The 2017 Moving Together Conference

Date: 9/28/2017 7:45 AM - 9/28/2017 4:30 PM

Location: Boston Park Plaza Hotel
50 Park Plaza

Boston, Massachusetts




Sold Out Sign 

Online Registration Is Now Closed

Walk-Ins Welcomed

• Create your own customized schedule and get real time notifications when your session is about to start
• Network with others attendees at the conference using the app interact and messaging feature
• Sponsor and exhibitor information at your fingertips. Find out what companies and organizations are there and what they have to offer!
• Get updates first if there are any changes to the schedule
• Download a copy of the Statewide Pedestrian Plan's Municipal Resource Guide!
• Paperless conference evaluations

 Moving Together Logo

2017 Moving Together Conference

MassDOT’s annual statewide healthy transportation conference

• Attend workshops and panels that highlight current pedestrian, bicycle and public transportation topics

• Network with colleagues representing diverse interests from the public, academic and private sectors

• All new site visits and mobile workshops led by engineers and bicycle/pedestrian advocates.

Thursday, September 28, 2017, 7:45 AM – 4:30 PM

Boston Park Plaza Hotel, 50 Park Plaza at Arlington, Boston, MA.

Montage of Healthy Transportation Images

This Year's Conference Speakers

Image of Kimberley Driscoll and Secretary Pollack

Conference Highlights:


Official launch of the statewide Pedestrian Transportation Plan’s Municipal Resource Guide, featuring:
• Why is Walkability Important?
• Elements of Walkable Communities
• ADA Accessibility
• Safety
• Maintenance
• Snow and Ice Clearance

All-day program tracks highlighting:
• Municipalities
• Complete Streets
• Transit

Mega Sessions:
• Buses
• Health and Safety Campaigns

Site Visits and Video Awards

Pre Moving Together Conference after work ride and social hour, sponsored by the Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals. Join your fellow active transportation professionals on an after work bike tour of the Connect Historic Boston separated bike lanes. (nearest Hubway dock at Cambridge and Joy) Meet @ 5:00 pm on corner of Cambridge and Staniford. Social hour to follow at the Living Room (101 Atlantic Avenue).

The History of the Moving Together Conference

In 1998, both the statewide bicycling action plan and the statewide pedestrian action plan, called for the establishment of an annual statewide conference for educational and networking purposes. The first two of these conferences were held in Worcester, MA in 2000. In May, at Clark University, 50 people gathered to discuss only walking issues. Later in the year, at the Worcester Holiday Inn, 50 people focused only on bicycling issues.

In 2005, the conference moved to Boston. The first several years, the conference was held at the Marriott Courtyard on Tremont Street. Interest continued to grow until attendance hit approximately 250 persons and the conference moved to a larger venue at the Back Bay Sheraton.

The conference continued to grow and in 2013 the conference was held for the first time at the Boston Park Plaza Hotel. Transit joined the conference as a featured mode. In 2014, more workshops than ever were offered along with the addition of site visits. Over 650 people attended the event. In 2016, the conference sold out for the second year straight! Each year the conference continues to bring together transportation leaders and individuals involved in the areas of planning, public health, bike and pedestrian safety, transit, advocacy, elected office, law enforcement and education.

Register Today! Click on the "Registration" tab at the top of this page

Safe Streets Smart Trips Logo

Announcing the 2017 High School Video Contest

Deadline: Friday, September 22, 2017 AT 5PM

Calling all Massachusetts high school students!

Lead the way in promoting safe walking, bicycling, and driving behaviors across Massachusetts. Write and produce a one minute public service announcement video that focuses on safe behaviors across all modes with regard to the distraction of technology.

2017 Contest Guidelines

2017 Contest Submission Form

MassDOT Logo      FHWA Logo   

This event is accessible to people with disabilities and individuals with limited English proficiency. If you need a reasonable accommodation (such as American Sign Language Interpreters, assistive listening devices, handouts in alternate formats, etc.) and/or language assistance (such as translated documents or an interpreter) to fully participate, please contact Cindy Schaedig at 413-577-2762 or at least 14 days prior to the event.  Such services are provided free of charge.


2017 Moving Together Conference Sponsors and Exhibitors

gold starGold Level Sponsorsgold star

Please click on our sponsor's logo to visit their website

          VHB Logo                                 off logo

silver star Silver Level Sponsorssilver star

Please click on our sponsor's logo to visit their website

  Environmental Partners Logo                           HDR Logo    McMahon Associates Logo      wsp logo 

                     Green International Logo    

bronze starBronze Level Sponsorsbronze star

Please click on our sponsor's logo to visit their website

 City Point Partners Logo              Kittleson Logo        

                    Zagster Logo



 BETA Logo  Transportation for Massachusetts Logo       
    Ocean State Signal Logo      Boston MPO Logo      WalkBoston Logo    PARE Corporation Logo        Mass Commission for the Blind Logo    Park and Pedal Logo      TransitMatters Logo      ITDP Logo           Dept. of Labor Services Logo        VE Bikes Logo    apbp logo           

Thursday, September 28, 2017
9:30 AM - 4:00 PM

Special event

9:30 AM - 10:45 AM

Concurrent Session 1

Session 1A Georgian Room: Complete Streets from the MassDOT District Perspective (CS)
Meet all six MassDOT District Bicycle and Pedestrian coordinators and get first-hand insight on Complete Streets projects across the Commonwealth. The bike/ped coordinators work closely with municipalities to promote smart designs to make streets safe for pedestrians, cyclists, transit users and drivers. Examples from across the state will highlight noteworthy projects. ***SPECIAL NOTE*** Bike/ped coordinators will have purple ribbons on their name badge – introduce yourself throughout the rest of the day!

Moderator: Patricia Leavenworth, Chief Engineer, MassDOT
Panelists: Kate Masztal, MassDOT District 1
Laura Hanson, MassDOT District 2
Rick Handfield, MassDOT District 3
Tim Paris, MassDOT District 4
Tim Kochan, MassDOT District 5
Courtney Dwyer, MassDOT District 6

Kate Masztal Presentation
Laura Hanson Presentation
Tim Paris Presentation
Tim Kochan Presentation
Rick Handfield Presentation
9:30 AM - 10:45 AM

Concurrent Session 1

Session 1B Berkeley/ClarendonRooms: Strategies for Advancing Municipal Projects (M)
Come learn about advancing projects with MassDOT. MassDOT partners with municipalities to fund, design, construct, and maintain transportation assets that enable the Commonwealth, its people and economy to prosper. This panel will include presentations on a variety of new resources including the Project Intake tool, project selection criteria and the Complete Streets review checklist.

Panelists: Andy Paul, MassDOT
Michael Bolduc, MassDOT
Michelle Danila, MassDOT
Quinn Molloy, MassDOT
Moderator: Victoria Sclafani, Massachusetts Municipal Association

Michael Bolduc Presentation
Michelle Danila Presentation
Quinn Molloy Presentation
9:30 AM - 10:45 AM

Concurrent Session 1

Session 1C Statler Room: First/Last Mile Solutions
Providing reliable, easy-to-use first and last mile connections between home, transit and the workplace continues to be one of today’s biggest challenges. Three different perspectives highlight successful programs across all modes: a municipal rollout of a stand-alone bike-share program; an employer’s creative approach to providing its workforce with car-free alternatives; and a suburban community’s successful combination of both.

Moderator: Eric Bourassa, Metropolitan Area Planning Council
Panelists: Matt Smith, Director of Traffic and Parking, City of Salem
Bridger McGaw, athenahealth
Carla Olson, Town of Bedford

Matt Smith Presentation
Bridger McGaw Presentation
Carla Olson Presentation
9:30 AM - 10:45 AM

Concurrent Session 1

Session 1D Arlington Room: Engaging Young People in Healthy Transportation
Across the Commonwealth, different approaches are getting school-aged children interested in healthy transportation. Learn how a DPH-sponsored program is making physical activity for recreation and transportation the easy choice and a non-profit that prepares young people to be positive role models and leaders in their community through the development of parks, trails and walkable streets. The winner of a local high school AP statistics class competition will also present their findings utilizing MassDOT RMV bike/ped crash data.

Panelists: Heather McMann, Groundwork Lawrence
Amanda Chilson, Northern Berkshire Community Coalition
Bonne Desousa, South Coast Bikeway Alliance
Evan Tilley, Old Rochester Regional High School
Moderator: Krystal Pollitt, UMass School of Public Health and Health Sciences

Heather McMann Presentation
Amanda Chilson Presentation
Bonne Desousa Presentation
9:30 AM - 10:45 AM

Concurrent Session 1

Session 1E Grand Ballroom A: MEGA SESSION: BUSES (T)
Several new statewide initiatives underway are elevating the status of bus usage by shifting priorities to buses to solve mobility needs and gaining new converts along the way. This session will hit on contemporary topics including automated fare collection, dedicated bus lanes, long-range corridor studies, service planning, bus rapid transit, sustainable new fleets and creative reuses of existing transit station property.

Panelists: David Block-Schachter, Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Jay Monty, City of Everett
Laurel Paget-Seekins, MBTA
Ray Ledoux, Brockton Area Transit
Price Armstrong, Pioneer Valley Transit Authority
Moderator: Scott Hamwey, MassDOT

11:00 AM - 12:15 PM

Concurrent Session 2

Session 2A Statler Room: Identifying Critical Gaps in Transportation Networks
Identifying critical gaps in transportation networks highlights opportunities to invest in multi-modal improvements. In this session, learn how MassDOT’s Statewide Bicycle Transportation Plan is identifying these gaps to inform future investments in network connections. Preview the MBTA’s Plan for Accessible Transit Infrastructure (PATI) inventory of all commuter rail stations, subway stations and MBTA bus stops and get an update on MassDOT’s ADA Transition Plan with its GIS curb ramp inventory and approach to closing critical sidewalk gaps.

Panelists: Pete Sutton, MassDOT
Erik Scheier and Kathryn Quigley, MBTA
Jack Moran, MassDOT
Moderator: Kate Fichter, MassDOT

Pete Sutton Presentation
Kathryn Quigley Presentation
Jack Moran Presentation
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM

Concurrent Session 2

Session 2B Berkeley/Clarendon Rooms: What does a Rural Complete Streets Project Look Like? (CS)
Complete Streets projects are now in every corner of the state – so what kind of projects work best in a rural community? FHWA recently published the Small Town and Rural Multimodal Networks report (better known as the STAR Design Guide) which serves as a primer for the Commonwealth's towns and villages looking to maximize their return on investment. This panel will feature two rural communities that have successfully adopted comprehensive Complete Streets policies.

Moderator: Mike Smith, Baystate Roads
Panelists: Dan Filiault, Town of Dalton
Sherry Patch, Town of Sunderland
Nelson Hoffman, Federal Highway Administration

Dan Filiault Presentation
Sherry Patch Presentation
Nelson Hoffman Presentation
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM

Concurrent Session 2

Session 2C Arlington Room: Strategies for Funding Municipal Transportation Projects (M)
In addition to the Complete Streets funding program, there are federal, state and local resources available to help advance your project. However, most transportation activists have a difficult time navigating the multitude of agencies and programs involved. This session gives you the tools needed to access three separate types of funding: Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ), Recreational Trails Program and Gateway Cities.

Panelists: Ali Kleyman, Central Transportation Planning Staff
Kurt Gaertner, Executive Office of Energy & Environmental Affairs
Amanda Lewis, Department of Conservation and Recreation
Moderator: Trey Wadsworth, MassDOT

Ali Kleyman Presentation
Amanda Lewis Presentation
Kurt Gaertner Presentation
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM

Concurrent Session 2

Session 2D Georgian Room: Creative Transit Partnerships (T)
As demand for transit continues to grow, service providers and regional transit authorities (RTA) are adopting creative partnerships. These new services ensure residents have access to education, employment, health and social services, even in sparsely populated areas. Learn about a 12 month pilot project that receives logistical and financial support from local sources and the role a transportation management association plays in coordinating a network of resources to effectively move people. Transit mitigation from the MassDOT perspective rounds out this panel.

Panelists: Scott Zadakis, Cross Town Connect
Lionel Lucien, MassDOT
Gail Farnsworth-French, Quaboag Valley Connector
Moderator: Aniko Laszlo, MassDOT

Lionel Lucien Presentation
Scott Zadakis Presentation
Gail Farnsworth-French Presentation
Aniko Laszlo Presentation
1:00 PM - 2:15 PM

Special event

Boylston Room: TDM Developer’s Tool Workshop

MassDOT, with MassRides assistance, is developing a new online platform that will provide for electronic reporting of transportation data and transportation demand management (TDM) strategies required as part of Section 61 findings to help reduce site trip generation. The goal of this workshop is to introduce the platform and gather feedback from developers, consultants, property managers, public agencies, municipalities, and other users to make sure it meets the needs of all users. The session will provide an opportunity for attendees to test the platform and provide feedback in facilitated sessions. Feedback will be incorporated into the final development stages of the platform.

Due to space limitation of this session, registration will be accepted on a first come first serve basis and attendance limited to one representative per organization. A laptop or tablet is recommended for this session. It is also advised to come with real data on current projects such as: Occupancy, traffic counts, TDM Programs, etc.

1:15 PM - 2:30 PM

Concurrent Session 3

Session 3A SITE VISIT: Solving Tricky Design Issues Walk
Tour is limited to the first 25 attendees to sign up at the registration table the morning of the conference.
This site visit introduces MassDOT’s upcoming Road Diet Guide and new Complete Streets project review process through an interactive walking tour. Learn how details and elements of the streetscape impact all people, and how designs limit or improve connectivity. Participants will see the urban landscape through a Complete Streets lens.

Guides: Andy Paul and Michelle Danila, MassDOT

1:15 PM - 2:30 PM

Concurrent Session 3

Session 3B SITE VISIT: South Bay Harbor Trail Walk
Tour is limited to the first 25 attendees to sign up at the registration table the morning of the conference.
Proposed expansion of South Station to the north and reconstruction of Melnea Cass Boulevard to the south will make the South Bay Harbor Trail a vital non-motorized corridor for the growing downtown population. The trail will also complement MassDOT’s recently completed Infraspace Project under I-93 which provides better bike/ped connections between South Boston and the South End. Preview MassDOT’s Multi-Use Path Planning and Design Guide during this interactive site visit.

Guides: Courtney Dwyer and Michael Trepanier, MassDOT Essek Petrie, HNTB

1:15 PM - 2:30 PM

Concurrent Session 3

Session 3C Georgian Room: Promoting Healthy Transportation Behavior
Attracting new audiences requires new strategies. Panelists will share their insights on how to promote mode shift and the undeniable benefits of walking and cycling. Presentations include closing a major piece of bridge infrastructure for an open streets event as well as creating a recreational trail to honor Henry David Thoreau’s 200th birthday. Lastly, a local foundation’s work with public and private partners identifies projects to improve Greater Boston's major public parks and greenways.

Panelists: Mariann Millard, Town of South Hadley
Patrice Todisco, Freedom's Way National Heritage Area
Herb Nolan, Solomon Foundation
Moderator: Stefanie Seskin, City of Boston

Mariann Millard Presentation
Herb Nolan Presentation
Patrice Todisco Presentation
1:15 PM - 2:30 PM

Concurrent Session 3

Session 3D Statler Room: Municipal Successes and Challenges (CS)
This roundtable discussion with municipal officials will explore the successes and challenges of implementing Complete Streets projects and policies in their communities. DOT staff from the Complete Streets Funding Program will facilitate the discussion and answer questions to help municipalities overcome roadblocks.

Moderator: Eileen Gunn, MassDOT
Panelists: Wayne Feiden, City of Northampton
Eric Johnson, Town of Framingham
Noreen Piazza, Town of Lancaster
Sam Jensen, Town of Sandwich
Michelle Chase, Town of Agawam
Keith Bergman, Town of Littleton

Keith Bergman Presentation
Michelle Chase Presentation
1:15 PM - 2:30 PM

Concurrent Session 3

Session 3E Berkeley/Clarendon Rooms: Innovative Technology as a Transportation Problem Solver
Innovative technology is transforming the way we solve transportation problems. New methods of counting people’s movements; multi-modal modeling that allows users to visualize people’s movement and interactions, and dashboards that track progress and impact will be featured.

Panelists: Kim English, Verizon
Rachel Bain, MassDOT
Jessica Chambers, Microdesk
Moderator: Jonathan Koopmann, USDOT

Kim English Presentation
Rachel Bain Presentation
Jessica Chambers Presentation
1:15 PM - 2:30 PM

Concurrent Session 3

Session 3F Arlington Room: Electric Buses in Rural and Urban Environments (T)
The arrival of electric buses is transforming customers’ riding experience.  These new buses use substantially less fuel which reduces operating costs and vehicle emissions.  Riders benefit from a modern seating layout which provides more standing space and room to move.  Find out how the MBTA decides to deploy its growing fleet of e-buses; the WRTA’s experience of providing e-bus service in the Worcester area, and why Martha’s Vineyard is ideal for electric vehicles.

Panelists: Jonathan Church, Worcester Regional Transit Authority
Bill Griffiths, MBTA
Angela Grant, Vineyard Transit Authority
Moderator: Lily Oliver, MassDOT

Jonathan Church Presentation
Angela Grant Presentation
Bill Griffiths Presentation
1:15 PM - 2:30 PM

Concurrent Session 3

Session 3G Grand Ballroom A: MEGA SESSION: Health and Safety Campaigns (M)
Advancing quality of life and the health of Massachusetts residents on a statewide level involves collaboration between a variety of agencies and stakeholders. Learn about several current health and safety initiatives including: Scan the Street marketing campaign; Safe Routes to School program; Mass in Motion and Health Impact Assessment Tools; incorporating the Dutch Reach into the RMV Driver’s Manual; and Bike Safety info for J1 Visa students on Cape Cod. The Department of Public Health in collaboration ​​with MassDOT works across these campaigns and others to support a healthier Massachusetts.

Panelists: Bonnie Polin, MassDOT
Erin Deveney, MassDOT Registry of Motor Vehicles
Halley Reeves, MA Department of Public Health
Nikki Tishler, MassDOT
Kyle Bonus, MassRIDES
Moderator: Jeff Larason, Executive Office of Public Safety and Security

Bonnie Polin Presentation
Erin Deveney Presentation
Nikki Tishler Presentation
Kyle Bonus Presentation
Halley Reeves Presentation
2:45 PM - 4:00 PM

Concurrent Session 4

Session 4 Grand Ballroom A: OFFICIAL LAUNCH: Statewide Pedestrian Plan's Municipal Resource Guide (CS/M)

MassDOT’s new Statewide Pedestrian Transportation Plan aims to improve conditions for walkability throughout the Commonwealth. It recognizes the varied needs of people walking in urban, suburban and rural communities and focuses on the needs of vulnerable and underserved communities. The Statewide Pedestrian Transportation Plan recommends policies, programs and projects for MassDOT to guide decision making and capital investments, as well as develop guidance for municipalities to improve walkability in local communities.

A key piece of the plan is the Municipal Resource Guide which was developed based on stakeholder feedback throughout the planning process. The guide includes best practices for planning and maintaining pedestrian networks. As MassDOT only owns approximately 20% of the state’s roadway network, this guide is intended as an important planning tool for all 351 cities and towns in Massachusetts!

Moderator: Pete Sutton, MassDOT
Presenters: Kate Fichter, Assistant Secretary for Policy Coordination, MassDOT
Patricia Leavenworth, Chief Engineer, MassDOT

Kate Fichter Presentation

What Moving Together Can Do For Your Company or Organization

When you exhibit at Moving Together, your company or organization will be visited by over 600 professionals involved in healthy transportation, planning, design, construction, public health, bike and pedestrian safety, transit, advocacy, elected offices, law enforcement and education. Take advantage of the opportunity to meet with the key decision makers involved in pedestrian, bicycle and public transportation. In addition, there are several opportunities to promote your company or organization through special sponsorship opportunities being offered throughout the day.


Additional benefits for sponsors and exhibitors include:

• Logo recognition on conference sponsor/exhibitor website page.

• Name and logo listed in conference slide show played throughout the day in the main ballroom.

• Your company name listed in the schedule at a glance that is distributed the morning of the event.

Online Sponsor/Exhibitor Registration Is Now Available!

Please click on the "Sponsor Fees" tab at the top of the page.


Photos of the audience and exhibitor

Special Sponsorship Opportunities

Gold Level Sponsorship

A GOLD Level Sponsor includes booth space, skirted table and chair as well as the following:

Your company logo on:

• Event sponsor/exhibitor website page and home page, under Gold Level Sponsor (including link to sponsor’s website)

• Email and direct mail marketing materials

• Event brochure that is distributed the morning of the event

• The conference slide show played throughout the day in the main ballroom

• A "thank you" banner featuring your company logo displayed in the main ballroom.

• Company listing on session agenda signs outside each room.

• Two complimentary attendee registrations.

Cost: $3,000.00


Silver Level Sponsorship

A SILVER Level Sponsor includes booth space, skirted table and chair as well as the following:

Your company logo on:

• Event exhibitor website page under Silver Level Sponsor (including link to sponsor’s website).

• Email and direct mail marketing materials.

• The event brochure that is distributed the morning of the event.

• The conference slide show played throughout the day in the main ballroom.

• One complimentary attendee registrations.

Cost: $1,500.00


Bronze Level Sponsorship

A BRONZE Level Sponsor includes booth space, skirted table and chair as well as the following:

Your company logo on:

• Event exhibitor website page under Bronze Level Sponsor (including link to sponsor’s website).

• Event brochure that is distributed the morning of the event.

• The conference slide show played throughout the day in the main ballroom.

• One complimentary attendee registrations.

Cost: $750.00



Your Exhibitor Booth Includes:

• A 6-foot skirted table, one chair and one waste paper basket

• Additional chairs are available on request, depending on the number of attendees registered by your organization

• One complimentary attendee registrations

Cost: $500.00

For-Profit Fees include an exhibit booth and a complimentary conference registration, continental breakfast, lunch and breaks. Exhibitor assistants must pre-register online at $100.00 each.

Non-Profit Exhibitor: EXEMPT From Exhibitor Booth Fee

Includes an exhibit booth. Each agency attendee must pre-register online for the conference at $100.00 each. Non-Profit agencies interested in being a sponsor must pay regular sponsor fees.

Government Agencies: EXEMPT From Exhibitor Booth Fee

Includes an exhibit booth. Each agency attendee must pre-register online for the conference at $100.00 each. Governement agencies interested in being a sponsor must pay regular sponsor fees.



Online Sponsor/Exhibitor Registration Now Available!

Please click on the "Sponsor Fees" tab at the top of the page.

Registration forms can be faxed (413-545-9569) or emailed to We welcome walking, bicycle-friendly and transit-friendly vendors, businesses, professional planning/design/engineering services, educational and non-profit advocacy groups.

Questions can be directed to Kathryn Donnelly 413-545-5403.

Map for illustration purposes only. Booth location is approximate. Exhibitor booths will be located in Plaza Ballroom and on Mezzanine. Booth choice is based on sponsorship level and order of registration payments received.




Pre Moving Together Conference after work ride and social hour, sponsored by the Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals. Join your fellow active transportation professionals on an after work bike tour of the Connect Historic Boston separated bike lanes. (nearest Hubway dock at Cambridge and Joy) Meet @ 5:00 pm on corner of Cambridge and Staniford. Social hour to follow at the Living Room (101 Atlantic Avenue).

2017 Moving Together Conference Agenda

Thursday, September 28, 2017
Park Plaza Hotel, Boston




Complete Streets


Session 1: 9:30AM to 10:45AM

1B: Strategies for Advancing Municipal Partnerships

1A: Complete Streets from the MassDOT District Perspective


Session 2: 11:00AM to 12:15PM

2C: Strategies for Funding Municipal Transportation Projects

2B: What does a Rural Complete Streets Project Look Like?

2D: Creative Transit Partnerships

Session 3: 1:15PM to 2:30PM

3G: MEGA SESSION – Health and Safety Campaigns

3D: Complete Streets – Municipal Successes and Challenges

3F: Electric Buses in Rural and Urban Environments

Session 4: 2:45PM to 4:00PM

4: OFFICIAL LAUNCH – Statewide Pedestrian Plan's Municipal Resource Guide

4: OFFICIAL LAUNCH – Statewide Pedestrian Plan's Municipal Resource Guide


**Please see the "Sessions" page for a full description of each session.

REGISTRATION/EXHIBITS: 7:45 am - 8:45 am

WELCOME SESSION: 8:45 am - 9:15 am

Grand Ballroom A

Pete Sutton – Master of Ceremonies, Bicycle and Pedestrian Program Coordinator, MassDOT

Kimberley Driscoll - Mayor, City of Salem - Morning Keynote

BREAK/EXHIBITS: 9:15 am - 9:30 am

CONCURRENT SESSION #1: 9:30 am - 10:45 am

Session 1A – Complete Streets from the MassDOT District Perspective (CS)
Georgian Room

Session 1B – Strategies for Advancing Municipal Projects (M)
Berkeley/Clarendon Rooms

Session 1C – First/Last Mile Solutions
Statler Room

Session 1D – Engaging Young People in Healthy Transportation
Arlington Room

Grand Ballroom A

BREAK/EXHIBITS: 10:45 am - 11:00 am

CONCURRENT SESSION #2: 11:00 am - 12:15 pm

Session 2A – Identifying Critical Gaps in Transportation Networks
Statler Room

Session 2B – What does a Rural Complete Streets Project Look Like? (CS)
Berkeley/Clarendon Rooms

Session 2C – Strategies for Funding Municipal Transportation Projects (M)
Arlington Room

Session 2D – Creative Transit Partnerships (T)
Georgian Room

Grand Ballroom A

Stephanie Pollack, Secretary of Transportation & Chief Executive Officer, MassDOT

Awards: Safe Streets/Smart Trips High School Video Contest

CONCURRENT SESSION #3: 1:15 pm - 2:30 pm

Session 3A- SITE VISIT: Solving Tricky Design Issues Walk
Meet at the Registration Table

Session 3B-SITE VISIT: South Bay Harbor Trail Walk
Meet in the Hancock Room

Session 3C – Promoting Healthy Transportation Behavior
Georgian Room

Session 3D - Complete Streets: Municipal Successes and Challenges (CS)
Statler Room

Session 3E – Innovative Technology as a Transportation Problem Solver
Berkeley Clarendon Rooms

Session 3F – Electric Buses in Rural and Urban Environments (T)
Arlington Room

Session 3G – MEGA SESSION: Health and Safety Campaigns (M)
Grand Ballroom A

BREAK/EXHIBITS: 2:30 pm - 2:45 pm

CONCURRENT SESSION #4: 2:45 pm - 4:30 pm

Session 4 – OFFICIAL LAUNCH: Statewide Pedestrian Plan's Municipal Resource Guide (CS/M)
Grand Ballroom A


The Young Professionals in Transportation will be hosting a social hour immediately following the Moving Together Conference at MJ O’Connors - located next door to the conference. YPT will be providing light appetizers (while supplies last). Everyone is welcome!

Young Professionals in Transportation provides networking, professional development, and fellowship opportunities for young professionals in the transportation field. YPT does not provide an age definition for young - its membership and events are open to all.


Cycling in another mode of transportation

South Hadley joins phase 1 of Valley Bike Share

By Kristin Will

SOUTH HADLEY - The town has joined the peloton of communities participating in the regional Valley Bike Share Program.

South Hadley, previously set to join in phase two of the program, was recently added into phase 1, thanks to a Congestion Mitigation Air Quality federal grant received by the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission.

“We’re excited,” said Town Administrator Michael J. Sullivan.

Along with Holyoke, Northampton, Springfield, and Amherst, South Hadley will be a host community to Valley Bike Share kiosks. These kiosks will be home to bicycles to rent, using a system that is yet to be determined. The bikes at these kiosks are interchangeable, meaning a rider who rented a bike from South Hadley does not need to return the bike to South Hadley, but could return it to a different kiosk in another host community.

The town will have two kiosks. One will be stationed on College Street Bypass, the street that runs between the Village Commons and the town common. A second will be placed to the right of the police station.

“This makes a lot of sense,” said Sullivan in regard to their locations. The kiosks are on opposite ends of town, and both are close to local amenities.

Town Meeting this year approved of spending $15,000 to match a commitment from Mount Holyoke College in the same amount for this project. This is a three-year sponsorship, meaning Town Meeting will vote for the next two years to keep committing $15,000.

“Town Meeting was very supportive,” said Sullivan. Businesses can help sponsor the two kiosks with financial support.

A total of $1.3 million of Federal funds from the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration through its CMAQ program, according to the PVPC, was secured in recent months to cover Valley Bike Share’s start-up capital equipment cost, such as bicycles and bike stations for participating communities.

A request for proposals was issued July 5, said Catherine Ratte of PVPC, for companies to return bids on operation of the bike share as a whole, and a network that manages the kiosks, including the payment system used to rent the bicycles.

There are multiple companies that use different technologies, payment cards and smartphone apps, said Sullivan.

The deadline for responses is Aug. 18. Wayne Feiden, director of planning and sustainability for the City of Northampton is in charge of the RFP, said Ratte.

Being an Age Friendly Community, Sullivan said the town suggested PVPC include adult trikes into the fleet of bicycles at the kiosks in South Hadley. In his report to the Selectboard, Sullivan said other communities supported the idea.

Within the Valley Bike Share communities, as well as UMass Amherst, there will be a total of 29 stations with 290 smart bicycles available to rent. Pricing and system structure have not yet been ironed out. Installation is set for the spring or fall of 2018.

South Hadley has been making an effort to be more bike friendly with the installation of regular bicycle racks around town. They have been installed at town hall, both libraries, the town farm field, and at the Old Firehouse Museum.

It’s all part of an effort to promote walking, hiking, and biking in town, as well as a means to add more modes of transportation. “We’re very, very much aware there’s gaps in our transportation,” said Sullivan.

Article from the Town Reminder

Baker-Polito Administration Awards Support Local Transportation for Seniors, Paratransit Customers

Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito, Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) Rail and Transit Administrator Astrid Glynn, Peabody Mayor Ted Bettencourt, members of the Massachusetts Legislature, and transportation advocates announced Community Transit Grant Program awards totaling $10.2 million to Councils on Aging, non-profit organizations, and Regional Transit Authorities, throughout the Commonwealth to purchase 148 fully accessible vans to provide transportation services to seniors and paratransit customers.

“These municipal, regional and non-profit organizations provide important transportation opportunities for the Commonwealth’s seniors and paratransit customers in our local communities,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “New equipment funded through this program will ensure reliable options are available to support their needs and ability to get to the places they need to go.”

“We are pleased to award $10.2 million to support these organizations which are providing effective travel for people of all ages and abilities,” said Lieutenant Governor Polito, who attended today’s announcement in Peabody. “We are committed to expanding transportation options and ensuring every member of our communities is able to safely reach the places and opportunities that improve their quality of life.”

The Community Transit Grant Program is an annual competitive grant program administered by MassDOT’s Rail and Transit Division to meet the mobility needs of seniors and paratransit customers. The program is funded in part by the Mobility Assistance Program, which was reauthorized by Governor Baker and the Massachusetts Legislature this spring in the $290 million transportation funding bill.

“These grants reflect the Baker-Polito Administration’s ongoing collaboration with municipalities and organizations across Massachusetts to help them to provide better transportation services for those that need it most,” said Transportation Secretary and CEO Stephanie Pollack. “I am proud of the hard work that has gone into managing this grant program and I am thankful for the state and local officials, transportation advocates, as well as the MassDOT staff members who are continuing to work to ensure we provide better services for all our customers.”

“The Community Transit Grant Program is a great example of the importance of forming partnerships across agencies and sectors,” said MassDOT Rail and Transit Administrator Glynn. “We appreciate the support from our partners in the Massachusetts Legislature and thank everyone who has contributed to this program and helped ensure that seniors and paratransit riders are able to get to the places they need to reach throughout our local communities.”

“Elders and paratransit customers across the Commonwealth will benefit exponentially from the Community Transit Grant program,” said State Senator Joan B. Lovey. “I am pleased to see the Baker-Polito Administration work closely with our local communities to provide transportation opportunities that will increase the quality of life for people of all abilities who are aging.”

“By providing these new vans to the Peabody Council on Aging, it illustrates a shining example, both literally and figuratively, of the great working relationship among the Baker administration, MassDOT, the Legislature, and the City of Peabody,” said State Representative Thomas P. Walsh. “These vans will enhance the excellent service already provided by the Peabody Council on Aging, and we are grateful to be the recipients of this award.”

“Without the Mobility Assistance grant, we simply could not provide the transportation services which benefit so many in our community,” said Peabody Mayor Edward A. Bettencourt, Jr. “These beautiful new vans enable the fastest growing segment of Peabody’s population – those 65 and older – the opportunity to continue to their vital contributions to our community. And for that, we all benefit.”

The Councils on Aging, non-profit organizations, and Regional Transit Authorities receiving awards includes:
Berkshire Regional Transit Authority
Brockton Area Transit Authority
Cape Ann Transportation Authority
Cape Cod Regional Transit Authority
Danvers Council on Aging
Dartmouth Council on Aging
Franklin Regional Transit Authority
Friends of the Millbury Seniors, Inc.
Greater Attleboro-Taunton Regional Transit Authority
Greater Lynn Senior Services
HealthCare Options, Inc.
Kennedy Donovan Center
Littleton Council on Aging
Lowell Regional Transit Authority
MetroWest Regional Transit Authority
New Bedford Council on Aging
Northeast Independent Living
Peabody Council on Aging
Pioneer Valley Transit Authority
Randolph Council on Aging
SCM Community Transportation, Inc.
Senior Care
South Shore Community Action Council, Inc.
Swansea Council on Aging
The Arc of Opportunity

MassDOT, MassRIDES, MassBike Partner to Continue to Increase Bike Safety

MassDOT is pleased to announce that it has partnered with MassRIDES the Statewide Travel Options Program, The Massachusetts Bicycle Coalition (MassBike) and several Cape Cod resorts to provide a free bicycle safety training program for international students living and working on Cape Cod throughout the summer.

MassDOT is also pleased to announce its new bicycle and pedestrian safety campaign, “Scan the Street for Wheels and Feet,” which debuted in June and highlights the importance of active, alert driving, walking and cycling. “MassDOT is proud to partner with its state, local and nonprofit partners to spread knowledge that promotes safety and prudent behavior on the part of all travelers,” said Jonathan Gulliver, Acting Highway Administrator. “We encourage everyone, on all modes of transportation, to keep an eye out for their fellow travelers and remember that safety is the number one concern when traveling on roadways – particularly those which are used by motorists, cyclists and pedestrians simultaneously.”

“If we want more people biking and walking for transportation, which we do, then these kinds of safety trainings are essential,” said Pete Sutton, the Bicycle and Pedestrian Program Coordinator. “The program offers everything that a cyclist would need for their safety: a personalized route, safety equipment, and some basic knowledge of the road laws. With more programs like this, I believe that we can substantially reduce the amount of incidents that occur with cyclists.”

Throughout the month of June, nine trainings were held for approximately 265 international students working on Cape Cod this summer. The program was created after several resorts expressed their concern for the safety of their international workers, many whom rely heavily on their bicycles to get to and from work. The student workers are known for biking all throughout the Cape to get to and from work. Often working late, laborers in this industry who commute via bicycle are required to navigate roads that are busy, narrow and poorly lit.

While bicycle safety is always a concern, the risk of collision is exacerbated for international students who are not always familiar with US rules of the road and cycling customs. The training is designed to teach basic rules of the road, with a heavy emphasis placed on explaining American bicycling culture, which often differs greatly with those in other countries. On  Cape Cod there are many narrow, dark roads that locals and vacationers are not used to seeing cyclists  use. Cyclists  are constantly reminded to always err  on the side of caution.

Also in June, MassDOT published a video highlighting risks which are present for all travelers on urban roadways, marking the launch of its new “Scan the Street for Wheels and Feet” campaign.  The video emphasizes the notion that everyone who is traveling on a roadway is responsible for doing their part to ensure the safety of themselves and the people around them.

A sign posted near City Hall advises travelers to “Scan the Street for Wheels and Feet,” which is MassDOT’s new slogan for bicycle and pedestrian safety in mixed-use travel areas.

In addition to the video, MassDOT has posted several signs around the City of Boston reminding travelers to Scan the Street for Wheels and Feet.  The signs, which are located in some of the most traffic-heavy areas of downtown Boston, also inform viewers that “1 in 4 deaths in motor vehicle crashes involve people walking or bicycling.”

Learn more information about bicycle safety.

To learn about MassDOT’s ongoing revision of the Massachusetts Bicycle Transportation Plan, which will serve as the Commonwealth’s guide to improving bicycle transportation across the state.

The training is part of a larger effort to increase road safety. The MassDOT Highway Division is also pleased to announce that a video has been posted to underscore the need for all members of the public to focus on the safety on all roads.  The video says that 1 in 4 fatalities on Massachusetts roads in 2016 were pedestrians or cyclists.  In 2016, there were a total of 401 deaths on Massachusetts roads.

MassDOT's Statewide Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Campaign: “Scan the Street”

With the number of motor vehicle crashes involving pedestrians and cyclists on the rise, MassDOT is launching a campaign to promote pedestrian and bicycle safety. The goals of the campaign are to encourage Massachusetts residents to “be aware” of others on the road and, ultimately, change people’s behaviors.

To achieve these goals, the campaign needed a tagline that was quick and memorable – and it needed to speak to drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists. MassDOT partnered with Boston-based branding agency, HATCH, in addition to EOPSS, Department of Public Health, MassBike and WalkBoston, to create the line “Scan the Street for Wheels and Feet.”

To graphically tell the story of the “Scan the Street” campaign, the designs use iconography to mirror the icons used on street signs. The designs also highlight the campaign’s three primary audiences (drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists), and use a graphic arrow to capture the action behind “scanning the street.”

To further promote the idea of building awareness of others on the road, the designs use an orange color, which is sometimes equated with caution. They also include impactful statistics on situations where pedestrians and cyclists are most vulnerable, like in crosswalks and intersections.

The campaign’s video component takes advantage of animation, rather than video footage. This allowed us to choreograph dangerous situations and scenes with people walking or bicycling – without actually having to put anyone in harm’s way. As for sharing our message of safety with the entire state, the campaign will appear on Pandora, digital banners, video, social media, billboards, and local transit.

We are all excited and hopeful at the impact we are going to make on reducing motor vehicle crashes involving pedestrians and cyclists. We all play an important role in keeping our roads safe, please do your part and “Scan the Street for Wheels and Feet.”

Written By: Klark Jessen



MassDOT Celebrates North Andover Pedestrian, Bicycle Access Improvements

MassDOT joined students, parents and local leaders to celebrate the completion of the Safe Routes to School bicycle and pedestrian improvements at the North Andover Middle School in North Andover.

The improvements, constructed by MassDOT with funds from the Federal Highway Administration and supported through the Massachusetts Safe Routes to School Program, created new infrastructure to support walking and bicycling for not only today’s children, but for future generations.

“MassDOT’s Safe Routes to School Program is an initiative that helps communities in the Commonwealth to meet their safety and educational goals,” said MassDOT Secretary and CEO Stephanie Pollack. “By enhancing key infrastructure immediately surrounding schools, we are able to provide better access to safe walking and biking opportunities for students, parents, school staff, and the local community to take part in healthier travel options.”

The pedestrian and bicycle improvements include reconstructed sidewalks along the North Andover Middle School driveway entrance, Massachusetts Avenue, Greene Street, Parker Street, and adjacent neighborhood streets. Improvements also include ADA compliant wheelchair ramps, intersection re-alignment, new pavement markings, signs, and drainage enhancements.

Since partnering with the Safe Routes to School Program in 2009, North Andover Middle School staff and parents have collaborated with MassDOT to address neighborhood safety barriers for students who want to walk or bicycle to school. School partners receive year-round pedestrian and bicycle safety education instruction as well as engagement initiatives tailored to meet each school’s health, safety and environmental priorities.

“The Massachusetts Safe Routes to School Program works with elementary and middle schools throughout the Commonwealth to teach the principles of safe walking and bicycling behaviors so that students and parents have the appropriate safety tools to get to school in a fun, active, and healthy way,” said Massachusetts Safe Routes to School Program Director Diane Hanson. “The infrastructure improvements can now allow for even more families to walk and bike to school.”

The Massachusetts Safe Routes to School Program is sponsored by MassDOT with funds from the Federal Highway Administration. The Massachusetts Safe Routes to School model of inclusiveness emphasizes a collaborative, community-focused approach that fosters mutual partnerships between advocacy groups, law enforcement, education leaders and public health departments that all work together to promote safer routes for children to get to school. Participating schools may also qualify for financial support for improvements to sidewalks and other infrastructure surrounding the schools. The program serves over 700 elementary and middle schools in 200 communities throughout the Commonwealth.  School partners receive year-round pedestrian and bicycle safety education instruction, as well as engagement initiatives tailored to meet each school’s health, safety, and environmental priorities.

Learn more about the Massachusetts Safe Routes to School Program.

Written By: Klark Jessen

MassDOT: Fourth Annual Safe Streets Smart Trips High School Video Contest

MassDOT announced the fourth annual statewide high school video contest – Safe Streets Smart Trips.

The contest serves as an initiative within the Massachusetts Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) to promote safe walking, bicycling, and driving behaviors within the Commonwealth.  The contest began three years ago to encourage high school students to take the lead in showcasing an understanding of roadway safety across travel modes in an effort to decrease pedestrian and bicyclist injuries and fatalities – a trend that has not followed the Commonwealth’s downward shift in traffic-related incidents over the past few years.

“The transportation choices we make on a daily basis have consequences associated with them, whether they are environmental, health, or safety related, “ said MassDOT Secretary and CEO Stephanie Pollack. “The Safe Streets Smart Trips high school video contest is an excellent way to engage students across the Commonwealth to critically think about how their transportation decisions can impact their own lives, the lives of their peers, and their local community.”

The video contest is open to all Massachusetts high school students and features a freshman/sophomore category and junior/senior category. Students are asked to submit a one minute public service announcement video regarding safe behaviors across three modes of transportation—driving, walking, and bicycling—while focusing on the dangers that distractions from technology can pose.

Contest guidelines are being sent now to high schools and may also be found on the video contest web page. A grand prize and runner-up will be chosen for each category by a MassDOT panel in September 2017. Winning videos will be screened at MassDOT’s annual active transportation conference, Moving Together, where their creators receive their prizes. This year prizes include a tablet computer, $300 cash prize, and a sponsor prize pack.

The Safe Streets Smart Trips video contest is designed to make travelers aware of how their roadway behaviors impact others and how to exercise care and caution with respect to other travelers. The contest will also draw upon healthy and active transportation benefits.

Learn more about the Safe Streets Smart Trips high school video contest or contact Becca Cyr at or 857-383-3805.

We invite you to learn more about the 2017 Moving Together healthy transportation conference.

Written By: Klark Jessen

MBTA: Fairmount Commuter Rail Free of Charge May 8-21

MassDOT, MBTA, and Keolis officials held an event at South Station to announce two-weeks of free rides to customers from all Fairmount Commuter Rail Line stations. Customers will be able to board at station stops between Fairmount and South Stations free of charge Monday, May 8, until the end of day on Sunday, May 21.

“The Fairmount Line offers a fast and convenient way to travel between the neighborhoods of Hyde Park, Dorchester, Mattapan, Roxbury, and into the city’s Financial District,” said Acting MBTA General Manager Brian Shortsleeve. “It’s only a thirty minute trip to South Station from the end of the line in Fairmount and even less time from the stations stops along the way. For two weeks, beginning this Monday, we hope people take advantage of the fare-free service, and learn the benefits of quick and easy train travel.”

“It’s exciting to showcase the transit solutions afforded by the Fairmount Line,” said Keolis General Manager and CEO David Scorey. “We look forward to demonstrating the value of the Commuter Rail to members of the Fairmount Line’s communities who otherwise may not have explored this convenient option.”

After the MBTA purchased much of the line in the late 1970s, the MBTA began operating what would later be known as the Fairmount Line between South Station and Fairmount in 1987. Later that year, Morton Street and Uphams Corner Stations were temporarily opened with the Fairmount Line extended to Readville Station. Improvements to the Line were agreed upon to assist with environmental air quality concerns in 2005. Fairmount Station was also reopened in 2005 after being completely renovated. Uphams Corner and Morton Street Stations were completely rebuilt and reopened in 2007 after a 2002 Feasibility Study that identified the need for infrastructure upgrades needed to maintain a State of Good Repair. In an effort to increase ridership and alleviate crowding on area buses, the 2002 Feasibility Study also recommended the opening of four new stations, the locations of which were chosen to provide a higher quality level of bus service and to provide an alternative mode of transportation to the community. As such, Talbot Avenue Station was added to the Line in 2012 with Newmarket and Four Corners/Geneva Avenue opening in 2013.

More recently, in January 2017, an executed contract was approved for the construction of the fourth station identified in the 2002 Feasibility Study (and the ninth station on the Fairmount Line) at Blue Hill Avenue. The Blue Hill Avenue station stop is anticipated to open for customers in 2019.

As the only Commuter Rail line that operates entirely within Boston, seven of the Fairmount Line’s stations are priced for a fare of Zone 1A, which is a $2.25 one-way fare. The Fairmount Line operates seven days per week. This sponsored two-week period comes with the hope of continuing to highlight the Fairmount Line as a convenient option for residents and employees of businesses.

For more information on the Fairmount Line, please visit

Written By: Klark Jessen, MassDOT Blog

MassDOT Focus: Accessibility for Bicyclists, Pedestrians

MassDOT is continuing to focus on accessibility for bicyclists and pedestrians with state-wide planning efforts underway and with a series of events and initiatives designed to encourage active transportation options.

MassDOT is in the process of updating its two comprehensive active transportation blueprints; a revamped version of the Massachusetts Bicycle Transportation Plan (Bicycle Plan), which was last updated in 2008, is scheduled to be released in the fall, while a revised edition of the Massachusetts Pedestrian Transportation Plan (Pedestrian Plan) will be published this summer.

“The Baker-Polito Administration is committed to fostering opportunities for all modes of transportation including individuals who are walking or riding a bicycle,” said Transportation Secretary and CEO Stephanie Pollack. “We are continuing to pursue fruitful initiatives and develop plans to guide bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure investments and help ensure people through the Commonwealth are able to enjoy their economic, environmental and health benefits of these modes of transportation.

“We are proud to work closely with our partners throughout Massachusetts in advancing bicycle and pedestrian transportation options,” said Highway Administrator Thomas J. Tinlin. “By developing a comprehensive bicycle plan and promoting awareness of bicyclists and pedestrians, we can increase safety, accessibility, and reliability for these and all other transportation options throughout the Commonwealth.”

An extensive outline of MassDOT’s vision and strategy for maximizing the benefits of bicycle transportation, the updated Bicycle Plan draws from in-depth bicycle count data and demographic trends to better reflect and accommodate the ways people actually use bicycles. For example, the new plan aims to create a bicycle infrastructure that facilitates short trips of about three miles or less, which research shows to be the maximum distance a typical non-recreational cyclist will travel on a bicycle. In an effort to promote safe, healthy and efficient transportation throughout the Commonwealth, the new plan makes the case for more on and off-road cycling infrastructure compared to the 2008 version, emphasizing connectivity to other transit options and “Complete Streets” featuring bicycle lanes which improve safety by demarcating the section of roadway on which cyclists and motorists should travel.

The modernized Pedestrian Plan, which is equally important to MassDOT’s vision of an efficient, healthy and safe multimodal transportation infrastructure, will detail MassDOT’s approach for improving accessibility and safety for pedestrians as well as best practices for maintaining pedestrian infrastructure and prioritizing investment strategy. To do this, the Massachusetts Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board, which oversees the development of both the Pedestrian and Bicycle Plans, is identifying methods to make important community services along with housing and employment centers more accessible and develop new infrastructure for low-income and other traditionally underrepresented communities. A large part of this means promoting Americans with Disabilities Act-compliance, which empowers persons with disabilities to be more independent. By promoting walking as a viable component of active transportation in Massachusetts, the Massachusetts Pedestrian Transportation Plan and Bicycle Plan alike will reduce the need for single occupancy vehicle trips, creating a greener, more efficient transportation system in the Commonwealth.

In order to accommodate the growing importance of bicycle and pedestrian transportation, MassDOT has continued collaborating with bicycle advocacy groups as well as municipal, state and federal transportation agencies to develop new initiatives and events aimed at promoting bicycle safety and awareness.

Additionally, Bay State Bike Week, the only statewide bicycle week in the country, will take place between May 13 and 21. During the week, which is a collaborative venture sponsored by MassDOT, MassRIDES and MassBike, Massachusetts commuters are encouraged to cycle to work, participate in bicycle-related events with their communities and spread awareness about bicycle transportation in Massachusetts. Already, events have been scheduled on Cape Cod, in the Berkshires, and dozens of places in between.

To kick off Bay State Bike Week, MassDOT is collaborating with the municipalities of Holyoke and South Hadley to promote bicycle transportation awareness with a special festival on Sunday, May 7, between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. The River Roll and Stroll Street Festival is being held on the Route 116 Vietnam Veterans Memorial Bridge over the Connecticut River and the bridge will be closed to motorized traffic for a “vehicle free, care free Sunday celebration.” The event includes music, food and family activities. MassDOT personnel will be present to receive public comment on its proposed Bicycle Plan.

MassDOT will also participate in Boston’s National Bike to Work Day Festival, which will take place on Friday, May 19 and include several “bike to work convoys” beginning in various municipalities around Boston. The convoys are open to the public and will depart their original locations at 7 a.m., picking up new members at various points along the way to City Hall Plaza, where participants are invited to attend a free breakfast and bicycle exposition. Check information on Bike to Work Day. Convoy stops and times, a convoy map, and convoy leader sign up are available.

Learn more about the Massachusetts Bicycle Transportation Plan. Check the Massachusetts Pedestrian Transportation Plan. Learn more about Bay State Bike Week events.

Written By: Klark Jessen , MassDOT Blog

First Name Affiliation
Jason Bowman
Lynn Cape Cod Regional Transit Authority (CCRTA)
Cesar Sales Solutions, Inc. (GA)
Frances City of Brockton High School
Joel Massachusetts Port Authority (MassPort)
Eric Fuss & O'Neill Inc. (Springfield)
Joe HNTB Corporation
Tom Cape Cod Regional Transit Authority (CCRTA)
Talva Northbridge High School
David FHWA (MA)
Sandra Bowman
Kenneth FHWA (MA)
Carl MetroWest Regional Transit Authority (MWRTA)
Collin Northbridge High School
Elijah City of Brockton High School
Karen Neponset Valley TMA
Jason FHWA (MA)
Brandon Westford Academy
Kelly Brockton Area Transit Authority (BAT)
Cameron Northbridge High School
Glenn Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Ildarys City of Brockton High School
Joshua FHWA (MA)
Debra Northbridge High School
Wilfred FHWA (RI)
Ursula Harvard University
Paige Westford Academy
Vinod Tighe & Bond (Westfield)
Jonathan HNTB Corporation
Tina FHWA (MA)
Joshua Private Citizen
Jeff FHWA (MA)
Andrea Westford Academy
Christine AI Engineers, Inc. (MA)
Robert VHB
Ciara Northbridge High School
Eric FTA Region 1 (MA)
Stephen MassDOT
Julio City of Brockton High School
Madeline Millis High School
David Zagster
Mike VHB
Glenn Contech Engineered Solutions
Justin City of Brockton High School
Rebecca Northbridge High School
TBD Guardian Millis High School
Shelly Westford Academy
Leah Federal Transit Administration (MA)
Maggie Millis High School
Laura Environmental Partners Group, Inc. (Woburn)
J M Ocean State Signal Co. (RI)
Sheri MA Senate
Kristin Federal Transit Administration (MA)
Melissa Neponset Valley TMA
April MassDOT District 4
Josh MassDOT
Anne VHB
Lyris MassDOT
Trevor MassDOT
Robbin MassDOT
Kush MassDOT
Kevin Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Scott MassDOT
Ethan MassDOT
Christopher MassDOT
Andrew MassDOT
Anthony MassDOT
Peter MassDOT District 4
Michael MassDOT
Rick MassDOT
Alex MassDOT
Justin MassDOT District 1
Michelle MassDOT
Alex MassDOT
Brian MassDOT
Brian MassDOT
Thomas MassDOT
John MassDOT
Margo MassDOT
Christopher MassDOT
Kevin MassDOT
Jean MassDOT
Bob MassDOT
Peter MassDOT District 1
Jaime Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Rob MassDOT
Cassandra MassDOT
Micah Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Radhameris MassDOT
Shannon MassDOT
Meghan MassDOT Highway Division
Pamela MassDOT District 5
Francisca MassDOT District 1
Michelle MassDOT
Melissa MassDOT
Matt MassDOT
Matt MassDOT
Jennifer MassDOT
Connor MassDOT
Paul MassDOT District 2
Patrick MassRIDES
Jessica MassDOT
Eamon MassDOT
Valerie MassDOT
Rebecca UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Mark MassDOT
Derek MassDOT
Michael MassDOT
Koby MassDOT
Jillian MassDOT
Amitai MassDOT
James MassDOT
Kevin MassDOT
Barry MassDOT District 3
Benjamin Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Patrick MassDOT
Monica MassDOT
Brittany MassDOT
Al MassDOT
Charlie MassDOT
Tara MassDOT
David MassDOT
Mark MassDOT District 1
Adam MassDOT District 3
Minh MassDOT District 6
Penny MassDOT
Eric MassDOT
Anne MassDOT District 2
Joseph MassDOT Highway Call Center
Ann MassDOT
Kaitlyn MassDOT
Chester MassDOT
Brandon MassDOT
Hasmukh MassDOT
Mary-Joe MassDOT District 5
Donald MassDOT
Hung MassDOT
David MassDOT
Phil MassDOT
Behnam MassDOT
Alwin MassDOT
Nathan MassDOT Aeronautics Division
Susan MassDOT
Guy MassDOT
Judith MassDOT
Samantha MassDOT
Ammie MassDOT
Thomas MassDOT
Lisa MassDOT
Cheryll-Ann MassDOT District 5
David MassDOT
Gabriel MassDOT
Owen MassDOT Aeronautics Division
Bryan MassDOT
Jennifer MassDOT
Kimberley MassDOT
Claudia MassDOT
Stephanie MassDOT
Argenis MassDOT
Elliot MassDOT
Susan MassDOT
William MassDOT
Frank MassDOT District 4
Allison Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Jerald MassDOT
Zach MassDOT
Linda MassDOT
Violet MassDOT
Lee Ann MassDOT
Steve MassDOT
Nicholas MassDOT
Katy Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
E. Price Pioneer Valley Transit Authority (PVTA)
Rachel MassDOT
Keith Town of Littleton
David Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Kyle MassRIDES
Eric Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC)
Jeff MA Executive Office of Public Safety and Security (EOPSS)
Jessica Microdesk (NH)
Michelle City of Agawam
Amanda Northern Berkshire Community Coalition
Brook MA Executive Office of Public Safety and Security (EOPSS)
Hanh MA Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA)
Jonathan MassDOT
Michelle MassDOT
Jeffrey MassDOT Aeronautics Division
Bonnie South Coast Bikeway Alliance
Erin MassDOT
Samantha MassRIDES
Jacqueline MassDOT
Christopher Town of Hull
Keith MassRIDES
Kimberley Commonwealth of Massachusetts (Boston)
Kim Verizon Wireless (Waltham)
John MA Executive Office of Public Safety and Security (EOPSS)
Gail Quaboag Valley Community Development Corp
Wayne City of Northampton
Kate MassDOT
Dan Town of Dalton
Deb MA Executive Office of Public Safety and Security (EOPSS)
Brian Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Kurt MA Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA)
Astrid MassDOT
Jacquelyn MassDOT
Angie Martha's Vineyard Transit Authority (VTA)
Bill Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Jonathan MassDOT
Eileen Fuss & O'Neill, Inc. (Quincy)
Scott MassDOT
Richard MassDOT District 3
Diane MassDOT Safe Routes to School Program
Laura MassDOT District 2
Patrick MassDOT Safe Routes to School Program
Nelson FHWA (MA)
Samuel Town of Sandwich
Robert MA Executive Office of Public Safety and Security (EOPSS)
Alexandra Boston Region MPO
Jonathan Volpe National Transportation Systems Center
Jeff Travelers Marketing (FL)
Aniko Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Andrea Merrimack Valley TMA/North Shore TMA/Junction TMO
Patricia MassDOT
Reinald Brockton Area Transit Authority (BAT)
Alisa MA Executive Office of Public Safety and Security (EOPSS)
Amanda MA Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) (Boston)
John Committee for Public Counsel Services
Jean MassDOT
Bonnie Montachusett Regional Transit Authority
Bridger athenahealth
Heather Groundwork Lawrence
Mariann Town of South Hadley
Quinn MassDOT
Joseph City of Everett
Jack MassDOT District 4
Herbert Solomon Foundation
Lily MassDOT
Carla Town of Bedford
Laurel MassDOT
Timothy MassDOT District 4
Sherry Town of Sunderland
Andrew MassDOT
Essek VHB
Nathan MassDOT
Noreen Town of Lancaster
Bonnie MassDOT
Stephanie MassDOT
Krystal Yale University (CT)
Tom Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Kathryn Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Luis Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Erin MassDOT
Kerry Town of Hopkinton
Ginna MassDOT
Halley MA Department of Public Health (DPH)
Carlos MassRIDES
Erik Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Victoria Massachusetts Municipal Association (MMA)
Stefanie City of Boston
Michael UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Pete MassDOT
Ashleigh Town of Sunderland
Jamey MassDOT
Evan Old Rochester Regional High School
Patrice Freedom's Way National Heritage Area
Kayla MassRIDES
Michael MassDOT
Michael MassDOT Highway Division
Trey MassDOT
Kenneth Town of Dalton
Josh City of Boston
Scott Town of Acton
Katherine Denterlein Worldwide
John American Bicycling Education Association (ABEA)
Matthew CDR Maguire (MA)
Joel WSP (MA)
Rozeta WSP (MA)
James Tetra Tech, Inc.
Christine Bowman
Meredith VHB
Mark Private Citizen
Myles VHB
Basil AI Engineers, Inc. (MA)
Han WSP (MA)
Jacinda Town of Bedford
James Jacobs
Daniel Baker Wohl Architects, Inc.
Yvonne Barr Foundation
Richard Tighe & Bond (Woburn)
Jeff 128 Business Council
Kristen VHB
Janice Kennedy/Jenks Consultants
Greg Pare Corporation (RI)
Stacey WalkMassachusetts
Kelly The Trust For Public Land
Ashley Benesch (MA)
Kirsten VHB
Penny UMass Donahue Institute
Michele TransAction Associates
Norman Bayside Engineering, Inc.
Jeffrey Bryant Associates, Inc.
Rachel WSP (MA)
Robbie Howard Stein Hudson (HSH)
Donald Private Citizen
Christopher Tetra Tech, Inc.
Kelley Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Frank Town of Brookline Pedestrian Advisory Committee
Laurel Waltham Land Trust
Matt MA Public Interest Research Group (MassPIRG)
Laura VHB
Graham Institute for Transportation & Development Policy (ITDP) Boston
Alaleh STV Group
Elsa VHB
Matthew VHB
Regan Regina Villa Associates
Lori Kennedy/Jenks Consultants
Chris Michael Baker International (CT)
Michelle The Ciccolo Group
Alan WorldTech Engineering, LLC
Ned City of Newton DPW
Rocco Cambridge Systematics, Inc.
Jennifer WSP (MA)
Joshua Environmental Partners Group, Inc. (Woburn)
Aleece Stantec (Burlington MA)
Jennifer Weston & Sampson (Boston)
Kevin TEC, Inc. (Lawrence MA)
Jenna Montachusett Opportunity Council (MOC)
Jacqueline HDR (Boston)
Jason Toole Design Group
Jeffrey AECOM
Scott Michael Baker International (CT)
Chris Transportation for Massachusetts (T4MA)
Arielle HDR (Boston)
Carol WSP (MA)
Jason Old Colony Planning Council (OCPC)
John GPI (MA)
Trish VHB
Somaye Green International Affiliates
Caroline VHB
Matthew VHB
Marc Bluebikes
Matt VHB
Chris Brennan Consulting, Inc.
George Argus Communications
Alexander Tighe & Bond (Westfield)
Jamie GPI (MA)
Stephen Nitsch Engineering
Larry MA Smart Growth Alliance
Jeff Dewberry
Nathaniel Toole Design Group
Michelle TEC, Inc. (Lawrence MA)
Michael BL Companies
James Environmental Partners Group, Inc. (Woburn)
Benjamin City of Portsmouth (NH)
Mavourneen Barr Foundation
Adriaunna Environmental Partners Group, Inc. (Woburn)
Tom MassBike
Sarah Arborway Coalition
Dottie MA Smart Growth Alliance
Philip WSP (MA)
James Charles River Transportation Management Association
Jayson Jacobs
Stephen AECOM
Michael VHB
Jane TRIPPS Massachusetts
Thomas Hudson Bike and Ped Committee
Karl Massachusetts College of Art
Dean Weston & Sampson (Peabody)
Emma A Better City
Nidhi LivableStreets Alliance
Birendra Nitsch Engineering
Annie Hubway/Motivate
Ben Harvard University Commuter Choice
Susan Michael Baker International (CT)
Jennifer Hatch LTK
Kristen Fuss & O'Neill, Inc. (Manchester NH)
Ron GPI (MA)
John Stantec (Burlington MA)
Robert TranSystems
Nathan Slalom
Charla Worcester Community Action Council, Inc.
Stephen Contech Engineering Solutions (ME)
Allison Tetra Tech, Inc.
Benny Environmental Partners Group, Inc. (Woburn)
Kevin Malden Redevelopment Corporation
David VHB
Ko Green International Affiliates
Heather HDR (Boston)
Nicholas Toole Design Group
Jay Cambridge Systematics, Inc.
Lisa Barr Foundation
Mary-Kate VAI
Darshan BETA Group, Inc. (MA)
Betsy WalkMassachusetts
Angela Transportation for Massachusetts (T4MA)
Doug Boston Cyclists Union
Jarred Codman Square NDC (CSNDC)
Tyler Hubway/Motivate
Denise VHB
Matthew GPI (MA)
Brendan WalkMassachusetts
Megan Epsilon Associates
Wayne Design Consultants, Inc. (Somerville)
Jeffrey HNTB Corporation
Shawn WeDriveU, Inc
Margaret Kittelson & Associates, Inc.
Stacey Northeastern University
Christine TEC, Inc. (Lawrence MA)
Michael Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) (NY)
Mark HNTB Corporation
Susan VHB
Wendy WalkMassachusetts
Nick Fuss & O'Neill Inc. (Springfield)
Roch HDR (Boston)
clay Bike to the Sea
Stephanie NorthEase Consulting Group
Tracie MassDOT Highway Division
Anna Allston Brighton Community Development
Tim GPI (MA)
Jessica Howard Stein Hudson (HSH)
Kevin Strava, Inc. (NH)
John 350 Mass
Mary AAA Northeast (Southern New England) (RI)
Katharine Toole Design Group
Patricia American Heart Association
Selma VHB
David Howard Stein Hudson (HSH)
Lev Rose Kennedy Greenway Conservancy
Daniel BETA Group, Inc. (MA)
Christopher Marlborough Economic Development Corporation
Sheila Private Citizen
Andrew Tufts University
William BETA Group, Inc. (MA)
Sean GPI (MA)
Gary Bowman
Rachel Lark Development, LLC
Dan Private Citizen
Bill Tighe & Bond (Westfield)
Jacob LivableStreets Alliance
Stephen City of Cambridge Traffic
John Nitsch Engineering
Steven LivableStreets Alliance
Stephen AECOM
Colleen HDR (Boston)
Thomas Fuss & O'Neill Inc. (Springfield)
Ellen CHA Consulting, Inc.(MA)
Jay City Point Partners, LLC
Paul Gill Engineering
Scott LimeBike
Daniel Tighe & Bond (Westfield)
Bridget Howard Stein Hudson (HSH)
Mike TEC, Inc. (NH)
Radu Kittelson & Associates, Inc.
Alyssa Hatch LTK
Paul Private Citizen
Sean Kennedy/Jenks Consultants
Catherine Hubway/Motivate
Kelly T.Y. Lin International (MA)
Michael Benesch (MA)
Joshua Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
William BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office)
Cedric ofo US Limited
Dave ofo US Limited
Elizabeth Tetra Tech, Inc.
Sarah Regina Villa Associates
John Harvard University
Rick HDR (Boston)
Mike Howard Stein Hudson (HSH)
Laureen Brennan Consulting, Inc.
Bradley Private Citizen
Keri Howard Stein Hudson (HSH)
Natalia A Better City
William Stantec (Burlington MA)
Joseph Massachusetts Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board (MABPAB)
Clarence Private Citizen
Wilnelia Barr Foundation
Thomas Michael Baker International (CT)
Nicole GPI (MA)
Joe Stantec (Burlington MA)
Melissa AECOM
Teresa TranSystems
Edward WSP (MA)
Michael TranSystems
John Private Citizen
William Stantec (Burlington MA)
Nick Toole Design Group
John CHA Consulting, Inc. (NH)
Margot VHB
Carol Schweiger Consulting
Paige Anderson & Kreiger
William Kimley-Horn and Associates
Conor Kittelson & Associates, Inc.
Tori Zagster
Paul PEER Consultants, P.C
Matt BETA Group, Inc. (MA)
Allison NorthEase Consulting Group
Mary Barr Foundation
Mike WeDriveU, Inc
Cynthia Tighe & Bond (Boston)
Christopher HNTB Corporation
Cynthia Private Citizen
Peter TRC Companies
Rachael Walking In Arlington
Emily Safe Roads Alliance
Tom Howard Stein Hudson (HSH)
David Association for Commuter Transportation (ACT)
Andrew CivilView, Inc.
Patrick Seaport TMA
Michael CHA Consulting, Inc.(MA)
Kerri Ann TRIPPS Massachusetts
Patrick Michael Baker International (CT)
Tony Benesch (MA)
Corinne Green International Affiliates
Nicholas Patrick Engineering, Inc.
Samuel TransitMatters
Joshua VHB
Michelle Boston Univeristy Medical Campus - TranSComm
James Gill Engineering
Lenny TranSystems
Eugenia Vineyard Green Cycles
Julia Institute for Transportation & Development Policy (ITDP) Boston
David Watson Active, LLC
Tom BAE Systems
Frank GPI (Babylon, NY)
Eric Cogent (RI)
Jared BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office)
Lynn Friends of the Community Path
Emily Allston Brighton Community Development
Sarah VHB
Robert GPI (MA)
Kyle Tetra Tech, Inc.
Susann Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Rebecca Boston Cyclists Union
Katie WSP (MA)
Ben TransAction Associates
Patrick Maine Department of Transportation (MaineDOT)
Imaikalani Town of Weston
Michael City of Agawam
Jeffrey City of Boston
Shawn Town of West Bridgewater
Steven Boston Region MPO
Benjamin City of Agawam
David Town of Westwood
Peter City of Framingham DPW
Patrick City of Cambridge Traffic
Sheri Montachusett Regional Planning Commission (MRPC)
Tegin City of Cambridge Traffic
Ken City of Cambridge DPW
Elizabette City of Chicopee
Vladimir MassDOT District 3
Catherine City of Waltham
Glenn Cape Cod Commission (CCC)
Bryan Town of Winchester
Christopher City of Chicopee
Julie Southern NH Planning Commission (NH)
Chester Town of Tewksbury
Jeremy City of Westfield
Devin Central Mass Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC)
Jeffrey Town of Yarmouth
Casey-Marie Boston Region MPO
Eammon Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC)
Mark City of Westfield
Jim Town of West Springfield
Daniel City of Norwich (CT)
Lisa City of Amesbury
Tom City of Salem
Lauren City of Medford
Scott City of Melrose
Brian Montachusett Regional Planning Commission (MRPC)
Dan MA Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) (Boston)
Paige Town of Foxborough DPW
Troy City of New Bedford Department of Public Infrastructure
Ashley Pioneer Valley Planning Commission (PVPC)
Eric City of Portsmith (NH)
Mark City of Worcester
Don Town of Hanson
Ashley MA Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD)
James Town of Natick
Jacqueline City of Worcester
Alison Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC)
Rachel MassDOT
David City of Medford
Lorenz UMass Boston Bicycle History Collection
Deborah City of Quincy
Margot Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Joseph City of Boston
Edson Town of Brookline
Nicole City of Newton DPW
Andrea MA Department of Public Health (DPH)
Jerry City of Cambridge DPW
Matthew City of Westfield
Beth Franklin Regional Council of Governments (FRCOG)
Karin Valentine University of Massachusetts Medical School
Elizabeth Merrimack Valley Planning Commission (MVPC)
Christine Town of Amherst
Latoya Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe
Stephanie City of Cambridge Traffic
Hilary MassDOT
Hilary MassDOT
Doug Town of Acton
Jimmy City of Newton DPW
William City of Framingham Bicycle and Pedstrian Committee
Kevin Town of Tewksbury
Tabitha Town of Norton
Richard Town of South Hadley
Kasia Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC)
Matthew City of Framingham
Barney City of Newton
Jennifer MassMobility
Martha Cape Cod Commission (CCC)
Dave Town of Wellesley DPW
David Town of Dartmouth
Donna City of Newburyport
Amalia Volpe National Transportation Systems Center
Craig Town of Stoughton
Christopher Town of West Bridgewater Highway Department
Marianne City of Framingham
Jorge City of Lawrence
Erika City of Framingham
Kristina Town of Hudson
Jacqueline SRPEDD
Sean Town of Swampscott
Larry New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT)
Ryan Town of Natick
Todd City of Worcester
David City of Salem
David City of Newton DPW
Cassandra City of Medford
David City of Salem
Christopher Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC)
Scott Town of Natick Police Department
Sean Town of Swampscott
Brian Town of Natick
Joseph Town of Grafton
Sarah Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC)
Jeffrey City of Gardner
John City of Westfield
Amanda Town of Lexington
David Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC)
Owen City of Weymouth
Lev Cape Cod Commission (CCC)
Louis City of Chelsea
David Town of Bedford DPW
Shane Town of Needham
Dan Town of Brookline
Brian Town of Somerset
Vilma City of Lawrence Mayor's Health Task Force
Peter Town of Hanover
Paul Town of Andover
Michael Martha's Vineyard Commission
Rob City of Brockton
Erin Town of Harvard
Isabel Town of Holden
Jeff Pioneer Valley Planning Commission (PVPC)
James Town of Falmouth
Holly Town of Somerset
Patricia City of Boston
Melissa City of Cambridge DPW
Aaron Town of Concord
Elecia City of Lawrence Mayor's Health Task Force
Gwen Town of Lenox
Ben MA Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA)
Kara Town of Harvard
Christopher Town of Andover Police Department
Matthew City of Boston Planning and Development Agency
Lauren Town of Freetown
Faye City of Newton
Maureen Franklin Regional Council of Governments (FRCOG)
Dan Town of Brookline
Bill Town of Maynard
Dawn MassDOT District 2
David Cape Cod Commission (CCC)
Shane City of Brockton
Cynthia Town of Braintree
Katrina Town of Middleton DPW
Melanie Massachusetts Public Health Association
William Town of Sudbury DPW
Steven Town of Westwood
Franny Town of Acton
Glen Town of Andover Police Department
Erik New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT)
Michael Town of Wellesley DPW
Kiah Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT)
William City of Peabody
Alex City of New Bedford Department of Public Infrastructure
David Town of Lexington DPW
Adam City of Somerville
Travis Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC)
Elena City of Melrose
Milagros City of Lawrence
Brad City of Somerville
Jeanette Town of Lexington
Anna City of Somerville
Chris Town of Billerica
Maddie Massachusetts Public Health Association
Suzanne City of Somerville
Meg AER Environmental Access Committee
Nick New Hampshire Department of Transportation Bureau of Traffic (NHDOT BOT)
Chloe Cape Cod Commission (CCC)
Gideon Town of Watertown
Lisa Town of Andover
Sam City of Framingham
Michelle MassDOT
Sejal MA Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP)
Derek Southern NH Planning Commission (NH)
Matt Town of Winchester
Shubee City of Newton
Stephen UC Synergetic
Terry City of Somerville
Matthew City of Springfield DPW
Michael City of Boston
Andrew Central Mass Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC)
Mark Town of Holden
Beth Devens Enterprise Commission
Mike Town of South Hadley
Greg Town of Easton
John Town of Milton
David Northern Middlesex Council of Governments (NMCOG)
Marc Town of Stoughton
Jong Wai Northern Middlesex Council of Governments (NMCOG)
Michael City of Somerville
Bruce Town of Westborough Bike & Pedestrian Committee
Christopher MassDOT District 5
Steven Howard Stein Hudson (HSH)
mahendra MA Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) (Boston)
Emma Volpe National Transportation Systems Center
Matt Town of Lexington DPW
Laura Town of Watertown Community Development and Planning
Shawn Town of Brewster DPW
Georgia Town of Danvers
Stephen City of Gloucester
Luciana Florida International University Student
Phillip Taunton Pathways Committee
Lily Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Martha Tufts University
Vivian Massachusetts Safe Routes to School Program
Heather Old Colony YMCA
Anna Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Chris UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Chengbo University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Jesus University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Sayeeda University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Robert UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Nick FHI Studio (CT)
Elizabeth University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Eleni University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Brenda MassDOT District 1
Robert UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Kurt MassDOT District 1
Kathryn UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Cole University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Kim UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Song University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Judith UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Eric University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Merritt University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Kassandra UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Rohan University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Michael UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Ganesh Pai UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Matt UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Stephen University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Robin UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Shannon University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Francis University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Aldo UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Nathan University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Tracy UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)