2023 MassDOT Transportation Innovation Conference
Date: 5/2/2023 7:45 AM - 5/3/2023 5:00 PM
Location: DCU Center
50 Foster Street
Worcester, Massachusetts
Session Presentations and Recordings are now available. Click on the "Schedule" tab above.
Online In-Person Registration is Sold Out. Virtual Registration is Still Open! Limited Walk-In Registrations will be accepted.
The annual MassDOT Transportation Innovation Conference provides a forum for innovative transportation systems, management ideas, and initiatives. Each year, the conference provides an important opportunity for transportation practitioners to share knowledge, sponsor peer-to-peer learning, and collaborate on issues of mutual interest. Conference participants will have the opportunity to discuss the advantages and challenges associated with the innovative methods and technologies being presented.
MassDOT has created a forum for users called SWAG to share applications, analyses and ideas that use GIS technology. At this year’s Innovation Conference, MassDOT wants to expand SWAG to a large-scale collaborative to allow the greater GIS community to share how they are innovating and building new and exciting GIS tools.
This collaboration will be an important focus of the conference, and will include GIS experts onsite for questions and hands-on tutorials covering various GIS tools.
Limited virtual attendance sessions will include:
• Advancing Road Safety Through Innovative Approaches and Technologies
• The Driving Years - How the MassDOT Highway Division and the RMV are "Promoting Safe & Equitable Transportation"
• Innovations in Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety and Facility Maintenance
• Novel Approaches to Understanding, Measuring, and Addressing Equity
• Using Innovative Geospatial Technologies to Improve you Asset Management Systems
• Implementation of Agile Methods at MassDOTs Highway Division
• Innovative Interchange Safety and Congestion Solutions
• Opening Plenary and Luncheon Keynotes
The event is open to all transportation practitioners from federal, state, and local transportation agencies, Metropolitan Planning Organizations, transit agencies, academia, and private industry.
May 2 • 7:30AM - 4:30PM, May 3 • 7:30AM - 2:45PM • DCU Center, Worcester, MA
This event is accessible to people with disabilities and individuals with limited English proficiency. If you need a reasonable accommodation (such as American Sign Language Interpreters, assistive listening devices, handouts in alternate formats, etc.) and/or language assistance (such as translated documents or an interpreter) to fully participate, please contact Brenda Codella at admin@umasstransportationcenter.org or 413-545-2604 at least 14 days prior to the event. Such services are provided free of charge.
Cancellation policy: If you are unable to attend, please cancel your registration. Cancellations within a week of the event will not be refunded.
Meet the Speakers

Gina Fiandaca
Massachusetts Transportation Secretary and CEO
About Gina Fiandaca
Victoria Sheehan
Executive director of the Transportation Research Board of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
About Victoria Sheehan
Jonathan Gulliver
Highway Administrator, MassDOT
About Jonathan Gulliver
Reach Your Target Market at the Transportation Innovation Conference!
The annual MassDOT Transportation Innovation Conference provides a forum for innovative transportation systems, management ideas, and initiatives. The conference is an important opportunity for transportation practitioners to share knowledge, sponsor peer-to-peer learning, and collaborate on issues of mutual interest.
Attendees will participate and learn about the exciting infrastructure investments being made by MassDOT and new innovative methods and technologies in transportation; meet and network with other transportation professionals!
The event is open to all transportation practitioners from federal, state, and local transportation agencies, Metropolitan Planning Organizations, transit agencies, academia, and private industry.
The annual MassDOT Transportation Innovation Conference attracts transportation professionals from across New England seeking the latest information on innovative technologies, designs and practices.
This event will be an invaluable opportunity for state, MPO/local, transit agencies, researchers, human service agency staff, advocates, planners, and private sector practitioners to share ideas, sponsor peer-to-peer learning, and collaborate on issues of mutual interest.
The conference runs from 7:30AM to 4:30PM on May 2 and 7:30AM to 2:45PM on May 3, 2023.
A GOLD Level Sponsor receives a parklet space, skirted table, chair, and the following:
One additional complimentary attendee registration
Your logo will also be included on:
• Event website (including link to sponsor’s website)
• Emails and direct mail marketing materials
• Event brochure that is distributed the morning of the event
• Conference slide show that is played throughout the event in the main ballroom
• Company banner displayed in main ballroom
• Session agenda signs outside each meeting room
Cost: $3,500.00
A SILVER Level Sponsor receives booth space, skirted table, chair, and the following:
Your logo will also be included on:
• Event website (including link to sponsor’s website)
• Emails and direct mail marketing materials
• Event brochure that is distributed the morning of the event.
• Conference slide show that is played throughout the event in the main ballroom.
Cost: $1,750.00
A BRONZE Level Sponsor receives booth space, skirted table, chair, and the following:
Your logo will also be included on:
• Event website (including link to sponsor’s website)
• Event brochure that is distributed the morning of the event.
• Conference slide show played throughout the event in the main ballroom.
Cost: $1000.00
FOR-PROFIT Fees include an exhibit booth and one complimentary conference registration, continental breakfast, lunch and breaks. Exhibitor assistants must pre-register online at $150.00 each.
Includes an exhibit booth. Each agency attendee must pre-register online for the conference at $75.00 each. Non-Profit agencies interested in being a sponsor must pay regular sponsor fees.
Includes an exhibit booth. Each agency attendee must pre-register online for the conference at $75.00 each. Government agencies interested in being a sponsor must pay regular sponsor fees.
Online registration is now available. Click on the "Sponsor Fees" tab at the top of the page. Registration forms can also be emailed to donnelly@umass.edu.
Questions can be directed to Kathryn Donnelly at the UMass Transportation One Center - (413) 230-6791.
First floor layout
Booth choice will be given to Gold Level Sponsors first, then Silver, then Bronze, then Exhibitors in order of paid registrations.
• 8 foot skirted table, one chair and one waste paper basket
• Additional chairs are available on request, depending on the number of attendees that your organization registers.
• Indicate any special considerations and requests, including electrical outlets.
Exhibitors/Sponsors will be required to pay for any exhibit-specific audiovisual equipment, such as a table-top or free-standing TV-VCR. Please contact the UMTC at 413-545-2604, for specific equipment costs.
Exhibitors can SET UP on May 1 - 11:00am-4:00pm and on May 2 between 6:00am and 7:45am.
Dismantling of exhibits may not occur prior to 2:45 pm on May 3.
Exhibitors MUST enter through Door 4 on Major Taylor Blvd. prior to show hours.
Arrangements may be made for shipment and storage of exhibitor displays to The DCU Center prior to the conference. There will be handling charges depending on the weight of the package(s). Should you need to ship items to The DCU Center for use during your event, please address the boxes as follows:
Guest Name (or the person who will be on site)
Your Company Name / MassDOT Transportation Innovation Conference, The DCU Center, 50 Foster St, Worcester, MA 01608
2023 Transportation Innovation Conference Schedule
TUESDAY, MAY 2, 2023
7:30 AM – 8:30 AM - Registration/First Floor Exhibit Hall - Sponsors/Exhibitors, Equipment, Demos, Cycle Track, Vendor Showcase, and Technology Innovations
8:00 AM - 8:30 AM - Networking (Coffee/Breakfast)
8:30 AM - 9:15 AM - Opening Plenary
Innovative Practices Used In MassDOT’s Statewide Long Range Transportation Plan, Beyond Mobility - Room A/B
Moderator: Liz Williams, MassDOT
Derek Krevat, MassDOT
Christine Trearchis, VHB
Hannah Santiago, Cambridge Systematics
Krevat, Trearchis, Santiago Presentation
This panel will highlight innovative best practices used by the project team for MassDOT's Statewide Long Range Transportation Plan, entitled Beyond Mobility, in the areas of assessing transportation needs through using data on equity and public engagement. MassDOT’s Project Manager for the Plan, Derek Krevat, will cover the development of a holistic transportation equity data layer called “Regional Environmental Justice Plus" (REJ+) and the development of data-driven problem statements that form the structure of the Plan. Hannah Santiago, the Plan’s Project Manager from Cambridge Systematics, will discuss how innovative public engagement methods were used to document needs and opportunities from targeted demographic groups. Christine Trearchis from VHB will discuss the needs assessment performed for the Plan using quantitative analysis of a variety of transportation needs. Liz Williams, MassDOT Office of Transportation Planning’s Director of Data and Policy, will moderate this session.
National Approaches in Bridge Technologies and Programs - Room C
Moderator: Genesis PozDiaz, MassDOT Highway
Tiffany Card, Green International Affiliates
Michael Cruz, Green International Affiliates
Guy Nelson and Theresa O’Riorden, Valmont Industries
Nicolas Betancur, HDR
Betancur Presentation, Cruz-Card Presentation, Nelson-O'Riorden Presentation
By applying innovative bridge technology many DOTs are launching bridge pilot programs that not only eliminate the number of closed, serious, or critical bridges throughout the state, but also improve the ability to reduce construction time and optimize economic opportunities. Another piece of current bridge technology includes ultra-lightweight foamed glass aggregate (UL-FGA) as a lightweight technology that is presented in the context of bridge approach design. Come and learn how these innovative bridge criteria and techniques have been implemented.
ACEC Panel: Getting the Most Bang for your Engineering Bucks - Room D
Moderator: Carrie Lavallee, Chief Engineer, MassDOT Highway
Maureen Chlebek, McMahon, a Bowman Company
Carrie Lavallee, MassDOT Highway
Robert Galvin, Attorney representing municipalities, Galvin and Galvin, PC
Lavallee, Chlebek, Galvin Presentation
In this panel session, we will delve into the benefits of using Qualifications-Based Selection (QBS) for procuring Architectural and Engineering (A&E) services, focusing on maximizing the long-term benefits of public projects. Our expert panelists will discuss the QBS procurement process, its legal mandate, and how it emphasizes experience and technical expertise over the lowest cost. Drawing from a recent ACEC study, the audience will learn how to optimize your engineering procurement and make informed decisions that can significantly impact the construction and life cycle costs of public projects.
Advancing Road Safety Through Innovative Approaches and Technologies - Room E (hybrid)
Moderator: Jackie DeWolfe, MassDOT Highway
Stacey Schwartz, MassDOT Highway
Jim Terlizzi, MassDOT Highway
Dakota DelSignore, MassDOT Highway
Kirsten Johnson, MassDOT Highway
Kevin Fitzgerald, MassDOT Highway
Schwartz, Terlizzi, DelSignore, Johnson, Fitzgerald Presentation
Session Recording
This session explores groundbreaking strategies and technologies aimed at enhancing road safety and reducing fatalities and serious injuries. Attendees will learn about MassDOT's new approach to safety, as outlined in the 2023 Strategic Highway Safety Plan, and the implementation of the Vulnerable Roadway User Assessment. Come discover how state-of-the-art methods and technologies are revolutionizing road safety management and promoting a safer transportation environment for all users.
GIS Data Development Using Geospatial Technology Advancements - Junior Ballroom
Moderator: Charles Major, MassDOT
Thomas Hayes and Rachel Leonardo, Town of Burlington
Mitch Stephens and Patrick Broussard, PMG Software Professionals
Steven Andrews, CTPS
Andrews Presentation, Hayes-Leonardo Presentation, Stephens-Broussard Presentation
We hope you will join us for an informative session showcasing emergent GIS technologies that enable transportation professionals to accessibly improve, audit, and connect transportation data. GIS technology is at the forefront of these presentations that will demonstrate the building-out of transportation management systems and the improvement of transparency, through the development of open-source tools and roadway inventory attribute platform that allows for data collection in real world field conditions.
Vendor Showcase - Exhibit Hall
Presenters:Art Baker, Indus
Bill Scully, Kimley Horn
10:30 AM – 11:00 AM - Break/First Floor Exhibit Hall - Sponsors/Exhibitors, Equipment, Demos, Cycle Track, Technology Innovations, and Research Posters
Approaches and Lessons Learned in Multi-Modal Investments to Support Equity and Economic Growth in Municipalities - Room A/B
Moderator: Pete Sutton, MassDOT
Michelle Danila, Toole Design
Stephen Meuse, City of Cambridge
Andreas Wolfe, City of Cambridge
Chris Balerna, Kleinfelder
William McGrath, BETA Group
Joshua Ostroff, Natick CRT Advisory Committee, & City of Newton
James Errickson, Town of Natick
Conor Semler and Meredyth Sanders, Kittelson and Associates
Danilla, Wolfe, Meuse Presentation, McGrath Presentation, Sanders-Semler Presentation
Multi-modal investments are a critical tool for promoting equity and economic growth in municipalities. These investments seek to improve accessibility and connectivity within and between communities by integrating various modes of transportation, such as walking, cycling, utilizing transit, and driving. These presentations will range from lessons learned on building a bicycle network to the impact of transportation equity on economic development. Come discover how by prioritizing equity, developing a comprehensive transportation plan, leveraging funding sources, using data-driven decision-making, and planning for the long-term, municipalities can make strategic investments that benefit their communities for years to come.
Sustainable Infrastructure in Natural Environment - Room C
Moderator: Samantha Dolabany, MassDOT Highway
David Paulsen, MassDOT Highway
Roy Schiff, SLR Consulting
Jeff Finitz, Dewberry
Richard Tobin, GEI
Thomas Graupensperger, Dewberry
Graupensperger Presentation, Paulsen, Schiff, Finitz, Tobin Presentation
DOTs are creating a more resilient transportation infrastructure by including the reduction of future damages through innovative assessments and design practices where river-road conflicts exist. Through the Massachusetts River and Roads Training Program, hundreds of attendees have learned about river shape and processes, resilient infrastructure design, and necessary permitting processes. Join in on the discussion of this training and how implementing nature-based features can result in a more cost-effective, sustainable infrastructure restoration for the near-and-long-term.
Scenario Planning - Preparing for an Uncertain Future - Room D
Moderator: Meghan Haggerty, MassDOT
John Kaliski, Cambridge Systematics
Derek Krevat, MassDOT
Timothy Reardon, Metropolitan Area Planning Council
Steven Tupper, Cape Cod Commission
Kaliski Presentation, Krevat Presentation, Reardon Presentation, Tupper Presentation
Rapidly evolving demographics, economics, technologies, environmental conditions, and customer needs are creating disruptions, risks, and uncertainties for transportation agencies. Many agencies are using techniques such as scenario planning and agile decision-making to adapt policies, plans, and programs to these uncertainties. This session will share examples of recent national, statewide, regional, and local processes and lessons that could be applied in your community.
The Driving Years - How the MassDOT Highway Division and the RMV are "Promoting Safe & Equitable Transportation" - Room E (hybrid)
Moderator: Nancy Cox, MassDOT Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV)
Sara Lavoie, MassDOT
Kara Brothers, MassDOT
Gene Carabine, MassDOT RMV
Sonja Singleton, MassDOT RMV
Michele Ellicks, MassDOT RMV
Lavoie, Brothers, Carabine, Singleton, Ellicks Presentation
Session Recording (Incomplete)
Attendees will hear about the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles’ (RMV) new highly interactive website for first time drivers and their parents/guardians. The website drives the user through the experience while providing helpful safety tips, messages, and videos. Attendees will also hear about how the RMV driver’s manual is placing a greater focus on safety and a more direct approach to the privileges and responsibilities of safe driving and sharing the road; what is being done to educate and raise awareness for motorcyclists and drivers; the work the RMV is doing to develop a public-facing Citation Data Portal to provide safety stakeholders with the data needed to enhance safety and equity; and how age-related changes can impact a person’s ability to drive safely and how you can support older driver safety and mobility.
Rapid Bridge Replacement: Innovations in Accelerated Bridge Construction - Junior Ballroom
Moderator: Jean-Pierre Telemaque, MassDOT
Jake Williams, Benesch
Robert Elliott, CDR Maguire
Preston Huckabee, Gill Engineering Associates
Elliott - Huckabee Presentation, Williams Presentation
This session will present two case studies focusing on innovative ways to rapidly replace bridges using Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) techniques. Learn how Tennessee DOT minimized traffic impacts by replacing two vehicular bridges and a dual track railroad bridge in the seismically active New Madrid Seismic Zone. Comparatively, MassDOT’s Acceler-8 project combined design-build contracting and ABC techniques to complete the procurement, design, and construction of eight bridges on I-90 in under two years. Both presentations will highlight innovative project delivery, design, construction, and key lessons learned throughout the process.
Vendor Showcase - Exhibit Hall
Theresa Loux, Aero Aggregates
1:45 PM – 2:00 PM - Break/First Floor Exhibit Hall - Sponsors/Exhibitors, Equipment, Demos, Cycle Track, Vendor Showcase, Technology Innovations, and Research Posters
Technology Applications with Driver & Pedestrian Safety - Room A/B, (2:00 PM - 2:45 PM)
Moderator: Derek Shooster, MassDOT
Ronald Hartman, VHB
Corey O’Connor, MassDOT Highway
Hartman-O'Connor Presentation
The Federal Highway Administration’s zero deaths vision acknowledges that even one death on our transportation system is unacceptable. In-line with this MassDOT has initiated a pilot project aimed at decreasing the fatalities associated with wrong-way driving. The project location focuses on a certain number of limited access highway off-ramps across the state. This session will provide an overview of MassDOT's first Wrong-Way Vehicle Detection (WWVD) system, including real-life videos, safety improvement updates for equipped locations, and plans for future deployments.
Innovations in Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety and Facility Maintenance - Room E (hybrid)
Moderator: Aanchal Gupta, MassDOT Highway
Megan Mello, Kittelson & Associates
Lorenzo Varone, MassDOT Highway
Charlotte Mays, MassDOT Highway
Rachel O’Donnell, Massachusetts Safe Routes to School
Mello-Varone Presentation, Mays-O'Donnell Presentation
Discover how DOTs in the Northeast are improving walking and bicycling safety and assessing infrastructure conditions. Learn how technological innovation is increasing access to these modes of transportation and to critical information concerning trail conditions, safe routes to school, and pedestrian safety. All these presentations will convey the importance of collecting and delivering up-to-date bicycle and pedestrian data in a systematic and streamlined way to benefit the public.
Vendor Showcase - Exhibit Hall
Anna Luciano, Nitsch Engineering
Timothy Letton, GPI
Mike Giacco, AI Engineers, Inc.
Poster Session -Exhibit Hall
Attend this poster session and talk with presenters to learn more about innovative, cutting-edge research on the following topics.
* Using Technology to Support Transportation Equity
Amy Tibbetts, Kimley-Horn & Northeastern University
* Powering the Transition to Zero Emissions Trucks through Infrastructure
Bryan Pounds, McKinsey & Company
* Evaluation of Driver and Pedestrian Comprehension of the Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon
Angelina Caggiano, UMass Amherst
* Community & Isolation among Latinx Migrant Workers in Vermont: A Study on Transportation Access
Julia Lanz Duret-Hernandez, University of Vermont
* Designing Safer Intersections for Bicyclists: A Study of Bike Boxes & Two-Stage Queue Boxes
Dewan Tanvir Ahammed, UMass Amherst
* Outdoor Information Panels Program to Convey Real-Time Travel Information for Ridership Recovery
Guocheng Jiang, UMass Amherst
* A Framework for the Integration of Uncrewed Aerial Systems (UAS) Technology for Road Safety Investigations
Holly Russell, UMass Amherst
* Assessment of Sustainable Concrete Using Carbon Black Dust as an Additive Mixture
Pravar Parashar, UMass Amherst
* Measuring Access to Food: Application in Massachusetts
Efthymia Kostopoulou, UMass Amherst
and more.
New Technology to Improve Traffic Management - Room A/B
Moderator: Bianca Marshall, MassDOT Highway
Camden White, Econolite
Nikola Mitrovic, CHA Companies
Britton Johnson, Kimley-Horn
White Presentation, Mitrovic Presentation
Collecting and maintaining the relevant and appropriate traffic data through ITS systems allows for effective analysis. Attendees will listen and learn how ITS platforms, traffic management systems and cloud-based solutions are being deployed. Learn how the future of smart mobility technologies and the Advanced Traffic Management Systems (ATMS) will help move traffic across busy arterials by monitoring and employing intersection controllers. Additionally, insights from the Virginia Department of Transportation's (VDOT) data-driven Variable Speed Limit (VSL) system on I-95 will be shared, detailing its innovative maintenance and monitoring aspects.
Environmental and Natural Environment with GIS - Room C (Part 1)
Moderator: Timothy Dexter, MassDOT Highway
Sara Barnum, BSC Group
Sara Kreisel , BSC Group
David Paulson, MassDOT Highway
Debra Darby, Tetra Tech
Utilizing GIS, MassDOT has enhanced its ability to follow Federal guidelines and regulations. Attendees will learn how MassDOT is working to minimize the impacts to the long-eared bat (an endangered species) by performing bridge assessments and presence/absence surveys across the state. At the same time, MassDOT’s Highway Division Landscaping Design Section has been focusing on improving vegetative growth and reducing stormwater runoff and erosion, by expanding the use of compost in a variety of roadside applications. The ability to use GIS for information gathering on both of these projects added to their efficient and effective implementation now and in the future.
Harnessing Drones and AI for Enhanced Transportation Data Collection - Room D
Moderator: Chris Bailey MassDOT Aeronautics
Robin Grace, MassDOT Aeronautics
Kevin Ahearn, AECOM
Adam Sloat, BSC Group
Alex Tetreault, Collins Engineers, Inc
Wing Wong, Kimley-Horn
Wong Presentation, Grace Presentation, Ahearn Presentation, Sloat Presentation, Tetreault Presentation
In this session, we will explore how drone technology and artificial intelligence are revolutionizing data collection in the transportation sector. Our expert panel will discuss MassDOT's implementation of drones to improve design and inspection processes, sharing lessons learned and three use cases highlighting the benefits of drone technology. Additionally, we will examine the pioneering work of Kimley-Horn in utilizing drone video and AI software to enhance the safety audits of roundabouts, offering new perspectives and greater accuracy in data analysis. Learn about the innovative applications of these cutting-edge technologies and their potential to set new standards in transportation data collection and analysis.
Novel Approaches to Understanding, Measuring, and Addressing Equity - Room E (hybrid)
Moderator: Liz Williams, MassDOT
Nicolette Hastings, VHB
Alex Moscovitz, VHB
Isabel Almeida, United Way of Western Connecticut
Tim Garvin, United Way of Central Massachusetts
Almeida-Garvin Presentation, Hastings-Moscovitz Presentation
Session Recording
During this presentation, we will highlight the successful use of VHB’s Healthy Mobility Model on MassDOT’s Route 128/I-95 Land Use and Transportation Study, including for conducting a Community Health Risk Assessment. This session will also feature a presentation on United Way’s ‘United for ALICE’ project. United For ALICE is a driver of innovation, research, and action to improve life across the country for ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) populations. This presentation will describe the work that the United Way of Central Massachusetts is doing to champion equity across the region and detail the overlaps with the transportation sector and review the Worcester Together initiative that sought to provide assistance and relief to vulnerable populations during the COVID-19 pandemic.
UMTC Reception at Transportation Innovation Conference: 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Free Networking Reception with Complimentary Appetizers & Cash Bar
For All Registered Attendees
7:30 AM – 9:00 AM -- Registration/First Floor Exhibit Hall - Sponsors/Exhibitors, Equipment, Demos, Cycle Track, Vendor Showcase, Technology Innovations, and Research Posters
8:00 AM - 9:15 AM – Networking (Coffee/Breakfast)
Innovative Intersection Safety - Room A/B
Moderator: James Danila, MassDOT Highway
Matt Picanso, VHB
Angela Dempsey, VHB
Corey O’Connor, MassDOT Highway
Joseph Herr, VHB
Smith Siromaskul and Will Hume, HDR
Dempsey-Picanso-O'Connor Presentation, Herr Presentation, Siromaskul-Hume Presentation
Advances in technology are equipping transportation practitioners with valuable tools to increase safety at traffic intersections and in-turn better serve communities. Attendees will learn about MassDOT’s upgrade of certain signalized intersections, focusing on cellular-based communications to allow remote monitoring and control and enhanced data collection. Attendees will learn the commonalities behind certain treatments and the hurdles of public involvement and acceptance as well as shortcomings in existing standards, safety research, and analysis methods that can further complicate implementation. Attendees will also learn about the Advanced Transportation Controller (ATC) Standard development process, information on the capabilities of and technologies used for the ATC platform, and the current state of the practice in the platform and use on transportation projects.
Research-Based Concrete - Room C
Moderator: Jason Robertson, MassDOT Highway
Dayou Luo and Jianqiang Wei, UMass Lowell
Kara Peterman and Sergio Breña, UMass Amherst
Amirhossein Madadi, UMass Lowell
Lou-Wei Presentation, Peterman-Brena Presentation, Madadi-Wei Presentation
Concrete, one of the most widely used materials for bridge and sidewalk construction, can be compromised and is susceptible to cracking, if exposed to certain other materials. The transportation infrastructure, specifically bridges and sidewalks, continue to use concrete for physical and mechanical properties. Slowing down and preventing the cracks through frequent maintenance to these concrete forms can save money, time and improve safety. Attendees will learn what preventative; innovative research has happened to mitigate this deterioration in the Commonwealth.
Prioritizing Transit on Roadways - Room D
Moderator: Jonathan Church, MassDOT
Ruochang Huang, Jacobs
Jay Jackson, MTBA
Alex Hallowell, MBTA
Gwen Griffin, Nelson\Nygaard
Sandra Clarey, McMahon, a Bowman Company
Huang-Jackson Presentation, Jackson-Clarey-Griffin Presentation
This session will explore the critical role of bus service in recovering ridership, promoting equity, and achieving climate goals, as well as the challenges faced in implementing transit priority technologies. Attendees will be introduced to the MBTA's Bus Priority Toolkit, designed to codify local and national best practices and streamline project planning and implementation for better bus service in Greater Boston. Discussion will also include the development of a data-driven, automated, and scalable performance measurement strategy for Transit Signal Priority (TSP) technology in collaboration with local municipalities. Learn about the guidelines, specifications, and algorithms developed to analyze high-resolution signal data, assess TSP performance, and monitor its impact on transit performance in the region.
Using Innovative Geospatial Technologies to Improve Asset Management Systems - Room E (hybrid)
Moderator: Jack Moran and Sam Langeleh, MassDOT Highway
Becca Gallas, North Carolina DOT
Gary Waters, ESRI
Eric Rodenberg, ESRI
Annie Bastoni, VHB
Joseph Baker, RIDOT
Allison Hamel, RIDOT
Aaron Silvia, MassDOT Highway
Bastoni-Hamel Presentation, Waters Presentation, Gallas Presentation
Successful asset management is critical to the safety, efficiency, and utility of transportation agencies at all levels. Innovative technology helps drive these efforts by streamlining processes and strengthening information systems that incorporate a wide range of infrastructure. Please join this exciting presentation to learn about the implementation of two leading geospatial technologies. Hear from our North Carolina DOT speaker about the use of ArTEMIS, an advanced AI and ML-based digital twin of its highway system and the impact it has had on operational and strategic needs. Additionally, the session will discuss use cases from the Rhode Island and Massachusetts DOTs on the benefits and efficiencies of VueWorks, a web-based and geospatially enabled asset management tool.
Environmental & Natural Environment with GIS - Junior Ballroom (Part 2)
Moderator: George Batchelor, MassDOT Highway
Nahad Helmi, Geonetics, a BSC Company
Michael Hanley and Peter Garvey, Dewberry
Helmi Presentation, Hanley-Garvey Presentation
As the severity of weather-related disasters continue to increase, being able to mitigate stormwater runoff and flash floods remains a priority. There continues to be a strong need to identify current technologies that locate site specific measures as well as save time and money. Two ways GIS is being used to evolve mitigating strategies including a tool that identifies the site-specific locations of green stormwater infrastructure in communities. Another way that complements GIS platforms is using smartphones and crowd sourcing to improve the understanding of transportation system flooding and management. Attendees will learn how both of these techniques prevent future damage and also foster more community involvement.
10:30 AM – 11:00 AM - Break/First Floor Exhibit Hall - Sponsors/Exhibitors, Equipment, Demos, Cycle Track, Vendor Showcase, Technology Innovations, and Research Posters
Promoting Safe and Equitable Transportation through Bus Stop Improvements - Room A/B
Moderator: Rachel Fichtenbaum, MassDOT Rail & Transit
Paul Burns, Pioneer Valley Transit Authority
James Fuccione, Mass. Healthy Aging Collaborative
Rauley Caine, Berkshire Regional Transit Authority
Burns, Fuccione, Caine Presentation
The bus stop plays an important role in the transit rider experience and can be an opportunity for municipal staff and transit authorities to collaborate. Around Massachusetts, Regional Transit Authorities have taken steps to improve the customer experience at bus stops. A panel will highlight a variety of approaches to bus stop improvements.
Implementing Novel Bridge Technologies Moderator - Room C
Moderator: Alyson Bedard, MassDOT Highway
Aidan Provost, UMass Amherst
Joshua D. Pudleiner, AECOM
Pudleiner Presentation, Provost Presentation
Due to the design nature of bridges, certain aspects of them can be exposed to the elements and maintenance material (road salt) on a regular basis. Cables on suspension bridges and steel beams have proven to corrode faster than other parts of the bridges. Attendees will learn the advantages and challenges of utilizing scanning technology as a means of corroded steel bridge beam inspection and what’s being done to prevent further deterioration in the cables of suspension bridges.
Enhancing Safety and Efficiency with Geospatial Technologies and Mobile LiDAR - Room D
Moderator: Guy Rezendes, MassDOT Highway
Page Tucker, ProStar
Andrew Clevenger, KCI
Bruce Marquis, VHB
Marquis Presentation, Tucker Presentation
This session will discuss the benefits of geospatial technologies for utility location and mobile LiDAR in improving safety and expediting survey schedules. It will cover how precise geospatial locations of buried utilities can improve safety operations and overall business operations, key technical and operational elements in implementing a precision subsurface mapping solution, and real-world examples from construction companies, government agencies, and national Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) firms. Additionally, it will explore how mobile LiDAR was used to overcome the challenges of a compressed schedule and compromised safety during the reconstruction of a 20-mile portion of State Route 22A, resulting in the survey of 40 miles of roadway in just 120 minutes.
Implementation of Agile Methods at MassDOTs Highway Division - Room E (hybrid)
Moderator: Meghan Haggerty, MassDOT
Susan Harrington, MassDOT Highway
Walter Lynch, MassDOT Highway
Timothy Dexter, MassDOT Highway
Genesis PozDiaz, MassDOT Highway
Amy Getchell, MassDOT Highway
Kayla Sousa, MassDOT Highway
A panel of Highway Scrum Masters will educate attendees on the successful implementation of Agile methodology in the Highway Division by sharing their insights, experiences, and outcomes. The session will focus on establishing and communicating current state; identifying improvement opportunities; creating and implementing solutions; and building a culture of internal and external collaboration.
Harnessing Adaptive Signal Control for Efficient Traffic Management - Junior Ballroom
Moderator: David Soares, MassDOT Highway
Nikola Mitrovic, CHA Companies
Britton Johnson, Kimley-Horn
Johnson Presentation, Mitovic-Espino Presentation
This session will focus on the implementation and optimization of adaptive signal control technology (ASCT) for improving traffic flow and safety in urban areas. Attendees will learn about the successful deployment of ASCT in Maricopa County, including its benefits, challenges, and lessons learned. Additionally, a data-driven tool for ranking intersections and corridors based on their appropriateness for ASCT installation will be presented, providing a valuable resource for transportation agencies looking to adopt adaptive control strategies. Join us to discover how ASCT can transform traffic management, enhance mobility, and contribute to sustainable urban transportation solutions.
1:15 PM – 1:30 PM – Break/First Floor Exhibit Hall - Sponsors/Exhibitors, Equipment, Demos, Cycle Track, Vendor Showcase, Technology Innovations, and Research Posters
Planning for Electrification of Agency Fleets - Room A/B
Moderator: Ellie McCarthy, MassDOT Rail & Transit
Lilly Picchione, WSP
Dennis Lipka, Worcester Regional Transit Authority
MassDOT contractor WSP will present their work helping Regional Transit Authorities (RTAs) plan for electrification and transitioning bus services away from combustion. This panel will review recent assessments for the near-term potential of electrifying Fixed-Route service blocks across the 15 RTA networks using a physics-based modeling tool, BOLT. The work assesses performance under a variety of temperature and HVAC assumptions and vehicle lengths. Although substantial Fixed-Route modelling has been undertaken on behalf of transit properties, assessments related to the potential electrification of Demand Response services remain relatively uncommon. The panel will also discuss other key considerations for transition planning, including highlights from an RTA currently implementing battery electric buses.
Complex Bridges Require Advanced Solutions - Room C
Moderator: Rob Rottenbucher, MassDOT Highway
Mike LaViolette and Charles Swanson, HDR
Michael Scott and William Goulet, STV Incorporated
LaViolette-Swanson Presentation, Scott-Goulet Presentation
Accelerated bridge construction projects can be both cost-effective and time-efficient. As this process has evolved, come learn about two specific examples that utilized this process and added an innovative aspect to it. One project involved accelerated construction techniques for bridge rehabilitation for a short duration rail closure. The other project involved moving the network tied arch superstructure from the assembly area to its final location, including a short closure of I-94 in Detroit.
Embracing Smart Technologies and Data for Sustainable and Equitable Communities - Room D
Moderator: Bob Frey, MassDOT
Curt Ostrodka, VHB
Caroline Ducas, VHB
Raymond Dominguez, Dewberry
Rebecca Neilon, Dewberry
Arthur Getman, Replica
Samantha Dixon, 1Spatial
Ostrodka-Ducas Presentation, Dixon Presentation, Dominguez-Neilon-Getman Presentation
This session will bring together three presentations focusing on how smart technologies, smartphone data, and automated conflation can improve transportation planning, public engagement, and data management. Presentations will highlight smart city technologies and programs being used by municipalities today, along with a strategic planning process for technology-driven smart community development; the benefits of using smartphone data for transportation planning, public engagement, and securing funding, with real-world examples from the Replica tool; and lastly this session will discuss MassDOT's partnership with 1Spatial to automate the conflation process, allowing multiple road centerline networks to be managed within one Linear Referencing System (LRS).
Innovative Interchange Safety and Congestion Solutions- Room E (hybrid)
Moderator: Lori Shattuck, MassDOT Highway
Scott Himes, VHB
Alexandra Siu,HNTB
Joseph Frawley, MassDOT Highway
Himes Presentation, Siu-Frawley Presentation
Session Recording
This session showcases innovative strategies for addressing safety and congestion issues at highway interchanges. It highlights a phased approach to improvements at the I-495 at I-290/Route 85 Connector interchange, focusing on efficient design and implementation. Additionally, attendees will be introduced to a new FHWA tool for planning-level safety analysis of alternative interchange configurations. Discover how these methods and tools not only streamline the design process but also enable better decision-making for safer, more efficient interchanges that cater to long-term transportation needs.
SWAG Meeting (open to outside attendees) - Junior Ballroom
Moderator: Jose Simo, MassDOT
Tatum Thomas, MassDOT
Matthew MacNabb, MBTA
Liz Williams, MassDOT
Carl Hughes, MassDOT
Faine Greenwood, MassDOT Aeronautics
Tito Sanchez, BETA Group
You don’t want to miss this exciting session!!! Everyone is invited!
There will be trivia questions with prizes and an open forum brain teaser session as well as refreshments and mingle time.
The Geospatial Technology group at MassDOT created a forum for GIS users called SWAG (Spatial Website Analysis Group) to share applications, analysis and ideas that use GIS technology, either on our GeoDOT platform or in a standalone space that could be integrated with our platform. We are now looking to elevate this forum to a large-scale collaborative venue like the Innovation Conference, to allow the greater GIS community to share how they are innovating and building new and exciting GIS tools.
2:45 PM Conference Adjourns

The DCU Center
The Convention Center has 100,310 square feet of exhibit space, 23,636 square feet in 11 meeting rooms, and a 12,144 square foot ballroom, (the largest in Central Massachusetts). The DCU Center is designed and sized specifically for the professional fulfillment, comfort and budget of small to large-sized conventions, meetings, social events and trade shows.
• 58,960 square feet of contiguous Exhibition Space
• 2 Ballrooms
• 11 Meeting Rooms (inclusive of Ballrooms)
• 2 Lounges
• Exquisite Pre-function Space
• Superb In-house Catering
• Separate Entrances for all Exhibit Halls
• Utility Floor Boxes located on 30-ft. centers
• Sophisticated Communication and Utility Services
• Electric: 120, 208 and 480 volt
• Water In and Out
• Compressed Air
• Voice, Video, CATV, Telephone and Data Communication
• Satellite Down-Link Capabilities
• Adjustable Lighting Levels
• 3 Access Doors that provide direct entry for large semis and other equipment onto Exhibit Hall floor
• Floor Load: Exhibition Hall - 350 pounds per square feet
Ballrooms & Meeting Rooms - 100 pounds per square feet
• Ceiling heights:
Exhibit Hall-30'
Jr. Ballroom-14'8"
• Meeting Rooms-13'6", Showcase Corner-36'
• Dock Height: 4' with adjustable dock levelers
• Handicap Accessible
Area Hotels
Hilton Garden Inn
35 Major Taylor Blvd, Worcester, MA 01608
Phone: (508) 753-5700
Courtyard Worcester
72 Grove St, Worcester, MA 01605
Phone: (508) 363-0300
Holiday Inn Express
110 Summer St, Worcester, MA 01608
Phone: (508) 757-0400
AC Hotel by Marriott Worcester
125 Front St, Worcester, MA 01608
Phone: (774) 420-7555
First Name | Affiliation |
Yafet | Cambridge Rindge & Latin School |
Dennis | HNTB Corporation |
Dennis | WSP (MA) |
Thierry Henry | Cambridge Rindge & Latin School |
Angela | Southeastern Regional Vocational Technical High School |
Edward | Benesch (MA) |
Richard | Tighe & Bond (Woburn) |
Aaron | SPS New England, Inc. |
Robert | All States Materials Group |
Russ | Blackstone Valley Regional Vocational Technical High School |
Taylor | HNTB Corporation |
Jayden | Salem High School |
Aiden | Salem High School |
Joe | HNTB Corporation |
Genevieve | Michael Baker International (CT) |
Mara | Jacobs |
Adam | Infrasense, Inc |
Yoniel | Salem High School |
Wayne | Haley & Aldrich |
Todd | Indus Inc. |
Don | VHB |
Eddie | Southeastern Regional Vocational Technical High School |
Scott | Gannett Fleming TranSystems |
Nichole | Hoyle, Tanner & Associates, Inc. (NH) |
Matthew | Esri (CA) |
John | GPI (MA) |
Jackson | Blackstone Valley Regional Vocational Technical High School |
Jennifer | Stantec (Burlington MA) |
Karen | WSP (MA) |
Dyllan | Salem High School |
Elijah | Cambridge Rindge & Latin School |
Stephen | Nitsch Engineering |
Robert | CHA Consulting, Inc. (NH) |
Maeghan | Cambridge Rindge & Latin School |
James | Apex Companies, LLC (Woburn) |
Jarian | Salem High School |
Evan | Cambridge Rindge & Latin School |
Susan | Dewberry |
Nick | BL Companies |
John | STV Group |
Mustafa | Cambridge Rindge & Latin School |
Linda | Valmont Structures, Inc. (NE) |
Ray | Howard Stein Hudson (HSH) |
Walter | Pare Corporation (RI) |
James | Felix A. Marino Co., Inc. |
Bill | EJ USA, Inc. (OH) |
Ko | Green International Affiliates |
Heather | HDR |
James | HDR |
Mohammad | Cambridge Rindge & Latin School |
Ally | Blackstone Valley Regional Vocational Technical High School |
Kevin | Fuss & O'Neill, Inc. (Providence) |
Dylan | Datumate (MD) |
Rick | Southeastern Regional Vocational Technical High School |
Ildiko | Mott MacDonald |
Matthew | Esri (CA) |
Kim | Piaggio Fast Forward |
Grant | Cambridge Rindge & Latin School |
Farhan | Salem High School |
Fahim | Salem High School |
Christine | TEC, Inc. (Lawrence MA) |
Robert | SLR Consulting (CT) |
Constantin | Cambridge Rindge & Latin School |
Mark | HNTB Corporation |
Tracie | MassDOT Highway Division |
Christopher | Southeastern Regional Vocational Technical High School |
Tim | GPI (MA) |
Jason | United Concrete Products, Inc. (CT) |
Jeffrey | Mott MacDonald |
Widvens | Southeastern Regional Vocational Technical High School |
Theresa | Aero Aggregates of North America (PA) |
Evan | Gannett Fleming TranSystems |
Katharine | Michael Baker International (CT) |
Jose-Luis | Cambridge Rindge & Latin School |
Ryan | Indus Inc. |
John | TEC, Inc. (Lawrence MA) |
Collin | Blackstone Valley Regional Vocational Technical High School |
Jay | CONSOR Engineers, LLC |
John | Nitsch Engineering |
Matthew | Southeastern Regional Vocational Technical High School |
Christine | AI Engineers, Inc. (MA) |
Ellen | CHA Consulting, Inc.(MA) |
Jay | City Point Partners, LLC |
Keven | AECOM |
Mike | TEC, Inc. (NH) |
Aiden | Salem High School |
Michael | Blackstone Valley Regional Vocational Technical High School |
Kelly | BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office) |
Morgan | Southeastern Regional Vocational Technical High School |
Isaac | Southeastern Regional Vocational Technical High School |
Doug | Michael Baker International (CT) |
Dreamah | Southeastern Regional Vocational Technical High School |
Laureen | Brennan Consulting, Inc. |
Curtis | Southeastern Regional Vocational Technical High School |
Dennis | Stantec |
James | Salem High School |
B.B. | Salem High School |
Nuno | Southeastern Regional Vocational Technical High School |
Bob | Pexco LLC, Davidson Traffic Control Products (GA) |
William | Kimley-Horn and Associates |
Tarang | Kittelson & Associates, Inc. |
Brayden | SPS New England, Inc. |
Kristin | AECOM |
Sandra | Bryant Associates, Inc. |
Rick | Aero Aggregates of North America (PA) |
Bennett | Southeastern Regional Vocational Technical High School |
Cameron | Salem High School |
Jasmine | Green International Affiliates |
Andrea | LandTech Consultants, Inc. |
Eric | Collins Engineers, Inc. |
Lauren | ATANE Engineers, P.C. (CT) |
Jeffrey | Northeast Traffic Technologies, LLC. |
Shahvir | AI Engineers, Inc. (MA) |
Rebekah | Salem High School |
Robert | Town of Holliston Highway Department |
Guangren | Southeastern Regional Vocational Technical High School |
Brian | ATLAS Technical Consultants LLC |
Rebecca | Jacobs |
Jason | Southeastern Regional Vocational Technical High School |
Knon | AECOM |
Kenneth | FHWA (MA) |
Joshua | FHWA (MA) |
Emily | FHWA (MA) |
Tina | FHWA (MA) |
Tomasz | FHWA (MA) |
Ken | FHWA (MA) |
Cassandra | FHWA (MA) |
Michael | FHWA (MA) |
Marco | FHWA DC |
Chris | UMass Transportation Center (UMTC) |
Chengbo | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Nick | FHI Studio (CT) |
Jeff | UMass Transportation Center (UMTC) |
Michelle | UMass Transportation Center (UMTC) |
Brenda | MassDOT District 1 |
Stephanie | UMass Transportation Center (UMTC) |
Kathryn | UMass Transportation Center (UMTC) |
Cole | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Kim | UMass Transportation Center (UMTC) |
Jennifer | UMass Transportation Center (UMTC) |
Kassandra | UMass Transportation Center (UMTC) |
Michael | UMass Transportation Center (UMTC) |
Rebecca | UMass Transportation Center (UMTC) |
Matt | UMass Transportation Center (UMTC) |
Caitlin | UMass Transportation Center (UMTC) |
Robin | UMass Transportation Center (UMTC) |
Michael | UMass Transportation Center (UMTC) |
Francis | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Aldo | UMass Transportation Center (UMTC) |
Tracy | UMass Transportation Center (UMTC) |
Kylie | BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office) |
Ian | MassDOT |
Abiola | MassDOT District 3 |
Mousumy | MassDOT District 6 |
Mariselly | MassDOT Research and Materials |
Melissa | MassDOT District 3 |
Daryl | MassDOT District 2 |
Jennifer | MassDOT |
Alan | MassDOT District 5 |
Grace | MassDOT |
Cassandra | MassDOT |
Anni | MassDOT |
Rachel | MassDOT |
Matt | MassDOT |
Noel | MassDOT District 6 |
Henry | MassDOT |
Nicholas | MassDOT |
Edward | MassDOT |
Lyris | MassDOT |
Gary | MassDOT |
Trevor | MassDOT |
Jose | MassDOT District 6 |
John | MassDOT Highway Division |
Corinna | MassDOT |
David | MassDOT Information Technology |
Stephen | MassDOT District 3 |
Sharon | MassDOT Aeronautics Division |
Jason | MassDOT |
Sasha | MassDOT District 6 |
Robbin | MassDOT |
Leslie | MassDOT Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV) |
Kishan | MassDOT |
Hema | MassDOT |
William | MassDOT |
Gary | MassDOT |
Noah | MassDOT |
Allen | MassDOT |
Matthew | MassDOT District 2 |
Justin | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Christopher | MassDOT District 2 |
Neil | MassDOT |
Stephanie | MassDOT District 3 |
Theodore | MassDOT |
Kylie | MassDOT |
Benjamin | MassDOT District 2 |
Ethan | MassDOT |
Maria | MassDOT |
Trevor | MassDOT |
Susan | MassDOT Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV) |
Patricia | MassDOT |
Christopher | MassDOT |
Catherine | MassDOT District 4 |
Anne | MassDOT |
Yong | MassDOT District 4 |
Jon | MassDOT Aeronautics Division |
James | MassDOT |
Lawrence | MassDOT |
Kenneth | MassDOT District 5 |
Anthony | MassDOT |
Aidee | MassDOT |
Andrea | MassDOT District 5 |
Dennis | MassDOT District 3 |
Tracey | MassDOT District 3 |
Kenneth | MassDOT |
Vanita | MassDOT |
Spencer | MassDOT |
Andrea | MassDOT |
Michael | MassDOT |
Loussyan | MassDOT District 2 |
Janssen | MassDOT District 5 |
Alina | MassDOT |
Maddie | MassDOT |
John | MassDOT |
Alex | MassDOT |
Michelle | MassDOT |
Anna | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Sara | MassDOT District 2 |
Kristin | MassDOT |
Ruben | MassDOT District 6 |
Stephanie | MassDOT District 4 |
David | MassDOT |
Thomas | MassDOT |
Yelena | MassDOT District 5 |
Evelyn | MassDOT |
Joe | MassDOT District 5 |
Joseph | MassDOT District 6 |
Stephanie | MassDOT District 2 |
Cheryl | MassDOT |
Foster | MassDOT |
Ian | MassDOT District 3 |
Aline | MassDOT |
Helen | MassDOT |
Thomas | MassDOT District 3 |
Phil | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Benjamin | MassDOT |
Christopher | MassDOT |
Brian | MassDOT |
Luciano | MassDOT Research and Materials |
Carlos | MassDOT District 3 |
Ana | MassDOT |
Michael | MassDOT |
E Jenny | MassDOT Highway Division |
Michael | MassDOT |
Joseph | MassDOT |
Lauren | MassDOT Highway Division |
Jonathan | MassDOT |
Elaine | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Sasha | MassDOT |
Tiffany | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Cassandra | MassDOT |
Alfrino | MassDOT |
Timothy | MassDOT District 3 |
Judith | MassDOT District 1 |
Jacquelyn | MassDOT |
Jeffrey | MassDOT District 3 |
Ross | MassDOT District 3 |
Christian | MassDOT |
Jacob | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Anu | MassDOT Information Technology |
John | MassDOT District 4 |
Mary | MassDOT |
Leah | MassDOT |
Christin | MassDOT District 3 |
Anil | MassDOT |
Abraham | MassDOT |
Tori | Massachusetts Safe Routes to School Program |
Haider | MassDOT |
Lin | MassDOT |
Shaun | MassDOT District 5 |
Laura | MassDOT District 2 |
Diane | Massachusetts Safe Routes to School Program |
Emily | MassDOT |
Madelinn | MassDOT |
Noah | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Samuel | MassDOT District 5 |
Francisca | MassDOT District 1 |
Michelle | MassDOT |
Julia | MassDOT |
Shelley | MassDOT District 3 |
Carl | MassDOT District 3 |
Janine | MassDOT |
Douglas | MassDOT |
Victoria | MassDOT District 3 |
Drashti | MassDOT District 4 |
Owen | MassDOT |
Katina | MassDOT District 2 |
Joseph | MassDOT |
Paul | MassDOT District 2 |
Eamon | MassDOT |
Nathaniel | MassDOT |
James | MassDOT |
Adam | MassDOT |
Valerie | MassDOT |
Roy | MassDOT |
Chris | MassDOT |
Chris | MassDOT |
Nancy | MassDOT District 3 |
Christine | MassDOT |
Raissah | MassDOT |
Alex | MassDOT |
Louis | MassDOT District 5 |
Joseph | MassDOT District 5 |
Bao | MassDOT District 2 |
Felix | MassDOT District 5 |
Aniko | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Daniel | MassDOT District 3 |
Oanh | MassDOT |
Shane | MassDOT District 3 |
Patricia | MassDOT |
Jonathan | MassDOT District 4 |
Koby | MassDOT |
Jon | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Melissa | MassDOT |
Jessica | MassDOT |
Olivia | MassDOT |
Josh | MassDOT District 4 |
Billie | MassDOT |
Janhavi | MassDOT |
Andrew | MassDOT District 2 |
Kevin | MassDOT |
Barry | MassDOT District 3 |
Francisco | MassDOT Highway Design |
Amy | MassDOT District 4 |
Rich | MassDOT District 5 |
James | MassDOT District 3 |
Katherine | MassDOT District 2 |
Katherin | MassDOT |
David | MassDOT District 5 |
Cindy | MassDOT District 5 |
Mike | MassDOT |
William | MassDOT |
John | MassDOT District 6 |
Kit | MassDOT |
Maxwell | MassDOT |
Justin | MassDOT |
Karl | MassDOT |
Jennifer | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Zachary | MassDOT |
Michael | MassDOT District 5 |
Jeremy | MassDOT |
Michael | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Devon | MassDOT |
Matthew | MassDOT District 2 |
Bianca | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Tara | MassDOT |
Mojtaba | MassDOT District 5 |
David | MassDOT |
Janathan | MassDOT |
Shawn | MassDOT District 5 |
Hayes | MassDOT |
Jason | MassDOT District 5 |
Benjamin | MassDOT District 6 |
Michael | MassDOT Highway Division |
Olivia | MassDOT Highway Division |
Kevin | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) Safety Department |
Jessika | MassDOT District 1 |
Jack | MassDOT |
Sai | MassDOT |
Jesse | MassDOT |
Edmund | MassDOT District 5 |
Christopher | MassDOT |
Penny | MassDOT |
Jessica | MassDOT District 5 |
Michael | MassDOT District 5 |
Carleigh | MassDOT |
Eric | MassDOT |
Chhavan | MassDOT |
Isaack | MassDOT |
Evin | MassDOT |
Colleen | MassDOT |
Colleen | MassDOT Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV) |
Lily | MassDOT |
Mary | MassDOT |
Chester | MassDOT |
Tracy | MassDOT |
Joaquin | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Jason | MassDOT District 3 |
Mohammad Najmush Sakib | MassDOT |
Penelope | MassDOT |
Jessica | MassDOT |
Suren | MassDOT |
Lois | MassDOT |
Hasmukh | MassDOT |
Hardy | MassDOT |
Sudip | MassDOT |
Christopher | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Mary-Joe | MassDOT District 5 |
Florence | MassDOT |
Nathan | MassDOT |
Hung | MassDOT |
David | MassDOT District 5 |
Kevin | MassDOT District 5 |
Jacob | MassDOT District 3 |
Bonnie | MassDOT |
Maximilian | MassDOT |
Sandhya | MassDOT |
David | MassDOT |
Sarah | MassDOT |
Jen Elise | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Anna | MassDOT |
Olivia | MassDOT Highway Division |
Behnam | MassDOT |
Kawtar | MassDOT |
Alwin | MassDOT |
Maria | MassDOT |
Jennifer | MassDOT |
Muazzez | MassDOT |
Kristen | MassDOT |
Adrian | MassDOT District 2 |
Marthinus | MassDOT |
Kate | MassDOT |
Judith | MassDOT |
Alyssa | MassDOT |
Jessie | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Michael | MassDOT |
Kevin | MassDOT District 3 |
Peter | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Anya | MassDOT |
Ralph | MassDOT District 4 |
Gregory | MassDOT |
Colby | MassDOT District 3 |
Lidia | MassDOT |
Thomas | MassDOT District 2 |
Mustafa | MassDOT |
Jordan | Massachusetts Safe Routes to School Program |
Austin | MassDOT |
Matthew | MassDOT |
Thomas | MassDOT |
Lisa | MassDOT |
Angela | MassDOT District 3 |
Michelle | MassDOT |
Rosemary | MassDOT District 3 |
David | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Alaina | MassDOT |
Jarad | MassDOT |
Sandra | MassDOT District 5 |
Nick | MassDOT District 1 |
Palak | MassDOT Highway Design |
Faisa | MassDOT |
David | MassDOT |
Annabel | MassDOT |
Linda | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Owen | MassDOT Aeronautics Division |
Christopher | MassDOT |
Aaron | MassDOT District 5 |
Stephen | MassDOT Highway Design |
William | MassDOT |
Richard | MassDOT District 3 |
Bryan | MassDOT |
Meredith | MassDOT |
James | MassDOT |
Claudia | MassDOT |
Stephanie | MassDOT |
Patrick | MassDOT |
Gregory | MassDOT |
Stephen | MassDOT |
Gloria | MassDOT District 4 |
Argenis | MassDOT |
Shane | MassDOT District 5 |
Peter | MassDOT |
David | MassDOT |
Allison | MassDOT Highway Division |
Jacob | MassDOT |
Susan | MassDOT |
Benjamin | MassDOT District 3 |
Ann | MassDOT |
Frank | MassDOT District 4 |
Allison | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Stefan | MassDOT District 2 |
Jennifer | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Sungchul | MassDOT Highway Division |
Mark | MassDOT |
Monica | MassDOT |
Sara | MassDOT |
Hector | MassDOT District 5 |
David | MassDOT District 5 |
Robert | MassDOT District 4 |
William | MassDOT District 5 |
Michael | MassDOT |
Christopher | MassDOT District 5 |
Julian | MassDOT |
Stephanie | MassDOT |
Amber | MassDOT |
Frank | MassDOT |
Zach | MassDOT |
Faina | MassDOT District 5 |
Carlos | MassDOT |
Shruti | MassDOT |
Suzie | MassDOT District 5 |
Linda | MassDOT |
Andrew | MassDOT |
Matthew | MassDOT |
Frank | MassDOT Highway Division |
Zheng | MassDOT |
Steven | MassDOT District 5 |
Robert | MassDOT District 5 |
Phil | MassDOT |
Curtis | MassDOT District 2 |
Ryan | MassDOT |
Andrea | MassDOT |
Violet | MassDOT |
Jonah | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Justin | MassDOT |
Steve | MassDOT |
Matthew | MassDOT |
Sasha | MassDOT |
Billy | MassDOT |
Yanmei | MassDOT District 6 |
Sheila | MassDOT |
Joseph | MassDOT |
Patrick | MassDOT |
Anthony | MassDOT Highway Division |
Marianti | MassDOT |
Nicholas | MassDOT |
Jason | New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT) |
Ulrich | Maine Department of Transportation (MaineDOT) |
Nancy | Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) (DOT) |
Victoria | Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) |
Clinton | University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) |
Matt | Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) |
Curtis | North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) |
Doreen | Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) (DOT) |
Geoff | Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) (DOT) |
Ian | Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) (DOT) |
Bonnie | Vermont Agency of Transportation (DOT) |
Loretta | New Hampshire Department of Transportation Bridge Design (NHDOT) |
Mario | Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) (DOT) |
Kyla | AASHTO (DC) |
Steve | California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) (CADOT) |
Mary Ann | Maine Department of Transportation (MaineDOT) |
Jessica | Volpe National Transportation Systems Center |
Meredith | Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) |
Amanda | Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) (DOT) |
Kay | Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) (DOT) |
Anusha | Transportation Research Board (TRB) (DC) |
Mike | Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) (DOT) |
Craig | Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) (DOT) |
Allison | Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) (DOT) |
Kendra | University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley) |
Evelyn | Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) (DOT) |
Becca | Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) (DOT) |
Sid | The National Academies (DC) |
Michael | North Central Texas Council of Government |
Deirdre | New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT) |
Michael | New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT) |
Katharine | Vermont Agency of Transportation (DOT) |
Melrose | Oak Ridge National Laboratory (TN) |
Emily | Vermont Agency of Transportation (DOT) |
Scheryl | Federal Transit Administration (USDOT FTA) |
Jeff | Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) (DOT) |
Claire | Transportation Research Board (TRB) (DC) |
Alyssa | University of Arizona |
Joe | Northwestern University (IL) |
Jeremy | Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) (DOT) |
Bart | Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) |
Christine | York Region (The Regional Municipality of York) (Canada) |
Benjamin | Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) (DOT) |
Jim | AASHTO (DC) |
Dave | Bay Area Metro (CA) |
Heather | Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) (DOT) |
Trey | Transportation Research Board (TRB) (DC) |
Amanda | Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) (DOT) |
Kevin | AECOM |
Isabel | United Way of Western Connecticut (CT) |
Steven | Boston Region MPO |
Erik | McFarland Johnson |
Christopher | MassDOT Aeronautics Division |
Joseph | Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT) |
Christopher | Kleinfelder, Inc. |
Sarah | BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office) |
Anne | VHB |
George | MassDOT |
Alyson | MassDOT |
Nicolas | HDR |
Sergio | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Miranda | MassDOT |
Kara | MassDOT |
Pat | PMG Software Professionals (AL) |
Paul | Pioneer Valley Transit Authority (PVTA) |
Rauley | Berkshire Regional Transit Authority (BRTA) |
Eugene | MassDOT Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV) |
Tiffany | Green International Affiliates |
Maureen | Bowman |
Jonathan | MassDOT |
Sandra | Bowman |
Andrew | KCI Technologies, Inc. (NH) |
Nancy | MassDOT |
Michael | Green International Affiliates |
James | MassDOT |
Michelle | Toole Design Group |
Debra | Tetra Tech, Inc. |
Dakota | MassDOT |
Angela | VHB |
Jacqueline | MassDOT |
Tim | MassDOT |
Samantha | 1Spatial Inc. (VA) |
Samantha | MassDOT Highway Division |
Raymond | Dewberry |
Caroline | VHB |
Michele | MassDOT Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV) |
Robert | CDR Maguire (PA) |
James | Town of Natick |
Rachel | MassDOT |
Jeff | Dewberry |
Kevin | MassDOT |
Joseph | MassDOT District 3 |
Bob | MassDOT |
James | Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative |
Becca | North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) |
Robert | Galvin and Galvin, PC |
Peter | Dewberry |
Tim | United Way of Central Massachusetts |
Amy | MassDOT |
Arthur | Replica, Inc. |
William | STV Group |
Robin | MassDOT Aeronautics Division |
Thomas | Dewberry |
Faine | MassDOT Aeronautics Division |
Gwen | Nelson\Nygaard |
Jonathan | MassDOT |
Aanchal | MassDOT |
Meghan | MassDOT Highway Division |
Alex | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Allison | Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT) |
Michael | Dewberry |
Susan | MassDOT |
Ron | VHB |
Niki | VHB |
Thomas | Town of Burlington |
Nahad | Geonetics, a BSC Company |
Joseph | VHB |
Scott | VHB |
Ruochang | Jacobs |
Preston | Gill Engineering Associates |
Carl | MassDOT |
Jay | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Britton | Kimley-Horn and Associates |
Kirsten | MassDOT |
John | Cambridge Systematics, Inc. |
Sara | BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office) |
Derek | MassDOT |
Samantha | MassDOT |
Carrie | MassDOT |
Mike | HDR |
Sara | MassDOT Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV) |
Rachel | Town of Burlington |
Dennis | Worcester Regional Transit Authority (WRTA) |
Dayou | University of Massachusetts Lowell (UMass) |
Walter | MassDOT Highway Division |
Matthew | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Amirhossein | University of Massachusetts Lowell (UMass) |
Charles | MassDOT |
Bruce | VHB |
Bianca | MassDOT District 5 |
Charlotte | MassDOT |
Ellie | AECOM |
William | BETA Group, Inc. (MA) |
Megan | Kittelson & Associates, Inc. |
Stephen | City of Cambridge Traffic |
Nikola | CHA Consulting, Inc. (IN) |
Jack | MassDOT District 4 |
Alex | VHB |
Rebecca | Dewberry |
Guy | Valmont Structures, Inc. (NE) |
Corey | MassDOT |
Rachel | Massachusetts Safe Routes to School Program |
Theresa | Geocomp Corporation |
Curt | VHB |
Joshua | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Dave | MassDOT |
Kara | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Matt | VHB |
Lilly | WSP (MA) |
Genesis | MassDOT |
Aidan | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Joshua | AECOM |
Timothy | Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) |
Guy | MassDOT |
Jason | MassDOT Research and Materials |
Eric | Esri (CA) |
Rob | MassDOT |
Tito | BETA Group, Inc. (MA) |
Meredyth | Kittelson & Associates, Inc. |
Hannah | Cambridge Systematics, Inc. |
Roy | SLR Consulting (CT) |
Stacey | MassDOT |
Michael | STV Group |
Conor | Kittelson & Associates, Inc. |
Lori | MassDOT District 3 |
Victoria | Transportation Research Board (TRB) (DC) |
Derek | MassDOT |
Jose | MassDOT |
Sonja | MassDOT Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV) |
Smith | HDR |
Alexandra | HNTB Corporation |
Adam | BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office) |
David | MassDOT District 5 |
Kayla | MassDOT |
Mitchell | PMG Software Professionals (AL) |
Joel | Prostar Geocorp Inc. (CO) |
Pete | MassDOT |
Charles | HDR |
Jean-Pierre | MassDOT District 3 |
James | MassDOT |
Alexander | Collins Engineers, Inc. |
Tatum | MassDOT |
Richard | GEI Consultants (ME) |
Christine | VHB |
Page | Prostar Geocorp Inc. (CO) |
Steven | Cape Cod Commission (CCC) |
Lorenzo | MassDOT |
Gary | Esri (CA) |
Jianqiang | University of Massachusetts Lowell (UMass) |
Camden | Econolite Control Products (MA) |
Jake | Benesch (MA) |
Liz | MassDOT |
Andreas | City of Cambridge Traffic |
Wing | McFarland Johnson |
Dale | VHB |
Tim | Feldman Geospatial (Boston) |
Lori | TEC, Inc. (Lawrence MA) |
Will | Benesch (MA) |
Michael | 3M (MN) |
Matthew | CDR Maguire (MA) |
Dave | HNTB Corporation |
Linda | EJ USA, Inc. (OH) |
James | Tetra Tech, Inc. |
Michael | |
Amy | Pare Corporation (RI) |
Maxim | AI Engineers, Inc. (MA) |
Kevin | Nitsch Engineering |
Meredith | VHB |
Steven | GPI (MA) |
Louis | Weston & Sampson |
Ryan | All States Materials Group |
Christopher | H&H |
Art | Indus Inc. |
Marian | STV Group |
Kimberly | Gannett Fleming TranSystems |
Mark | Lindsay Transportation |
Mike | HNTB Corporation |
Patrick | Benchmark Strategies |
Maritza | Piaggio Fast Forward |
Fedorah | Gill Engineering |
Paul | Howard Stein Hudson (HSH) |
Benjamin | KCI Technologies, Inc. (NH) |
Stefan | RTB Safe Traffic, Inc. (Cananda) |
Nathan | Superior Transparent Noise Barriers (PA) |
Ralf | Infrasense, Inc |
John | Jacobs |
Erica | HNTB Corporation |
Matthew | VHB |
Chad | New England Traffic Solutions (CT) |
Artie | Kleinfelder, Inc. |
Michelle | MassDOT Highway Division |
Tom | Felix A. Marino Co., Inc. |
Alex | Tighe & Bond (Westfield) |
Benjamin | BETA Group, Inc. (MA) |
Ailish | WSP (MA) |
Joey | HNTB Corporation |
Robert | Close, Jensen and Miller, P. C. (CT) |
Sandra | Nitsch Engineering |
Dave | GeoStabilization International (CO) |
John | HNTB Corporation |
Karen | Keville Enterprises |
Norman | Fuss & O'Neill, Inc. (Manchester CT) |
Steven | Gannett Fleming TranSystems (Dedham) |
Scott | Weston & Sampson |
Stephen | Kimley-Horn and Associates |
Nikole | WSP (MA) |
Mike | SPS New England, Inc. |
Robbie | Howard Stein Hudson (HSH) |
Andrew | VHB |
Caitlin | Gill Engineering |
Bryan | CHA Consulting, Inc. (IN) |
Edith | HDR |
Christopher | Tetra Tech, Inc. |
Julie | Collins Engineers, Inc. |
Maggie | Kleinfelder, Inc. |
Steve | BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office) |
Jeffrey | Nitsch Engineering |
George | eNdoto Corp (Newington CT) |
Matt | Benesch (MA) |
Scott | Gill Engineering |
Theresa | Nelson\Nygaard |
David | RJ Consulting |
Paul | PSC Engineering |
Rob | Deloitte Consulting, LLP (FL) |
Pompeo | Weston & Sampson |
Fred | Benesch (MA) |
Ethan | Tetra Tech, Inc. |
Jaklyn | BETA Group, Inc. (MA) |
Daniel | CDR Maguire (PA) |
Chris | AECOM |
Alaleh | STV Group |
Christine | VHB |
Elsa | VHB |
Tien-Tien | Nelson\Nygaard |
Davren | CHA Consulting, Inc. (IN) |
Matthew | VHB |
Lifeng | Gannett Fleming TranSystems (Dedham) |
Valerie | Howard Stein Hudson (HSH) |
Brendan | Haley & Aldrich |
Todd | Hoyle, Tanner & Associates, Inc. (NH) |
Andrew | Stantec (Burlington MA) |
Lucas | eNdoto Corp (Newington CT) |
Isaac | H&H |
Kyle | Gill Engineering |
Darren | Jacobs |
Ryan | CHA Consulting, Inc.(MA) |
Jake | Michael Baker International (CT) |
Abby | Weston & Sampson |
Colin | Howard Stein Hudson (HSH) |
Kimberly | Nitsch Engineering |
Michael | Weston & Sampson |
Patrick | VHB |
Justin | Tighe & Bond (Westfield) |
Matt | Tetra Tech, Inc. |
Lee | BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office) |
Peter | Ranger Security and Emergency Preparedness, LLC |
Alex | Gill Engineering |
Kevin | Michael Baker International (CT) |
Thomas | Gannett Fleming TranSystems (Dedham) |
Kevin | TEC, Inc. (Lawrence MA) |
Jane | Apex Companies, LLC (Woburn) |
Tyler | Fuss & O'Neill, Inc. (Boston) |
Robert | GPI (MA) |
Jason | Toole Design Group |
Adam | BETA Group, Inc. (MA) |
Janice | TRC Companies, Inc. |
Nimisha | Cambridge Systematics, Inc. |
John | Fuss & O'Neill, Inc. (Providence) |
Nina | Green International Affiliates |
Robert | Felix A. Marino Co., Inc. |
Corey | GPI (MA) |
Matthew | Howard Stein Hudson (HSH) |
Kenneth | VHB |
Bruce | East Coast Greenway Alliance (RI) |
Tom | VHB |
Greg | Fuss & O'Neill Inc. (Springfield) |
James | AECOM |
Mike | GPI (MA) |
Stephanie | BETA Group, Inc. (MA) |
Kathryn | BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office) |
Emma | Howard Stein Hudson (HSH) |
Dustan | GPI (MA) |
Sean | BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office) |
Alexander | Tighe & Bond (Westfield) |
Scott | HDR |
Steve | Howard Stein Hudson (HSH) |
Deborah | HDR |
Michael | BL Companies |
Luke | STV Group |
Dennis | BETA Group, Inc. (MA) |
Brian | VHB |
David | Michael Baker International (CT) |
Sarah | Arborway Coalition |
Phil | HDR |
Marc | Nitsch Engineering |
Michael | SLR Consulting (CT) |
Scott | City of Worcester Dept. of Transportation & Mobility |
Tony | BETA Group, Inc. (MA) |
Steven | Haley & Aldrich |
Jayson | Jacobs |
Michael | AI Engineers, Inc. (CT) |
Patrick | GPI (MA) |
Joseph | Gill Engineering |
Michael | ATLAS Technical Consultants |
Nico | H&H |
Dilan | CONSOR Engineers, LLC |
Matthew | HDR |
Connor | Weston & Sampson |
Abbie | American Council of Engineering Companies (MA) |
Kristine | Parsons Corporation |
Rebecca | McKinsey Boston |
Anthony | HDR |
Michael | ICF International |
Grady | Howard Stein Hudson (HSH) |
Mark | Howard Stein Hudson (HSH) |
Dave | VHB |
Jeff | Cyvl.ai |
Keith | H&H |
Eileen | Fuss & O'Neill, Inc. (Quincy) |
Birendra | Nitsch Engineering |
Jailene | Private Citizen |
James | Michael Baker International (CT) |
Jonas | HNTB Corporation |
Kristina | AECOM |
Megan | HNTB Corporation |
Lawrence | GeoGraphics Laboratory |
Kevin | Dewberry |
Frances | Spy Pond Partners, LLC. |
Randy | VHB |
Emma | HNTB Corporation |
Robert | Gannett Fleming TranSystems |
Steve | McFarland Johnson, Inc. (VT) |
Jacob | Benesch (MA) |
Sandy | Tetra Tech, Inc. |
Jenna | Jacobs |
Geoffrey | GPI (MA) |
Derek | Pare Corporation (RI) |
Will | HDR |
Benny | Apex Companies, LLC |
Fayssal | Husseini Design Group LLC |
Christopher | BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office) |
John | Meridian Associates |
Hana | BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office) |
Alyssa | Epsilon Associates |
Chris | Kimley-Horn and Associates |
Sean | Hoyle, Tanner & Associates, Inc. (NH) |
Rosie | Toole Design Group |
Darshan | BETA Group, Inc. (MA) |
Abigail | Walker Consultants |
Brian | MAS Building & Bridge. Inc. |
Craig | Dewberry |
Daniel | Dewberry |
Michael | Weston & Sampson |
Lisa | Kimley-Horn and Associates |
Vinod | VHB |
Jonathan | HNTB Corporation |
James | CONSOR Engineers, LLC (CT) |
Sid | GPI (MA) |
Aaron | Fuss & O'Neill Inc. (Springfield) |
Katherine | Kimley-Horn and Associates |
Marcia | Kleinfelder, Inc. |
Thomas | McFarland Johnson, Inc. (Portsmouth NH) |
Jessica | Howard Stein Hudson (HSH) |
Margaret | Kittelson & Associates, Inc. |
Chris | MAS Building & Bridge. Inc. |
Adam | AirWorks |
Gregory | Jacobs |
Yousef | Hatch LTK |
Timothy | Ocean State Signal Co. (RI) |
Betsy | Stantec (Portland ME) |
Chris | Michael Baker International (CT) |
Melinda | Gannett Fleming TranSystems |
Brendan | CHA Consulting, Inc. (IN) |
Matthew | CHA Consulting, Inc. (IN) |
Wooseong | AECOM |
Glenn | Aerial Camera Services LLC |
William | Gannett Fleming TranSystems (Holliston) |
Aaron | Hoyle, Tanner & Associates, Inc. (NH) |
Nancy | HNTB Corporation |
David | Hoyle, Tanner & Associates, Inc. (NH) |
Nick | Fuss & O'Neill Inc. (Springfield) |
Conrad | Apex Companies, LLC (Woburn) |
Karen | BETA Group, Inc. (MA) |
Mark | Close, Jensen and Miller, P. C. (CT) |
Kellan | BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office) |
John | Gannett Fleming TranSystems (Dedham) |
Grace | Stantec (Burlington MA) |
Erika | Jacobs |
Scott | McFarland Johnson, Inc. (Portsmouth NH) |
Jessica | Howard Stein Hudson (HSH) |
David | CONSOR Engineers, LLC |
Mario | CDM Smith (Boston) |
Tim | Square by Square Sales |
Chris | BETA Group, Inc. (MA) |
Amy | Replica (KS) |
Christopher | LandTech Consultants, Inc. |
Jessica | SLR Consulting (CT) |
Edgar | Amazon |
Paul | Great Western Partners |
Jeremy | Bird Rides, Inc. (CA) |
Gary | Ocean State Signal Co. (RI) |
S | Bowman |
Nathan | HDR |
Matthew | CDR Maguire (PA) |
Jeff | HNTB Corporation |
Ed | H&H |
Christopher | Howard Stein Hudson (HSH) |
Katie | VHB |
Selma | VHB |
Cassandra | HDR |
Ryan | HNTB Corporation |
James | Keolis Commuter Services |
Jack | Stantec (Burlington MA) |
David | Howard Stein Hudson (HSH) |
Jeff | BETA Group, Inc. (MA) |
Dmitriy | Bowman |
Tyler | CHA Consulting, Inc. (IN) |
Patrick | HDR |
Mike | VHB |
Lorraine | Mott MacDonald |
Elizabeth | SLR Consulting (CT) |
Daniel | BETA Group, Inc. (MA) |
Matthew | Decision Lens (VA) |
Robert | Econolite Control Products (MA) |
Joe | BETA Group, Inc. (MA) |
Carrie | VHB |
Tim | SPS New England, Inc. |
Michael | SPS New England, Inc. |
Pearse | CHA Consulting, Inc. (IN) |
Gary | Bowman |
William | WSP (MA) |
Matt | Kimley-Horn and Associates |
Edwin | Collins Engineers, Inc. |
Richard | Dewberry Engineers Inc. (NJ) |
Clinton | Jacobs |
Bill | Tighe & Bond (Woburn) |
Jay | CONSOR Engineers, LLC |
Catrina | Stantec (Boston MA) |
Brandi | Wavetronix (UT) |
Haley | Piaggio Fast Forward |
Heather | SLR Consulting (CT) |
Sam | Weston & Sampson (Reading) |
Yuhin | Dewberry |
Stu | Jacobs |
Tyler | Fuss & O'Neill Inc. (Springfield) |
Eric | VHB |
Colleen | HDR |
Walter Jeffery | Michael Baker International (CT) |
Evan | AECOM |
David | AirWorks |
John | CHA Consulting, Inc. (IN) |
Fred | Stantec (Burlington MA) |
Lauren | HDR |
Matthew | AECOM |
Brendan | HNTB Corporation |
Kelsey | MassDOT |
Thomas | KCI Technologies, Inc. (NH) |
Alexander | HNTB Corporation |
Brian | Dewberry |
Dennis | AECOM |
Paul | HNTB Corporation |
Keith | Gill Engineering |
Nikki | Gill Engineering |
Gustavo | H&H |
Jennie | McKinsey Boston |
Susan | VHB |
Liz | HNTB Corporation |
Steven | Gannett Fleming TranSystems |
Josh | CHA Consulting, Inc. (IN) |
Brian | Gannett Fleming TranSystems (PA) |
Alexi | Benchmark Strategies |
Patrick | Gill Engineering |
Sam | BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office) |
Luke | Gannett Fleming TranSystems (Dedham) |
John | HNTB Corporation |
Cassandra | HDR |
Charles | BL Companies |
Daniel | HNTB Corporation |
William | BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office) |
Farhad | Gannett Fleming TranSystems |
Anant | Haley & Aldrich |
Elizabeth | Tetra Tech, Inc. |
Roger | Private Citizen |
Soni | Tetra Tech, Inc. |
Katherine | Fuss & O'Neill, Inc. (Quincy) |
Brian | HDR |
Deanna | TrafInfo Communications, Inc. |
Avery | HMMH Inc. |
Thomas | BL Companies |
Alyssa | Weston & Sampson |
Jeremy | Weston & Sampson |
Jack | SPS New England, Inc. |
Ramon | GPI (MA) |
Robert | VHB |
Scott | HDR |
John | Gill Engineering |
Michaela | FHI Studio (CT) |
Leah | Cambridge Systematics, Inc. |
Gabrielle | HNTB Corporation |
Larry | AI Engineers, Inc. (MA) |
Billy | Deloitte Consulting, LLP (GA) |
Rick | VHB |
Hank | H&H |
Bryan | McKinsey Boston |
John | Construction Industries of Massachusetts |
Luciano | Jacobs |
Jim | The Middlesex Corporation |
Erin | Howard Stein Hudson (HSH) |
Shannon | |
Karl | Cambridge Systematics, Inc. |
Kari | City Point Partners, LLC |
Nathan | HNTB Corporation |
Lori | Spy Pond Partners, LLC. |
Michael | Gannett Fleming TranSystems |
Kim | Brennan Consulting, Inc. |
Joseph | Hoyle, Tanner & Associates, Inc. (NH) |
Thomas | Kleinfelder, Inc. |
Thomas | HDR |
Bonnie | Massachusetts Safe Routes to School Program |
Jonathan | TEC, Inc. (Lawrence MA) |
Nicole | GPI (MA) |
Carol | CHA Consulting, Inc. (IN) |
Peeyush | Benesch (MA) |
Rich | McFarland Johnson, Inc. (Concord NH) |
Manuel | DW White Construction |
Nathan | Nitsch Engineering |
Sean | HNTB Corporation |
Elise | HNTB Corporation |
Joe | Benchmark Strategies |
Timothy | Jacobs |
Lakshmi | City Point Partners, LLC |
Antonio | HDR |
Steve | Fuss & O'Neill Inc. (Springfield) |
Mike | Mike Savino Film/Video |
Roy | SLR Consulting (CT) |
Julie | Jacobs |
Margot | Apex Companies, LLC (Woburn) |
Lauren | Bird Rides, Inc. (CA) |
Randy | KCI Technologies (FL) |
Jim | Surtreat |
Emma | Cyvl.ai |
Steve | Apex Companies, LLC (Woburn) |
Matt | BETA Group, Inc. (MA) |
Michaela | Howard Stein Hudson (HSH) |
Stephen | BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office) |
Matthew | Fuss & O'Neill, Inc. (Quincy) |
Gregory | WSP (MA) |
Noah | SLR Consulting (CT) |
John | HNTB Corporation |
Michael | MAS Building & Bridge. Inc. |
Matthew | Nitsch Engineering |
Parker | FHI Studio (CT) |
Keith | Infrasense, Inc |
Preethi | STV Group |
Shaun | HNTB Corporation |
Christopher | GPI (MA) |
Bob | Howard Stein Hudson (HSH) |
Keith | Esri (CA) |
Gary | VHB |
Michelle | Tighe & Bond (Westfield) |
Anson | Conveyal |
Alexis | Gill Engineering |
Richard | BETA Group, Inc. (MA) |
Tom | Howard Stein Hudson (HSH) |
Thomas | Gannett Fleming TranSystems |
Michael | CHA Consulting, Inc.(MA) |
Madison | Gill Engineering |
Sudhir | AI Engineers, Inc. (MA) |
Ali | Gannett Fleming TranSystems |
Patt | Boston Consulting Group (BCG) |
Jackie | Keolis Commuter Services |
Richard | Ver-Mac (MN) |
Matthew | Fuss & O'Neill Inc. (Springfield) |
Matthew | Indus Inc. |
Tom | ATLAS Technical Consultants LLC |
Amy | Kimley-Horn and Associates |
Patrick | Apex Companies, LLC |
Joe | Gannett Fleming TranSystems |
Tony | Benesch (MA) |
Dave | United Concrete Products, Inc. (CT) |
Mack | AI Engineers, Inc. (MA) |
Frank | Green International Affiliates |
Joshua | VHB |
Jody | TEC, Inc. (NH) |
Angela | HDR |
James | Gill Engineering |
Kelsey | Nelson\Nygaard |
Steven | Howard Stein Hudson (HSH) |
William | Bowman |
William | WSP (MA) |
Peter | Stantec (Burlington MA) |
Lindsey | HNTB Corporation |
Angelica | Green International Affiliates |
Claudio | New England Traffic Solutions (CT) |
Lenny | Gannett Fleming TranSystems |
Giovanni | New England Traffic Solutions (CT) |
Ryan | VHB |
Dennis | Green International Affiliates |
Alan | The Hatch Group, Inc. |
Mark | Nitsch Engineering |
Philip | Bowman |
Diana | BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office) |
Juliet | Kittelson & Associates, Inc. |
Kevin | Stantec (Burlington MA) |
Hongyi | MassDOT |
Zach | GPI (MA) |
Matthew | LandTech Consultants, Inc. |
Matthew | Frontier Precision Unmanned |
John | GPI (MA) |
Ali | Esri (CA) |
Becky | Kleinfelder, Inc. |
Edward | Hoyle, Tanner & Associates, Inc. (NH) |
Kristen | Jacobs |
Kristine | VHB |
John | WSP (MA) |
Kaitlyn | WSP (MA) |
Devon | SPS New England, Inc. |
Mark | Michael Baker International (CT) |
Mel | Boston Consulting Group (BCG) |
Walt | Stantec (Burlington MA) |
George | Keolis Commuter Services |
Harriet | SLR Consulting (CT) |
Brad | Cambridge Systematics, Inc. |
Michael | GEI Consultants, Inc. |
Adam | Tighe & Bond (Westfield) |
Noah | VHB |
Luke | Boston Consulting Group (BCG) |
Paul | Gannett Fleming TranSystems |
Jeffrey | Polyvantis Sanford LLC |
Bryan | Nitsch Engineering |
Joseph | Cambridge Systematics, Inc. |
David | Town of Bellingham |
Brian | Town of Natick |
Kerry | Vermont Agency of Transportation (DOT) |
Tom | Town of Dennis |
Adrian | City of Newton DPW |
Brynn | Vermont Agency of Transportation (DOT) |
Aditya | MA Executive Office for Administration & Finance (MA A&F) |
Charles | New Hampshire Department of Transportation Systems Management Operations (TSMO) |
Jessica | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Jessica | Northern Middlesex Council of Governments (NMCOG) |
Sara | SRPEDD |
Mike | Nantucket Planning & Economic Development Commission |
Laura | MassCor Industries |
Jack | Franklin Regional Council of Governments (FRCOG) |
Kevin | Town of Rehoboth |
Jennifer | SRPEDD |
Eileen | Town of Barre Council on Aging |
Jeffrey | Town of Yarmouth |
Tony | Merrimack Valley Planning Commission (MVPC) |
David | MetroWest Center for Independent Living |
Evan | Cape Cod Commission (CCC) |
Steve | MassCor Industries |
Judy | Boston Region MPO |
Luis | SRPEDD |
Peg | Town of Southbridge |
Kristin | Town of Bedford DPW |
Andrea | SRPEDD |
Kevin | Town of Mansfield |
Jared | Town of Oxford |
Lisa | SRPEDD |
Katelyn | MassCor Industries |
Joseph | City of Boston |
Maria | MassDOT |
Sophie | Boston Region MPO |
Eric | Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC) |
Peter | Town of Oxford |
David | Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) (DOT) |
Beth | Franklin Regional Council of Governments (FRCOG) |
Amanda | Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) (DOT) |
Matthew | Town of Bedford DPW |
Joseph | Town of Lexington |
Michelle | Veterans Health Administration |
Betsy | City of Worcester Dept. of Transportation & Mobility |
Shravanthi | Boston Region MPO |
Yahaira | Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC) |
Jonathan | SRPEDD |
Monica | Town of Andover |
Ella | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Asmae | MTM Inc. |
Jeff | Town of Natick |
Tina | Town of Holliston Highway Department |
Dave | Town of Wellesley DPW |
Sean | SRPEDD |
Justin | Northern Middlesex Council of Governments (NMCOG) |
Benjamin | Vermont Agency of Transportation (DOT) |
Mary | Boston Region MPO |
Greer | Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC) |
Jacqueline | SRPEDD |
Dick | Town of Athol DPW |
Todd | City of Worcester |
Sujatha | Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC) |
Clete | Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) |
Katherine | Town of Wakefield |
William | New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT) |
Ethan | Boston Region MPO |
Claudia | Manchester School District ~ SAU 37 (NH |
John | Town of Lexington DPW |
David | Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) |
Owen | City of Weymouth |
Erin | Boston Region MPO |
Melissa | Vermont Agency of Transportation (DOT) |
Jenn | Bike Newton |
Lisa | Town of Burlington DPW |
Eve | Boston Region MPO |
Elizabeth | MA Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) |
James | Town of Dedham |
Constance | Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC) |
Jason | City of Worcester |
Guilford | Town of Amherst |
Ross | Town of Lexington DPW |
Daniel | Town of Brookline |
Srilekha | BETA Group, Inc. (MA) |
Steven | MassCor Industries |
David | Cape Cod Commission (CCC) |
Egemen | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Joseph | SRPEDD |
Glen | Town of Andover Police Department |
Sheila | Town of Wellesley |
Melissa | City of Newton |
Brian | City of Worcester |
Isaac | City of Boston |
Paul | Town of Athol DPW |
Robert | Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC) |
Jeanette | Town of Bedford |
Patrick | Merrimack Valley Planning Commission (MVPC) |
Scott | Vermont Agency of Transportation (DOT) |
Josh | Town of Mansfield |
William | Town of Wakefield DPW |
Megan | Franklin Regional Council of Governments (FRCOG) |
Brenda | Town of Barre Council on Aging |
Stephen | City of Worcester |
Ardian | Town of Needham DPW |
Richard | Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC) |
Nahrin | Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC) |
Laurie | Franklin Regional Council of Governments (FRCOG) |
Rick | Vermont Agency of Transportation (DOT) |
Meghana | Town of Lexington |
Catia Ruth | MA Executive Office for Administration & Finance (MA A&F) |
Pedro | City of Worcester Dept. of Transportation & Mobility |
Matt | Town of Winchester |
Brenda | MassCor Industries |
Chris | Town of Mansfield |
Matthew | Town of Chesterfield Highway Department |
Jason | City of Newton |
Michael | Town of Bedford DPW |
James | University of Vermont Transportation Research Center (UVM TRC) |
Leon | UMass Lowell |
Elizabeth | National Rural Transit Assistance Program |
Sam | Boston Region MPO |
Janelle | MTM Inc. |
Adam | Riders Action Council |
Jason | New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT) |
Mary | City of Worcester Dept. of Transportation & Mobility |
Alfredo | City of Newton |
Stacy | Town of Rehoboth |
Racheal | Vermont Agency of Transportation (DOT) |
Matt | Indus Inc. |
Addie Mae | Town of Sherborn |
Timothy | Town of Wakefield DPW |
Adam | Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC) |
Yuanchang | University of Massachusetts Lowell (UMass) |
Jaclyn | City of Boston |
Karen | Worcester Regional Transit Authority (WRTA) |
Paula | MetroWest Regional Transit Authority (MWRTA) |
Tiffany | Pioneer Valley Transit Authority (PVTA) |
Kelly | Brockton Area Transit Authority (BAT) |
Glenn | Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) |
Joy | MetroWest Regional Transit Authority (MWRTA) |
Michael | Brockton Area Transit Authority (BAT) |
Robert | Berkshire Regional Transit Authority (BRTA) |
Joseph | Brockton Area Transit Authority (BAT) |
Jayson | Pioneer Valley Transit Authority (PVTA) |
Angela | Pioneer Valley Transit Authority (PVTA) |
Donna | Brockton Area Transit Authority (BAT) |
Cidalia | Brockton Area Transit Authority (BAT) |
Nicole | Pioneer Valley Transit Authority (PVTA) |
Linda | Brockton Area Transit Authority (BAT) |
Adam | Pioneer Valley Transit Authority (PVTA) |
Benjamin | Pioneer Valley Transit Authority (PVTA) |
Tyler | MetroWest Regional Transit Authority (MWRTA) |
Jamie | Worcester Regional Transit Authority (WRTA) |
Leland | Pioneer Valley Transit Authority (PVTA) |
Mike | Riders Action Council |
Julia | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Donald | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Guocheng | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Julia | University of Vermont (UVM) |
Quinn | University of Connecticut (UCONN) |
Noah | Riders Action Council |
Amy | Northeastern University |
Dewan | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Mahsa | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Parth | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Angelina | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Eleni | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Eric | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Joshua | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Noah | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Efthymia | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Lydia | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Tushita | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Grace | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Kavya | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Mohammed | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Pravar | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Michael | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Arun | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Bryan | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Holly | Fuss & O'Neill, Inc. (Boston) |
Khushii | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Peter | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Christine | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Franco | ATANE Engineers |
Darren | GM2 Associates, Inc. |
Todd | Bryant Associates, Inc. |
Teresa | Bryant Associates, Inc. |
Eric | GM2 Associates, Inc. |
James | Bryant Associates, Inc. |
Gary | Bryant Associates, Inc. |
Thomas | GM2 Associates, Inc. |
Michael | FHI Studio (CT) |
Erik | GM2 Associates, Inc. |
Paul | ATANE Engineers, P.C. (CT) |
Dr. Denise | IMMAD |
Susan | FHI Studio (CT) |
Stephan | GM2 Associates, Inc. |