Drainage - Roadway Maintenance and Reconstruction - Virtual Classroom

Date: 5/4/2021 9:00 AM - 5/4/2021 11:00 AM

Location: Virtual






Topics being covered include:

  • Proper drainage in that roadside ditch, types of erosion control devices
  • Spring is here– issues with poor soils and frost heaves
  • Choosing and installing the right culvert for replacement
  • Building the right roadway box
After registering you will receive a link to access the Zoom virtual class.

Accommodations for Disabilities: UMTC endeavors to provide an inclusive learning environment for all. If you require special services or arrangements to fully participate in this workshop, please contact Stephanie Cottrell at scottrell@umass.edu or 413-800-2655 as soon as possible to discuss reasonable accommodations for your access needs.


First Name Affiliation
Victor TEC Inc
William TEC, Inc. (Lawrence MA)
Ryan Benesch (MA)
Spencer Howard Stein Hudson (HSH)
Colleen Wachusett Greenways
Gary City of Marlborough
Benjamin City of Agawam
Steve Town of Ashby
John City of Newton DPW
Paul City of Marlborough
Steve Town of Halifax Highway Department
Paul Town of Uxbridge
Justin Town of Halifax Highway Department
Marissa Town of Lexington DPW
Joseph MassDOT District 2
Marc Town of Halifax Highway Department
Wayne Town of Lexington DPW
Kevin Town of Deerfield
Thomas City of Marlborough
  • Christopher Albert
    PE at CSA Environmental Consultants, LLC (NH)
    Christopher Albert is the owner of CSA Environmental Consultants, LLC located in Nottingham, NH. He is the instructor for the UNH Technology Transfer Center’s (T2) Certified Culvert Maintainer (CCM) program in NH. A licensed wetland scientist, septic system designer, and evaluator with over 30 years of experience in the private sector, Chris holds a BS in Forestry with a minor in soils from UNH. He is the chairman of the newly created Licensure Board for Septic System Evaluators and vice chairman on the Licensure Board for Natural Resource Scientists. CSA Environmental Consultants specializes in stormwater and erosion control compliance on construction sites. He is sitting for the Professional Engineers exam in April 2021.