
TRB Category: 

Rounaq Basu

Research Affiliate
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Department of Urban Studies and Planning

Research and Background

Rounaq Basu is the Manager of Multimodal Planning and Design at the Boston Region MPO, as well as a Research Affiliate in the Department of Urban Studies and Planning at MIT. His research interests include sustainable city planning, integrated urban systems, and mobility justice. He is particularly interested in ways to reduce dependence on private automobiles without forgoing their accessibility benefits in order to facilitate sustainable metropolitan growth and improve transportation equity. His work draws on urban analytics, GIS & spatial modeling, econometrics, and agent-based microsimulations to inform public policies in the mobility, housing, and land use sectors. He has consulted for the World Bank on projects in Latin America seeking to improve public transportation by integrating on-demand mobility services. He holds a Ph.D. degree in Urban Science and Planning and dual Master's degrees in Transportation and City Planning from MIT, and a Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering from IIT Bombay with a concentration in transportation engineering and a minor in economics.

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Rounaq Basu
