Complete Streets 201: Designing Your Streets For People

Date: 7/22/2020 9:00 AM - 7/23/2020 11:00 AM





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Course Description
This virtual live instructor led training will provide an in-depth technical review of various Complete Streets design elements.  Attendees will learn:
• Benefits of Complete Streets;
• Design guidance for people walking, biking, and taking transit;
• Methods to balance roadway users and apply flexibility;
• Complete Street Funding Program requirements; and
• Best practices for public engagement.
The course will be held over two, two-hour sessions held on back-to-back days. The elements discussed will be applied through a design exercise, that will include a 30 minute homework assignment between the first and second day. The following will be covered each day:
Day 1/Session 1: 
• Introductions 
• What is complete streets?
• Overview of MassDOT’s Complete Streets Funding Program
• Designing for Walking
• Designing for Biking
• Introduce Homework: Design Exercise

Day 2/Session 2:
• Designing for Transit
• Signal Design
• Review Design Homework activity (Virtual group activity)
• Public Engagement
• Wrap up/Course Survey

Each session has a 50 attendee maximum. 

Attendees will receive links to the two classes after registering for the course.  

Target Audience

The workshop is intended for Engineers, Designers, and Planners who are interested in developing Complete Streets solutions for municipal roadways. Municipal representatives requiring training eligibility for the Complete Streets Funding Program are encouraged to attend. 
9:00 am-11am Class

First Name Affiliation
Cassandra MassDOT
Pete MassDOT
Adina Nitsch Engineering
Steven GPI (MA)
Mary Blackstone Selectmen
Michael GCG Associates, Inc.
Kevin GCG Associates, Inc.
Kimberly WorldTech Engineering, LLC
Adriaunna Environmental Partners Group, Inc. (Woburn)
Cameron Jacobs
Benny Environmental Partners Group, Inc. (Woburn)
Tim Town of Longmeadow DPW
Brad Gordon R. Archibald, Inc. (RI)
Jason Environmental Partners Group, Inc.
Katherine Fuss & O'Neill, Inc. (Quincy)
Wale Stantec (Burlington MA)
Katherine Fuss & O'Neill, Inc. (Quincy)
Jason Town of Milford (NH)
Chris Stantec (Burlington MA)
Steve Environmental Partners Group, Inc. (Woburn)
Alex Stantec (Burlington MA)
Matthew Fuss & O'Neill, Inc. (Quincy)
Matthew Nitsch Engineering
Kyle Jacobs
Anthony Stantec (Burlington MA)
Patrick Speclines
Rik Town of Provincetown
Seth Boston Region MPO
Emily City of Cambridge DPW
Paul Town of Wayland
Maggie City of Northampton
Nathan Town of Wakefield
Kevin Town of Westminster
Anthony Town of Andover
Stephen Town of Concord
Adam City of New Bedford
Tina Town of Holliston Highway Department
Marah Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC)
Mary Boston Region MPO
Mimi Central Mass Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC)
Billy MA Water Resources Authority MWRA (Southborough)
James Town of Barnstable
Chavella Consult LeLa
Ian Central Mass Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC)
Tanya Vermont Agency of Transportation (DOT)
Dawn MassDOT District 2
Justin Town of Concord
Thaddeus Town of Provincetown
Julie Town of Westborough Bike & Pedestrian Committee
Bob Town of Templeton DPW
Gemma Central Mass Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC)
Jacob Town of Tyngsborough
  • Conor Semler
    Principal Planner at Kittelson & Associates, Inc.
  • Caitlin Tobin
    PE, Senior Engineer at Kittelson & Associates, Inc.