Commercial Vehicle Safety Research Summit Presentations
The 2016 Commercial Vehicle Safety Research Summit: Best Practices for Advancing Safety through Partnerships with Universities was conceived and implemented to promote partnerships between universities, law enforcement, and drivers licensing agencies. With the goal of promoting the sharing of best practices across these disciplines, in order to improve commercial motor vehicle (CMV) and commercial driver’s license (CDL) enforcement and licensing compliance in the Eastern Service Center (ESC) area, the CV Summit drew more than 130 attendees representing all 16 ESC states as well as a variety of other agencies and organizations. The University of Massachusetts Traffic Safety Research Program (UMassSafe) received a grant from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), in part, to plan, pilot, and host the CV Summit.
The Commercial Vehicle Safety Research Summit Summary Report was created to provide an overview of the event’s contents, emerging issues and future needs.
Behind the Wheel
Comprehensive programs that promote the safe operation of trucks and buses are essential to preventing crashes. In this session, speakers will focus on safety initiatives from the ground up, including carrier onboarding procedures, in-house driver training, compliance, and the positive effects of in-cab monitoring.
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Safety Data in Motion
With the overwhelming amount of data being collected at all levels, one consistent challenge is how to best utilize it for efficiency, planning and enforcement. In this session, speakers discussed how live-feed data is used by both law enforcement and industry to implement safety programming such as virtual weigh stations, work zone notification systems and electronic citations.
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Risks on the Road
Some traffic safety risks have existed for decades, while others have emerged as a consequence of modern advancements - including data-enabled devices - or crises, such as forced labor. This session examines various risks specific to truck and bus safety, spanning driver, roadway, and environmental causation.
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National Transportation Safety Board's Most Wanted Improvements in Commercial Vehicle Safety
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In-State Joint Initiatives
Many states have pioneered collaborative programming to address truck and bus safety by implementing various methodologies, including education, enforcement, and technology. In this session, stakeholders from FMCSA, truck and bus associations, law enforcement, and licensing agencies discussed examples of these partnerships, shared lessons learned, and compared the strategies that have been most and least effective.
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Evidence-Based Research: Moving Safety Forward
Ongoing research efforts have wide-ranging impacts on truck and bus safety, as more sophisticated data and technology becomes the norm. Research-based projects can provide the foundation that is crucial to implementing new programs as well as long-term directives. The production of tools, guidelines or protocols to assist government agencies, vehicle design entities, and roadway design specialists have been particularly beneficial to CMV safety research. In this session, presenters shared predictive and programmatic tools to help law enforcement and carriers better understand where, when and why truck and bus crashes occur.
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Highly Automated Commercial Vehicles
Connected and highly automated vehicles have captured engineers' imaginations for decades, and recent implementations of this technology is making the dream a reality. This session explored highly automated commercial vehicle applications, communication needs with law enforcement, as well as how federal and state government are preparing for the societal impacts of this technology.
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Decriminalization of Marijuana
While marijuana decriminalization has profound implications for all highway safety, it is of particular concern within the realm of professional drivers, as truck and bus crashes are often far deadlier than passenger vehicle crashes. As a result, the transportation industry and law enforcement have been tasked to manage education and enforcement in unison. Panelists from both research and enforcement realms discussed the consequences of marijuana use among drivers, the increased potential for crashes, initiatives for clear regulations and solutions for protecting our roadways.
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Industry Safety from All Angles
There are a growing number of methodologies, operations, and innovations for addressing the varied safety concerns specific to large truck and bus safety. In the day on closing session, speakers working hands-on in the trucking industry will showcase their specific initiatives, including driver health and wellness, driver telematics, and advanced vehicle technology.
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Moving Forward: Safety Culture & Partnerships
Effective safety solutions emerge from sustainable partnerships and institutionalizing safety as the top priority. This session focused on the architecture of strong partnerships between industry and government towards the creation of a safety culture. By working together, protecting lives and improving everyday practices, we can make truck and bus safety a central pillar of our institutions.
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Advancing Safety Technology
Safety technologies seem as though they're changing daily, and in many ways that isn't far from the truth. Advancements can be as simple as a smartphone app, or as extensive as the complete vehicle design. In the session, speakers from private industry provided insight into the latest advancements being implemented within fleets, and how to best comply with regulations and law enforcement.
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Emerging Trends, Issues & Challenges in Commercial Vehicle Safety
Some aspects of CMV safety never change, and others won’t stand still. Get on top of the emerging trends, issues and challenges facing law enforcement and drivers licensing agencies.
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Utilizing Innovation to Fill the Data Toolbox: Best Practices for Accessing and Using the Newest Data Tools
A variety of data query tools exist and can be used to provide integral information to assist with planning and programming. Learn about best practices for accessing and using these innovative tools.
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Is Anybody Listening? Delivering Your Roadway Safety Message through Media, Marketing and Social Media Platforms
Your program is only as good as your ability to communicate the message. Learn the ins and outs of utilizing different media avenues to spread your roadway safety message to the right audience as well as strategies for utilizing social media channels to increase your impact.
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Make Data Work: Translate Data into a Valuable Asset
Data can be an incredible tool, or a major headache, depending on who you ask. Discover successful strategies for utilizing crash data for strategic planning, exploring crash causation and measuring program performance.
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The Road to Results: An Overview of the FMCSA Grant Program, a Show & Tell of Successful Partnerships Used to Access Funding, and what to do with research results from your grant work
Securing funding for our projects can be the most frustrating and complicated piece of the puzzle. This workshop offers information on where you can look for grant funds, who to partner with to get them and what to do with your research results once your grant project is completed.
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Taking Action Against CMV Driver Distraction
Distracted driving is both a public health and a public safety issue, due to the enormous numbers of both fatal and non-fatal crashes it causes. This workshop demonstrates that an integrated approach and effective partnerships can reduce these numbers.
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Taking Action Against CMV Driver Distraction
Distracted driving is both a public health and a public safety issue, due to the enormous numbers of both fatal and non-fatal crashes it causes. This workshop demonstrates that an integrated approach and effective partnerships can reduce these numbers.
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Technologies' Impact on Transportation Today: What has gone by the "weigh-side?"
Providing digital services in a physical world has its challenges, but the highway safety benefits are impressive. THis workshop will explore proven and developing technologies aimed at advancing the safety and efficiency of the Commercial Transportation Industry.
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Also below are links to the presentations from the Summit. The presentations are organized by workshop.
Emerging Trends, Issues & Challenges in Commercial Vehicle Safety
Make Data Work: Translate Data into a Valuable Asset
Taking Action Against CMV Driver Distraction
Integrated Safety Planning: A State’s Team Approach
Technologies Impact on Transportation Today: What has gone by the “weigh-side?”