Wood Chipper Safety - Virtual Classroom

Date: 9/14/2021 8:00 AM - 9/14/2021 10:00 AM

Location: Virtual




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wood chipper

Course Description

Wood Chipper Safety is not a subject to be taken lightly. Serious injury and death can happen in the blink of an eye. Have you and your employees ever had any training on what many consider to be the most dangerous piece of equipment a municipality can own? Wood chippers are often used on a daily basis and in adverse conditions. Wouldn't it make sense to make sure you and your crew are properly trained?

Target Audience

Anyone who uses a Chipper in their daily/occasional work to maintain property, do storm damage cleanup, right-of-way clearing, etc. can benefit from this workshop.

IMPORTANT: After registering you will receive a confirmation email with instructions for pre-registering with Zoom for the online virtual class.

Accommodations for Disabilities: UMTC endeavors to provide an inclusive learning environment for all. If you require special services or arrangements to fully participate in this workshop, please contact Stephanie Cottrell at scottrell@umass.edu or 413-800-2655 as soon as possible to discuss reasonable accommodations for your access needs.

First Name Affiliation
Tim Town of Whitman DPW
Tyler City of Leominster DPW
Kevin Town of Whitman
Andrew Town of Paxton DPW
Andrew Town of Paxton DPW
Peter Town of Wilmington DPW
Josh Town of Whitman DPW
Doug Town of Wilbraham
Roni Town of Paxton
Mark Town of Paxton DPW
Lenny City of Greenfield
Jeff City of Greenfield
Thomas Town of Medway DPW
John City of Greenfield DPW
Ryan Town of Whitman
Tim Town of Whitman DPW
Ed Town of Wilbraham
Samuel Town of Wilmington DPW
Andrew Town of Westborough
Rick Town of Essex (VT)
Paul Town of Whitman DPW
Dennis City of Greenfield
Michelle Town of Plymouth
Gary Town of Paxton DPW
Jeffrey Town of Whitman DPW
Chris Town of Paxton DPW
Dylan Town of Chesterfield Highway Department
David Town of Paxton DPW
Travis Town of Paxton DPW
Robert Town of Whitman
Michael Town of Wilmington DPW
Richard City of Greenfield
  • Tom Boudreau
    at Felix A. Marino Co., Inc.
    Tom Boudreau is currently a pavement preservation educator with Felix A. Marino out of Peabody, MA.  He was the Highway Surveyor for the Town of Warren for 9 years prior to his position with FAMCO. He holds an Associates Degree in Small Business Management, is a graduate of the Massachusetts Reserve Police Academy, and is also a Baystate Roads Scholar. Tom has primarily worked outdoors his entire career, starting with opening and operating a small landscaping business for over 15 years immediately out of high school, and has almost 25 years of experience as a CDL class B driver. He has also worked as a district leader in a financial services company and was the lead grounds man responsible for training new hires for a tree company. In his spare time, he enjoys cooking, spending time with his siblings, and anything outdoors with his wife and their two boys.