The 2021 Moving Together Conference

Date: 12/7/2021 9:00 AM - 12/9/2021 4:00 PM

Location: Virtual




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2021 Virtual Moving Together Conference

• Attend workshops and panels that highlight current pedestrian, bicyclist and public transportation topics

• Network with colleagues representing diverse interests from the public, academic and private sectors

• All new site visits and mobile workshops led by engineers and bicyclist/pedestrian advocates.

Thank you to all of the attendees, presenters, moderators, sponsors and exhibitors for making this year's conference a huge success!

Learn about the latest pedestrian, bicyclist, and public transportation topics with transportation professionals from across Massachusetts, the United States, and Canada including:

images of keynote speakers

This year's conference session tracks will include:

• Shared Roadway Infrastructure
• Supporting Our Municipalities 
• Equity in Mobility 
• Safe, Sustainable Mobility 
• Site Visits

Safe Streets Smart Trips High School Video Contest

This year’s Moving Together conference will feature the eighth annual high school video contest, Safe Streets Smart Trips (SSST). This contest involves the creation of 30 – 60 second videos of public service announcements by and for high school students to promote safe walking, bicycling, and driving behaviors within the Commonwealth. This year’s theme centers on being a “bike-friendly” driver and providing information on how drivers can safely share the road with bicyclists.
Similar to last year, Moving Together attendees will be asked to vote on the top three videos received to determine the final grand prize, runner-up, and honorable mention videos in each category (Freshman/Sophomore and Junior/Senior). Voting will open at noon on Friday, December 3, and close at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, December 7.  To learn more about the Safe Streets Smart Trips high school video contest and to watch previous winning videos, please visit

The History of the Moving Together Conference

In 1998, both the statewide bicycling action plan and the statewide pedestrian action plan, called for the establishment of an annual statewide conference for educational and networking purposes. The first two of these conferences were held in Worcester, MA in 2000. In May, at Clark University, 50 people gathered to discuss only walking issues. Later in the year, at the Worcester Holiday Inn, 50 people focused only on bicycling issues.

In 2005, the conference moved to Boston. The first several years, the conference was held at the Marriott Courtyard on Tremont Street. Interest continued to grow until attendance hit approximately 250 persons and the conference moved to a larger venue at the Back Bay Sheraton.

The conference continued to grow and in 2013 the conference was held for the first time at the Boston Park Plaza Hotel. Transit joined the conference as a featured mode. In 2014, more workshops than ever were offered along with the addition of site visits. Over 650 people attended the event. In 2016, the conference sold out for the second year straight! Each year the conference continues to bring together transportation leaders and individuals involved in the areas of planning, public health, bicyclist and pedestrian safety, transit, advocacy, elected office, law enforcement and education.

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This event is accessible to people with disabilities and individuals with limited English proficiency. If you need a reasonable accommodation (such as American Sign Language Interpreters, assistive listening devices, handouts in alternate formats, etc.) and/or language assistance (such as translated documents or an interpreter) to fully participate, please contact Stephanie Cottrell at 413-800-2655 or at least 14 days prior to the event.  Such services are provided free of charge.


Premiere Level Sponsors

Please click on our sponsor's logo to visit their website

       .          Nitsch Logo.

Partner Level Sponsors

Please click on our sponsor's logo to visit their website

BETA logo.  .    



We welcome walking, bicycle-friendly and transit-friendly vendors, businesses, professional planning/design/engineering services, educational and non-profit advocacy groups.
Questions can be directed to Kathryn Donnelly at 413-230-6791.



Tuesday, December 7, 2021
7:30 AM - 4:30 PM

Special event

7:45 AM - 8:45 AM

Special event

Lobby/Lounge/Expo Hall Open-Explore The Site
7:45 AM - 1:00 PM

Special event

Program Tracks

Shared Roadway Infrastructure
Supporting Our Municipalities
Equity in Mobility
Safe, Sustainable Mobility

8:45 AM - 9:15 AM

Special event

Welcome Session

Pete Sutton, Master of Ceremonies, Bicycle and Pedestrian Program Coordinator, MassDOT
Jonathan Gulliver, Administrator, MassDOT Highway Division – Morning Keynote

9:15 AM - 10:30 AM

Concurrent Session 1

Session 1A – MassTrails Team - Connecting the Commonwealth

Shared Roadway Infrastructure Track

The MassTrails program helps to expand and connect the Commonwealth’s network of shared use paths for all people across Massachusetts through grants, technical assistance and resources. Since its official launch in 2018, the Trails Team has awarded $12 million in MassTrails Grants. This has resulted in over 50 miles of new multi-use trails benefiting Massachusetts residents and visitors alike. Get the latest updates on recent activities – the latest grant round, completed projects and testimonials from trail stewards.

Jennifer Carloni, City of New Bedford
Joan Wotkowicz and Bill Rideout, Squannacook Greenways
Ricardo Morales, City of Pittsfield

Amanda Lewis, MA Department of Conservation & Recreation

9:15 AM - 10:30 AM

Concurrent Session 1

Session 1B - Understanding the Regional Planning Process

Supporting Our Municipalities Track

MassDOT’s Office of Transportation Planning team discusses the widely accepted metropolitan planning organization 3C Planning Processes - continuing, cooperative, and comprehensive. Subsequent work by the MassDOT Highway Division leads to partnering with regional planning agencies. This session will also provide detail on how the Transportation Improvement Program process works – resulting in new regional projects.

Derek Shooster, MassDOT
Sujatha Krishnan, Central MA Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC)
Andy Paul, MassDOT

Ben Muller, MassDOT

9:15 AM - 10:30 AM

Concurrent Session 1

Session 1C – Transportation Equity at the Neighborhood Level - Mattapan

Equity in Mobility Track

This session highlights three community engagement initiatives rooted in the Mattapan neighborhood and run by Mattapan residents. When we talk about transportation equity at the neighborhood level, it is important to make sure that those who are being impacted by these changes are part of the decision-making from the beginning. Hear how three local organizations are approaching community engagement, the strategies they are using, and the challenges they are encountering. The Edgewater Neighborhood Association will share their work convening local residents around access to the Neponset River, the Mattapan Food and Fitness Coalition will highlight how they engage residents around improving local transportation as part of their mission to improve the food and physical activity environment, and Powerful Pathways will share the perspective of a consulting firm focused on community needs, transportation equity, and racial justice, and on reconnecting communities through inclusive transportation planning to create and sustain safe, healthy, and livable communities.

Shavel'le Olivier, Mattapan Food and Fitness Coalition
LaRay Brison, Edgewater Neighborhood Association
Allentza Michel, Powerful Pathways

Rachel Fichtenbaum, MassMobility

9:15 AM - 10:30 AM

Concurrent Session 1

Session 1D – Updating and Advancing Design Practices for Active Transportation

Safe, Sustainable Mobility Track

A recently released national publication on Rails with Trails provides the most up-to-date case studies of best practices and lessons learned while UMTC presents their findings on the effectiveness of bike boxes statewide. Rounding out this session, learn about best practices in microtransit planning and implementation for a range of communities.

Jared Fijalkowski, USDOT Volpe Center
Eleni Christofa, UMTC, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Boris Palchik, Foursquare ITP

Michael Murphy, MassDOT

9:15 AM - 10:30 AM

Concurrent Session 1

Session 1E - Virtual Site Visit: Cochituate Rail Trail

This recently completed MassDOT project now connects Framingham and Natick with off-road options to recreation and transportation. Work included the construction of two new bridges spanning Routes 30 and 9 in addition to a new spur leading to shopping and retail centers.

Josh Ostroff, Cochituate Rail Trail Advisory Committee

10:30 AM - 10:45 AM

Special event

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Concurrent Session 2

Session 2A – Hot Topics in Transportation

Shared Roadway Infrastructure Track

Come listen in and gather information on some of the latest hot transportation topics: e-scooters, traffic calming and coastal flooding. Advances by one local bicycle manufacturer branching out into shared e-scooter production have major implications for future use. Find out the benefits of “contraflow” bike lanes, and where can they be used to build out a more robust bike network. View the latest, most accurate models for assessing the future impacts of coastal flooding on the MBTA system.

Jamie Perkins, Superpedestrian
Conor Semler, Kittelson
Michael Martello, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Leah Grodstein, MassDOT

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Concurrent Session 2

Session 2B – Lower Mystic River Basin Spotlight
Supporting Our Municipalities Track

New multi-modal transportation improvements continue to drive development and growth within the lower Mystic River Basin region. The Silver Line Extension feasibility study; the newly announced Mystic Ped/Bike Bridge; reconfiguring Wellington Circle study; and the Northern Strand Community Trail waterfront extension are all spotlighted here.

Doug Johnson, MassDOT
Andy Paul, MassDOT
Jay Monty, City of Everett

Amber Christoffersen, Mystic River Watershed Association

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Concurrent Session 2

Session 2C – Identifying Advocacy Strategies to Build Changes that will Last

Equity in Mobility Track
Successful advocacy takes on many forms. Hear from: the League of American Bicyclists’ Club of the Year from Raleigh, NC; how regional grassroots efforts are laying the groundwork for the future Mystic Highlands Greenway and Nashoba Regional Greenway; and a local author whose latest work explains what it takes to create lasting, impactful change.

Steve Miller, Author Advocacy Organizing: Smarter Strategies, Bigger Victories
Nick Neptune, Oaks & Spokes, Raleigh, North Carolina
David Loutzenheiser, Metropolitan Area Planning Council

Jenny Zeng, MassDOT

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Concurrent Session 2

Session 2D – Reclaiming Space Back for Active Transportation

Safe, Sustainable Mobility Track

The COVID-19 forced lockdown of 2020 provided an opportunity to repurpose public roadways utilizing MassDOT’s Shared Streets and Spaces funding program; DCR’s long-anticipated study reimagining their parkways with a complete streets approach serving all modes; to one of the greatest reclamation projects of the 21st century - converting the Los Angeles River from a miles-long uninviting concrete culvert into a linear park nature trail.

Dan Driscoll, MA Department of Conservation & Recreation (DCR)
Lydia Hausle, Toole Design Group
Liliana Griego, Friends of the Los Angeles River, Los Angeles, California

Drew Pflaumer, MassDOT

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Concurrent Session 2

Session 2E - Virtual Site Visit: Gateway Cities Walk Safety Audits

WalkBoston’s latest work has been conducting walk audits in downtowns with train stations. The goal is to improve pedestrian safety but also capture the "social infrastructure" that sustains neighborhoods and ensuring that those destinations are also supported to maintain a healthy, walkable neighborhood.

Ayesha Mehrotra, WalkBoston
Andre Leroux, MassINC
Tracy Zafian, UMass Transportation Center

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Special event

Luncheon/Keynote Address

Jeff Speck, Principal, Speck & Associates

Wednesday, December 8, 2021
7:45 AM - 8:45 AM

Special event

Lobby/Lounge/Expo Hall Open-Explore The Site
7:45 AM - 1:00 PM

Special event

Program Tracks

Shared Roadway Infrastructure
Supporting Our Municipalities
Equity in Mobility
Safe, Sustainable Mobility

8:45 AM - 9:15 AM

Special event

Welcome Session

Pete Sutton – Master of Ceremonies, Bicycle and Pedestrian Program Coordinator, MassDOT
Todd Litman, Victoria Transport Policy Institute, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada – Morning Keynote

9:15 AM - 10:30 AM

Concurrent Session 3

Session 3A- Context Sensitivity for Municipal Bike/Ped Plans

Shared Roadway Infrastructure Track

Two cities – one suburban and one more rural - of comparable populations (40,000) but different budgetary constraints, staffing and support from elected officials, recently released their long-range strategic plans to advance city-wide cycling and walking. At the regional level, learn how the Bicycle Compatibility Index that was originally developed by the FHWA as a comfort level analysis is being applied to a recent bicycle plan update.

Laura Wiener, City of Watertown, and Christi Apicella, McMahon Associates
Ricardo Morales, City of Pittsfield
Faye Rhault, Central MA Regional Planning Commission

Max Natanagara, MassDOT

9:15 AM - 10:30 AM

Concurrent Session 3

Session 3B – Play Everywhere: A View from Three Feet Tall

Supporting Our Municipalities Track

If you experienced the street and transportation services from 3 feet - the height of a 3-year-old - what would you change? This session takes a deep dive into the importance of a child’s perspective, as well as their caregivers, to inform street design and transportation services. From safety to play, health and inclusion, hear national and international stories of success and possibilities.

Ankita Chachra, Bernard van Leer Foundation, The Hague, Netherlands
Jennifer DeMelo, KABOOM! – Play Everywhere, Washington, DC
Annie Peyton, National Association of City Transportation Officials, Global Designing Cities Initiative, New York, NY
Monica Tibbits-Nutt, YEP! Youth Engagement Planning

Jackie DeWolfe, MassDOT

9:15 AM - 10:30 AM

Concurrent Session 3

Session 3C – Improving Multimodal Access to Transit

Equity in Mobility

Transit agencies are increasingly improving connectivity where different travel options – walking, biking, transit, and shared mobility – come together. This panel serves as an introductory primer to this emerging technology – sometimes referred to as mobility hubs - as it rolls out into metro Boston while highlighting current initiatives at the county-wide level in Florida. One of the largest existing networks in North America – Toronto’s -- will also be featured as a successful example.

Erik Scheier, MBTA
Aubrey Iwaniw, Metrolinx, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
James Cromar, Broward Metropolitan Planning Organization, Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Rachel Bain, MassDOT

9:15 AM - 10:30 AM

Concurrent Session 3

Session 3D – North Adams Adventure Trail Feasibility Study ***OFFICIAL PUBLIC LAUNCH***

Safe, Sustainable Mobility Track

The first off-road trail system to connect Williamstown to North Adams is beginning to take shape. Three segments: in feasibility, in design and under construction will be presented by various stakeholders - all with the singular goal of connecting cultural institutions and natural amenities while enhancing transportation and recreation options.

Essek Petrie and Bill Desantis, VHB
Erik Kerns, Tourists and Zach Feury, City of North Adams
Mark Moore, MassDOT and Andrew Groff, Town of Williamstown

Pete Sutton, MassDOT

9:15 AM - 10:30 AM

Concurrent Session 3

Session 3E - Virtual Site Visit: Border to Boston Trail

The Border to Boston trail provides alternative transportation links to town centers, schools, businesses, and public parklands in 15 communities from Topsfield to Boston. The latest segment – the Old Eastern Marsh Trail extension in Salisbury – now provides new interstate access to Seabrook, New Hampshire.

Dave Read, East Coast Greenway Alliance & the Essex National Heritage Commission
Aleece D’Onofrio, Stantec

10:30 AM - 10:45 AM

Special event

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Concurrent Session 4

Session 4A – Where to Look: Taking Care of Pedestrians & Bicyclists

Shared Roadway Infrastructure Track

With the recent release of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Bicycle Signal Resource Hub, this session will highlight do’s and don’ts of handling bicycle and pedestrian signals.

Bob Murphy, KCI Technologies & Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE)
Ian McKinnon, Howard Stein Hudson
Alyssa Ryan, University of Arizona, Tucson

Michael Knodler, UMass Transportation Center

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Concurrent Session 4

Session 4B – Celebrating 5 Years of the Complete Streets Funding Program

Supporting Our Municipalities

As MassDOT’s Complete Streets funding program celebrates five years of growth, this panel will highlight some of the best projects from across the state. ADA-accessible pedestrian plaza, replacement of sidewalks, new curb ramps, new crosswalks, street access to an elevated rail trail and a side path completing a critical gap in a regional trails network.

Geordie Vining, City of Newburyport
Laurie Connors, Town of Millbury
Carolyn Misch, City of Northampton
Betsy Goodrich, Merrimack Valley Planning Commission

Cassandra Gascon, MassDOT

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Concurrent Session 4

Session 4C – Integrating Virtual Public Involvement Techniques with Regional Public Participation Plans

Equity in Mobility Track

In the current era of COVID-related restrictions on public meetings, agencies have gone almost completely virtual in seeking input from the general public. Find out how the Route 28 Road Diet Pilot and the in-progress Winthrop Greenway maximized new and existing tools available through online engagement, as well as recent outcomes regarding the reconfiguring Wellington Circle study.

Makaela Niles, MassDOT
Michelle Moon, Civic Space Collaborative
Koby Lemrise, MassDOT, and Jeff Dietrich, Howard Stein Hudson

Andrea D’Amato, MassDOT

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Concurrent Session 4

Session 4D – Modernizing Transit to Provide a Greener and More Efficient Service

Safe, Sustainable Mobility Track

Learn about some of the latest innovations at the research level, optimizing the energy consumption of their rapid transit system and a concerted effort to modernize to electric buses on one of the country’s largest urban college campuses. MassDOT’s Rail and Transit Division examines data from flexible transit pilot programs implemented at the regional level.

Abril Novoa Camino, MassDOT, and Eric Gonzales, UMass Transportation Center
Clinton Bench, University of California Los Angeles
Jimi Oke, UMass Transportation Center

Jessica Kenny, MassDOT

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Concurrent Session 4

Session 4E - Virtual Site Visit: Lawrence

Tour the existing and planned growing trails network in one of the state’s most densely populated communities - forming an axis along the Merrimack River and the Lawrence & Manchester NH Rail Trail.

Brad Buschur and Eddie Rosa, Groundwork Lawrence
Evelyn Rodriguez, Lawrence Methuen Community Coalition
Martha Leavitt, Merrimack Valley TMA
Francisco Urena, Groundwork Lawrence

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Special event

Luncheon Keynote Address

Jennifer Dill, Professor of Urban Studies and Planning, Portland State University, Portland, Oregon

Thursday, December 9, 2021
7:45 AM - 8:45 AM

Special event

Lobby/Lounge/Expo Hall Open-Explore The Site
7:45 AM - 1:00 PM

Special event

Program Tracks

Shared Roadway Infrastructure
Supporting Our Municipalities
Equity in Mobility
Safe, Sustainable Mobility

8:45 AM - 9:15 AM

Special event

Welcome Session

Pete Sutton – Master of Ceremonies, Bicycle and Pedestrian Program Coordinator, MassDOT
Sara Studdard, Director of Local Innovation, People for Bikes, Boulder, Colorado - Morning Keynote

9:15 AM - 10:30 AM

Concurrent Session 5

Session 5A – Issues Facing Active Transportation

Shared Roadway Infrastructure Track

Subject matter experts offer up their advice for some of the most challenging issues facing active transportation today: winter snow removal on bicycle facilities in Montreal, effective bike and pedestrian wayfinding in one of the Rockies most visited locales and expanding the famed Minneapolis bicycle network to every corner of the city.

Bartek Komorowski and François Gosselin, City of Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Tony Hull, Civil Streets, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Brian Schilling, Town of Jackson Hole, Wyoming

Ethan Britland, MassDOT

9:15 AM - 10:30 AM

Concurrent Session 5

Session 5B – Municipal Spotlight on MassDOT Funding Programs

Supporting Our Municipalities Track

MassDOT’s municipal funding programs provide essential resources for all 351 communities statewide. Learn how one community utilized their Shared Streets and Spaces grant for a full rail-to-trail conversion; hear how Safe Routes to School funding aided one community utilizing a Signs & Lines grant, while the Highway Safety Improvement Program helped upgrade one of the most dangerous intersections in the state.

Katrina O’Leary, Town of Middleton
Emily Schiavoni, North Adams Public Schools
Aaron Clausen, City of Lynn
Jose Simo and Carl Hughes, MassDOT

Derek Krevat, MassDOT

9:15 AM - 10:30 AM

Concurrent Session 5

Session 5C–Emerging Concepts of Equitable Transportation Solutions

Equity in Mobility Track

This session highlights several large-scale projects and service improvements that are transforming the landscape and transportation in three Gateway Cities: grounding a half-century old highway overpass to make way for multimodal improvements; one community’s ambitious plans to become the next major rail trail hub; and a city’s free bus service pilot program which has yielded significant ridership gains.

Christine McCall , City of Lowell
Brendan Callahan , City of Peabody
Noah Berger , Merrimack Valley Regional Transit Authority (MVRTA)

Laura Hanson, MassDOT

9:15 AM - 10:30 AM

Concurrent Session 5

Session 5D – Safety Mega Session

Safe, Sustainable Mobility Track

One life lost on our roadways or altered by a serious injury is unacceptable. Learn about how MassDOT is using a Safe System approach to reduce the number of serious injuries and fatalities. Hear about a speed management resource to address speed concerns in your community, efforts to address motorcycle fatalities, new data available to inform safety projects, available funding for local safety improvements, and opportunities to engage in the next Strategic Highway Safety Planning Process in 2022.

Bonnie Polin and Neil Boudreau, MassDOT
Jeff Larason, Executive Office of Public Safety and Security
Jackie DeWolfe, MassDOT
Nancy Cox, Registry of Motor Vehicles

Carrie Lavallee, MassDOT Highway Chief

9:15 AM - 10:30 AM

Concurrent Session 5

Session 5E - Virtual Site Visit: Sea Walls Boston Walking Tour

Completed over the summer of 2021, this ambitious public art program featuring more than a dozen artists painting murals about ocean conservation. These murals arrive with a message regarding rising sea levels and other climate-related issues for Boston: It’s time to act.

Matthew Pollock, HarborArts

10:30 AM - 10:45 AM

Special event

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Concurrent Session 6

Session 6A - E-Bikes: Looking at the Big Picture on What’s to

Shared Roadway Infrastructure Track

E-bikes continue to grow at an unprecedented rate in the micromobility transportation realm. Come listen in on the latest in the growing western MA network of electric-assist bike share; of one northern New England community’s advances to expose more riders to this new mode; as well as a national expert forecasting future trends and advancements.

Gary Roux, Pioneer Valley Planning Commission (ValleyBike Share)
Eliana Fox, Local Motion, Burlington, Vermont
Jocelyn Vande Velde, Bosch eBike Systems Americas, Foothill Ranch, California

Chris Klem, MassDOT

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Concurrent Session 6

Session 6B – MassDOT Data Overview for Active Transportation

Supporting Our Municipalities Track

Check out the latest in data findings featuring several MassDOT staff - including new data on bicycle and pedestrian counts in various locations across the Commonwealth, updating the statewide Bicycle Facility Inventory and the launch of a new map of bicycle infrastructure projects, and findings from the recently completed bicycle survey.

Charles Major and Pete Sutton, MassDOT
Ian Adams, MassDOT
Anna Gartsman, MassDOT Office of Performance Management & Innovation

Jose Simo, MassDOT

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Concurrent Session 6

Session 6C - Advancing Equitable & Multimodal Transportation Options for All Users

Equity in Mobility Track

This session highlights State and Federal initiatives that promote partnerships in advancing multimodal transportation options and identifies key indicators of these partnerships. Discover how coordination and outreach can facilitate accessible mobility options for riders with disabilities from two different perspectives – transit and bicycling. Local communities who have stepped up and partnered with the MBTA for new bus/bike lanes throughout the metro-Boston area are also featured.

Judy L. Shanley, Ph.D., Easter Seals and M. Brandon Burns, Federal Transit Administration
Andrew McFarland, MBTA
Karen Foster, All Out Adventures

Liz Williams, MassDOT

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Concurrent Session 6

Session 6D – Smart City Columbus: 5 Years Later – City of Columbus OH

Safe, Sustainable Mobility Track

In 2016, Columbus won the first-ever U.S. Smart City Challenge based on their belief that mobility is the great equalizer of the 21st century. View the most comprehensive portfolio of emerging mobility technologies of any U.S. city in five years and learn how modern, integrated transportation options can empower residents to live their best lives.

Katie Zehnder and Bud Braughton, HNTB Smart Columbus Ohio
Andrew Conley, Clean Fuels Ohio
Patti A. Austin, City of Columbus, Ohio

Meghan Haggerty, MassDOT

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Concurrent Session 6

Session 6E - Virtual Site Visit: South Bay Harbor Trail

The latest segment of this MassDOT-constructed multi-use path now connects Boston’s Seaport District with the South End via creative placemaking under I-93 and along Frontage Road. Adaptive reuse of existing road bridges with separated bike lanes effectively now connects the two neighborhood’s thousands of residents.

Chris Mancini, Save the Harbor Save the Bay
Kevin Laramee, MassDOT
Jessica Finch, Selbert Perkins Design Collaborative
David Giangrande, Design Consultants, Inc
William Conroy, Boston Transportation Department
Patricia FoleySave the Harbor Save the Bay

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Special event

Secretary's Keynote Address/Video Awards

Jamey Tesler, Secretary of Transportation & Chief Executive Officer, MassDOT
Awards: Safe Streets/Smart Trips High School Video Contest


What Moving Together Can Do For Your Company or Organization

When you exhibit at Moving Together, your company or organization will be seen by over 800 professionals involved in healthy transportation, planning, design, construction, public health, bike and pedestrian safety, transit, advocacy, elected offices, law enforcement and education. Take advantage of the opportunity to showcase your business or organization to the key decision makers involved in pedestrian, bicycle and public transportation. In addition, there are several opportunities to promote your company or organization through special sponsorship opportunities.


Online Sponsor/Exhibitor Registration Is Now Available!

Please click on the "Sponsor Fees" tab at the top of the page. 

Photos of the audience and exhibitor

Special Sponsorship Opportunities

Premiere Sponsor

A PREMIERE Level Sponsor includes:

Virtual Platform Booth
• Sponsor Logo
• Sponsor Weblink
• Introductory Paragraph
• Embedded Video
• Contact Form
• Meeting Scheduler
• External Links
• Chat
• Image Gallery
• Rotating Banner
• Sponsor Logo and Link on UMTC Conference Website
• Sponsor Logo on PowerPoint Session Presentations
• 2 Complimentary Attendees


Partner Sponsor

A PARTNER Level Sponsor includes:

Virtual Platform Booth
• Sponsor Logo 
• Sponsor Weblink
• Introductory Paragraph
• Embedded Video
• Contact Form
• Meeting Scheduler
• External Links
• Sponsor Logo and Link on UMTC Conference Website
• 1 Complimentary Attendee



Virtual Platform Booth
• Exhibitor Logo
• Exhibitor Weblink
• Introductory Paragraph
• Contact Form
• Exhibitor Logo on UMTC Conference Website


  • Online Sponsor/Exhibitor Registration Now Available!

    Please click on the "Sponsor Fees" tab at the top of the page.

    We welcome walking, bicycle-friendly and transit-friendly vendors, businesses, professional planning/design/engineering services, educational and non-profit advocacy groups.

    Questions can be directed to Kathryn Donnelly 413-230-6791.


photo of Jamey TeslerJamey Tesler

Jamey Tesler was named MassDOT Secretary and CEO on July 27, 2021.

Mr. Tesler had been installed permanently as Registrar of the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV) in June of 2020, after serving in the role on an interim basis since June of 2019. As Registrar, Tesler has led the agency through a significant organizational overhaul, reprioritizing and bolstering the RMV’s public-safety related responsibilities especially with regards to accurate and up-to-date driver records and state to state communications, while also drastically improving the RMV’s business model to continue providing quality service options to customers during the COVID-19 pandemic by instituting an appointment-only system and enhancing online transaction capabilities, including an online learner’s permit test. These and other operational efforts, including the implementation of automatic voter registration and non-binary gender options on credentials, were further enabled by the final stages of RMV’s technology transformation project to ATLAS during Tesler's tenure.

Tesler has worked for more than 16 years in senior management roles in the public sector, including as General Counsel to the Massachusetts State Treasurer, Deputy Legal Counsel in the Office of the Governor, Deputy General Counsel for the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA), MassDOT Assistant Secretary for Procurement and Contract Management, Acting Chief of Staff for the Secretary of Transportation, and then as Chief Operating Officer at MassDOT. In April 2019, Tesler left state government for the position of Chief of Staff at Suffolk Construction prior to returning to work for the Commonwealth as Acting Registrar on June 25, 2019.

Tesler received his bachelor’s degree in Economics and International Relations from the University of Pennsylvania and his Juris Doctor from the University of Michigan.


photo of jonathan gulliverJonathan L. Gulliver

Jonathan Gulliver is the Highway Administrator at the Massachusetts Department of Transportation, having served in this role since May 2017.  He joined MassDOT in 2009, and prior to accepting the position of Highway Administrator, he served as the District 3 Highway Director, responsible for the management and oversight of the state highway and bridge system of Central Massachusetts.   Jonathan has over two decades of experience in managing complex state and municipal projects, and holds a degree in Civil Engineering from Worcester Polytechnic Institute.





Photo of Jeff SpeckJeff Speck

Jeff Speck is a city planner and urban designer who advocates internationally for more walkable cities. As Director of Design at the US National Endowment for the Arts from 2003 through 2007, he presided over the Mayors' Institute on City Design and created the Governors' Institute on Community Design. Prior to his federal appointment, Mr. Speck spent ten years as Director of Town Planning at DPZ & Co., the principal firm behind the New Urbanism movement. Since 2007, he has led Speck & Associates, a private design consultancy. Mr. Speck is the co-author of Suburban Nation, which the Wall Street Journal calls "the urbanist's bible.” His more recent book Walkable City, was the best selling city-planning title of the last decade. Its sequel, Walkable City Rules, is described by Kurt Andersen as “a must read for urbanists, city-builders, and everyone who lives in cities.” His TED talks and YouTube videos have been viewed more than five million times.




Photo of Jennifer DillDr. Jennifer Dill

Professor Jennifer Dill is a professor of urban studies and planning at Portland State University, where she researches transportation decision-making processes and how those can inform policy and planning. Her recent projects focus on bicycling, shared mobility, transit-oriented developments, equity, and health. She teaches courses on planning and research methods, as well as transportation. In addition to her faculty role, she serves as Director of the Transportation Research and Education Center (TREC) at PSU. Dr. Dill values the partnerships between Portland State, the community, and public agencies, both in her research and teaching. Prior to working at PSU, Dr. Dill held several positions working on air quality and transportation issues in California for governments and nonprofits."



Photo of Todd LitmanTodd Litman

Todd Litman is founder and executive director of the Victoria Transport Policy Institute, an independent research organization dedicated to developing innovative solutions to transport problems. His work helps expand the range of impacts and options considered in transportation decision-making, improve evaluation methods, and make specialized technical concepts accessible to a larger audience. His research is used worldwide in transport planning and policy analysis. Mr. Litman has worked on numerous studies that evaluate transportation costs, benefits and innovations. He authored the Online TDM Encyclopedia, a comprehensive Internet resource for identifying and evaluating mobility management strategies; Transportation Cost and Benefit Analysis: Techniques, Estimates and Implications, a comprehensive study which provides cost and benefit information in an easy-to-apply format; and Parking Management Best Practices, a comprehensive book on innovative management solutions to parking problems. Mr. Litman has worked as a research and planning consultant for a diverse range of clients, including government agencies, professional organizations, developers and nongovernment organizations. He has worked in more than two dozen countries, on every continent except Antarctica. Mr. Litman is a frequent speaker at conferences and workshops. His presentations range from technical and practical to humorous and inspirational. He regularly blogs on the Planetizen website. He is active in several professional organizations including the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) and the Transportation Research Board (TRB, a section of U.S. National Academy of Sciences). In addition to technical writing, Todd has co-authored two travel books (Washington; Off the Beaten Path and Best Bike Rides in the Pacific Northwest) with his wife, Shoshana Litman. They reside in Victoria, British Columbia.


Photo of Sara StuddardSara Studdard

Sara Studdard is the Director of Local Innovation for PeopleForBikes. Sara helps plan and execute the PeopleForBikes’  place-based programs that work at the local level to advance our mission - getting more people riding bikes more often and making bike riding better for everyone. These programs develop strong community partnerships, accelerating local innovations to create replicable best practices that can be shared widely. 

Sara spent a decade in Memphis leading community engagement and marketing efforts that included local agriculture systems, economic development and placemaking. She supported the launch of Memphis's bike share program, Explore Bike Share in 2018. At Explore Bike Share she led fund development, organizational planning and equity efforts. Sara enjoys helping cities by improving and utilizing local resources for good. 



MassDOT Announces Bicycle Safety Pilot on the Massachusetts Avenue Bridge Over the Charles River (Harvard Bridge)

The separated bike lane will be installed and in place by 5 a.m. on Monday, November 22

BOSTON – The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) is announcing a bicycle safety pilot on the Massachusetts Avenue Bridge over the Charles River (the Harvard Bridge).  This pilot is the result of a strong partnership with the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR), City of Cambridge, City of Boston, and various advocacy groups including Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP), LivableStreets Alliance, TransitMatters, MassBike, Cambridge Bike Safety, and WalkBoston.
Consistent with MassDOT’s commitment to sustainable transportation and creating a safe and convenient transportation network for all modes, this pilot will reduce the number of vehicular travel lanes to one lane in each direction and will increase the available width of the bicycle lane to provide additional buffer space to separate cyclists from vehicles and trucks.
“MassDOT is thrilled to implement this bicycle safety pilot to better serve all users of the Massachusetts Avenue Bridge,” said Transportation Secretary and CEO Jamey Tesler. “This pilot is a great example of various agencies, municipalities, and advocacy groups working together to create safer and more sustainable transportation options for all modes.”
“Implementing this bicycle safety pilot will help explore a mobility solution on the Massachusetts Avenue Bridge that can help support a sustainable transportation system,” said Department of Conservation and Recreation Acting Commissioner Stephanie Cooper. “DCR is pleased to collaborate with so many partners to advance this safety pilot and looks forward to understanding the important data that the Commonwealth will be able to collect in the coming months.”
This separated bike lane will be installed and in place by 5:00 a.m. on Monday, November 22 using cones, arrow boards, and advance signage.
“As we work to promote low-carbon travel options, our City needs to move urgently to protect the safety of our commuters and residents,” said Mayor of the City of Boston, Michelle Wu. “Boston is grateful to our local and state partners for helping this safety pilot come to fruition, connecting our communities and laying the groundwork for safer, more sustainable transportation infrastructure throughout the region.”
“The City of Cambridge is pleased to see the Massachusetts Department of Transportation start installing greater separation for cyclists on the Harvard Bridge in time for the winter,” said Joseph Barr, Cambridge’s Director of Traffic, Parking, and Transportation. “This improvement is supported by our City Council and is consistent with Cambridge’s overall goal of installing separated bicycles lanes along the entire length of Massachusetts Avenue to improve safety and comfort for cyclists of all ages and abilities.”
The bicycle safety pilot will run through the winter months while engineers and advocates evaluate safety and crash data, traffic volumes, bicycle volumes, and travel time of the MBTA’s Harvard Square-Nubian Square bus, (running bus route number 1).
“On behalf of the Boston Cyclists Union and all of the advocacy groups who requested MassDOT address safety issues on the Mass Ave Bridge, we are grateful for the state’s prompt leadership in addressing the issues identified, as well as city leadership on both sides of the bridge who embraced the proposal. This important regional route already carries thousands of daily bicycle riders who have protection on city streets on both sides of the bridge and have endured the gap in the bike network over the bridge itself,” said Becca Wolfson, Executive Director of Boston Cyclists Union.  “We’re in a critical moment where we need to get more people out of cars to address our climate crisis, our congestion crisis, and to provide more affordable means to get around. Making this bridge safer and more comfortable to bike will protect those who have been biking on the bridge and unlock exponential opportunity and access for more people in the region to choose to get around on two wheels, create more space for pedestrians on the sidewalk, and help moderate driver speeds. This commitment from MassDOT is truly a win-win, and we look forward to working with the state and other stakeholders to achieve the more permanent changes in the spring.”
All scheduled work is weather dependent and subject to change.
During severe weather, the pilot may be temporarily suspended during snow and ice operations with the intent to restore the pilot as soon as possible.
For more information on traffic conditions, travelers are also encouraged to:
Dial 511 and select a route to hear real–time conditions.
Visit, a website which provides real-time traffic and incident advisory information and allows users to subscribe to text and email alerts for traffic conditions.
Follow MassDOT on Twitter @MassDOT to receive regular updates on road and traffic conditions.
Download MassDOT’s GoTime mobile app and view real-time traffic conditions before setting out on the road.

MBTA and City of Boston Cut Ribbon on New England’s First Center-Running Bus Lane on Columbus Avenue

BOSTON – MassDOT Secretary and CEO Jamey Tesler, MBTA General Manager Steve Poftak, City of Boston Mayor Kim Janey, community leaders, and advocates celebrated the completion and opening of a transformative transportation project: a center-running bus lane facility on Columbus Avenue between Walnut Avenue and Jackson Square Station in Boston. The corridor is the first center-running bus lane facility in the MBTA service area and in New England, and is anticipated to save riders 4 – 7 minutes on Bus Routes 22, 29 and 44 traveling along the nearly mile-long corridor. Bus operations began in the bus lanes along Columbus Avenue starting Saturday, October 30, 2021.

The ribbon-cutting event celebrated the completion and opening of the project, which has been under construction since August 2020. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the City of Boston and the MBTA prioritized implementation for the Columbus Avenue project due to the continued need for bus priority. After the statewide public health emergency was declared in March 2020, ridership for Bus Routes 22, 29, and 44, which travel through the project corridor, were well above system-wide averages. These routes also serve some of the highest rates of low-income and minority riders within the MBTA’s system. Prioritizing trips for these riders at this time is a critical part of making it easier for riders to access workforce opportunities, education, and critical services in the months and years to come as the region recovers.

“We appreciate the collaborative efforts of the City of Boston, business community, local leaders, and transit advocates which have helped the MBTA deliver on its commitment to aggressively complete capital projects that are vital to improving safety and service for riders and pedestrians,” said Transportation Secretary and CEO Jamey Tesler. “In spite of continued challenges brought about by the pandemic, the MBTA has succeeded in opening this center-running bus lane with new stations and other amenities and in moving ahead with other projects to repair or replace core infrastructure, track, signals, and power.”

The transit enhancements were designed to dramatically improve bus reliability and accessibility for riders relying on three chronically delayed MBTA routes connecting Mattapan, Dorchester, Roxbury, and Jamaica Plain with the Orange Line, Red Line, and the rest of the transit system. Important accessibility improvements include bus stop boarding platforms with large digital panels dedicated to real-time information that also include an audio component, allowing for the achievement of both visual and audible equivalency for riders with no or low vision and/or who are hard of hearing – a first for the MBTA’s bus network.

“I was so excited to join for the launch of the new Columbus Avenue bus lane. This design is the first of its kind in all of New England and it will serve over 8,000 daily bus riders who rely on the 22, 29, and 44 bus routes to connect to the MBTA transit system. These routes have had consistently high ridership throughout the pandemic,” said City of Boston Mayor Kim Janey. “Thank you to the MBTA, the Boston Transportation Department, and all of the community members and organizations that have come together to make our transportation safer, more accessible, and more equitable.”

“Here on Columbus Ave., a vision for the future of our bus system has taken hold, one where our riders can expect more reliable service, greater accessibility, improved safety, and enhanced customer amenities. We are proud to have partnered closely with the City of Boston to make this vision a reality, one that our riders will benefit from for years to come,” said MBTA General Manager Steve Poftak. “This project is just the first step. We are excited to continue to work with the City of Boston and our other municipal partners to roll-out similar projects in the years to come; extending similar benefits to riders systemwide.”

Installing bus lanes in the middle of Columbus Avenue, which are often called “center-running bus lanes,” allows for faster, more reliable service compared to curbside-running bus lanes by decreasing the likelihood that buses will be delayed by traffic, slowed down by turning cars, or stuck behind double-parked vehicles. In general, center-running bus lanes improve safety by reducing the number of conflicts as compared to side-running bus lanes because they are less affected by side streets, driveways, and motorists parallel parking. The MBTA and the City of Boston will continue to monitor the project’s impact in the weeks and months to come.

A major component of the project was the construction of four pairs of boarding platforms between Walnut Avenue and Dimock Street to allow riders to board and alight the bus. Each boarding platform includes several first-in-the-system upgrades, including near-level boarding to allow for easier access getting on and off the bus, digital screens providing real-time arrival information and other service updates, seating, and canopies to protect riders from the elements.

The new boarding platforms have the added benefit of serving as pedestrian refuges for people crossing Columbus Avenue. Compared to pre-construction conditions, people crossing Columbus Avenue in the project area now have considerably shorter distances to travel between travel lanes. Wherever necessary, crosswalk ramps on adjacent crosswalks were reconstructed to ensure greater accessibility, and a new crosswalk was built near the Boston Public Library location. In total, 49 pedestrian curb-ramps were reconstructed along the project corridor.

Combined, the new boarding platforms, bus lanes, and crosswalks also provide traffic calming benefits by providing motorists with more visual cues to slow down near crosswalks, creating safer conditions for all road-users.

“This is an important investment in making Egleston Square more accessible and welcoming for residents, visitors, and businesses,” said Carolyn Royce of the Egleston Square Neighborhood Association. “I see the dedicated bus lane on Columbus Ave. as addressing some long-held goals of Egleston Square Neighborhood Association to promote bus transit, increase walkability and pedestrian safety, and manage traffic. In addition to more reliable and efficient bus service for three high ridership routes, I welcome the beautiful new bus stops, with sheltered seating, handicap access, and other amenities, and the new crosswalks and signals that make it so much easier and safer to cross Columbus Ave.”

“This project has been a major step forward for the MBTA and Boston when it comes to closing our system’s transit equity gap,” said LivableStreets Alliance Executive Director Stacy Thompson. “Nine in 10 Route 22 riders are people of color, and they have disproportionately longer commuters compared to their fellow white bus riders. Every minute we can give back to riders on the 22 or the 29 or the 44 is a valuable investment toward making a more just, equitable, and sustainable city. We look forward to continuing to advocate for more transit improvements on behalf of riders in the months and years to come.”

The Columbus Avenue bus lanes project is a partnership between the MBTA and the City of Boston. Improving bus service is a priority for both the MBTA, which operates the service, and the City, which owns and manages the right-of-way along the corridor. The project is expected to be completed at a total cost of about $14 million (which includes construction, design, administration, and inspection costs) with about $13 million contributed by the MBTA and $1 million contributed by the City.

The City of Boston and the MBTA will continue to work with the community along Columbus Avenue post-implementation to engage riders and residents about the new facility. The Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) recently green-lighted funding to support extending the center-running bus lane corridor north along Columbus Avenue from its current terminus at Jackson Square to Ruggles Station in order to extend reliability benefits for thousands of daily riders who rely upon that section of Columbus Avenue and Tremont Street. The MBTA is partnering with several other municipalities within the service area to deliver bus priority projects wherever they are needed.

The MBTA continues to partner with MassDOT, the City of Boston, and other municipalities to build a network of high-quality bus priority infrastructure across the MBTA service area, including Summer Street between Dorchester and Atlantic Avenue, North Washington Street in the North End, North Common Street, South Common Street and Market Street in Lynn, the Tobin Bridge, and Broadway in Chelsea.

This project is a key component of the MBTA’s Rapid Response Bus Lane Program, a major initiative to improve bus service starting in summer 2020 in the wake of the pandemic, and the City of Boston’s Healthy Streets initiative, an effort to respond to COVID-19 crisis by doubling down on the City’s Go Boston 2030 goals: equity, economic opportunity, and climate responsiveness.

The MBTA Transit Priority Group was created in 2019 with support from the Barr Foundation to further bus priority projects around the region. The group has worked closely with municipal partners and MassDOT to deliver over 13 miles of bus lanes and activate transit signal priority at 85 locations in six cities, more than doubling the MBTA service area’s bus priority network in the last two years. These reliability benefits have had a far-reaching impact. While 3% of passenger miles travelled are in bus lanes, reliability benefits extend to 41% of passenger miles travelled system-wide.

For more information, please visit, or connect with the T on Twitter @MBTA, on Facebook /TheMBTA, or on Instagram @theMBTA.

MassDOT Launches Safe Routes to School Infrastructure 2021-2022 Funding Program 

Program provides funding for design and construction services in areas surrounding elementary and middle schools

Application period begins today, Friday, October 15, and closes on Wednesday, December 1 

BOSTON – The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT), through its Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Program, is pleased to announce the launch of the 2021-2022 Infrastructure Funding Program.  The Program provides both design and construction services for projects between $300,000 and $1.5 million in areas immediately around public elementary and middle schools throughout the Commonwealth.

The most recent iteration of the SRTS Infrastructure Program, which has involved a competitive project solicitation process, began in 2019 and has awarded approximately $20 million in funding for 21 infrastructure projects across the Commonwealth to date. Eligible projects include transportation construction and capital improvement projects that will improve safety and/or increase the number of children walking and biking to school and are located within two miles of a school serving children in any grades between kindergarten to eighth grade.

The application period opens today, Friday, October 15, 2021, and all applications are due by 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, December 1, 2021. The SRTS Infrastructure Funding Program Guidance Document is available on the SRTS website under the “Engineering” section. All SRTS Partner Schools are encouraged to apply and must have a municipal contact as the primary applicant.

“This program serves as a great resource for school communities to ensure that key infrastructure is in place to support safe walking and biking to and from school,” said MassDOT Secretary and CEO Jamey Tesler. “We are pleased to continue to work with our Safe Routes to School partners to identify opportunities that encourage access to safe and healthy transportation.”

To be eligible for this SRTS Infrastructure Program, schools must build a partnership with the SRTS non-infrastructure program that involves education, encouragement, engagement, equity, and evaluation activities. Applicants must be an SRTS partner for at least six months prior to applying.

The funding program allows schools to conveniently use MassDOT’s Massachusetts Project Intake Tool (MaPIT) to submit information online. MaPIT was developed to provide municipalities with more convenient access to transportation funding program opportunities available statewide. The Safe Routes to School Infrastructure Funding Program application is available in the MaPIT portal (

The Massachusetts SRTS Program, sponsored by MassDOT and with funds from the Federal Highway Administration, promotes safer routes for students to actively get to and from school by fostering partnerships between community-led organizations, local law enforcement, education leaders, and public health departments. The program currently serves more than 950 schools in over 240 communities across the Commonwealth. Through these partnerships, the Massachusetts SRTS Program highlights the importance of pedestrian and bicyclist safety. SRTS also provides information, materials, and resources to support schools and communities with their local SRTS initiatives.

For questions related to the SRTS Infrastructure Funding Program visit Safe Routes To School – Engineering |

For more information on Massachusetts Safe Routes to School visit:
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Baker-Polito Administration Advances Mystic River Bicycle and Pedestrian Bridge Project

Everett – Governor Charlie Baker today announced that the Baker-Polito Administration has committed to completing the design, permitting, and construction of the Mystic River Bicycle and Pedestrian Bridge. The bridge project, once constructed, will provide a connection from Draw Seven Park near the MBTA Assembly Station in the City of Somerville to the City of Everett next to the Encore Boston Harbor Resort, enhancing mobility and access for residents while linking communities within the Northern Strand and Mystic River trail network. The announcement was made by Governor Baker, Energy, and Environmental Affairs Secretary Kathleen Theoharides, Transportation Secretary Jamey Tesler, Gaming Commission Chair Cathy Judd Stein, and state and local officials in the Cities of Everett and Somerville.

“This long-awaited project will provide the residents of Everett, Somerville, and surrounding communities with a safe and convenient way to walk or bike across the Mystic River,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “Once built, the Mystic River bridge will re-connect these communities, enhance access to transportation and local businesses and link the long-distance trail network on the North Shore, delivering significant benefits to the entire region.”

“The Mystic River bridge is an important connector to get bicyclists and pedestrians across the river,” said Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito. “We’re pleased to move forward with this project and are grateful for the local community groups, and the cities of Everett and Somerville, for their advocacy in support of this needed infrastructure.”

In 2009, the Department of Conservation and Recreation completed a feasibility study which found that a new bridge was the best option for a connection across the Mystic River due to its ability to provide a direct, safe route that would increase mobility, provide pedestrians and bicyclists access to transit and local businesses, and reconnect communities divided by highways, high-speed roads, and water.  State officials estimate that approximately 2,300 pedestrians and more than 350 bicyclists will utilize the bridge on a daily basis. Formally proposed as a result of the study, the bridge will be approximately 12 feet wide, 785 feet long, and 35 feet high at the top of the structure, and will include lighting, signage, and benches along its entire length.

“By making sure this bridge gets built, the Baker-Polito Administration is delivering a mobility solution that prioritizes equity, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, and enhances access to local businesses and services for residents in these Environmental Justice communities,” said Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Kathleen Theoharides. “The Mystic River bridge will provide a critical link for residents that makes public transit and recreational trails easier to access, building on the Administration’s investments in long-distance trail networks like the Northern Strand.”

“The Massachusetts Department of Transportation is pleased to be part of efforts to construct a pedestrian and bicycle bridge over the Mystic River which will increase the options for traveling between Everett and Somerville,” said Transportation Secretary and CEO Jamey Tesler. “Construction of this bridge supports the Baker-Polito Administration’s commitment to providing a safe and equitable transportation network to advance the Commonwealth’s transit, economic, climate and public health goals.”

Once completed, the bridge will also allow the Northern Strand shared use path, which travels from Lynn to the Mystic River, to realize its full potential. The 11.5 mile Northern Strand project, which the Baker-Polito Administration supported through a $15 million investment, provides a transportation and recreation corridor that connects the communities of Everett, Malden, Revere, Saugus, and Lynn. The bridge between Somerville and Everett will connect the Northern Strand to the Mystic River and Malden River trail networks, and deliver an equitable mobility solution to residents of surrounding communities. Four of the five communities along the Northern Strand are Gateway Cities, and all the communities, as well as Somerville, are Environmental Justice communities. Of the 111,000 people that live within one-half mile of the Northern Strand, 96,000, or 86%, meet at least one Environmental Justice Criteria.

The announcement to advance and complete the project follows a commitment from the Massachusetts Gaming Commission in October 2021 to provide $650,000 to finish the design and permitting phase of the project. This phase of the project is expected to be completed in Summer 2022, with construction projected to begin in 2024 or sooner pending the permitting process. To pay for the approximately $35 million construction cost, the Administration will pursue opportunities for federal grant funding and is exploring several additional options to finance the project. Once completed, the bridge will be under the care and custody of DCR, which will maintain the structure and provide services such as snow and ice removal.

“On behalf of my fellow commissioners, the Massachusetts Gaming Commission is delighted to contribute to this exciting initiative through the MGC Community Mitigation Fund,” said Cathy Judd-Stein, Chair of the Massachusetts Gaming Commission. “As envisioned by the Legislature and established under the Expanded Gaming Act, the Community Mitigation Fund provides support to communities and governmental entities in offsetting impacts related to casino gaming. The pedestrian and bicycle bridge will connect Encore Boston Harbor’s host community Everett to Somerville, enhancing economic opportunities, and linking the T to a new and extensive network of bike paths, offering critical transportation alternatives to casino patrons and employees and Massachusetts residents.”

“Providing our residents and visitors with unique opportunities to get outdoors and live healthy active lifestyles is more important now than ever before,” said Department of Conservation and Recreation Commissioner Jim Montgomery. “Creating critical trail connections by building the Mystic River Bicycle and Pedestrian Bridge is yet another example of the Baker-Polito Administration’s commitment to improving our trail system and forging community bonds.”

“This project provides a new, direct, safe, and comfortable connection for bicyclists and pedestrians traveling across the Mystic River between Everett and Assembly Station in Somerville,” said Everett Mayor Carlo DeMaria. “The bridge stitches the growing 25-mile network Mystic River trail system and regional pedestrian and bicycle routes.  It will provide Everett residents direct access to the rapid MBTA station at Assembly Row, in turn, providing access to jobs and other key destinations without a car or multiple transit transfers. Thank you to the Baker Polito Administration as well as the Mass. Gaming Commission. When government works cohesively, we can and will accomplish the unthinkable.”

“The Mystic River Bicycle and Pedestrian Bridge will be an important link in a larger network of regional pathways on both sides of the Mystic River,” said Somerville Mayor Joseph Curtatone. “Connecting the communities in the Mystic River basin is a step forward for transportation equity and for making sustainable, environmentally friendly transit options more accessible to residents in our region. I look forward to this project moving forward and opening up a new connection between Somerville and Everett.”

The Baker-Polito Administration’s commitment to build the project follows significant stakeholder engagement, including input and strong support for the project from local officials, legislators, community groups, and environmental and mobility advocacy groups. Public meetings were held in both Everett and Somerville in addition to six large stakeholder meetings focused on various aspects of the project. Additionally, the Administration held other public hearings associated with project permitting in each community.

First Name Affiliation
Joel WSP (MA)
Matthew Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) (DOT)
Adam Toronto Metrolinx (Canada)
Craig Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT)
Amy Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) (DOT)
Richard Tighe & Bond (Woburn)
Anna Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT)
Curtis North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT)
Alice Boston Harbor Now
Sommer Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) (DOT)
Paul Pioneer Valley Transit Authority (PVTA)
Phyllis MA Office of Travel & Tourism (MOTT)
Christopher Tetra Tech, Inc.
Kathleen CDW Consultants
Cheryl Massachusetts Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board (MABPAB)
William Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT)
Ned City of Newton DPW
Michelle Private Citizen
Dan Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) (DOT)
Jacqueline Vermont Agency of Transportation (DOT)
Smith MA Human Service Transportation Office, EOHHS
Maggie Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT)
Todd Vermont LTAP/ VT Local Roads
James Apex Companies, LLC (Woburn)
Dezarae Ohio DOT Central Office (ODOT)
James Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative
Daniel Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs
Karin Valentine University of Massachusetts Medical School
Elizabeth Merrimack Valley Planning Commission (MVPC)
Steve California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) (CADOT)
Grace Tufts University
Rebecca Massachusetts Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board (MABPAB)
Raymond AECOM
Ray Howard Stein Hudson (HSH)
Jessica RTA Chicago (IL)
John Stantec (Burlington MA)
Bryce Massachusetts Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board (MABPAB)
Ko Green International Affiliates
Heather HDR
Haidee MA Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP)
Jacqueline SRPEDD
Yelena South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT)
Jon Vermont Agency of Transportation (DOT)
Reiner Toronto Metrolinx (Canada)
Tim GPI (MA)
Chris State House News Service
Greg Tighe & Bond (Westfield)
Keith Massachusetts Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board (MABPAB)
Katharine Michael Baker International (CT)
Mike VHB
Jeff Pioneer Valley Planning Commission (PVPC)
Robert Econolite Control Products (MA)
Bill Tighe & Bond (Woburn)
John Nitsch Engineering
Tanya Vermont Agency of Transportation (DOT)
Christine AI Engineers, Inc. (MA)
Galen MassBike
Deirdre New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT)
Paul HNTB Corporation
Evan Private Citizen
Tolu University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Seun NSBE Boston
Katharine Vermont Agency of Transportation (DOT)
Emily Vermont Agency of Transportation (DOT)
Cayla MA Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP)
Doug Michael Baker International (CT)
Larry AI Engineers, Inc. (MA)
Marilynne Mattapan Food and Fitness Coalition
Anam Toronto Metrolinx (Canada)
Thomas HDR
Meg AER Environmental Access Committee
Nicole Pioneer Valley Transit Authority (PVTA)
Nathan Nitsch Engineering
Nicholas New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT)
Kay Mattapan Food and Fitness Coalition
William Kimley-Horn and Associates
Bob WGBH Radio
Joe Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) (DOT)
Sandra Pioneer Valley Transit Authority (PVTA)
Monika StreetLight Data, Inc. (CA)
Gabe Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MN)
Ed Massachusetts Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board (MABPAB)
Sharna MA Human Service Transportation Office, EOHHS
Sam City of Fitchburg
Heidi Pioneer Valley Transit Authority (PVTA)
Teresa StreetLight Data, Inc. (CA)
Christine York Region (The Regional Municipality of York) (Canada)
Mack AI Engineers, Inc. (MA)
Lindsey Jacobs
Lisa MA Human Service Transportation Office, EOHHS
Maureen Maureen White Consulting
Rebecca Jacobs
Yueming West Virginia Department of Transportation (WVDOT)
Ramsen Toronto Metrolinx (Canada)
Michael City of Haverhill
Jennifer FHWA (MA)
Casey FHWA (MA)
Kenneth FHWA (MA)
Artem FHWA (MA)
Michael FHWA DC
Joshua FHWA (MA)
Tina FHWA (MA)
Tomasz FHWA (MA)
Jeff FHWA (MA)
Cassandra FHWA (MA)
Michael FHWA (MA)
Andrew FHWA (MA)
Chris FHWA (MA)
David Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Mousumy MassDOT District 6
Shahriar MassDOT
Joseph MassDOT Right of Way Bureau
Mariselly MassDOT Research and Materials
Jose MassDOT District 1
Jessica MassDOT
Nicholas MassDOT
Josh MassDOT
Edward MassDOT
Lyris MassDOT
Corinna MassDOT
Stephen MassDOT District 3
Sharon MassDOT Aeronautics Division
Robbin MassDOT
Hema MassDOT
Heather MassDOT
Gary MassDOT
Lorraine MassDOT Aeronautics Division
Michaela MassDOT
Scott MassDOT
Stephanie MassDOT District 3
Sarah MassDOT District 3
Marie MassDOT
Laura Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Jonathan MassDOT
Maria MassDOT
Patricia MassDOT
Christopher MassDOT
Catherine MassDOT District 4
Lola MassDOT District 3
Lawrence MassDOT
Lidy MassDOT
Kuok MassDOT District 6
Judy Massachusetts Safe Routes to School Program
Vanita MassDOT
Richard MassDOT
Dakota MassDOT
YiWen MassDOT District 4
Alex MassDOT
Michelle MassDOT
James MassDOT Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV)
Thomas MassDOT
Kimberly Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Joe MassDOT District 5
Susan MassDOT
Alexander MassDOT District 5
Melissa Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Wesley Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Thomas MassDOT District 3
Margo MassDOT
Amy MassDOT
Christopher MassDOT
Hishan MassDOT
Kate MassDOT
Ana MassDOT
Kevin MassDOT
Steven MassDOT
E Jenny MassDOT Highway Division
Michael MassDOT
Joseph MassDOT
Jonathan MassDOT
Bob MassDOT
Peter MassDOT District 1
Rob MassDOT
Robert MassDOT
Michael MassDOT District 6
Alana MassDOT Research and Materials
Travis MassDOT
Judith MassDOT District 1
Jacquelyn MassDOT
Christian MassDOT
Jennifer MassDOT
John MassDOT District 4
Jonathan MassDOT
Robert Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Haider MassDOT
Shaun MassDOT District 5
Diane MassDOT Safe Routes to School Program
Luke MassDOT District 2
Francisca MassDOT District 1
Michelle MassDOT
Jennifer MassDOT Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV)
Paul MassDOT District 5
Janine MassDOT
Jay Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Douglas MassDOT
Kirsten MassDOT
Mary MassDOT
Owen MassDOT
Jacob MassDOT Aeronautics Division
Paul MassDOT District 2
Eamon MassDOT
James MassDOT
Gregory MassDOT
Valerie MassDOT
Roy MassDOT
Chris MassDOT
James MassDOT District 3
Ale MassDOT District 5
Louis MassDOT District 5
Joseph MassDOT District 5
Samantha MassDOT
Aniko Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Shane MassDOT District 3
Patricia MassDOT
Jon MassDOT
Jessica MassDOT
Wesley MassDOT
Janhavi MassDOT
Amitai MassDOT
Kevin MassDOT
Amy MassDOT District 4
Rich MassDOT District 5
William MassDOT
Carrie VHB
Kit MassDOT
Michael MassDOT Office of Diversity and Civil Rights
James MassDOT Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV)
Zachary MassDOT
Jeremy MassDOT
Drew MassDOT Aeronautics Division
Tara MassDOT
Olivia Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
David MassDOT
Eric Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Hayes MassDOT
Olivia MassDOT Highway Division
Shahpar MassDOT
Jesse MassDOT
Christopher MassDOT
Penny MassDOT
Eitan Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Gus MassDOT
Eric MassDOT
Corey MassDOT
Ann MassDOT
Evin MassDOT
Mary MassDOT Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV)
Colleen MassDOT Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV)
Lily MassDOT
Chester MassDOT
Leon Massachusetts Safe Routes to School Program
Paige MassDOT
Lois MassDOT
Hasmukh MassDOT
Sudip MassDOT
Adam MassDOT District 5
Nathan MassDOT
Billy MassDOT
Maximilian MassDOT
Arthur Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Tom Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Behnam MassDOT
Kawtar MassDOT
Maria MassDOT
Muazzez MassDOT
Kristen MassDOT
Erin MassDOT
Dan MassDOT District 5
Judith MassDOT
Derrick MassDOT
David MassDOT
Christopher MassDOT
Thomas MassDOT
Lisa MassDOT
Stacey MassDOT
Alaina MassDOT
Shalini Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Cheryll-Ann MassDOT District 5
Sandra MassDOT District 5
David MassDOT
Annabel MassDOT
Shirley MassDOT District 3
Owen MassDOT Aeronautics Division
Stephen MassDOT Highway Design
Meredith MassDOT
Kimberley MassDOT
Claudia MassDOT
David MassDOT District 5
Gregory MassDOT
Stephen MassDOT
Gloria MassDOT District 4
Paul MassDOT
Susan MassDOT
Daniel MassDOT
Ann MassDOT
Allison Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Sungchul MassDOT Highway Division
Edmilson MassDOT District 3
Jamey MassDOT
Sara MassDOT
Hector MassDOT District 5
Paul MassDOT
Julian MassDOT
Amber MassDOT
Prachi Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Frans Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Caroline MassDOT
Zach MassDOT
Faina MassDOT District 5
Emil MassDOT District 6
Nicholas MassDOT
Linda MassDOT
Jason MassDOT District 5
Josh Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Frank MassDOT Highway Division
Robert MassDOT District 5
Violet MassDOT
Jules MassDOT
Steve MassDOT
Sue MassDOT
Marianti MassDOT
Nicholas MassDOT
Warren MassDOT
Alissa Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Ian MassDOT
Christine Bowman
Patti City of Columbus Power (OH)
Gerald MA Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) (Boston)
Rachel MassDOT
Clinton University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
Noah Merrimack Valley Regional Transit Authority (MVRTA)
Stacey WalkMassachusetts
Neil MassDOT
Bud HNTB Corporation
LaRay Edgewater Neighborhood Association
Ethan MassDOT
Brandon Federal Transit Administration (MA)
Brad Groundwork Lawrence
Brendan City of Peabody
Jennifer City of New Bedford Planning Department
Tacy Maynard High School
Ankita Bernard van Leer Foundation (NLD)
Eleni University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Amber Mystic River Watershed Association
Aaron City of Lynn
Andrew Clean Fuels Ohio (OH)
Laurie Town of Millbury
William MassDOT
Nancy MassDOT
James Broward County MPO (FL)
Andrea MassDOT
Aleece Stantec (Burlington MA)
Andrew Apponequet Regional High School
Jennifer KABOOM! (DC)
Bill VHB
Jacqueline MassDOT
Dan MA Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) (Boston)
Isabella Newton North High School
Sara Maynard High School
Salnave Dartmouth High School
Zachary City of North Adams
Rachel MassDOT
Jared Volpe National Transportation Systems Center
Jessica Harvard University
Patricia Save the Harbor / Save the Bay
Joe Nauset Regional High School
Karen All Out Adventures
Eliana Local Motion (VT)
Hannah Maynard High School
Kurt MA Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA)
Anna Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Cassandra MassDOT
David Design Consultants, Inc. (Somerville)
Jack Sharon High School
Lori Sharon High School
Michael Newton North High School
Natalie Dartmouth High School
Eric University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
François City of Montreal (Canada)
Leah MassDOT
Andrew Town of Williamstown
Meghan MassDOT Highway Division
Laura MassDOT District 2
Lydia Toole Design Group
Randy Sharon High School
David Sharon High School
Tracey Sharon High School
Ethan Sharon High School
Susie Sharon High School
Carl MassDOT
Tony Civil Streets (MN)
Aubrey Toronto Metrolinx (Canada)
Paul MA Office of Outdoor Recreation
Doug Boston Cyclists Union
Jessica MassDOT
Erik Tourist Welcome
Chris MassDOT
Michael UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Libby MA Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) (Boston)
Bartek City of Montreal (Canada)
Daniel Sharon High School
Lisa Sharon High School
Derek MassDOT
Sujatha Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC)
Kevin MassDOT District 6
Jeff Travelers Marketing (FL)
Carrie MassDOT
Martha Merrimack Valley TMA/North Shore TMA/Junction TMO
Koby MassDOT
Andre MassINC
Amanda MA Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) (Boston)
Camille Apponequet Regional High School
David Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC)
Charles MassDOT
Chris Save the Harbor / Save the Bay
Michael Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Amanda Newton North High School
Christine City of Lowell DPW
Katie Nauset Regional High School
Andrew Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Ian Howard Stein Hudson (HSH)
Allentza Powerful Pathways
Steven Private Citizen
Carolyn City of Northampton
Joseph City of Everett
Michelle Civic Space Collaborative
Mark MassDOT District 1
Ricardo City of Pittsfield
Maddy Maynard High School
Molly Newton North High School
Benjamin MassDOT District 6
Michael MassDOT Highway Division
Bob KCI Technologies (FL)
Max MassDOT
Nick Oaks and Spokes (NC)
Makaela MassDOT
Abril MassDOT
Julie Apponequet Regional High School
Katrina Town of Middleton DPW
Jimi University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Shavel'le Mattapan Food and Fitness Coalition
Joshua Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Boris Foursquare Integrated Transportation Planning
Andrew MassDOT
Annie National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) (NY)
Jamie Superpedestrian
Rob Dartmouth High School
Essek VHB
Drew MassDOT
Bonnie MassDOT
Matthew HarborArts
Ella Maynard High School
Dave Essex National Heritage Commission
Nate Newton North High School
Faye Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC)
Bill Squannacook Greenways
Evelyn Lawrence Methuen Community Coalition
Eddie Groundwork Lawrence
Gary Pioneer Valley Planning Commission (PVPC)
Alyssa University of Arizona
Erik Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Emily North Adams Public Schools
Brian Town of Jackson Hole (WY)
Conor Kittelson & Associates, Inc.
Judy Easterseals, Inc. (IL)
Derek MassDOT
Jose MassDOT
Pete MassDOT
Monica MassDOT
Michael MassDOT
Francisco Groundwork Lawrence
Jocelyn Bosch eBike Systems America (CA)
Geordie City of Newburyport
Owen Nauset Regional High School
Laura Town of Watertown Community Development and Planning
Liz MassDOT
Carson Nauset Regional High School
Joan Squannacook Greenways
Katherine HNTB Corporation
Jenny MassDOT
Karl Mystic River Watershed Association
Michael 3M (MN)
Wayne VHB
Matthew CDR Maguire (MA)
Robert Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Inc.
Amy Pare Corporation (RI)
Edward AECOM
Madeline Nitsch Engineering
Steven GPI (MA)
Christie AECOM
Charles VHB
Joseph VHB
Han WSP (MA)
Kate Regina Villa Associates
David Cambridge Systematics, Inc.
Amanda VHB
Audrey Hoyle, Tanner & Associates, Inc. (NH)
Nathalie HDR
Stefanie VHB
Jeff 128 Business Council
Angela WSP (TX)
Gregory Colliers Engineering & Design
Ashley Benesch (MA)
Arthur HDR
Chelsea VHB
Benjamin BETA Group, Inc. (MA)
Norman Fuss & O'Neill, Inc. (Manchester CT)
Rachel WSP (MA)
Donald Private Citizen
Allison Solomon Foundation
Theresa Nelson\Nygaard
Paul PSC Engineering
Najah Barr Foundation
Jaklyn BETA Group, Inc. (MA)
Christine VHB
Davren CHA Consulting, Inc. (IN)
Matthew VHB
Regan Regina Villa Associates
Todd Hoyle, Tanner & Associates, Inc. (NH)
Andrew Meridian Associates
Dennis HNTB Corporation
Ryan VHB
Michael VHB
Kevin TEC, Inc. (Lawrence MA)
Lourenco VHB
Annahid Arup
Jacqueline HDR
Tyler Fuss & O'Neill, Inc. (Boston)
Mark GPI (MA)
Jason Toole Design Group
Craig Norwottuck Network
Adam BETA Group, Inc. (MA)
Molly CHA Consulting, Inc.(MA)
Ellen Jacobs
John GPI (MA)
Caroline VHB
Michelle Private Citizen
Matthew VHB
Kathryn BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office)
Mark GPI (MA)
Thomas T.Y. Lin International (ME)
Dustan GPI (MA)
Nancy Regina Villa Associates
Robert CHA Consulting, Inc. (NH)
Jeff Dewberry
Dennis BETA Group, Inc. (MA)
Sarah Arborway Coalition
David Michael Baker International (CT)
Malaysia Boston Cyclists Union
Darryl Michael Baker International (CT)
Michael AI Engineers, Inc. (CT)
Phil VHB
Matthew HDR
Abbie American Council of Engineering Companies (MA)
Michael VHB
Anthony HDR
Erica Toole Design Group
Eileen Fuss & O'Neill, Inc. (Quincy)
Birendra Nitsch Engineering
Heather BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office)
Niki VHB
Ron GPI (MA)
Walter Pare Corporation (RI)
Patricia The Eastern Transportation Coalition (MD)
Nathan Slalom
Kien BETA Group, Inc. (MA)
Christopher GPI (MA)
Geoffrey GPI (MA)
Marlin Stantec (Burlington MA)
Derek Pare Corporation (RI)
Benny Apex Companies, LLC
Antonio Private Citizen
John Meridian Associates
Lisa Barr Foundation
Katherine MassBike
Erik AI Engineers, Inc. (MA)
Rosie Toole Design Group
Abigail Walker Consultants
Betsy WalkMassachusetts
Lisa Kimley-Horn and Associates
Ron Stantec (Burlington MA)
Matt VHB
Matthew GPI (MA)
Wayne Brennan Consulting, Inc.
Aaron Fuss & O'Neill Inc. (Springfield)
Kristine East Coast Greenway Alliance (RI)
Shanta VHB
Marcia Kleinfelder, Inc.
Omar Private Citizen
Christine TEC, Inc. (Lawrence MA)
Lisa RINA/Patrick Engineering, Inc.
Robert SLR Consulting (CT)
William VHB
Nancy HNTB Corporation
Claudia Civic Space Collaborative
Traci Seaport TMA
David Hoyle, Tanner & Associates, Inc. (NH)
Kyle VHB
Nick Fuss & O'Neill Inc. (Springfield)
Betsy CDW Consultants, Inc.
Alison Stantec (Burlington MA)
Tracie MassDOT Highway Division
Michael HDR
Keith Chappell Engineering Associates, LLC
Benjamin GPI (MA)
Jessica Howard Stein Hudson (HSH)
Aleksandar VHB
Irene Private Citizen
John 350 Mass
Diane Private Citizen
Maggie VHB
Mary AAA Northeast (Southern New England) (RI)
Joseph Michael Baker International (CT)
Selma VHB
Francis Apex Companies, LLC (Beverly)
Shravya CHA Consulting, Inc. (NY)
David Howard Stein Hudson (HSH)
Jeff BETA Group, Inc. (MA)
Sean GPI (MA)
Patrick Stantec (Burlington MA)
William HDR
Paul GPI (MA)
Tyler Fuss & O'Neill Inc. (Springfield)
Gabriel Metro Mobility, LLC
Michael North Central Texas Council of Government
Kevin HDR
Ellen CHA Consulting, Inc.(MA)
Jay City Point Partners, LLC
James CDM Smith (Boston)
Thanh GPI (MA)
Laura Cambridge Systematics, Inc.
Kelly BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office)
Katherine Fuss & O'Neill, Inc. (Quincy)
Kara Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC)
Sam BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office)
Ari Institute for Transportation & Development Policy (ITDP) Boston
Elizabeth City of Lowell
Michael Stantec (Boston MA)
Eliza Boston Cyclists Union
Elizabeth Tetra Tech, Inc.
Sarah Regina Villa Associates
Roger Private Citizen
Soni Tetra Tech, Inc.
Katherine Fuss & O'Neill, Inc. (Quincy)
Molly VHB
Scott HDR
Leah Cambridge Systematics, Inc.
Rick VHB
Mike Howard Stein Hudson (HSH)
Bryan McKinsey Boston
Adam VHB
Gina 128 Business Council
Mike VHB
Dennis Stantec
Stephen VHB
Brent VHB
Ashleigh CHA Consulting, Inc. (NH)
Carol CHA Consulting, Inc. (IN)
Nicole GPI (MA)
Daniel Arup
Justin Arup
Joe Stantec (Burlington MA)
Gregory VHB
Canan Private Citizen
Patricia Save the Harbor / Save the Bay
Alyssa Stantec (Burlington MA)
Rachel Stantec (Burlington MA)
Antonio WSP (MA)
Mark AAA Northeast (Southern New England) (RI)
Jason Stantec (Burlington MA)
Bob Pexco LLC, Davidson Traffic Control Products (GA)
Matthew ATANE Engineers, P.C. (CT)
Alex Boston Cyclists Union
Marie John Turner Consulting, Inc. (North Hampton, NH)
Lisa CDM Smith (Boston)
Matt BETA Group, Inc. (MA)
Nancy Private Citizen
Matthew Fuss & O'Neill, Inc. (Quincy)
Kristin AECOM
Kara Arup
Paul ATANE Engineers, P.C. (CT)
Kayla Howard Stein Hudson (HSH)
Rachael Walking In Arlington
Emily Safe Roads Alliance
Greg Walker Consultants
Traceé PRR Biz (WA)
Courtney Tetra Tech, Inc.
Patrick Seaport TMA
Charles HDR
Rick Private Citizen
John GPI (MA)
Matthew Fuss & O'Neill Inc. (Springfield)
Zoe Arup
Emily Way Finders
Erin VHB
Lispeth 128 Business Council
Patrick Apex Companies, LLC
Tony Benesch (MA)
Lee Town of Milton Bicycle Advisory Committee
Jeffrey HDR
Frank Green International Affiliates
KIM CDM Smith (RI)
Joshua VHB
James Gill Engineering
Steven Howard Stein Hudson (HSH)
Angelica Green International Affiliates
Corey VHB
Shahvir AI Engineers, Inc. (MA)
James Private Citizen
Allie Arup
Juliet Kittelson & Associates, Inc.
Julia Institute for Transportation & Development Policy (ITDP) Boston
Kevin Stantec (Burlington MA)
Claudia Bosch eBike Systems America (CA)
Timothy GPI (MA)
Kristine VHB
John WSP (MA)
Rob Private Citizen
Sage GPI (MA)
Sasha MassDOT
Robert AECOM
Noah VHB
Kristine VHB
Joseph Cambridge Systematics, Inc.
Ariel VHB
Adam Dewberry
Deborah Friends of the Bruce Freeman Rail Trail
Michael City of Agawam
Tom Town of Dennis
Benjamin City of Agawam
Susan Town of Lexington
Ryan FTA Region 1 (MA)
Sheri Montachusett Regional Planning Commission (MRPC)
Zachary Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC)
Jessica Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC)
Alicia City of Newton
Colin Windham Regional Commission (VT)
Catherine City of Waltham
Jackie Vermont Agency of Transportation (DOT)
Michelle City of Agawam
Jennifer SRPEDD
Stephane Town of Concord
Michelle MA House of Representatives
Jeremy City of Westfield
Jeffrey Town of Yarmouth
Christine NYSDOT Region 1 Operations
Anthony Town of Andover
Joseph Town of Concord
Stephanie City of New Bedford Department of Public Infrastructure
Robert Town of Marblehead
Tom City of Salem
John Town of Natick
Brian Montachusett Regional Planning Commission (MRPC)
Robert Town of Natick DPW
Jennifer City of Gloucester Health Department
Stephen Town of Concord
Kristin Town of Bedford DPW
Andreae City of Newton
Raylen Transportation for Massachusetts (T4MA)
Melissa CT Training & Technical Assistance Center (CT)
Elizabeth Town of Townsend
Tony Town of Bedford
Nicholas Merrimac COA and Senior Center
Joseph Town of Dedham
Charlotte City of Boston
Tyler Town of Needham
Kevin Town of Orleans
Matthew City of Westfield
Eric Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC)
Beth Franklin Regional Council of Governments (FRCOG)
Lisa MassDOT District 6
Yahaira Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC)
Julianne Green International Affiliates
Gregory SRPEDD
Jeff Town of Natick
Matthew AASHTO (DC)
Matthew City of Framingham
Justin Northern Middlesex Council of Governments (NMCOG)
Christopher Town of West Bridgewater Highway Department
Mary Boston Region MPO
Andrew Town of Billerica
Ambar LivableStreets Alliance
Ginna MA Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) (Boston)
Brian MBTA Advisory Board
Mike Center for Living & Working, Inc.
Todd City of Worcester
Anthony Merrimack Valley Planning Commission (MVPC)
David City of Newton DPW
Efthymia University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Michael Town of Dennis
Elizabeth Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities Transportation Oversight Division
Sarah City of Boston
Guoqiang Old Colony Planning Council (OCPC)
Elizabeth City of Northampton
Carys Town of Needham
Owen City of Weymouth
Tiger Town of New Canaan (CT)
David Town of Bedford DPW
Jeremy Town of Sherborn
Dan Town of Brookline
Jenn Bike Newton
Conor Town of Millbury
William Town of Natick DPW
Colleen Cape Cod Commission (CCC)
Carlos City of New Bedford Department of Public Infrastructure
Patricia City of Boston
Jessica City of Boston Bikes
Evan Cape Cod Commission (CCC)
Michelle Federal Transit Administration (MA)
Daniel Town of Brookline
Jack Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC)
David Cape Cod Commission (CCC)
Jay Town of Wellfleet
Mel Town of Lexington - Lexpress
Steven Town of Westwood
Glen Town of Andover Police Department
Sheila Town of Wellesley
QinRui Town of Acton
Melissa City of Newton
Eric FTA Region 1 (MA)
Amira MBTA Advisory Board
Alex City of New Bedford Department of Public Infrastructure
Enrique Transportation for Massachusetts (T4MA)
Gina Boston Region MPO
Catherine Town of Bedford
Brian City of Worcester
David Town of Lexington DPW
Walker Town of Orange
Isaac City of Boston
Claire Transportation Research Board (TRB) (DC)
Robert Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC)
Jeanette Town of Bedford
Justin Town of Concord
Geoffrey Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (LDOT)
Stephen City of Worcester
Diane City of Easthampton
Nicholas Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC)
Griffin Town of Brewster DPW
Nahrin Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC)
Laurie Franklin Regional Council of Governments (FRCOG)
Cara City of Cambridge Traffic
Andrew Town of North Andover
Kara City of Melrose
Leah Federal Transit Administration (MA)
Jason City of Newton
Dennis City of New Bedford
Michael Town of Bedford DPW
Julie Town of Westborough Bike & Pedestrian Committee
Richard BETA Group, Inc. (MA)
Beth Devens Enterprise Commission
Lori The National Academies (DC)
Shawn City of New Bedford
Kristen Holyoke Bike and Pedestrian Committee
David Northern Middlesex Council of Governments (NMCOG)
George City of Greenfield Planning Board
Steven Cape Cod Commission (CCC)
William Martha's Vineyard Commission
Shaun City of New Bedford Department of Public Infrastructure
Alec Town of Boxborough
Trey Transportation Research Board (TRB) (DC)
Brienne Merrimac COA and Senior Center
Paula Town of Acton Transportation Advisory Committee
Matt Indus Inc.
Maggie Town of Marblehead
Jerrard Merrimack Valley Planning Commission (MVPC)
Pete Transportation for Massachusetts (T4MA)
Stephen City of Malden
Brady City of Brockton
Kerri Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT)
Stephen University of Alberta
Corey Town of Acton
Rebecca MetroWest Regional Transit Authority (MWRTA)
Tom Cape Cod Regional Transit Authority (CCRTA)
Angela Greater Attleboro Taunton Regional Transit Authority (GATRA)
Angel Merrimack Valley Regional Transit Authority (MVRTA)
Tina Franklin Regional Transit Authority (FRTA)
Paula MetroWest Regional Transit Authority (MWRTA)
Daniel MetroWest Regional Transit Authority (MWRTA)
Kelly Brockton Area Transit Authority (BAT)
Glenn Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Joy MetroWest Regional Transit Authority (MWRTA)
Jesus Merrimack Valley Regional Transit Authority (MVRTA)
Amy Merrimack Valley Regional Transit Authority (MVRTA)
Chris Cape Cod Regional Transit Authority (CCRTA)
Leah Cape Cod Regional Transit Authority (CCRTA)
Jackie Cape Ann Transportation Authority (CATA)
Kathleen Merrimack Valley Regional Transit Authority (MVRTA)
Michael Brockton Area Transit Authority (BAT)
Joseph Brockton Area Transit Authority (BAT)
Niorka Merrimack Valley Regional Transit Authority (MVRTA)
Chase MetroWest Regional Transit Authority (MWRTA)
Shona Cape Ann Transportation Authority (CATA)
Michael Franklin Regional Transit Authority (FRTA)
Donna Brockton Area Transit Authority (BAT)
Kathy Brockton Area Transit Authority (BAT)
Cidalia Brockton Area Transit Authority (BAT)
Linda Brockton Area Transit Authority (BAT)
Jaymi Merrimack Valley Regional Transit Authority (MVRTA)
Henry Cape Cod Regional Transit Authority (CCRTA)
Tyler MetroWest Regional Transit Authority (MWRTA)
Emily MetroWest Regional Transit Authority (MWRTA)
Patricia Greater Attleboro Taunton Regional Transit Authority (GATRA)
Felicia Cape Ann Transportation Authority (CATA)
Gabriel UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Deepak UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Grace UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
David UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Angelina UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Chelsea UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Katherine UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Jake UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Nelson UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Victoria UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
ANdrew UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Carey UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Michael University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Shane University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Jamar UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Christian UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Paul UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Lars UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Mya University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Amy University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Wooseong UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Adrian UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Sherly UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Ben University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Kaylie UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Benjamin University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Sam UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Brigham UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Chris UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Michelle UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Brenda MassDOT District 1
Stephanie UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Kathryn UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Cole University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Kim UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Jennifer UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Thomas University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Kassandra UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Rebecca UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Andrea UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Matt UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Henry University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Robin UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Benjamin UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Michael UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Kris UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Francis University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Aldo UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Tracy UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)