
TRB Category: 

Michael Rawlins

UMass Extension Assistant Professor, Manager-Climate System Research Center
University of Massachusetts Amherst

Research and Background

Climate Change - My research activities focus on investigations of large-scale hydrology and biogeochemistry. I am interested in how climate processes affect and influence terrestrial water and carbon cycles through synthesis studies which leverage in situ observations, numerical models, and remote sensing data. Through this work I seek to connect and understand water, energy, and carbon cycling across the earth's land, atmosphere, and ocean domains. Most recently I have investigated recent and potential future change in the Arctic's freshwater cycle and its connections with warming across the region. This work suggests that the Arctic's freshwater cycle is accelerating or "intensifying", consistent with global climate model projections. I also study how a warming climate impacts permafrost and associated cycling of carbon between high latitude ecosystems and the atmosphere.

Connect with Michael Rawlins

Michael Rawlins
134 Morrill Science Center, UMassAmherst,
Amherst, Massachusetts 01003