Previous Presentations
Collaborating Efforts to Improve Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety in Work Zones - Martha Kapitanov, Federal Highway Administration
North Carolina CMV Alerts in Work Zones - Kelly Wells, North Carolina Department of Transportation
Technological Solutions to the Truck Crash Picture: Timely and Relevant Information - Mark Savage, Intelligent Imagining Systems
Know the Zone: CTDOT Work Zone Speed Safety Camera Pilot Program - John Dunham, Connecticut Department of Transportation
Mitigating Large Truck Involvement in Work Zone Crashes - Robert Brydia, Texas A&M Transportation Institute

Source: Oregon Department of Transportation
CMV Safety in Work Zones
Roadway workers play an essential role in ensuring our roadways are safe for all users. In order to accomplish this, workers are put in an extremely vulnerable position. Large trucks and buses, due to their increased size and weight, present a particular hazard to roadway workers when a crash occurs. In 2021, 33.3% of fatal work zone crashes involved a commercial motor vehicle (CMV), part of an upward trend across the preceding ten years.
Federal Highway Administration Resources
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), as part of the U.S. Department of Transportation, supports the design, construction, and maintenance of State, local, federal, and tribal-owned roadways. As part of this function, FHWA provides numerous resources regarding work zone safety. We encourage to pass the following resources on to relevant parties.
National Work Zone Safety Information Clearinghouse
Work Zone Facts and Statistics
Other Resources
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration: Work Zone Safety Shareable MaterialsCompliance Navigation Specialists: Work Zone Safe Driving Guide for Truckers
This material is based upon work supported by the FMCSA under a cooperative agreement, FM-MHP-0551-20-01-00
Important Information
National Safety Council: Work Zones Are Dangerous; Distractions Make Things Worse