All About Liquid Deicers -Chatham

Date: 11/18/2022 7:30 AM - 11/18/2022 3:00 PM

Location: Chatham Fire Dept.
135 Depot Road

Chatham, Massachusetts




Course Description

“All About Liquids” This class will walk you through the process for setting up an effectively implementing a liquid anti-icing program. Expert speakers will share valuable real world experience and knowledge.

Target Audience

This workshop will benefit individuals, from equipment operators to selectmen, who are involved in the treatment and decision making processes for roadway deicing.


Mike Smith
Michael Smith is the Baystate Roads Technical Training Specialist. He was a Highway Superintendent for 20 years where he developed and implemented modern road maintenance techniques. Mike can be reached at:

Marc Valenti
Marc is currently the Manager of Operations for the Lexington Dept. of Public Works in Massachusetts. During his tenure at Lexington, the Town has been able to transform their winter liquid operation to one that mirrors some of the best around the country. 

Kevin Collins 
Kevin is the Assistant Director of Public Works for the Town of Westminster. He was the General Foreman for the Wellesley DPW for 27 years. Kevin got involved in liquids in 2003 and still learns more each season. 

Shane Mark
Shane is the Director of Streets, for the City of Newton.

7:30 am Registration/8:00 am Class


First Name Affiliation
Glen Town of Yarmouth
Richard Town of Chatham DPW
Jerry Town of Chatham DPW
Kenneth Town of Chatham DPW
Brian Town of Chatham DPW
Sean Town of Sandwich
James Town of Brewster DPW
Stefan Town of Sandwich
Mike Town of Yarmouth
Carlos Town of Franklin DPW
Michael Town of Brewster DPW
Griffin Town of Brewster DPW
Jeremy Town of Chatham DPW
Paul Town of Sandwich
Marco Town of Sandwich DPW
  • Michael Smith
    Technical Training Specialist at UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)