Survey of Human Trafficking Knowledge and Perceptions in the Trucking Industry


The Alabama Transportation Institute (ATI) at the University of Alabama is working with an international coalition led by the Tennessee-based non-profit United Against Slavery (UAS) on a USDOT Impact Award to engage the transportation industry in the fight against human trafficking. In doing so, they are reaching out to the trucking industry for support in conducting an international survey of perceptions and awareness of human trafficking across the transportation industry. The ATI and UAS will be launching the anonymous survey on July 5th 2021 and are in the process of lining up organizations to participate in the survey.

The ATI and UAS are seeking industry partners to help them distribute the anonymous survey to members/employees. There is no obligation to participate and no fees or official duties. Depending on the level of interest of an individual partner, there are two ways to get involved:

  1. If you would to take part in the anonymous survey when it is launched online on July 5th 2021, please contact and he will make sure you receive the link to participate and share.
  2. If you would like to participate in the process as an Oversight Agency (OA), the ATI and UAS can create a customized version of the survey for your organization. All survey responses will still be anonymous, but you will be able to see the collective answers from people within your organization. There is no cost or requirement to participate as an OA but if you would like to take advantage of the survey to get an idea of the perceptions and awareness of the issues within your organization, then please email with "OA" at the top by May 21st and he will sign you up.

Click here for more information and an explanation of the process.