Previous Presentations
ADAS: Managing Driver's Interactions with Advanced Safety Technology - Mike Lasko, Boyle Transportation
Leveraging Telematics to Reduce Risk in Fleet Operations - Frank Cruice, Perdue Farms, Inc.
Bus Safety Through Technology - Bryony Chamberlain, DATCCO
Racing Toward an Autonomous Future - Rhonda Stricklin, Alabama Transportation Institute, University of Alabama
Assurance of Rest? Truck Parking Technology - Scott Grenerth, Truck Specialized Parking Services, Inc.
Truck Parking Technologies: Benefits and Limitations - Tom Phelan, Gannet Fleming, Inc.
Human Trafficking App: Enforcement Aids - Melissa Flod, Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension
Automated CMV Evaluation (ACE): Inspection Demonstrations and Evaluation - Brenda Lantz, North Dakota State University
North Carolina CMV Alerts - Kelly Wells, North Carolina DOT
Technological Solutions to the Truck Crash Picture: Timely and Relevant Information - Mark Savage, Intelligent Imagining Systems

Commercial Vehicle Safety Technologies
Technology will always play an enormous role in commercial vehicle safety. From apps that assist drivers in finding safe and legal parking, to fully automated vehicles, advanced technologies are changing the ways vehicles are operated, roadways are navigated, and businesses are run. As a result, it's essential to stay aware of new advancements in technologies, and the ways they impact operations and policies. Here, a number of resources are provided to help navigate emerging technologies for improving commercial vehicle safety.
Law Enforcement
Automation/Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
AAMVA: Jurisdictional Guidelines for the Safe Testing and Deployment of Highly Automated Vehicles
Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance: Inspecting CMVs with Automated Driving Systems
Connected Vehicles
Screening & Citation
Montana DOT: Automated Citation, Computer Aided Dispatch and Automated Ramp Screening Implementation
Utilizing Data
Texas Department of Public Safety: Reducing Accidents Through Technology
Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
AAMVA: Guidelines for Testing Drivers in Vehicles with Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
AAMVA: Safe Testing and Deployment of Vehicles Equipped with Automated Driving Systems Guidelines
Pronto/SAE International: Capturing the Real Safety Potential of Automation
Connected Vehicles
USDOT FMCSA: A Pathway to Secure Connections
FHWA: Truck Platooning Research and Technology Evaluation
Education Programming
California Highway Patrol: Commercial Industry Education Program
Electronic Logging Devices
FMCSA: Electronic Logging Devices Migrating from 3G Networks
Virginia Tech Transportation Institute: Large Truck Technology Return on Investment Calculator
Transport Topics: How to Better Manage Change When Implementing New Technologies
This material is based upon work supported by the FMCSA under a cooperative agreement, FM-MHP-0551-20-01-00
Important Information
FMCSA TRB Forum: Innovative Technology Deployment Program Update
FMCSA Innovative Technology Deployment (ITD) Program
NHTSA Driver Assistance Technologies Overview
NHTSA Automated Vehicles Overview
NHTSA Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication Overview
NHTSA Vehicle Cybersecurity Overview
National Safety Council Study: Comprehensive Approach Needed to Improve Trucking Safety