Structural Stormwater BMP Operations and Maintenance under MA MS4 General Permit-Virtual Classroom
Date: 9/15/2022 9:00 AM - 9/15/2022 11:00 AM
Location: Virtual
Course Description
Regulated communities across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts must manage stormwater runoff to prevent or reduce the discharge of pollutants and protect water quality. To accomplish this, a variety of structural stormwater management practices, called Best Management Practices (BMPs) or Stormwater Control Measures (SCMs), have been constructed. These practices include bioretention areas and rain gardens, detention basins, constructed stormwater wetlands, wet basins, infiltration basins and structures, swales, propriety devices, as well as structural pretreatment and accessory items. SCMs must be inspected annually, at a minimum, and maintained to perform as intended and maximize useful life.
This workshop will focus on structural stormwater management practice infrastructure operations and maintenance as required under the Massachusetts MS4 General Permit.
In this course participates will learn:
• What stormwater runoff is and how it effects water quality.
• Stormwater management practices used in Massachusetts and how they function.
• Inspection and maintenance requirements of each stormwater practice.
• Best practices for inspections.
• Common maintenance needs.
Target Audience
Public Works Directors, Town Engineers, Conservation Commissioners and Agents, and others who have direct or indirect responsibility related to the inspection and maintenance of stormwater management practices.
After you register you will receive a link to register with Zoom for the virtual class.
Accommodations for Disabilities: UMTC endeavors to provide an inclusive learning environment for all. If you require special services or arrangements to fully participate in this workshop, please contact Stephanie Cottrell at or 413-800-2655 at least 14 days prior to the event. Such services are provided free of charge.
First Name | Affiliation |
Rebecca | New England Civil Engineering Corporation |
Taylor | Tighe & Bond (Westfield) |
Joanna | VHB |
Tom | Town of Dennis |
Todd | Town of Shrewsbury |
Peter | Town of Richmond |
William | Town of Lunenburg DPW |
Stephane | Town of Concord |
Eileen | Town of Burlington |
Shawn | City of Leominster |
Delaney | Town of Ayer |
Kate | Town of Tolland DPW |
Kevin | Town of Oxford |
Danielle | Town of Richmond |
Jonathan | Town of Southwick DPW |
Leah | Town of Westborough |
Jason | City of Somerville |
Jeff | City of Fitchburg |
Paul | Town of Uxbridge |
Andrew | Town of Westborough DPW |
Tim | Town of Longmeadow DPW |
Joe | City of Westfield |
Timothy | Town of Bourne |
Bryan | Town of Orleans |
Geoffrey | |
Doug | City of Northampton |
Jennifer | MA Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) (Shirley) |
Chris | Town of Deerfield |
Bernardo | Town of Wellesley DPW |
Kyle | Town of Westborough DPW |
Kevin | Town of Deerfield |
Michael | Town of Bedford DPW |
Emily | Town of Brewster DPW |
Vincent | Town of Shrewsbury |
Mark | City of Quincy |
Bryanna | University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) |
Chris | Town of Dennis |
Sheri | Town of Westborough |
Jacob | Town of Tyngsborough |
- Matthew Moyen
at Tetra Tech, Inc.
Mr. Moyen has over 15 years of experience providing planning, design, permitting, and construction services for public agencies and private clients. He has supported MassDOT’s Impaired Waters Program for the past decade, with a focus on design, permitting, and inspection of Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs), also known as Stormwater Control Measures (SCMs). Matt assisted with the development of MassDOT’s Stormwater BMP/SCM Inspection Program to define a consistent and complete inspection process that has resulted in a clear scope and protocol for statewide inspections and maintenance recommendations. His team has implemented and helped refine this program for the past 5 years.