
  • 12/10/2019
  • Massachusetts Rivers & Roads Training- Tier 2A: Flood Recovery and River Management Case Studies

    Case studies- 1. Chickley River, MA Route 8A, Hawley – Channel restoration to reduce risk of future road failure. 2. North Nashua River, Fitchburg – Retaining wall removal / river enhancement project by the DER and the City. 3. Walker Brook, Bonny Rigg Hill Road, Becket – Multiple culvert failures and eventual replacement meeting crossing standards. 4. Town Brook, Quincy – Urban restoration with fish spawning site. 5. Roberts Meadow Brook, Chesterfield Road, Northampton – Dam removal and rapid channel evolution. 6. Cold River, MA Route 2, Florida – Adding a fish passage weir to a culvert invert repair as a temporary restoration measure. 7. Mill River, Mill Street, Amherst – Installation of natural streambed over abutment and bed armoring. 8. Rattlesnake Brook, Narrows Road, Freetown – Culvert replacement, dam removal, and channel restoration. 9. Tweed River, VT Route 100, Pittsfield, VT – Bed armoring to reduce risk of road embankment failure.

  • 11/7/2022
  • ATSSA’s Work Zone Safety App

    ATSSA has released a Work Zone Safety App! Developed under the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Work Zone Safety Grant, this FREE app can help you: - Quickly determine both minimum device spacing and minimum number of devices needed for merging, shifting, shoulder, or flagger operations. - Calculate the number of devices you need. - Customize your results to incorporate local standards. - Learn about and apply best practices for stationary lane closures and short duration operations. - Set up temporary traffic control areas. - Visit iTunes to download the FREE app today. - Information about and links to the app are also available on Website

  • 11/3/2022
  • Concrete Clips

    The Office of Pre-construction, Construction, and Pavements (HICP) is developing a series of informational videos called “Concrete Clips” to explore various concrete related topics.  There are 17 videos in this series. Posted on the FHWA's YouTube Channel, under the playlist “Concrete Clips”

  • 7/15/2021
  • Culvert Assessment Manual 2019

    The Culvert Assessment Form is designed for a rapid assessment by trained lay observers for purposes of flagging crossings that should be examined more closely for structural deficiencies. This assessment module is one of several developed and maintained by the North Atlantic Aquatic Connectivity Collaborative (NAACC).

  • 6/5/2020
  • Urban Plaza Paper

    Research Paper on the Comparison of Structural and Non-compacted Soils for Trees Surrounded by Pavement. Pdf document.