Confined Space Training- Blended Learning

Date: 3/10/2022 7:45 AM - 3/10/2022 11:00 AM






The Confined Space Training-Blended Learning is an online format of the original course that includes self-guided modules, followed by a live Zoom meeting with the instructor. The self-guided portion MUST be completed prior to the live Zoom meeting.

This course will cover the new confined space standard for construction activities that OSHA issued effective August 2015 as well as the general industry standard, which have very similar requirements. It does not train your workers for entry rescue into a Permit-Required Confined Space, but it does cover all aspects of the standard and what is required including: General Requirements, Written Program, Written Permit, Attendant Duties, Entrant Duties, Entry Supervisor Duties, Emergency Procedures.

Who Should Attend

Those involved in projects where people enter sewers, catch basins, tanks, pits, crawl spaces and other similar spaces where people have restricted access and egress. Workers involved in construction projects, supervisors, and other personnel responsible for construction activities should attend this workshop.

Self-Paced ONLINE Modules - approx. 3 hrs. (must be completed before the live Zoom session) 

  • Module 1: Course Introduction
  • Module 2: Definitions- Is it Confined Space?
  • Module 3A: Definitions- Is a Permit Required?
  • Module 3B: Hazards
  • Module 4: What Does a PRCS Mean for the Employer & Employees
  • Module 5A: Video Case Study from U.S. Chemical Safety Board (CSB)
  • Module 5B: CSB Safety Video
  • Module 5C-5D: Video Follow-Up and Handout
  • Module 6: Knowledge Check and Resources
  • Module 7A: Confined Spaces, Deadly Spaces
  • Module 7B: Handout Review
  • Module 7C: Wrap-Up & Conclusion
  • Module 8: Zoom Link & Next Steps

Live Zoom Session (approx. 3 hrs.)

  • Review of Online Session
  • General Requirements of Standard
  • Permit Details
  • More Definitions
  • Atmospheric Fact Sheets:  CO, Hydrogen Sulfide, Testing Procedures
  • Application
  • Rescue
  • Final Q&A

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Technical REQUIREMENTS: Each participant MUST have:

  • a working video camera that is ONfor the whole Zoom session. 
  • a UNIQUE email address to be able to complete online modules and take the final online exam.

Accommodations for Disabilities: UMTC endeavors to provide an inclusive learning environment for all. If you require special services or arrangements to fully participate in this workshop, please contact Stephanie Cottrell at or 413-800-2655 as soon as possible to discuss reasonable accommodations for your access needs.
First Name Affiliation
Griffin Town of East Longmeadow DPW
John City of Greenfield DPW
Devon Town of East Longmeadow DPW
John City of Greenfield DPW
Robert Town of East Longmeadow DPW
Anthony Town of East Longmeadow DPW
Giovanna City of Salem
Jacob Town of Auburn Highway Division
Samuel Town of Montague DPW
  • Steven St. Laurent
    President at Steven St. Laurent OSHA Training
    Steven St. Laurent’s specialty is safety training that doesn’t bore you to death in English and Spanish. He conducted his first training (in Spanish) for a Cement company across Northern Mexico in 2002. Since then he has conducted 100‘s of safety trainings for 1000’s of people in construction and manufacturing companies in over 30 states across the U.S., often for companies who have experienced a fatality.

    Steve is a Mechanical Engineer who worked in the field as an Energy Engineer for 3 international companies on design-build projects before becoming a Safety Trainer/Consultant. That work experience brought him to Mexico for 1 year, Sicily for 3 weeks, and Albuquerque for 7 months. He spent the rest of his time as a Field Engineer working in New England on projects such as power plant and other energy system upgrades at navy bases, college campuses, hospitals and other industrial facilities. Steve perfected his Spanish over a total of 2 years living in Mexico.

    Finally, Steve also presents as a Keynote and Motivational Speaker for safety conferences, corporate meetings, roundtables and other events on topics such as “How to be a better trainer and not bore people to death”, “How to quickly bring your company from a failing or non-existent safety program to a passing and robust one”, “How to be a better Supervisor”, “How to have a clue regarding Cultural differences (Spanish/English)”, among other topics.