transportation Center (UMTC) |
Rachel | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Bryan | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Katie | UMass Transportation Center (UMTC) |
Michael | UMass Transportation Center (UMTC) |
Kris | UMass Transportation Center (UMTC) |
Peter | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Francis | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Aldo | UMass Transportation Center (UMTC) |
Yu-Min | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Tracy | UMass Transportation Center (UMTC) |