Draft Northern Tier Passenger Rail Study Released for Public Comment


Report includes the study's evaluation of transportation conditions along the Northern Tier, alternatives development and analysis processes, findings and recommendations, and next steps

BOSTON — The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) is announcing the release of the Draft Northern Tier Passenger Rail Study for public comment. The 60-day public comment period will conclude on Saturday, October 12, 2024.  

The Northern Tier Passenger Rail Study examines the benefits, costs, and investments necessary to implement passenger rail service from North Adams to Greenfield and Boston, with the speed, frequency, and reliability necessary to be a competitive option for travel along this corridor. 

Information in the draft report includes:

An overview of the study’s background, goals and objectives, and public engagement process
A review of existing conditions along the Northern Tier
A discussion of the two-phase alternatives development and analysis process
A discussion of the study’s findings and draft recommendations 
Following the 60-day public comment period, the report will incorporate comments received and will be finalized. 

For more information on how to review the draft report and submit comments, please visit the Northern Tier Passenger Rail Study website: https://www.mass.gov/northern-tier-passenger-rail-study