The 2020 Moving Together Conference

Date: 11/17/2020 7:45 AM - 11/19/2020 12:30 PM





2020 Moving Together Conference

• Attend workshops and panels that highlight current pedestrian, bicyclist and public transportation topics

• Network with colleagues representing diverse interests from the public, academic and private sectors

• All new site visits and mobile workshops led by engineers and bicyclist/pedestrian advocates.

Thank you to all the attendees, presenters, moderators, sponsors and exhibitors for making the 2020 Moving Together Conference a huge success!

November 17-19, 2020

The History of the Moving Together Conference

In 1998, both the statewide bicycling action plan and the statewide pedestrian action plan, called for the establishment of an annual statewide conference for educational and networking purposes. The first two of these conferences were held in Worcester, MA in 2000. In May, at Clark University, 50 people gathered to discuss only walking issues. Later in the year, at the Worcester Holiday Inn, 50 people focused only on bicycling issues.

In 2005, the conference moved to Boston. The first several years, the conference was held at the Marriott Courtyard on Tremont Street. Interest continued to grow until attendance hit approximately 250 persons and the conference moved to a larger venue at the Back Bay Sheraton.

The conference continued to grow and in 2013 the conference was held for the first time at the Boston Park Plaza Hotel. Transit joined the conference as a featured mode. In 2014, more workshops than ever were offered along with the addition of site visits. Over 650 people attended the event. In 2016, the conference sold out for the second year straight! Each year the conference continues to bring together transportation leaders and individuals involved in the areas of planning, public health, bicyclist and pedestrian safety, transit, advocacy, elected office, law enforcement and education.

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This event is accessible to people with disabilities and individuals with limited English proficiency. If you need a reasonable accommodation (such as American Sign Language Interpreters, assistive listening devices, handouts in alternate formats, etc.) and/or language assistance (such as translated documents or an interpreter) to fully participate, please contact Stephanie Cottrell at 413-800-2655 or at least 14 days prior to the event.  Such services are provided free of charge.


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Tuesday, November 17, 2020
6:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Special event


In an effort to provide timely access, we have posted all recorded Moving Together 2020 sessions. We continue to update these with copies that provide closed captions. If you need this service and are interested in watching a specific session that has not yet been updated, please email to move the session forward on our work list. Thank you.

7:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Special event


S (Safety) EM (Equity Measures) MNN (Mobility in a New Normal) PDI (Project Development and Implementation

7:45 AM - 8:45 AM

Special event

Pete Sutton - Master of Ceremonies, Bicycle and Pedestrian Program Coordinator, MassDOT
Jonathan Gulliver - Morning Keynote Administrator, MassDOT Highway Division
9:15 AM - 10:30 AM

Concurrent Session 1

Session 1A - Walk/Don't Walk: New Tools For Pedestrian Safety
Using new GIS mobile applications, learn how one community developed a pedestrian safety audit as a blueprint for phased improvements while another municipality describes the adaptive operation of HAWK signals using a combination of adaptive traffic signal control system and video detection. At the statewide level, a pedestrian crossing countermeasure flow-chart and improvement plan incorporate FHWA’s STEP Guide, as well as a review of other best practices.

Skye Levin and Kayla Northup, VHB
Nicole Rogers, GPI
Greg Barlow, Rapid Flow Tech

Kevin Fitzgerald, MassDOT

9:15 AM - 10:30 AM

Concurrent Session 1

Session 1B – Policies and Strategies to Enhance Outreach and Engagement through Virtual Public Meetings (EM)
This session will provide a high-level overview of MassDOT/MBTA’s new guidance for project managers and consultants: to enhance outreach and dynamically engage the public in virtual meetings using the Commonwealth’s licensed platforms, tools and techniques. Speakers will address the opportunities of virtual meetings to satisfy and protect the legal and accessibility rights of the public; enhance outreach methods and strategies to engage more diverse audiences; and enable more dynamic participation to advance quality projects using virtual tools and techniques. A regional and local planning perspective on the importance of partnerships and local knowledge during outreach will be provided.

Yahaira Graxirena, Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission
Danny Levy, Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Ali AlSaadawi, MassDOT Highway Division
Greg Sobczynski, MassDOT Office of Diversity and Civil Rights

Andrea D’Amato, Assistant Secretary, MassDOT
Chris Kivior, MassDOT Legislative Affairs

9:15 AM - 10:30 AM

Concurrent Session 1

Session 1C – Shared Streets and Spaces Funding Program (MNN)
The Baker-Polito Administration through the Massachusetts Department of Transportation launched the Shared Streets & Spaces program in June 2020 to support quick-build projects that can bring meaningful benefits to cities and towns in support of safe mobility, renewed commerce and public health during the COVID-19 pandemic. Hear from several grant recipients as they detail their projects and explain how they provided a solution to local challenges. Learn new perspectives on how to develop tactical urbanism projects, gain local consensus, and implement project elements quickly. Finally, listen to lessons learned and next steps for the panelists as they continue to improve mobility in their municipalities.

Jonathan Beder, Town of Plymouth
Marzie Galazka, Town of Swampscott
Ricardo Morales, City of Pittsfield

Kate Fichter, MassDOT

9:15 AM - 10:30 AM

Concurrent Session 1

Session 1D – Initiating and Tracking Bicycle & Pedestrian Improvements within the MassDOT Capital Plan (PDI)
Bicycle and Pedestrian improvements to municipal and state roadway infrastructure are made possible through a variety of MassDOT Capital Plan programs. Ongoing process improvements to MassDOT project initiation, screening and selection seek to streamline the planning, development and tracking of project level investments. This panel will briefly discuss the various programs delivering multimodal investments within the CIP, review current and planned tools and data supporting project initiation, and discuss improvements to tracking of accomplishments.

Kevin Lopes, MassDOT
Mike Bolduc, MassDOT
Cassandra Gascon, MassDOT
Jessica Baas, MassDOT Office of Performance Management and Innovation (OPMI) 
Jack Moran, MassDOT 

Lyris Liautaud, MassDOT 

9:15 AM - 10:30 AM

Concurrent Session 1

Session 1E – VIRTUAL SITE VISIT: North Adams Adventure Trail 
Take a tour through one of the most highly anticipated future trail projects linking the Berkshire towns of Williamstown and North Adams. The proposed trail is comprised of greenways along the Hoosic River winding its way through the Tourists resort, crossing the Appalachian Trail and eventually connecting to Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art.

Eric Kerns, Tourists
Ben Svenson, Brode

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Concurrent Session 2

Session 2A – Latest Design Guidance (S)

This session aims to highlight recent cutting-edge designs at the municipal, state and national level: new NACTO roadway design guidance that focuses on streets for pandemic response and recovery, offering practical solutions and inspiration to make streets safer and more welcoming for all; an overview of two recently released guides by MassDOT: Bike Wayfinding Design Guide and Roundabout Planning and Design Guide

Andrew Wilkins, MassDOT
Matthew Roe, National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO)
Corey O’Connor, MassDOT
Stephanie Weyer, Toole Design Group

Meghan Haggerty, MassDOT

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Concurrent Session 2

Session 2B – Using MassDOT/MBTA Tools and Resources to Address Equity (EM)
This panel brings together individuals from MassDOT and the MBTA to discuss the data, tools, applications, and resources used to incorporate and address social equity concerns in transportation policy and planning, from decision-making to impact. MassDOT’s Capital Investment Plan, Tracker and MBTA’s Town Hall platform are all featured.

Margaret Atkinson, Central Transportation Planning Staff
Monisha Reginald, MassDOT Office of Performance Management and Innovation (OPMI)
Ben Muller and Derek Krevat, MassDOT Office of Transportation Planning
Alissa Zimmer, MassDOT OPMI
Anthony Thomas, MBTA

Liz Williams, Ph.D, MassDOT

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Concurrent Session 2

Session 2C – Managing Microtransit while under Lockdown (MNN)
In 2019, three microtransit pilots launched in Massachusetts, each pursuing a different approach. Hear how public transit authorities and municipalities are embedding on-demand services directly into the transportation services they offer, including the use of their microtransit to address other service reductions in the pandemic.

Joanne LaFerrara, Greater Attleboro Taunton Regional Transit Authority
Rachel Fichtenbaum, Executive Office and Health and Human Services
Nicole Freedman, City of Newton

Meredith Slesinger, MassDOT Rail and Transit

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Concurrent Session 2

Session 2D- MassTrails (PDI)
With nearly 45 miles of trails in design or under construction, the MassTrails program is helping expand and connect the Commonwealth’s networks share use paths for all people across Massachusetts through grants, technical assistance and resources. Since its official launch in 2018, the Trails Team has awarded $8 million in MassTrails Grants to 130 communities throughout the Commonwealth. Get the latest updates on recent activities – network mapping and vision, Planning and Design Guide, benefits study, maintenance, and more.

Michael Trepanier and Pete Sutton, MassDOT
Dan Driscoll and Amanda Lewis, Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR)
Camilla Dartnell, Kittelson

Kurt Gaertner, Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Concurrent Session 2

Session 2E –– Shared Streets and Spaces SITE VISIT - Western Mass Spotlight
Montague and Amherst are highlighted through technical and funding assistance being implemented by MassDOT’s Shared Streets and Spaces. The program has been successful in helping cities and towns conceive, design, and implement tactical changes to curbs, streets, on-street parking spaces and off-street parking lots in support of public health, safe mobility, and renewed commerce.

Walter Ramsey, Town of Montague
Ben Breger, Town of Amherst

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Special event

Angie Schmitt, Owner/Principal at 3MPH Planning and author of the book Right of Way: Race, Class and the Silent Epidemic of Pedestrian Deaths in America

Wednesday, November 18, 2020
8:45 AM - 9:15 AM

Special event

Pete Sutton - Master of Ceremonies, Bicycle and Pedestrian Program Coordinator, MassDOT
Jamey Tesler, Morning Keynote, Registrar; MassDOT RMV

9:15 AM - 10:30 AM

Concurrent Session 3

Session 3A - Investigating Bicycle Infrastructure from a Human Factors Perspective (S)
This session explores the role of human factors in helping us to develop and design better bicycle infrastructure and manage the interaction of drivers and bicyclists. Is a driver more likely to scan for a bicyclist at an intersection after having traversed a roadway segment in a separated bicycle facility? What is driver understanding and resulting behavior for different bicycle-related treatments and to what extent is driver behavior impacted by experience as a bicyclist? Lastly, this session will explore various methods, including driving simulation, field data collection, and crash analyses to tackle these and other questions related to human factors issues impacting bicycle safety.

Eleni Christofa, Ph.D, UMASS Amherst
Katerina Deliali, Ph.D, UMASS Amherst
Nick Fournier, Ph.D, University of California Berkeley

Michael Knodler, Ph.D, UMASS Amherst

9:15 AM - 10:30 AM

Concurrent Session 3

Session 3B – Measuring Equity (EM)
Achieving equity throughout the project delivery process has become a top priority at the local and statewide level. Attendees will learn of the progress being made by the Racial Equity Municipal Action Plan (REMAP) program, the Emerald Network’s priority areas located in environmental justice communities and the latest findings from MassDOT’s Bicycle/Pedestrian Plans.

Alissa Zimmer, MassDOT OPMI
Maria de la Luz Lobos Martinez , Livable Streets Alliance
Raul Gonzalez, Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC)

Gregory Sobczynski, MassDOT

9:15 AM - 10:30 AM

Concurrent Session 3

Session 3C - National Perspective on the New Normal for Bicycling and Walking (MNN)
Three of the best-known national agencies reflect on the importance of growing and connecting the country’s bike-friendly roadways and trails networks. With more people than ever working from home, access to nearby outdoor recreation opportunities is more important than ever.

Ryan Chao, Rails to Trails Conservancy
Bill Nesper, League of American Bicyclists
Dennis Markatos-Soriano, East Coast Greenway Alliance

Pete Sutton, MassDOT

9:15 AM - 10:30 AM

Concurrent Session 3

Session 3D – Improving Transit, Biking and Walking - Project Spotlight (PDI)

MassDOT’s Complete Streets approach to project delivery continues to take into consideration all modes, providing improved pedestrian, cycling, vehicle and transit facilities. Three high-profile works-in-progress are featured in this presentation: The “Pawtucket Greenway,” a collaboration between UMass Lowell and the City, Highland Ave reconstruction in Needham/Newton and an overview of MassDOT’s recently released Shared Travel Network study to reduce congestion.

Adam Baacke, UMass Lowell
Courtney Worhunsky, MassDOT
Liz Williams, Ph.D, MassDOT

Drew Pflaumer, MassDOT

9:15 AM - 10:30 AM

Concurrent Session 3

Session 3E - VIRTUAL SITE VISIT: Coastal Trails and Border to Boston Network 
The Coastal Trails Network is an emerging 30-mile, public system of shared use off-road bicycle and pedestrian trails and bike lanes linking the unique coastal features, town centers, neighborhoods and transportation hubs in the communities of Amesbury, Newbury, Newburyport and Salisbury. Providing a direct connection, the Border to Boston trail provides alternative transportation links to town centers, schools, businesses, and public parklands in 15 communities from Topsfield to Boston.  

Jerry Klima, Coastal Trails Coalition 
Dave Read, East Coast Greenway Alliance and the Essex National Heritage Commission

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Concurrent Session 4

Session 4A – Speed and its Impacts on Safety (S)

Safer speeds are critical to help realize Massachusetts’ vision of a roadway system with zero roadway deaths and serious injuries. Hear national, state and local perspectives about tackling issues around speed. In 2020 the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) released a new guide providing a framework for setting safe speed limits. Washington State DOT is developing a cutting-edge speed policy for injury minimization. City of Somerville is implementing traffic calming measures to realize lower speeds. MassDOT will introduce their Speed Management to Prevent Serious Injuries and Fatalities project. This topic is especially important now as speeding and the rate of fatal crashes has increased, despite less vehicle traffic during COVID.

Patricia Leavenworth, Highway Chief, MassDOT
Jenny O’Connell, NACTO
Brad Rawson, City of Somerville
Charlotte Claybrooke, Washington State DOT
Peter Koonce, PE, City of Portland, Oregon

Jackie DeWolfe, MassDOT

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Concurrent Session 4

Session 4B – Transit in a Post-COVID World (EM)
Throughout the pandemic, transit has played a critical role in connecting people with their jobs and essential businesses like hospitals and grocery stores. This panel will offer different perspectives on how key public and private players are thinking about recovery and rebuilding the transit network in the new normal.

Christof Spieler, Rice University
Monica Tibbits-Nutt, MBTA
Mary Skelton-Roberts, The Barr Foundation

Caroline Koch Vanasse, MassDOT

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Concurrent Session 4

Session 4C – Planning for a Lasting Shift – (MNN)
Three perspectives on how bold planning measures can become game-changers for increasing active transportation at the regional, national and international level: How E-Cycling Can Keep Post-COVID Cities Moving; what can we learn from the COVID-19 pandemic to help plan more resilient communities; and LyftUP Access Alliance – offering free rides and bike share to underserved communities.

Thomas DeVito, Lyft
Todd Litman, Victoria Transport Policy Institute
Chris Bruntlett, Dutch Cycling Embassy

Derek Shooster, MassDOT

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Concurrent Session 4

Session 4D – Mass Central Rail Trail Feasibility Study ***OFFICIAL PUBLIC LAUNCH*** (PDI)
MassTrails recently completed a feasibility study of the 68.5 mile mid-state section of the Mass Central Rail Trail (MCRT), mapping the entire corridor in the field utilizing the latest in smart tablet GPS technology. Moving beyond feasibility, the panel will also discuss potential project implementation based on its findings and connections to existing trail segments.

Bill Desantis, VHB
Paul Jahnige, DCR
Pete Sutton, MassDOT

John Bechard, MassDOT

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Concurrent Session 4

Session 4E - VIRTUAL SITE VISIT: Boston Alley Tour
Alleys – fragments of the historic street grids, the pedestrian passages, and the access to back entryways – are easy to overlook in the hierarchy of street typologies and are rarely the fastest route for more than a block or two. However, Alleys also tell the story of evolving urban development and make invaluable connections within the fine-grained pedestrian network. Virtually explore alleys, their design features, and the delights they offer in downtown Boston, the North End, and Charlestown.

Alice Brown, Boston Harbor Now

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Special event

Mike Griffith, Director, Office of Safety Technologies, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
Jeff McEwen, Division Administrator, FHWA

Thursday, November 19, 2020
8:45 AM - 9:15 AM

Special event

Pete Sutton - Master of Ceremonies, Bicycle and Pedestrian Program Coordinator, MassDOT
Steve Poftak - Morning Keynote, General Manager, MBTA

9:15 AM - 10:30 AM

Concurrent Session 5

Session 5A – Update of Boston’s Healthy Streets Initiatives (S)

For the past six months, the City of Boston has been making changes to Boston’s streets to support a healthy reopening and an equitable recovery: Separated bike lanes around Boston Common/Public Garden as well as Blue Hill Ave, American Legion and Cummins Highways; and the most recent Bluebikes expansion into Dorchester and Mattapan.

Vineet Gupta, Director of Planning, City of Boston
Stefanie Seskin, Active Transportation Director, City of Boston
Kim Foltz, Boston Bikes Program Manager, City of Boston
Jacob Wessel, Public Realm Director, City of Boston

Bryan Pounds, MassDOT

9:15 AM - 10:30 AM

Concurrent Session 5

Session 5B – Integrating Accessibility and Multimodal Accommodations into Planning Processes (EM)
This panel will describe MassDOT’s recent steps to measure destination accessibility and apply accessibility data. In doing so, the panel will introduce ways that planners, researchers, and public officials can take similar steps to make informed decisions when considering transportation alternatives. Discover how the MBTA plans to use the results to inform improving bicycling and walking access to the stations, and multi-modal parking (bike/scooter/car) at the stations.

Derek Krevat, MassDOT
Alexandra Markiewicz, MBTA
Tim Reardon, MAPC

Makaela Niles, MassDOT

9:15 AM - 10:30 AM

Concurrent Session 5

Session 5C – National Spotlight on New Reports and Best Practices for Bike/Pedestrian/Transit Safety (MNN)

Learn about the relationship between bicycle facilities and increasing bicycle trips in a place where cycling culture is just emerging – the southern United States; strategies being used in Washington, DC to maintain access for pedestrians and bicyclists in work zones; and bringing transit riders back safely during COVID-19 on the large-scale metropolitan level.

Calvin Clark, Georgia Institute of Technology
Matthew Marcou, District of Columbia Department of Transportation
Jessica Hector-Hsu, Chicago Regional Transit Authority

Jenny Zeng, MassDOT

9:15 AM - 10:30 AM

Concurrent Session 5

Session 5D - Southeastern MA Regional Connectivity (PDI)
Learn about the growing active transportation network in the South Coast region of the state. An ongoing study on closing the gap between Fall River and New Bedford as part of the larger envisioned South Coast Bikeway, while the Blue Lane takes advantage of the city’s coastal location with trail networks. The panel is rounded out by an overview of planned and recently completed MassDOT-led projects.

Jackie Jones, Southeastern Regional Planning and Economic Development District
Pamela Haznar, PE, MassDOT District 5
Jennifer Carloni, City of New Bedford

Ben Muller, MassDOT

9:15 AM - 10:30 AM

Concurrent Session 5

Session 5E - VIRTUAL SITE VISIT: Mattapoisett Rail Trail and South Coast Bikeway

View the next section of MassDOT’s signature South Coast Bikeway - the Shining Tides mile of the Mattapoisett Rail Trail which broke ground in September 2019. When complete, this section will provide a direct route for cyclists and pedestrians from Mattapoisett to Fairhaven, New Bedford and beyond. The South Coast Bikeway connects 10 urban and rural communities in southeastern Massachusetts.

Bonnie DeSousa, South Coast Bikeway Alliance

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Concurrent Session 6

Session 6A – Signal Operations to Promote Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety: From Research to Practice (S)
Perspectives from across the country on the development and implementation of novel traffic signal operations to promote improved bicycle and pedestrian operations will be shared. Presenters will share the development, evaluation, and ultimate field implementation of bicycle traffic signals, right turn flashing yellow arrows, and leading bicycle intervals.

Chris Monsere, Ph.D, Portland State University
Amy Wyman, BSCE, Oregon State University
Hisham Jashami, Ph.D, Michigan State University
Patrick Baxter, PE, PTOE, City of Cambridge

Michael Knodler, Ph.D, UMASS Amherst

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Concurrent Session 6

Session 6B – Spotlight on Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian Plans (EM)

Following MassDOT’s successful launch of its statewide Bicycle and Pedestrian Plans in 2019, planners can now apply these best practices at the regional level. Come learn about the development of regional bicycle and pedestrian plans from three separate statewide planning agencies representing rural, environmental justice and seasonal communities.

Beth Giannini, Franklin Regional Council of Governments
Betsy Goodrich, Merrimack Valley Planning Commission
Lev Malakhoff and Steve Tupper, Cape Cod Commission

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Concurrent Session 6

Session 6C - Preview of MassDOT RMV Learner's Permit Online Portal (S)
The Registry of Motor Vehicle’s new online Learner’s Permit Portal is being developed to provide an enhanced educational experience for new drivers. Information included in this sneak preview will highlight steps to get a driver’s license; parent/guardian information; practice exams; safe driving tips as well as study materials.

Jamey Tesler, Registrar, MassDOT RMV
Nancy Cox, MassDOT RMV

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Concurrent Session 6

Session 6D – Massachusetts Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board
The Massachusetts Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board serves in an advisory role on advancing bicycle and pedestrian transportation for MassDOT and other State Agencies. MABPAB members reflect on their role in shaping policy in the Commonwealth’s bike/pedestrian policies and highlight future needs and goals.

Galen Mook, MassBike
Tom DiPaolo, MassDOT
Paul Chenard, Old Colony Planning Council
Stacey Beuttell, WalkBoston

Jackie DeWolfe and Pete Sutton, MassDOT

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Concurrent Session 6

Session 6E - VIRTUAL SITE VISIT: Northern Strand Community Trail
Upon completion in 2022, the Northern Strand Community Trail will stretch over ten miles and link the communities of Everett, Malden, Revere, Saugus and Lynn with a paved shared use path. See the work in progress as construction transforms the former railroad right-of-way into a safe, scenic amenity for both transportation and recreation.

Imogene Hatch, Brown, Richardson & Rowe
Aleece D’Onofrio, Stantec

12:00 PM - 1:30 PM

Concurrent Session 6


Stephanie Pollack, Secretary of Transportation & Chief Executive Officer, MassDOT
Destiny Thomas, Ph.D, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, The Thrivance Team
Equity, Transportation and Community: A Dialogue
Awards: Safe Streets/Smart Trips High School Video Contest


MassDOT Announces Seventh Annual Safe Streets Smart Trips High School Video Contest

BOSTON – The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) is pleased to announce that the seventh annual statewide high school video contest, Safe Streets Smart Trips, will begin on Monday, September 28, 2020. The contest serves as an initiative within the Massachusetts Strategic Highway Safety Plan to promote safe walking, bicycling, and driving behaviors within the Commonwealth. The contest, which began in 2014, encourages high school students to showcase their understanding of roadway safety across all travel modes to try to decrease pedestrian and bicyclist injuries and fatalities.

“We are pleased to provide high school students with the opportunity to participate in this valuable exercise to underscore the need to limit all distractions when driving and especially to put phones and mobile devices away,” said MassDOT Secretary and CEO Stephanie Pollack. “Every year we have been impressed by some of the powerful educational videos produced by students and I am confident that this year, even as some students learn remotely, they will collaborate and submit entries which will underscore that driving hands-free is really a life or death issue.”

The video contest, which is open to all Massachusetts high school students, features a freshman/sophomore category and junior/senior category. Per contest guidelines, students are asked to write and produce a 30-60 second video that focuses on one or several of the guidelines of the “Hands-Free” law.

Complete contest guidelines were sent to high schools on September 23, 2020 and are also found at Students are required to strictly follow COVID-19 social distancing guidelines and health/safety precautions while making contest videos.  Grand prize and runner-up videos in each category will be chosen by a MassDOT panel. The winning videos will be screened during MassDOT’s annual active transportation conference, Moving Together, which is scheduled to take place virtually on November 17, 18 and 19. Top videos may also be used in future safety campaigns.

On February 23, 2020, the “Hands-Free” law was enacted throughout the Commonwealth of Massachusetts ( ). This law seeks to help reduce the number of motor vehicle crashes involving distracted driving as a result of electronic device usage. Operators of motor vehicles are prohibited from using any electronic devices, including mobile telephones, unless the devices are set to hands-free mode. Drivers under 18 are not allowed to use any electronic devices and all phone use while driving is illegal, including use in hands-free mode.

To learn more about the Safe Streets Smart Trips high school video contest, visit

For more information about the virtual 2020 Moving Together healthy transportation conference, visit

For more information about the “Hands-Free” law, please visit

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Baker-Polito Administration Announces $4 Million in MassTrails Grants

BOSTON – The Baker-Polito Administration today awarded $4 million in MassTrails Grants to 55 local trail projects throughout the Commonwealth. The grants will support the state’s vast network of trails with projects dedicated to the construction, maintenance, and improvements for a variety of public trails, including hiking trails, bikeways, and shared-use paths.

“Massachusetts has an extensive network of public trails connecting communities and regions while offering excellent recreational opportunities,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “By supporting local trail projects, our Administration is dedicated to building on that network and ensuring residents and visitors can hike, bike and run on safe, well-maintained and accessible trails.”

“Trails are important resources that improve our quality of life by providing great access to parks, reservations, forests, and other public properties throughout Massachusetts,” said Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito. “The MassTrails Grants Program serves as a critical funding source for our many local partners who are working to improve infrastructure, create new segments, and enhance existing trails for the public to enjoy.”

MassTrails Grants focus on the improvement of existing trails, the construction of new trails, and the maintenance of the statewide trail system. This year’s projects include:
The installation of trail facilities and amenities and facility landscaping;
The completion of trail design and engineering plans;
The installation and maintenance of directional and interpretive trail signage;
The development and creation of GIS mapping and trails guides;
The purchasing of trail maintenance equipment; and,
The upgrading of existing trails to accessible trail standards.

“Local trails are excellent resources that not only enrich our lives by providing increased opportunities to explore nature, but also enable us all to commit to healthy, active lifestyles,” said Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Kathleen Theoharides. “The MassTrails Grants Program is a great example of the Baker-Polito Administration’s dedication to investing and enhancing the Commonwealth’s natural, cultural, and recreational resources, and we look forward to celebrating the completion of these 55 projects.”

“The MassTrails Grant Program invests in path improvements and construction which allow for more access to important destinations, giving residents safe, healthy, and low carbon travel options as well as options for active recreational activities,” said Massachusetts Department of Transportation Secretary and CEO Stephanie Pollack. “Now more than ever, the public is seeking transportation options due to the pandemic and this funding creates, enhances, and maintains networks of multimodal, shared-use pathways which help people get to where they need to go while reducing their carbon footprint and lowering pollution.”

Funding for MassTrails Grants comes from the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation’s (DCR) capital budget, and from the motor fuel excise tax on off-road vehicles including ATV’s and snowmobiles, which is provided by the U.S. Department of Transportation and the Federal Surface Transportation Act, in coordination with the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT). All MassTrails Grant applications have been reviewed in consultation with an inter-agency MassTrails Team and the Massachusetts Recreational Trails Advisory Board (MARTAB).

“The Baker-Polito Administration continues to foster public-private partnerships in an effort to attain mutual goals that directly benefit the public,” said DCR Commissioner Jim Montgomery. “The 2020 MassTrails Grants Program will assist our partners in protecting and enhancing many of the Commonwealth’s natural and recreational resources, including closing gaps within the state’s network of trails, strengthening infrastructure, and making significant improvements.”

“These grants support our tremendous inventory of remarkable open spaces and the communities that host them. North Reading now has significant state support to examine converting an abandoned rail-line into a rail trail,” said State Senator Bruce Tarr (R-Gloucester). “Funding from MassTrails not only advances this opportunity, but it also helps bring more recreational access for people across the state to enjoy outdoor spaces and improve our quality of life.”

“Visitors from all around the world come to Western Massachusetts for its beautiful outdoor recreational opportunities all of which improve our quality of life and are important parts of our communities,” said State Senator Adam Hinds (D-Pittsfield). “The MassTrails Grants Program provides critical funding for improving and supporting our public trails for all to enjoy.”

Additionally, each recipient matches awarded grants with a minimum of twenty percent in funding or in-kind services for the designated project. This year’s total investment, including matching funds, is approximately $7 million. In order to meet their funding obligation, an organization is able to utilize a variety of methods to fund at least twenty percent of the project’s total cost to receive the grant. Methods include in-kind labor and professional services, material donations, use of equipment, or a cash match. Funding is made available to registered non-profits and municipal, state, and federal agencies.

“I would like to thank the Baker-Polito Administration for supporting local trail programs through the 2020 MassTrails Grants Program,” said State Representative Frank Moran (D-Lawrence). “I am joyful to learn that Groundwork Lawrence has been awarded this grant which will allow them to continue their work in increasing access to the Merrimack River Trail for all residents of the Commonwealth. The 17th Essex District will benefit substantially from this grant, given that it will bring more connectivity to all three communities: Lawrence, Andover and Methuen.”

“Funding and maintaining our local trails and paths, especially at a time when it can be hard to get out of the house, is crucial to communities we serve,” said State Representative Josh Cutler (D-Pembroke). “Thanks to grants like MassTrails and the Baker Administration, Hanson can help foster outdoor recreation for its’ citizens to enjoy.”

“The people of Clinton take great pride in the town’s surrounding natural beauty,” said State Representative Harold Naughton (D-Clinton). “The parks and trails are treasured by locals and visitors alike, and I am thrilled that the Commonwealth is investing in the spaces that make our community such a special place to live.”
“I am excited to learn that Ashland has received a grant through the Department of Conservation and Recreation’s MassTrails program,” said State Representative Jack Patrick Lewis (D-Framingham). “I am grateful to the Baker-Polito Administration and Commissioner Montgomery for their further support to enhance and expand Ashland’s vibrant trails.”

MassTrails Grant projects are located within the following municipalities: Ashland, Adams, Arlington, Ashburnham, Athol, Barnstable, Becket, Belchertown, Bourne, Braintree, Brookline, Chelmsford, Cheshire, Clarksburg, Clinton, Concord, Dalton , Dartmouth, Egremont, Fitchburg, Florida, Franklin, Great Barrington, Greenfield, Groton, Hanson, Hatfield, Hawley, Hinsdale, Holyoke, Hopkinton, Lanesboro, Lawrence, Lee, Lenox, Lowell, Mattapoisett, Medfield, Monterey, Mount Washington, Natick, Needham, New Ashford, New Bedford, Newburyport, Newton, North Adams, North Reading, Northampton, Northfield, Peabody, Pittsfield, Plainfield, Plymouth, Sandisfield, Savoy, Sheffield, Southampton, Springfield, Sturbridge, Sudbury, Templeton, Townsend, Tyringham, Wareham, Washington , Williamstown, Windsor, and Yarmouth. A full list and brief description of each of the 55 projects receiving a grant can be found on the MassTrails Grants webpage. Article written by Klark Jessen, MassDOT Blog.

MBTA: Four-Year Extension of Commuter Rail Contract with Keolis Approved

June 15, 2020 - With the goal of incentivizing better service now and providing cost certainty in a challenging market among other objectives, today the MBTA’s Fiscal and Management Control Board approved of a four-year extension of the Commuter Rail Operating contract between the MBTA and Keolis Commuter Services, LLC, through June 30, 2026.

“Our main goals are to provide continuity and the best possible service for our Commuter Rail customers, as well as provide adequate time to plan for a future transformational procurement. With this extension in place, we look forward to continuing this partnership with Keolis,” said MBTA General Manager Steve Poftak. “This extension includes a number of additional benefits for riders, including further incentives for on-time performance, measures to address fare evasion, and flexibility and cost certainty in a challenging market.”

“We’re pleased the MBTA recommended and the board voted to extend Keolis’ contract for four years, exercising the full term of the contract options,” said CEO and General Manager of Keolis Commuter Services David Scorey. “This extension balances taxpayer and passenger needs as it keeps costs low while also enhancing the passenger experience, including a focus on providing more capacity, further increasing on-time performance and accelerating capital delivery. On behalf of our Keolis Boston team, we look forward to continuing our collaborative work with the MBTA and building upon the successful initiatives we’ve delivered together for the Commonwealth and our Commuter Rail passengers.”

Keolis Commuter Services is the MBTA’s contracted Commuter Rail operating partner with Keolis currently providing all mechanical, transportation, and engineering services. The eight-year contract that began July 1, 2014, and is set to expire June 30, 2022, included options for two two-year extensions through 2024 and 2026. The MBTA’s contract with Keolis is performance-based with the contract including a fixed price for a certain level of service and penalties related to on-time performance and passenger comfort. In collaboration with the MBTA during the current contract period, Keolis has added 10,000 more trains per year compared to 2014, including new weekend train service, piloted routes, and other services; deployed customer improvements that include technology that allows passengers to pay for tickets onboard with credit and debit cards; and reinforced safety management protocols that include an expanded and updated Safety Department.

This four-year extension now also includes a number of additional benefits that include:

• Incentives for improved Commuter Rail service immediately through performance payments for on-time performance, train crew staffing, and seating capacity, which are designed to achieve service outcomes and promote continuous improvement. These incentives related to performance are worth a potential total of $5 million per year in fiscal years 2021-2026.

• Measures to address fare evasion/non-collection through the continuation of the Revenue Share Agreement for fiscal years 2023-2026, including the installation of automated fare gates that will significantly reduce ticketless travel. Train crew staffing incentives will also result in additional conductors onboard trains to check tickets.

• Investments in MBTA railroad infrastructure and assets, including incentives to accelerate capital investments that include early phases of Rail Transformation.

• Increased fleet availability and reliability through improved management of Mechanical Parts in fiscal years 2022-2026;

• Flexibility and time to develop transformational successor contract, with the possibility of re-procurement as early as 2025;

• Cost certainty in a challenging market with the MBTA paying less than the current market price for this contract;

• Extending this contract also avoids a potentially disruptive transition that might come with a re-procurement and followed by an uncertain multi-year transition to a new operator.

The four-year extension of commuter rail operating agreement with Keolis has been approved for contract years 9 through 12 (FYs 2023-2026) with the MBTA given the ability to opt out after option year 3 (FY 2025). The agreement accounts for contractual cost growth with inflation rates reflecting current railroad industry relevant cost increases.

The projected net total new cost per contract year, which assumes a minimum of $100 million in capital work per contract year or a minimum general and administrative expense fee of $6 million, is an estimated $16,273,987 for CY7 / FY21; an estimated $34,704,927 for CY8 / FY22; an estimated $35,063,511 for CY9 / FY23; an estimated $43,398,524 for CY10 / FY24; an estimated $46,833,816 for CY11 / FY25; and an estimated $48,144,883 for CY12 / FY26.

During this four-year extension, the MBTA will continue to plan for the future of the Commuter Rail with a new contract developed upon the completion of contract study and the development of additional contract objectives. The Rail Transformation capital plan will continue to be developed based on objectives for future Commuter Rail service with critical investments beginning to be made in infrastructure and rolling stock to better position the MBTA for a more competitive procurement. A new contract model will be identified based on information gained from the contract study, market sounding, and the commuter rail capital plan. Following the release of an RFI and a six-month public procurement, a new contract will be awarded by January 2026 that allows for at least six months of transition between contractors.

For more information, please visit 

Article written by Klark Jessen, MassDOT Blog

MassDOT Announces Funding Program to help cities and towns create Shared Streets and Spaces

June 11, 2020 - MassDOT in partnership with the Barr Foundation, is announcing Shared Streets & Spaces, a funding program to provide technical and funding assistance to help Massachusetts cities and towns conceive, design and execute shared streets and spaces projects and engage their residents and businesses in that process.

The quick-launch/quick-build grant program will provide grants as small as $5,000 and as large as $300,000 for municipalities to quickly launch or expand improvements to sidewalks, curbs, streets, on-street parking spaces and off-street parking lots in support of public health, safe mobility and renewed commerce in their communities. These improvements can be intentionally temporary, in the style of tactical urbanism, or can be pilots of potentially permanent changes to streets and sidewalks.

“This funding program will help cities and towns create safe spaces outside to help with physical-distancing as we reopen our economy and continue to fight the spread of COVID-19,” said Governor Charlie Baker.  “The more we can do to increase shared spaces, the safer it will be to resume activities such as taking public transportation, going shopping and dining out.”

“Like Complete Streets, the Shared Streets & Spaces program will create safe ways for people to walk, bike, and use transit as they take advantage of reopening restaurants and retail locations in their communities,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito.  “This program will quickly provide flexible funding that will allow communities to launch projects within weeks and see the benefits this summer and fall, whether nicer areas for outdoor dining or safe routes to school for students who may prefer to walk or bike when it’s time to return to classrooms.”

Types of projects may include:
Shared Streets and Spaces: supporting increased rates of walking and/or biking by increasing safety and enabling social distancing
Outdoor Dining and Commerce: calming roadways, modifying sidewalks and streets, and/or repurposing on- or off-street parking to better support curbside/sidewalk/street retail and dining
Better Buses: supporting safer and more reliable bus transit, including expanded bus stops and lanes dedicated for bus travel, (extra scoring credit will be granted for dedicated bus lanes)
Safe Routes to School: creating safe routes to schools (and childcare and programs for children and youth), including safer walking and biking networks with lowered vehicle speeds

Shared Streets & Spaces grants will be made expeditiously and on a rolling basis.  Once awarded, funding will be made available as simply and quickly as possible so that projects can be built and used this summer and fall. MassDOT has allocated $5 million for this 100-day program.  Applications will be accepted from June 22 through September 29 and projects must be mostly or completely implemented by October 9. Although projects of all types and sizes are welcome and may be funded, preference will be given to projects that can be operational within 15-30 days of award, projects in designated Environmental Justice areas and projects that show strong potential to be made permanent.

“Streets and sidewalks, parking spaces and parking lots are public spaces that can be re-imagined and repurposed to serve as a key ingredient in the reopening and economic recovery process, as well as to help make our communities more resilient for the future.” said Transportation Secretary and CEO Stephanie Pollack. Secretary Pollack also thanked the Barr Foundation for partnering with MassDOT to provide technical assistance to cities and towns interested in experimenting with shared streets and spaces, adding, “We encourage every city and town to make use of this technical assistance and apply for funding. Somewhere in every community there is an opportunity to better share streets and sidewalks to make walking, biking and bus use safer and more socially distanced and to repurpose streets and parking to support ‘Main Street’ restaurants and retailers.”

“Now is the time to respond to our communities’ immediate needs in ways that make our streets and public spaces more accessible and equitable for people,” said Mary Skelton Roberts, co-director of Climate at the Barr Foundation. “We understand the urgency of the moment and the fact that we will need to rapidly create more space that allows physical distancing once we re-open large parts of the Commonwealth. Barr is pleased that we can help communities across Massachusetts get their projects implemented by this fall with the goal of opening street space for people to move around safely and for local business to benefit from the increased foot traffic. For us, this kind of partnership is ideal. It works for people, supports small businesses, and is good for the environment.”

The Shared Streets & Spaces emergency funding program is modeled after the Baker-Polito Administration’s Complete Streets Funding Program, created in February 2016, which, as of January 2020, had awarded a total $46 million to cities and towns for municipal projects improving infrastructure to improve safety for pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists and public transportation customers.  The Administration included $20 million for the Complete Streets Program as part of the Administration’s $18 billion transportation bond bill which was filed in July 2019.

Written By: Klark Jessen, Article from the MassDOT Blog 

MassDOT Announces Annual Safe Routes to School Awards

June 8, 2020 - MassDOT through the Massachusetts Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Program, today conducted its annual Massachusetts Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Awards Ceremony virtually to recognize SRTS partner schools and community champions in their efforts in administering programs for students to safely walk and bike to school.

“I would like to thank our school and community partners for their collaboration in providing safe routes to schools across the Commonwealth,” said MassDOT Secretary and CEO Stephanie Pollack. “The Safe Routes to School Program is even more important than ever in our world today, because due to the pandemic, people are seeking new ways to travel to their destinations and walking and bicycling are appropriate choices, as long as there are sidewalks, traffic signals and other infrastructure which can ensure that the trips are safe.”

The annual event honors schools, community collaborators, and individual stakeholders who help make Massachusetts a healthier, greener state by fostering strong SRTS initiatives in their local neighborhoods. The awards are open to all partner schools, alliance partner representatives, and community stakeholders. At the event, level achievement certificates will be distributed to partners and honors will be announced, including, the Exemplary Program Award, Community Collaboration Award, and the Nikki Tishler Memorial Award.

The following school and community partners were recognized at this year’s awards ceremony:

Exemplary Programs by Region Winners:

Lee Elementary School, Lee
Roberts Elementary School, Medford
Parthum Elementary and Middle Schools, Lawrence
Nathaniel Morton Elementary School, Plymouth
Exemplary Programs by Region Honorable Mentions:

Clarksburg School, Clarksburg
Miller Elementary School, Holliston
Roger Clap Elementary School, Dorchester
Marguerite E. Small Elementary School, Yarmouth
Community Collaboration:

Shape Up Somerville (Winner)
Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (Honorable Mention)
Nikki Tishler Memorial Award:

Emily Schiavoni, North Adams Public Schools
Sponsored by the Massachusetts Department of Transportation and with funds from the Federal Highway Administration, the Massachusetts SRTS Program promotes safer routes for students to get to school through a focus on the six E’s—Education, Encouragement, Evaluation, Enforcement, Engineering, and Equity.

The Program hosts annual flagship events such as Massachusetts Walk, Bike, and Roll to School Day. The Program also offers pedestrian and bicycle training activities, walk and bike assessments, and arrival/dismissal observations at schools. SRTS works with schools and their local communities to help customize safety-focused activities, provide resources to help facilitate safe student travel, and offer one-on-one assistance for each school’s specific needs. By fostering partnerships between advocacy groups, municipal officials, law enforcement, education leaders, and public health departments, the program can serve over 920 public elementary and middle schools in over 225 communities across the Commonwealth. You can learn more about Safe Routes to School by visiting

 Written By: Klark Jessen, MassDOT Blog

First Name Affiliation
Jeff FHWA (MA)
Ali MassDOT
John MassDOT
Jennifer MassDOT
Cassandra MassDOT
Jessica MassDOT
Nicholas MassDOT
Scott MassDOT
Dave Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Ibrahima MassDOT District 5
Lyris MassDOT
John MassDOT Highway Division
Stephen MassDOT District 3
Sandra MassDOT
Robbin MassDOT
William MassDOT
Heather MassDOT
Eric MassDOT District 1
Elizabeth MassDOT
Lorraine MassDOT Aeronautics Division
Neil MassDOT
Stephanie MassDOT District 3
Ethan MassDOT
Robin MassDOT
Christopher MassDOT
Valerie MassDOT
Alex MassDOT
Daniel MassDOT
Lawrence MassDOT
Luka MassDOT
Andrea MassDOT District 5
Cherylann MassDOT
Nancy MassDOT
Judy Massachusetts Safe Routes to School Program
Megan MassDOT District 1
Vanita MassDOT
Richard MassDOT
Andrea MassDOT
Maddie MassDOT
Alex MassDOT
Michelle MassDOT
Jacqueline MassDOT
Thomas MassDOT
Alexander MassDOT District 5
Melissa Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Wesley Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Michele MassDOT Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV)
Margo MassDOT
Joshua Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Hishan MassDOT
Ana MassDOT
Kevin MassDOT
E Jenny MassDOT Highway Division
Michael MassDOT
Hanan MassDOT
Paul MassDOT Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV)
Jonathan MassDOT
Bob MassDOT
Peter MassDOT District 1
Elaine Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Michael MassDOT District 6
Anna Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Cassandra MassDOT
Judith MassDOT District 1
Gregory MassDOT Highway Division
William MassDOT District 1
Astrid MassDOT
Jacquelyn MassDOT
Christian MassDOT
Shannon MassDOT
John MassDOT District 4
Leah MassDOT
Robert Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Meghan MassDOT Highway Division
Haider MassDOT
Shaun MassDOT District 5
Diane MassDOT Safe Routes to School Program
Laura MassDOT District 2
Robin Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Francisca MassDOT District 1
Patrick AECOM
Michelle MassDOT
Julianna MassDOT
Jennifer MassDOT
Brian MassDOT
Kirsten MassDOT
Douglas MassDOT
Owen MassDOT
Brian MassDOT
Eamon MassDOT
James MassDOT
Derek MassDOT
TJ MassDOT Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV)
Barbara MassDOT District 5
Aniko Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Sara MassDOT Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV)
Patricia MassDOT
Donna MassDOT
Koby MassDOT
Melissa MassDOT
Brian MassDOT District 6
Amitai MassDOT
Kevin MassDOT
Jean MassDOT
Amy MassDOT District 4
Rich MassDOT District 5
Thomas MassDOT Aeronautics Division
Alexandra MassDOT
Bianca MassDOT District 5
Cindy MassDOT District 5
Andrew Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
William MassDOT
Karl MassDOT
Brittany MassDOT
Omar MassDOT Safe Routes to School Program
Catrina MassDOT
David MassDOT
John MassDOT District 4
Hayes MassDOT
Benjamin MassDOT District 6
Mark New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT)
Olivia MassDOT Highway Division
Michael MassDOT Highway Division
Max MassDOT
Jesse MassDOT
Christopher MassDOT
Makaela MassDOT
Russell Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Eric MassDOT
Evin MassDOT
Lily MassDOT
Chester MassDOT
Jeremiah MassDOT District 3
Leon Massachusetts Safe Routes to School Program
Suren MassDOT
Timothy MassDOT District 4
Hasmukh MassDOT
Andrew MassDOT
Adam MassDOT District 5
Mary-Joe MassDOT District 5
Nathan MassDOT
Drew MassDOT
Bonnie MassDOT
Bryan McKinsey Boston
Maria MassDOT
Constance MassDOT District 4
Jennifer MassDOT
Steven MassDOT Aeronautics Division
Muazzez MassDOT
Kristen MassDOT
Susan MassDOT
Dan MassDOT District 5
Michael MassDOT
Derrick MassDOT
Nick MassDOT District 3
Shania MassDOT
Anna Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Christopher MassDOT
Lisa MassDOT
Stacey MassDOT
Alaina MassDOT
Cheryll-Ann MassDOT District 5
Sandra MassDOT District 5
Lori MassDOT District 3
Derek MassDOT
Michele MassDOT
Owen MassDOT Aeronautics Division
Stephen MassDOT Highway Design
Kimberley MassDOT
Stephanie MassDOT
Gregory MassDOT
Stephen MassDOT
Gloria MassDOT District 4
Susan MassDOT
Misrak MassDOT
Frank MassDOT District 4
Allison Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Sungchul MassDOT Highway Division
Sara MassDOT
Elizabeth MassDOT
Paul MassDOT
Amber MassDOT
Zach MassDOT
Faina MassDOT District 5
Caitlin MassDOT
Linda MassDOT
Jason MassDOT District 5
Casey MassDOT
Violet MassDOT
Liz MassDOT
Jules MassDOT
Steve MassDOT
Sue MassDOT
Joseph MassDOT
Marianti MassDOT
Alissa Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Dale VHB
Colleen Wachusett Greenways
Chris PPP, Inc. (FL)
Andreas Cambridge Systematics, Inc.
Ali New York Metropolitan Transportation Council (NYMTC)
Karl Mystic River Watershed Association
Michael 3M (MN)
Todd Routematch (NC)
Matthew CDR Maguire (MA)
Joel WSP (MA)
John New Flyer of America (FL)
James Tetra Tech, Inc.
Amy Pare Corporation (RI)
Edward AECOM
Kimberly GPI (MA)
Erik McFarland Johnson
Margaret CTPS
Meredith VHB
Adam UMass Lowell
Steven GPI (MA)
Dennis WSP (MA)
Edward True North Advisory Services, LLC (MN)
Joseph CHA Consulting, Inc. (NH)
Anshu Michigan State University (MSU)
Jeff Bowman
Craig Liddell Brothers, Inc.
James University of Vermont (UVM)
Matthew MA Association of Health Boards (MAHB)
Anna HNTB Corporation
Richard Wachusett Greenways
Jill VHB
David Cambridge Systematics, Inc.
Jessica CHA Consulting, Inc. (NH)
Daniel Cambridge Systematics, Inc.
Daniel Friends of the Belchertown Greenway
Audrey Hoyle, Tanner & Associates, Inc. (NH)
Stefanie VHB
Richard Tighe & Bond (Woburn)
Jeff 128 Business Council
Tess VHB
Kristen VHB
Paul Howard Stein Hudson (HSH)
Greg Pare Corporation (RI)
Stacey WalkMassachusetts
Alec Oak Ridge National Laboratory (TN)
Judith Sustainable Marblehead
Adam EBP (TN)
Abby University of Vermont (UVM)
Andrea AECOM
Ashley Benesch (MA)
Arthur HDR
Taylor HNTB Corporation
Chelsea VHB
Eric Friends of Northampton Trails
Jeffrey City of Newton Police Department
Gina Fuss & O'Neill, Inc. (Manchester CT)
Nancy WSP (MA)
David Deloitte Consulting, LLP (GA)
Benjamin BETA Group, Inc. (MA)
Colin Windham Regional Commission (VT)
Constance Private Citizen
Dean Clinton Greenway Conservation Trust, Inc.
Graham RND Consultants, Inc.
Shannon Apex Companies, LLC (Woburn)
Stephen MA Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) (Halifax)
Alice Boston Harbor Now
Mike NC Capital Area MPO
Steven Gannett Fleming TranSystems (Dedham)
Scott VHB
Emily Bowman
Emily MassDOT Safe Routes to School Program
Preston Toole Design Group
Alex Bowman
Cynthia Baltimore Metropolitan Council
Rachel WSP (MA)
Donald Private Citizen
Allison Solomon Foundation
Andrew HDR
Genevieve Michael Baker International (CT)
Christopher Tetra Tech, Inc.
Peter Stantec (Burlington MA)
bill Private Citizen
Casey FHWA (MA)
Richard Town of Lexington Planning Board
Daniel Greater Nashville Regional Council (TN)
ACS Captioner (IL)
ACS Captioner (IL)
ACS Captioner (IL)
ACS Captioner (IL)
ACS Captioner (IL)
Matt Benesch (MA)
Scott Gill Engineering
Albert Private Citizen
Tamarah Private Citizen
Jackie Vermont Agency of Transportation (DOT)
Laura VHB
Jack Arcadis (GA)
Ethan Tetra Tech, Inc.
Jaklyn BETA Group, Inc. (MA)
Harrison Northeast Traffic Control Services, Inc.
Ted Riverside Greenway Working Group
Davren CHA Consulting, Inc. (IN)
Matthew VHB
Reh-Lin Gunda Corporation (TX)
bruce Private Citizen
Phillip WSP (MA)
Lori BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office)
Olivia Private Citizen
Sandra Bowman
Todd Hoyle, Tanner & Associates, Inc. (NH)
Jon University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Andrew KCI Technologies, Inc. (NH)
Alan WorldTech Engineering, LLC
Ned City of Newton DPW
Dieckmann Jacobs
Nick VHB
Stephen MaineDOT Region 2
Christine NYSDOT Region 1 Operations
Benjamin Puerto Rico LTAP
Angela Greater Attleboro Taunton Regional Transit Authority (GATRA)
Aimee BETA Group, Inc. (MA)
Joshua Apex Companies, LLC (Woburn)
Kimberly WorldTech Engineering, LLC
Ryan HDR
Grace MA Commission for the Blind (MCB)
Justin Tighe & Bond (Westfield)
Aleece Stantec (Burlington MA)
Thomas Gannett Fleming TranSystems (Dedham)
Kevin TEC, Inc. (Lawrence MA)
Michelle Toole Design Group
Lourenco VHB
Katie Barton and Loguidice (NY)
Jacqueline HDR
Jane Apex Companies, LLC (Woburn)
Tyler Fuss & O'Neill, Inc. (Boston)
Chris MassDOT Aeronautics Division
Mark GPI (MA)
Mark GPI (MA)
Jason Toole Design Group
Jessica MA Department of Public Health
Craig Norwottuck Network
Adam BETA Group, Inc. (MA)
Artem FHWA (MA)
Molly CHA Consulting, Inc.(MA)
Taylor Toole Design Group
Arielle HDR
Thomas Private Citizen
Brian Informa Business Media, Inc. (GA)
Jocelyn Howard Stein Hudson (HSH)
John GPI (MA)
Bennie Twin Cities Rail Trail Association (NH)
Michael BL Companies
Michelle AASHTO (DC)
James Scottish Development International (former)
Trish VHB
Ashley VHB
Stephen Manhan Rail Trail Committee
Paula MetroWest Regional Transit Authority (MWRTA)
Meghan Halifax Cycling Coalition (Canada)
Paul Maine Trail Coalition
Caroline VHB
Michael New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT)
Matthew VHB
Peter Town of Underhill (VT)
Karen WSP (MA)
Kathryn BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office)
Mark GPI (MA)
Zachary Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI)
David Pare Corporation (RI)
Rod WorldTech Engineering, LLC
Chris Brennan Consulting, Inc.
Spencer Jacobs
Sean BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office)
Alexander Tighe & Bond (Westfield)
Alison Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC)
Bob Trafficalm Systems (MD)
R Disability Policy Consortium
Jessica Harvard University
Steven Bowman
Deborah HDR
Jonathan Montana State University, Western Transportation Institute
Michael BL Companies
James Apex Companies, LLC (Woburn)
Adriaunna Apex Companies, LLC (Woburn)
Megan Southern Georgia Regional Commission
Alan Private Citizen
Jonathan Private Citizen
David Michael Baker International (CT)
Sarah Arborway Coalition
Bonnie Private Citizen
Alex Iteris, Inc. (IL)
Berta West Tisbury Complete Streets Committee
Sara Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT)
Nick BL Companies
Jessica Jacobs
Chris Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT)
Jason Private Citizen
Jarrod Private Citizen
Matthew HDR
Angie Martha's Vineyard Transit Authority (VTA)
Abbie American Council of Engineering Companies (MA)
Madeline Town of Braintree
Michael VHB
William Brennan Consulting, Inc.
Richard Mattapoisett Rail Trail
Thomas Hudson Bike and Ped Committee
Andrew MA EFSB
Steve California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) (CADOT)
Erica Toole Design Group
Eileen Fuss & O'Neill, Inc. (Quincy)
Birendra Nitsch Engineering
Linda Valmont Structures, Inc. (NE)
Douglas GPI (MA)
Andrea Montana State University, Western Transportation Institute
Danah Jacobs
Richard MassDOT
Niki VHB
Raymond AECOM
Rick T.Y. Lin International (MA)
Jacob University of Iowa (UIowa)
John Stantec (Burlington MA)
Nathan Slalom
Kien BETA Group, Inc. (MA)
Christina VHB
Frannie Clinton Greenway Conservation Trust, Inc.
Tina FHWA (MA)
Geoffrey GPI (MA)
Sachiko City of Plano (TX)
Marlin Stantec (Burlington MA)
Benny Apex Companies, LLC
Anne City of Gardner Disability Commission
Kimberly Minute Man Arc
Kalya Brennan Consulting, Inc.
Amy Town of Brookline
John Meridian Associates
Beth Jacobs
Heather HDR
Caitlin Ironwood Pharmaceuticals
Jay Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
James HDR
Lisa Barr Foundation
Erik AI Engineers, Inc. (MA)
Hisham Michigan State University (MSU)
Darshan BETA Group, Inc. (MA)
Betsy WalkMassachusetts
Lisa Kimley-Horn and Associates
Ron Stantec (Burlington MA)
Sid GPI (MA)
Brendan WalkMassachusetts
Wayne Brennan Consulting, Inc.
Kathleen VHB
Kristine East Coast Greenway Alliance (RI)
Thomas Assabet River Rail Trail, Inc.
Alessandra BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office)
Shanta VHB
Richard HDR
Jeffrey HNTB Corporation
Timothy Analog Devices
Margaret Kittelson & Associates, Inc.
Richard Montachusett Regional Trails Coalition
Yuna Yuna Kim, PE, CAMA, CMRP
Stacey Prince George's County (MD)
Thomas Jacobs
Derek BL Companies
Peter City of Portland (OR)
Stuart Private Citizen
Kris VHB
Angela Kittelson & Associates, Inc.
David Biking Brookline, Inc
Ale MassDOT District 5
Rob Norwottuck Network
Traci Seaport TMA
Kathleen Merrimack Valley Regional Transit Authority (MVRTA)
Wendy WalkMassachusetts
Douglas Langan
David Hoyle, Tanner & Associates, Inc. (NH)
Nick Fuss & O'Neill Inc. (Springfield)
Michael Jacobs
Andrew Gill Engineering
Alison Stantec (Burlington MA)
Tracie MassDOT Highway Division
Christopher WSP (MA)
Valerie Minute Man Arc
Valerie Minute Man Arc
Tim GPI (MA)
Kellan BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office)
Michael HDR
John Gannett Fleming TranSystems (Dedham)
Bruce Bennington County Regional Commission (BCRC) (VT)
Keith Chappell Engineering Associates, LLC
Roger Oregon Institute of Technology (Oregon Tech)
Emily Denver Regional Council of Governments (CO)
Jessica Howard Stein Hudson (HSH)
Aleksandar VHB
Jeffrey Mott MacDonald
Deb Minute Man Arc
Francisco Bowman
Anna Nitsch Engineering
Severino Soil X, Corp.
Aine BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office)
Irene Private Citizen
William Fort Hill Companies LLC
S Bowman
Keith Massachusetts Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board (MABPAB)
John 350 Mass
Diane Private Citizen
Stewart Private Citizen
Jason Apex Companies, LLC
Katharine Michael Baker International (CT)
Joseph Michael Baker International (CT)
Rachel Private Citizen
Arun Dallas (TX)
Katie VHB
Selma VHB
Kaleab AECOM
P Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI)
Amy Southern Georgia Regional Commission
Jenn Bike Newton
Lorna BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office)
Thomas Private Citizen
Frederick Gregory Industries (NH)
Jeff BETA Group, Inc. (MA)
Dmitriy Bowman
Kathy Gannett Fleming TranSystems
Daniel BETA Group, Inc. (MA)
Sean GPI (MA)
Zack Metacomet Greenway
Ian Howard Stein Hudson (HSH)
Anne Jacobs
Paul Safe Roads Driving Academy, Inc.
Nora Minute Man Arc
William WSP (MA)
Megan Kittelson & Associates, Inc.
John Lincoln Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee
John Nitsch Engineering
Tom Friends of the Bruce Freeman Rail Trail
Jessica Neponset River Greenway Council
Aysha Howard Stein Hudson (HSH)
Christine AI Engineers, Inc. (MA)
Karen Michael Baker International (CT)
Mojtaba Schepens Eye Research Institute
Eric VHB
Galen MassBike
Michelle Civic Space Collaborative
Alan Friends of the Community Path (Somerville)
Colleen HDR
Michael WeDriveU, Inc. (CA)
Kevin HDR
Ellen CHA Consulting, Inc.(MA)
Jay City Point Partners, LLC
Andrew Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT)
Paulina Union of Concerned Scientists
James CDM Smith (Boston)
Conor Bowman
Daniel Tighe & Bond (Westfield)
Bret Private Citizen
Kelly BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office)
Md Tausif Florida Atlantic University (FL)
Radu Kittelson & Associates, Inc.
Wajahat Private Citizen
Shelby Boston Harbor Now
Hugh HDR
Michael ATSSA (VA)
Susan VHB
Alicia HDR
Scott Pinal County (AZ)
Herbert Solomon Foundation
Sean BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office)
Kelly BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office)
Patrick Gill Engineering
Sam BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office)
Larry Private Citizen
Krystal AECOM
Tara Minnesota DOT Metro
Neil Milone & MacBroom Inc (CT)
Elizabeth City of Lowell
Cassandra HDR
Vivian Massachusetts Safe Routes to School Program
Katharine Vermont Agency of Transportation (DOT)
Sharon MassDOT
Michael Stantec (Boston MA)
William BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office)
Boris Foursquare Integrated Transportation Planning
Louis Electric Avenue (NY)
Eliza Boston Cyclists Union
Elizabeth Tetra Tech, Inc.
Theresa MVPC
Brian VHB
Roger Private Citizen
Soni Tetra Tech, Inc.
Michael Private Citizen
Thomas BL Companies
Robert VHB
Ethan Tufts University
crystal NYSDOT Region 1 Operations
Bob Private Citizen
Robert Town of Lexington Planning Board
Essek VHB
Essek VHB
Sean Greater Nashville Regional Council (TN)
Matt Alta Planning + Design
Rick HDR
Philip Philip B. Posner, Attorney at Law
Doug Private Citizen
Rockland Tetra Tech, Inc.
Luciano Jacobs
Claire Transportation Research Board (TRB) (DC)
Mike VHB
Jill Closed Captioner
Stephen VHB
Brenda Private Citizen
Bill Squannacook Greenways
Ashleigh CHA Consulting, Inc. (NH)
Jonathan TEC, Inc. (Lawrence MA)
Samantha VHB
Gail Southcoast Bikeway Alliance
Cynthia Private Citizen
Matthew National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) (NY)
Nicole GPI (MA)
Dori Geocomp Corporation
Gary Pioneer Valley Planning Commission (PVPC)
Kaleigh VHB
SCOTT North County Land Trust (NCLT)
Joe Stantec (Burlington MA)
Linda Brockton Area Transit Authority (BAT)
Canan Private Citizen
Meredyth Kittelson & Associates, Inc.
Rachel Stantec (Burlington MA)
Adriana GPI (Deerfield, NH)
Michael Gannett Fleming TranSystems
Angela Bowman
Aaron Benchmark Strategies
Steve Fuss & O'Neill Inc. (Springfield)
Zach Private Citizen
John HNTB Corporation
Mark AAA Northeast (Southern New England) (RI)
Paul Harvard Graduate School of Design (GSD)
Margot VHB
Julianne Volpe National Transportation Systems Center
William Kimley-Horn and Associates
Geoff Kiewit (NJ)
Bob WGBH Radio
Steve Apex Companies, LLC (Woburn)
Linda MBTA Travel Training
Lisa CDM Smith (Boston)
Matt BETA Group, Inc. (MA)
Eric Pare Corporation (RI)
Leonard Private Citizen
Stephen Design Consultants, Inc. (Somerville)
Alexandra HNTB Corporation
Matthew Fuss & O'Neill, Inc. (Quincy)
Mary Barr Foundation
Brian VHB
Janice Minute Man Arc
Anna Lynn HDR
Gina Volpe National Transportation Systems Center
Matthew Nitsch Engineering
Pete VHB
Rachael Walking In Arlington
Anson Conveyal
Frederick Metro Bike Safety, Inc.
Ashley Blue Hills Community Health Alliance
Greg Walker Consultants
Dan In Control Family Foundation/Crash Prevention
Jasmine Green International Affiliates
Patrick Seaport TMA
Brendan Private Citizen
Eric University of Wisconsin (UW–Madison)
Kristopher WorldTech Engineering, LLC
Michael Northeast Traffic Control Services, Inc.
Joshua Private Citizen
Charles HDR
Rick Private Citizen
LeighAnne WalkMassachusetts
Christopher T.Y. Lin International (ME)
Tyler MetroWest Regional Transit Authority (MWRTA)
Linde Apex Companies, LLC
Edward Deloitte Consulting, LLP (VA)
Monika PPP, Inc. (FL)
Erin VHB
Guang University of New Orleans (UNO) (LA)
Lee Town of Milton Bicycle Advisory Committee
David Gannett Fleming TranSystems (Dedham)
Frank Green International Affiliates
Hoamy Volpe National Transportation Systems Center
Joshua VHB
James Gill Engineering
Steven Howard Stein Hudson (HSH)
Mehmet University of Twente
Casey EBP-US
Stephanie Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
William Bowman
Jorden Bowman
Lorenzo Design Consultants, Inc. (Somerville)
Peter Stantec (Burlington MA)
Lenny Gannett Fleming TranSystems
Alexis Toole Design Group
Frank Private Citizen
Julia Institute for Transportation & Development Policy (ITDP) Boston
Kevin Stantec (Burlington MA)
Chrystal MassBike
Daniela Cambridge Systematics, Inc.
Ross Oak Ridge National Laboratory (TN)
Marvin Private Citizen
David Watson Active, LLC
Robert Holliston Trails Committee
James City of Oklahoma City (OK)
Peter Private Citizen
John HMMH Inc.
Grecia Northeastern University
Grecia Institute for Transportation & Development Policy (ITDP) Boston
Kristine VHB
John WSP (MA)
Rebecca Jacobs
Jessica Tufts University
Joshua Mead & Hunt (VA)
Becca Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Teren Howard Stein Hudson (HSH)
Althea WalkMassachusetts
Walt Stantec (Burlington MA)
Sasha MassDOT
Mark Gannett Fleming TranSystems (Dedham)
Courtney MassDOT
Lillian City of Somerville
Joan Squannacook Greenways
Noah VHB
Beth ICF International
Joseph Cambridge Systematics, Inc.
Adam Dewberry
Lilliam Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT)
Zachary Rhode Island Public Transit Authority
Rik Town of Provincetown
Armin Northeastern University
Armin Northeastern University
Wayne Town of Maynard DPW
Tom Town of Dennis
Michael City of Haverhill
Nancy Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) (DOT)
Shawn Old Colony Planning Council (OCPC)
Joel Massachusetts Port Authority (MassPort)
Susan Town of Lexington
Ryan FTA Region 1 (MA)
Patrick City of Cambridge Traffic
Sheri Montachusett Regional Planning Commission (MRPC)
Molly Town of Lexington
Joe Easterseals, Inc. (MA)
Noah Cape Cod Regional Transit Authority (CCRTA)
Zachary Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC)
Todd City of Medford
Gene Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission (Boston)
Eric Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC)
Alicia City of Newton
Curtis North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT)
Jennifer FHWA (MA)
Brandon Federal Transit Administration (MA)
Peter FTA Region 1 (MA)
Catherine City of Waltham
Maggie City of Northampton
Michelle City of Agawam
Jennifer SRPEDD
Paul Old Colony Planning Council (OCPC)
Michelle MA House of Representatives
Jeremy City of Westfield
Jeffrey Town of Yarmouth
Melinda Town of Milton Board of Selectmen
Anthony Town of Andover
Casey-Marie Boston Region MPO
Stephanie UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Jay City of Melrose DPW
Cindy MA Commission for the Blind (MCB)
Austin Town of Rutland
Stephen Town of Narragansett DPW (RI)
Bill City of Cambridge Community Development Department
Aikaterini University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Chris Transportation for Massachusetts (T4MA)
Tom City of Salem
Edward Town of Falmouth
Scott City of Melrose
Kathryn UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Kristin Town of Bedford DPW
Andreae City of Newton
Dan Martha's Vineyard Commission
Kevin Town of Oxford
Paige Town of Foxborough DPW
Raylen Transportation for Massachusetts (T4MA)
Marc Rhode Island Public Transit Authority
Eric City of Portsmith (NH)
Fleming FHWA DC
Alexander Volpe National Transportation Systems Center
James Private Citizen
Jini City of Newton
Rachel MassDOT
Cole University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Charlotte City of Boston
Joseph City of Boston
Paul Town of Fairhaven
Kelly Brockton Area Transit Authority (BAT)
Maria MassDOT
Hannah Maynard High School
Sophia Watertown Transportation Management Association
Erin Town of Brookline
Kevin Town of Orleans
Glenn Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Eric Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC)
Beth Franklin Regional Council of Governments (FRCOG)
Laura Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Glen Town of Natick Planning Board
Terry Town of Bedford Bicycle Advisory Committee
Joy MetroWest Regional Transit Authority (MWRTA)
Karin Valentine University of Massachusetts Medical School
Eric University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Elizabeth Merrimack Valley Planning Commission (MVPC)
Jane TRIPPS Massachusetts
Yahaira Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC)
Michael FHWA DC
Joshua FHWA (MA)
Raymond Old Colony Planning Council (OCPC)
Gregory SRPEDD
Sandra Town of Bedford Planning Board
Alex Federal Transit Administration (MA)
Thomas University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Betsy Boston Region MPO
Matthew City of Framingham
Wilfred FHWA (RI)
Charles Town of Lexington
Justin Northern Middlesex Council of Governments (NMCOG)
Christopher Town of West Bridgewater Highway Department
Mary Boston Region MPO
Para City of Boston
Andrew Town of Billerica
Ginna MA Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) (Boston)
Ambar LivableStreets Alliance
Angela Transportation for Massachusetts (T4MA)
Jenn Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC)
Matthew Federal Transit Administration (MA)
Adam MassDOT
Dan Town of Dennis
Todd City of Worcester
Michael UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Libby MA Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) (Boston)
Anthony Merrimack Valley Planning Commission (MVPC)
Rebecca UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
David City of Newton DPW
Efthymia University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Kevin Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC)
Sujatha Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC)
Clete Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC)
Michael Brockton Area Transit Authority (BAT)
Jeff Travelers Marketing (FL)
Rachael MA Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) (Boston)
Kang-Won University of Rhode Island (URI)
Sarah Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC)
Chavella Consult LeLa
Guoqiang Old Colony Planning Council (OCPC)
Dennis Worcester Regional Transit Authority (WRTA)
Amanda Town of Lexington
David Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC)
Robert MA Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) (Boston)
Carys Town of Needham
Owen City of Weymouth
Jason Town of Dedham
Matt UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
David Town of Bedford DPW
Jeremy Town of Sherborn
Michelle FHWA (NH)
Dan Town of Brookline
Eli Town of Weston
Amanda Newton North High School
Jeff Pioneer Valley Planning Commission (PVPC)
Katie Nauset Regional High School
Ian Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC)
William Old Colony Planning Council (OCPC)
John TEC, Inc. (Lawrence MA)
Colleen Cape Cod Commission (CCC)
Shashank UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Constance Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC)
Patricia City of Boston
Tanya Vermont Agency of Transportation (DOT)
Eric Northern Middlesex Council of Governments (NMCOG)
Kyle Old Colony Planning Council (OCPC)
Laurie Old Colony Planning Council (OCPC)
Deirdre New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT)
Albert Massachusetts Port Authority (MassPort)
Dawn MassDOT District 2
David Cape Cod Commission (CCC)
Mel Town of Lexington - Lexpress
Tolu University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Steven Town of Westwood
Carla Town of Bedford
Cassandra FHWA (MA)
Joshua Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Sheila Town of Wellesley
matt Town of Natick
Eric FTA Region 1 (MA)
Emily Vermont Agency of Transportation (DOT)
Khyati Pioneer Valley Planning Commission (PVPC)
Enrique Transportation for Massachusetts (T4MA)
Michael FHWA (MA)
Brian City of Worcester
David Town of Lexington DPW
Andrew City of Newburyport
Ieshia MetroWest Regional Transit Authority (MWRTA)
Elena City of Melrose
Brad City of Somerville
Robert Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC)
Jeanette Town of Bedford
Kerry Town of Hopkinton
Andrew City of Cambridge Community Development Department
Andrew FHWA (MA)
Faye Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC)
Megan Franklin Regional Council of Governments (FRCOG)
Kathy Brockton Area Transit Authority (BAT)
Shannon University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Meg AER Environmental Access Committee
Stephen City of Worcester
Dana Pioneer Valley Planning Commission (PVPC)
Alyssa University of Arizona
Richard Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC)
Thomas Town of Needham
Laurie Franklin Regional Council of Governments (FRCOG)
Gideon Town of Watertown
Michelle MassDOT
Cara City of Cambridge Traffic
Alyssa Town of Merrimac
Jamison Town of Scituate DPW Engineering Division
Sandra Pioneer Valley Transit Authority (PVTA)
David Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT)
Kara City of Melrose
Matt Town of Winchester
Barry Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT)
Jessica Town of Barre
Sharna MA Human Service Transportation Office, EOHHS
Michael UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Jason City of Newton
Sam City of Fitchburg
Julie Town of Westborough Bike & Pedestrian Committee
Kris UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Diane City of Cambridge DPW
Beth Devens Enterprise Commission
James MassDOT
David Northern Middlesex Council of Governments (NMCOG)
Chris FHWA (MA)
Robert Town of Adams
Steven Cape Cod Commission (CCC)
Daniel Town of Ayer
Alfredo City of Newton
William Martha's Vineyard Commission
Aldo UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Patricia Greater Attleboro Taunton Regional Transit Authority (GATRA)
Mary Old Colony Planning Council (OCPC)
Juliet City of Portsmith (NH)
Marjorie Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC)
Matt Indus Inc.
Jessica Cape Cod Commission (CCC)
Laura Town of Watertown Community Development and Planning
Gemma Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC)
Kym Blue Hills Community Health Alliance
Pete Transportation for Massachusetts (T4MA)
Stephen City of Malden
Edith Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT)
Ben MA Department of Public Health (DPH)
Mike Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT)
Christos Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT)
Bethany Town of East Longmeadow
Scott Town of Acton
Tracy UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Salman MassDOT District 2
Kristina Town of Braintree
Lynn Cape Cod Regional Transit Authority (CCRTA)
Chris UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Brenda MassDOT District 1
Kathleen CDW Consultants