Trenching and Excavating Safety-Virtual Classroom

Date: 9/1/2021 10:00 AM - 9/1/2021 12:00 PM

Location: Virtual





Course Description

Two hours that could save your life!  

This workshop will present individuals with training in the following areas:
  • Conducting site inspections
  • Establishing proper access & egress
  • Identifying potential environmental hazards
  • Determining soil composition & classification
  • Implementing protective systems (sloping, shoring, shielding)

IMPORTANT: The registration confirmation email you receive will have a link to pre-register for the Zoom virtual class

Who Should Attend

Public Works professionals, both management and operations, involved in trenching and excavation who desire “competent person” proficiency in trenching/excavations as it applies to OSHA regulations.

This event is accessible to people with disabilities and individuals with limited English proficiency. If you need a reasonable accommodation (such as American Sign Language Interpreters, assistive listening devices, handouts in alternate formats, etc.) and/or language assistance (such as translated documents or an interpreter) to fully participate, please contact Stephanie Cottrell at at least 14 days prior to the event.  Such services are provided free of charge.

First Name Affiliation
Chris City of Greenfield
Scott City of Greenfield
Joseph Town of Concord
John City of Greenfield DPW
Thomas City of Framingham
John City of Newton DPW
Matthew Town of Warwick Highway Dept.
Jeff City of Greenfield
John City of Greenfield DPW
Jason City of Greenfield
Justin Town of Concord
Scott Town of Eastham DPW
Dylan Town of Chesterfield Highway Department
Samuel Town of Montague DPW
Richard City of Greenfield
  • Michael Smith
    Technical Training Specialist at UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)